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Bryanna S. Moore, Ph.D.

Bryanna S. Moore, Ph.D.



About Me

Bryanna Moore, PhD, HEC-C is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Humanities and Bioethics at the University of Rochester, where she also serves as a clinical ethics consultant and directs the Advanced Certificate Program in Clinical Bioethics. She has a PhD in Philosophy from Monash U...
Bryanna Moore, PhD, HEC-C is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Humanities and Bioethics at the University of Rochester, where she also serves as a clinical ethics consultant and directs the Advanced Certificate Program in Clinical Bioethics. She has a PhD in Philosophy from Monash University and completed postdoctoral fellowships at the Children’s Mercy Bioethics Center and Baylor College of Medicine. Her research interests span medical decision-making, pediatric ethics, community-engaged practice, virtue ethics and death studies.

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Health Humanities and Bioethics (SMD)


Journal Articles

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence-Powered Psychotherapy Chatbots in Pediatric Care: Scaffold or Substitute?

Moore B, Herington J, Tekin S

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2025 February 17 :114509. Epub 02/17/2025.

Seeing and Having Seen: On Suffering and Intersubjectivity.

Moore B

Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics : CQ : the international journal of healthcare ethics committees.. 2025 February 10 :1-10. Epub 02/10/2025.

Wish to die trying to live: unwise or incapacitous? The case of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust versus 'ST'.

Wellesley J, Wilkinson D, Moore B

Journal of medical ethics.. 2024 November 14 Epub 11/14/2024.

How a Health Equity Lens Can Help Us Rethink Quality Assessments at the End-of-Life.

Moore B

Journal of pain and symptom management.. 2024 September 68 (3):e230-e231. Epub 05/31/2024.

Do Reasons Matter? Navigating Parents' Reasons in Healthcare Decisions for Children.

Moore B, Caruso Brown A

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2024 August 20 :1-16. Epub 08/20/2024.

Ethical Complexities in Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Surrogate Decision Making.

Blumenthal-Barby J, Fletcher FE, Taylor L, Nelson RH, Moore B, Saloner B, Ubel PA

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2024 July 24 (7):1-2. Epub 06/24/2024.

Is Suffering a Useless Concept?

Nelson RH, Kious B, Largent E, Moore B, Blumenthal-Barby J

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2024 June 6 :1-8. Epub 06/06/2024.

Responding to the 'crowd' of voices and opinions in the paediatric clinical space: an ethics perspective.

Delany C, Moore B, Bhatia N, Burn E, Wimalasundera N, Preisz A

Archives of disease in childhood.. 2024 May 17109 (6):458-461. Epub 05/17/2024.

Building Effective Mentoring Relationships During Clinical Ethics Fellowships: Pedagogy, Programs, and People.

Bibler TM, Nelson RH, