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Karen L. Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D.


Appointment (585) 275-4651

About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology (SMD)



MD | Univ Chicago Pritzker Sch Med. Medicine. 1969

PhD | Univ Chicago Pritzker Sch Med. Biochemistry. 1969

BA | Miami University. Arts & Sciences. 1963


Phi Beta Kappa

Sigma XI

Alpha Omega Alpha


Journal Articles

A case of steroid responsive pulmonary hyalinising granuloma: complicated by deep venous thrombosis.

O'Reilly KM, Boscia JA, Kaplan KL, Sime PJ

The European respiratory journal.. 2004 June 23 (6):954-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Patients with inferior vena caval filters should receive chronic thromboprophylaxis.

Gomes MP, Kaplan KL, Deitcher SR

The Medical clinics of North America.. 2003 November 87 (6):1189-203. Epub 1900 01 01.

De novo thrombotic microangiopathy in renal transplant recipients

Schwimmer J; Nadasdy T; Spitalnik P; Kaplan K; et al.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2003; .

Nicardipine vs. nitroprusside for deliberate hypotension during idiopathic scoliosis repair

Lustik S; PapdakosP; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of Clinical Anesthesis. 2003; .

Use of thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: effects of gender and age on treatment rates.

Kaplan KL, Fitzpatrick P, Cox C, Shammas NW, Marder VJ

Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis.. 2002 February 13 (1):21-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Direct thrombin inhibitors

Kaplan K; Francis CW;.

Sem in Hematology. 2002; .

Coagulation activation in sepsis.

Kaplan KL

Critical care medicine.. 2000 February 28 (2):585-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

Kaplan KL, Francis CW

Blood reviews.. 1999 March 13 (1):1-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multiple myeloma. A patient with unusual features including intracranial and meningial involvement, testicular involvement, organomegaly, and plasma cell leukemia

Turhal N; Henehan M; Kaplan K;.

American Journal of Hematology. 1997; .

Reduced thrombogenicity of type VI collagen as compared to type I collagen.

Zangari M, Kaplan KL, Glanville RW, Rand JH

Thrombosis research.. 1995 September 1579 (5-6):429-36. Epub 1900 01 01.

Methods for assessing activation of coagulation by contrast materials or catheters.

Kaplan KL

Seminars in hematology.. 1991 October 28 (4 Suppl 7):16-21; discussion 38-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anticoagulant effects of nonionic vs. ionic contrast media in angiography syringes

Grabowski EF; Kaplan K; Halpern E;.

Journal of Investigative Radiology. 1991; .

Detection of circulating endothelial antigens

Carson CW; Hunder GG; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of Rheumatology. 1991; .

Inducible release of the endothelial cell-specific protein

Carson CW; Hunder G; Kaplan K; et al.

American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 1991; .

Reductionn of plasma cholesterol levels in normal men on an American Heart Association diet

Ginsberg H; Barr SL; Kaplan K; et al.

NEJM. 1990; .

Immunohistochemical characterization of fibrin(ogen)-related antigens in human tissues using monoclonal antibodies.

Bini A, Mesa-Tejada R, Fenoglio JJ, Kudryk B, Kaplan KL

Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.. 1989 June 60 (6):814-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identification and distribution of fibrinogen, fibrin and fibrin(ogen) degradation products in atherosclerosis by monoclonal antibodies

Bini A; Fenolglio J; Mesa-Tejada R; Kaplan K; et al.

Arteriosclerosis. 1989; .

Effect of fibrin on endothelial celll production of prostacyclin and tissue plasminogen activator

Kaplan K; Mather T; et al.

Arteriosclerosis. 1989; .

Thrombosis in atherogenesis.

Kaplan KL, Bini A

Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.. 1989 9 (4):305-18. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immunochemical characterization of fibrinogen, fibrin 1 and fibrin II in human thrombi and atherosclerotic lesions

Bini A; Fenogliio J; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1987; .

Blood tests for the detection of thrombosis

Owen J; Kaplan K;.

Annals of the NY Academy of Science. 1987; .

The expression of endothelial cell surface antigens by AIDS-associated Kaposi's Sarcoma: Evidence for a vascular endothelial cell origin.

