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George Uschold, Ed.D.


Call Center (585) 276-3000

About Me

Faculty Appointments

Clinical Associate Professor (Voluntary) - Department of Radiation Oncology (SMD)



EdD | University of Rochester. Higher Education Administration. 1990

MS | University of Rochester. Health Professions Education. 1987

MS | SUNY Coll at Brockport. Higher Education Administration. 1985

BS | SUNY Univ at Buffalo. Health Science. 1980

AAS | Erie Community College. Radiation Therapy Technology. 1976


Fellow. 1998

Achievement in Radiation Therapy Technology. 1996

Mayer-Mitchell Excellence in Teaching Award. 1995

Honor Society in Education. 1986


Journal Articles

The American Society for Radiation Oncology 2017 Radiation Oncologist Workforce Study.

Fung CY, Chen E, Vapiwala N, Pohar S, Trifiletti D, Truong MT, Uschold G, Schuster J, Patel A, Jani A, Mohindra P, Sanders T, Gardner L, Arnone A, Royce T

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 2019 March 1103 (3):547-556. Epub 10/24/2018.

Supply and demand for radiation therapists: a United States perspective for 1997-2002.

Stinson D, Eatmon S, Saeger K, Vannoni S, Uschold G

The Journal of oncology management : the official journal of the

Radiation Therapy Education Survey Results: Establishing a Professional Data Base.

Eatmon S; Reynolds L; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1998; 7(1).

An observer study for direct comparison of clinical efficacy of electronic to film portal images.

Yin FF, Rubin P, Schell MC, Wynn R, Raubertas RF, Uschold G, Sandhu A, Nelson DF

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1996 July 1535 (5):985-91. Epub 1900 01 01.

Clinical Practice Outcomes in the Professional Entry Baccalaureate Curriculum

Reynolds L; Wingfield L; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1996; 5(1).

Core-Curriculum Content Areas in Radiation Therapy

Sanders C; Eatmon S; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1995; 4(1).

Survey Results on Professional Education Structure in Radiation Therapy Curriculum

Wingfield L; Sullivan C; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1995; 4(1).

Oncolit: Self Evaluation in Current Oncologic Literature Based on Readings in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics

Uschold G; Rubin P; Meehan J.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1994; .

Revising the Radiation Therapy Curriculum Content Areas

Eatmon S; Sanders C; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1994; 3(1).

Survey Reveals Which Areas of RTT Curricula Need Revision

Wingfield L; Dunn D; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1994; 3(2).

Entry Level Standards for Radiation Therapists

Sullivan C; Havron L; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1993; 2(1).

Elements of a Baccalaureate Degree for Radiation Therapy

Sullivan C; Havron L; Uschold G.

Radiation Therapist. 1993; 2(2).

Report on the American Society of Radiologic Technologist Concurrent meeting with the American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists.

Uschold G; Browing R; Fay M; Blacher P.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1983; 9(7): 1101-1103.

Report on the American Society of Radiologic Technologist: Conjoint meeting with the American Society of Therapeutic Radiologists.

Browning D; Fay M; Uschold G.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 1982; 8(7): 1217-1218.


Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (2010)

Chapter: Gynecological tumors

Authors: Uschold GM; Anderson JE

Publisher: Mosby, St. Louis 2010

Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (2010)

Chapter: Breast cancer

Authors: Uschold GM; Zhang H

Publisher: Mosby, St. Louis 2010

Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (2002)

Chapter: Breast Cancer

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: Mosby-Year Book Inc, St. Louis 2002

Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (2002)

Chapter: GYN Cancers

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: Mosby-Year Book Inc, St. Louis 2002

Billing and Reimbursement Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (2001)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 2001

Radiation Therapist Policy and Procedure Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (1997)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1997

Billing and Reimbursement Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (1997)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1997

School Catalog and Student Handbook (1994)

Chapter: University of Rochester Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy School

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1994

Radiation Therapist Policy and Procedure Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (1994)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1994

Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety Teaching Manual (1994)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1994

Introduction to Human Disease Teaching Manual (1994)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1994

Oncosource: The Central Nervous System, a Computerized Aid to Radiation Therapy (1993)

Authors: Rubin P; McDonald S; Nelson D; Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1993

School Catalog and Student Handbook (1992)

Chapter: University of Rochester Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy School

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1992

3D Oncologic Anatomy Textbook (1992)

Authors: Rubin P; Hansen J; Ureles A; Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1992

Oncosource: The Lung, a Computerized Aid to Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning (1992)

Authors: Rubin P; McDonald S; Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1992

Billing and Reimbursement Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (1991)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1991

School Catalog and Student Handbook (1990)

Chapter: University of Rochester Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy School

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1990

Radiation Therapist Policy and Procedure Manual, Dept of Radiation Oncology (1990)

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1990

School Catalog and Student Handbook (1988)

Chapter: University of Rochester Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy School

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1988

School Catalog and Student Handbook (1985)

Chapter: University of Rochester Cancer Center, Radiation Therapy School

Authors: Uschold G

Publisher: University of Rochester 1985