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Frank E. Garcea, Ph.D.

Frank E. Garcea, Ph.D.



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About Me


Bachelor of Science, Psychology
St. John Fisher College
September 2006 - May 2010

PhD, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
University of Rochester
September 2012 - July 2017

Bachelor of Science, Psychology
St. John Fisher College
September 2006 - May 2010

PhD, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
University of Rochester
September 2012 - July 2017

Faculty Appointments

Research Assistant Professor - Department of Neurosurgery (SMD)

Research Assistant Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD) - Joint


Dr. Frank Garcea completed his undergraduate degree at St. John Fisher College and his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Rochester. After completing a three-year fellowship at the MossRehab Research Institute and University of Pennsylvania, Frank returned to URMC as a postdoctoral r...
Dr. Frank Garcea completed his undergraduate degree at St. John Fisher College and his PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Rochester. After completing a three-year fellowship at the MossRehab Research Institute and University of Pennsylvania, Frank returned to URMC as a postdoctoral researcher. Frank is now a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery. Frank's research combines neuropsychological testing and functional MRI to investigate the cognitive and neural mechanisms supporting the ability to recognize, name, and use objects.


Journal Articles

What we mean when we say semantic: Toward a multidisciplinary semantic glossary.

Reilly J, Shain C, Borghesani V, Kuhnke P, Vigliocco G, Peelle JE, Mahon BZ, Buxbaum LJ, Majid A, Brysbaert M, Borghi AM, De Deyne S, Dove G, Papeo L, Pexman PM, Poeppel D, Lupyan G, Boggio P, Hickok G, Gwilliams L, Fernandino L, Mirman D, Chrysikou EG, Sandberg CW, Crutch SJ, Pylkkänen L, Yee E, Jackson RL, Rodd JM, Bedny M, Connell L, Kiefer M, Kemmerer D, de Zubicaray G, Jefferies E, Lynott D, Siew CSQ, Desai RH, McRae K, Diaz MT, Bolognesi M, Fedorenko E, Kiran S, Montefinese M, Binder JR, Yap MJ, Hartwigsen G, Cantlon J, Bi Y, Hoffman P, Garcea FE, Vinson D

Psychonomic bulletin & review.. 2024 September 4 Epub 09/04/2024.

The influence of hand posture on tactile processing: Evidence from a 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Ambron E, Garcea FE, Cason S, Medina J, Detre JA, Coslett HB

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2024 April 173 :138-149. Epub 02/08/2024.

Mechanisms and neuroanatomy of response selection in tool and non-tool action tasks: Evidence from left-hemisphere stroke.

Garcea FE, Buxbaum LJ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2023 October 167 :335-350. Epub 07/22/2023.

Single-case disconnectome lesion-symptom mapping: Identifying two subtypes of limb apraxia.

Metzgar R, Stoll H, Grafton ST, Buxbaum LJ, Garcea FE

Neuropsychologia.. 2022 June 6170 :108210. Epub 03/11/2022.

Scene context shapes category representational geometry during processing of tools.

Matheson HE, Garcea FE, Buxbaum LJ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2021 August 141 :1-15. Epub 04/10/2021.

Direct electrical stimulation evidence for a dorsal motor area with control of the larynx.

Belkhir JR, Fitch WT, Garcea FE, Chernoff BL, Sims MH, Navarrete E, Haber S, Paul DA, Smith SO, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ

Brain stimulation.. 2021 14 (1):110-112. Epub 11/18/2020.

Reorganized language network connectivity after left arcuate fasciculus resection: A case study.

Chernoff BL, Teghipco A, Garcea FE, Belkhir R, Sims MH, Paul DA, Tivarus ME, Smith SO, Hintz E, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2020 February 123 :173-184. Epub 11/05/2019.

Structural Disconnection of the Tool Use Network after Left Hemisphere Stroke Predicts Limb Apraxia Severity.

Garcea FE, Greene C, Grafton ST, Buxbaum LJ

Cerebral cortex communications.. 2020 1 (1):tgaa035. Epub 07/28/2020.

Reduced competition between tool action neighbors in left hemisphere stroke.

Garcea FE, Stoll H, Buxbaum LJ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2019 November 120 :269-283. Epub 06/19/2019.

Translational Brain Mapping at the University of Rochester Medical Center: Preserving the Mind Through Personalized Brain Mapping.

Mahon BZ, Mead JA, Chernoff BL, Sims MH, Garcea FE, Prentiss E, Belkhir R, Haber SJ, Gannon SB, Erickson S, Wright KA, Schmidt MZ, Paulzak A, Milano VC, Paul DA, Foxx K, Tivarus M, Nadler JW, Behr JM, Smith SO, Li YM, Walter K, Pilcher WH

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.. 2019 August 12 (150)Epub 08/12/2019.

A common neural signature of brain injury in concussion and subconcussion.

Hirad AA, Bazarian JJ, Merchant-Borna K, Garcea FE, Heilbronner S, Paul D, Hintz EB, van Wijngaarden E, Schifitto G, Wright DW, Espinoza TR, Mahon BZ

Science advances.. 2019 August 5 (8):eaau3460. Epub 08/07/2019.