Rutgers J; Wieczorek R; Kaplan K; et al.

American Journal of Pathology. 1986; .

Statement on Prevention of Venous thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. NIH Consensus Development Conference

Roberts H; Kaplan K; et al.

JAMA. 1986; .

Immunologic identification of the cleavage products from the A alpha- and B beta-chains in the early stages of plasmin digestion of fibrinogen

Liu C; Sobel J; Weitz J; Kaplan K; et al.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 1986; .

Nomenclature of secreted platelet proteins. Report of the Working Party on Secreted Platelet Proteins

Kaplan K; Niewiarowski S;.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 1985; .

Prosta-cyclin production by perturbed bovine aortic endothelial cells in culture

Nawroth P; Stern D; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1984; .

Immunoelectron microscopic localization of platelet factor 4 and fibrinogen in the granules of human platelets.

Pham TD, Kaplan KL, Butler VP

The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.. 1983 July 31 (7):905-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Thrombin and plasmin activity and platelet activation in the development of venous thrombosis

Owen J; Kvam D; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1983; .

Monoclonal antibodies to E92, an endothelial cell surface antigen

Kaplan K; Weber D; Cook P; et al.

Arteriosclerosis. 1983; .

Exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease

Marcella J; Nichols AB; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of American College of Cardiology. 1983; .

Differential energy requirements for platelet responses.

Holmsen H; Kaplan K; Dangelmaier C;.

The Biochemical Journal. 1982; .

Fibrinopeptide A, platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin levels in coronary heart disease

Nichols AB; Owen J; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1982; .

Plasma levels of beta-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 as indices of platelet activation in vivo

Kaplan K; Owens J;.

Blood. 1981; .

Fibrinopeptide A cleavage and platelet release in whole blood in vitro

Kaplan K; Drillings M; Lesznik G.

Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1981; .

Effects of acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine on human platelet function in vivo

Marcus AJ; Safier LB; Ullman HL; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1981; .

ADP and epinephrine-induced release of platelet fibrinogen

Kaplan KL; Dauzier MJ; Rose S;.

Blood. 1981; .

Lack of platelet effect with the aspirin analog, Salsalate

Estes D; Kaplan K.

Arthritis & Rheumatism. 1980; .

Acquired storage pool deficiency with increased platelet-associated IgG

Weiss H; Rosove M; Kaplan K; et al.

American Journal of Medicine. 1980; .

Thermodynamic characterization of thrombin binding by cross-linked fibrin in the presence and absence of Ca2+

Liu C; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1980; .

Platelet alpha-granule proteins: studies on release and subcellular localization

Kaplan K; Broekman M; Chernoff A; et al.

Blood. 1979; .

Release of platelet fibronectin from alpha granules induced by thrombin or collagen, and the lack of requirement for plasma fibronectin in ADP-induced platelet aggregation

Zucker M; Mosesson M; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1979; .

Binding of thrombin by fibrin

Liu C; Nossel H; Kaplan K;.

Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1979; .

Sequence of fibrinogen proteolysis and platelet release after intrauterine infusion of hypertonic saline

Nossel H; Wasser J; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1979; .

Factor VIII-related antigen in human blood platelets: Localization and release by thrombin and collagen.

Zucker M; Broekman J; Kaplan K;.

Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. 1979; .

Heterogeneity in storage pool deficiency: Studies on granual-bound substances in 18 patients including variants deficient in alpha-granules, platelet factor 4, beta-thromboglobulin and platelet derived growth factor

Weiss H; witte L; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1979; .

Radioimmunoassay of platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin: development and application to studies of platelet release in relation to fibrinopeptide A generation.

Kaplan KL, Nossel HL, Drillings M, Lesznik G

British journal of haematology.. 1978 May 39 (1):129-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Studies of the release from human platelets of the growth factor for cultured human arterial smooth muscle cells.

Witte LD, Kaplan KL, Nossel HL, Lages BA, Weiss HJ, Goodman DS

Circulation research.. 1978 March 42 (3):402-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Plasma fibrinopeptide A levels in symptomatic venous thrombo-embolism

Yudelman I; Nossel H; Kaplan K; et al.

Blood. 1978; .