Domain-Specific Diaschisis: Lesions to Parietal Action Areas Modulate Neural Responses to Tools in the Ventral Stream.

Garcea FE, Almeida J, Sims MH, Nunno A, Meyers SP, Li YM, Walter K, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ

Cerebral cortex.. 2019 July 529 (7):3168-3181. Epub 1900 01 01.

Decoding intransitive actions in primary motor cortex using fMRI: toward a componential theory of 'action primitives' in motor cortex.

Shay EA, Chen Q, Garcea FE, Mahon BZ

Cognitive neuroscience.. 2019 January 10 (1):13-19. Epub 04/09/2018.

Task- and domain-specific modulation of functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal object-processing pathways.

Garcea FE, Chen Q, Vargas R, Narayan DA, Mahon BZ

Brain structure & function.. 2018 July 223 (6):2589-2607. Epub 03/13/2018.

Abstract Representations of Object-Directed Action in the Left Inferior Parietal Lobule.

Chen Q, Garcea FE, Jacobs RA, Mahon BZ

Cerebral cortex.. 2018 June 128 (6):2162-2174. Epub 1900 01 01.

A Role for the Frontal Aslant Tract in Speech Planning: A Neurosurgical Case Study.

Chernoff BL, Teghipco A, Garcea FE, Sims MH, Paul DA, Tivarus ME, Smith SO, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2018 May 30 (5):752-769. Epub 03/23/2018.

Visual and visuomotor processing of hands and tools as a case study of cross talk between the dorsal and ventral streams.

Almeida J, Amaral L, Garcea FE, Aguiar de Sousa D, Xu S, Mahon BZ, Martins IP

Cognitive neuropsychology.. 2018 35 (5-6):288-303. Epub 05/24/2018.

Connectivity-based constraints on category-specificity in the ventral object processing pathway.

Chen Q, Garcea FE, Almeida J, Mahon BZ

Neuropsychologia.. 2017 October 105 :184-196. Epub 11/19/2016.

Direct Electrical Stimulation in the Human Brain Disrupts Melody Processing.

Garcea FE, Chernoff BL, Diamond B, Lewis W, Sims MH, Tomlinson SB, Teghipco A, Belkhir R, Gannon SB, Erickson S, Smith SO, Stone J, Liu L, Tollefson T, Langfitt J, Marvin E, Pilcher WH, Mahon BZ

Current biology : CB.. 2017 September 1127 (17):2684-2691.e7. Epub 08/24/2017.

Temporal Frequency Tuning Reveals Interactions between the Dorsal and Ventral Visual Streams.

Kristensen S, Garcea FE, Mahon BZ, Almeida J

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2016 September 28 (9):1295-302. Epub 04/15/2016.

Resilience to the contralateral visual field bias as a window into object representations.

Garcea FE, Kristensen S, Almeida J, Mahon BZ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2016 August 81 :14-23. Epub 04/13/2016.

Multisensory Part-based Representations of Objects in Human Lateral Occipital Cortex.

Erdogan G, Chen Q, Garcea FE, Mahon BZ, Jacobs RA

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2016 June 28 (6):869-81. Epub 02/26/2016.

The Representation of Object-Directed Action and Function Knowledge in the Human Brain.

Chen Q, Garcea FE, Mahon BZ

Cerebral cortex.. 2016 April 26 (4):1609-18. Epub 01/16/2015.

A causal test of the motor theory of speech perception: a case of impaired speech production and spared speech perception.

Stasenko A, Bonn C, Teghipco A, Garcea FE, Sweet C, Dombovy M, McDonough J, Mahon BZ

Cognitive neuropsychology.. 2015 32 (2):38-57. Epub 1900 01 01.

When concepts lose their color: a case of object-color knowledge impairment.

Stasenko A, Garcea FE, Dombovy M, Mahon BZ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2014 September 58 :217-38. Epub 06/21/2014.

Parcellation of left parietal tool representations by functional connectivity.

Garcea FE, Mahon BZ

Neuropsychologia.. 2014 July 60 :131-43. Epub 06/02/2014.

What happens to the motor theory of perception when the motor system is damaged?

Stasenko A, Garcea FE, Mahon BZ

Language and cognition.. 2013 September 5 (2-3):225-238. Epub 1900 01 01.

Preserved tool knowledge in the context of impaired action knowledge: implications for models of semantic memory.

Garcea FE, Dombovy M, Mahon BZ

Frontiers in human neuroscience.. 2013 7 :120. Epub 04/29/2013.

A right visual field advantage for visual processing of manipulable objects.

Garcea FE, Almeida J, Mahon BZ

Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience.. 2012 December 12 (4):813-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

What is in a tool concept? Dissociating manipulation knowledge from function knowledge.

Garcea FE, Mahon BZ

Memory & cognition.. 2012 November 40 (8):1303-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Picture-word interference and the response-exclusion hypothesis: a response to Mulatti and Coltheart.

Mahon BZ, Garcea FE, Navarrete E

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2012 March 48 (3):373-7. Epub 10/29/2011.


The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics (2019)

Chapter: The How and What of Object Knowledge in the Human Brain.