The generation of fibrinopeptide A in clinical blood samples: Evidence for thrombin activity

Nossel J; Ti M; Kaplan K; et al.

Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1976; .

The interaction of platelets and concanavalin A.

Kaplan KL, Nachman RL

Thrombosis research.. 1975 December 7 (6):847-59. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effect of platelet membrane antibodies on aggregation and release

Kaplan K; Nachman R;.

British Journal of Haematology. 1974; .

The mechanism of the rhodanese-catalyzed thiosulfate-cyanide reaction

Kaplan K; Westley J;.

Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1968; .

Rapid effect of testosterone on ribonucleic acid polymearase activity of rate ventral prostate

Liao S; Kaplan K; et al.

Endocrinology. 1965; .


Clinical Hematology (2006)

Chapter: Venous and Arterial Thrombosis

Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K

Publisher: Elsevier 2006

Scwartz' Principles of surgery, 8th ed. (2005)

Chapter: Hemostasis, Surgical bleeding, and Transfusion

Authors: Schwartz D; Kaplan K;

Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional Medical Publishing 2005

Williams Hematology (2005)

Chapter: Principles of Anticoagulant Therapy

Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K;

Publisher: McGraw Hill 2005

Hematology 7th ed. (2004)

Chapter: Principles of antithrombotic therapy

Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K

Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional Medical Publishing 2004

Hematology: Basic Principales and Practice (1998)

Chapter: Hematology problems in the surgical patient: Bleeding and Thrombosis

Authors: Francis CW; Kaplan K;

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1998

Hemostasis and thrombosis. Basic princ. and clin. practice (1994)

Chapter: Laboratory markers of platelet activation

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: J. B. Lippincott 1994

Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (1990)

Chapter: Fibrin and the Vessel Wall

Authors: Kaplan K; Bini A; Fenoglio J; et al

Publisher: Plenum Publishing 1990

Proceed. from Sci. Conf. on Eff. of Dietary Fatty Ac. on Ser. L and H (1990)

Chapter: Effects of lipids on platelets and coagulation

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: American Heart Association 1990

Methods in Hematology (1987)

Chapter: Blood tests in the Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1987

Methods in Hematology: Methods in the Diagnosis of Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embo (1987)

Chapter: Blood Tests in the Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone 1987

Hemostasis and Thrombosis (1987)

Chapter: Coagulation Proteins in Thrombosis

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: J. P. Lippincott 1987

Platelet Function and Metabolism (1986)

Chapter: Platelet Alpha-granule Secretion

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: CRC Press 1986

Fundamentals of Hematology 3rd ed. (1986)

Chapter: Chapters 14-18

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 1986

SWISS MED (1986)

Chapter: Pathophysiological Basis for Blood Tests for Venous Thrombosis

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;

Publisher: no publisher listed 1986

CRC Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (1986)

Chapter: Plasma Levels of Platelet Secretory Proteins

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J

Publisher: no publisher given 1986

Fibrinogen and Its Derivatives (1986)

Chapter: Separationn and characterization of fibrinogen-derived fragments in human arterial thrombi

Authors: Bini A; Sobel J; Kaplan K;

Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers 1986

Methods in Enzymology (1982)

Chapter: Radioimmunoassay of platelet factor 4

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;

Publisher: Academic Press 1982

Methods in Enzymology (1982)

Authors: Kaplan K; Owen J;

Publisher: Academic press 1982

Pathology of the Endothelial Cell (1982)

Chapter: Interactions of platelets with endothelial cells

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: J. F. Bergmann Verlag 1982

Platelets in Biology and Pathology (1981)

Chapter: Granule Proteins: Localization and Secretion

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: Elsevier-Holland 1981

Progress in Hemostasis and Thrombosis (1980)

Chapter: Beta-thromboglobulin

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: Grune and Stratton 1980

Thrombosis: Animal and Clinical Models (1978)

Chapter: Proteins secreted by platelets - significance in detecting thrombosis.

Authors: Kaplan K;

Publisher: Plenum Publications 1978

The Chemistry and Physiology of the Human Plasma Proteins (1978)

Chapter: Simultaneous measurement of thrombin and plasmin proteolysis of fibrinogen and of platelet release

Authors: Nossel H; Kaplan K;

Publisher: Pergamon Press 1978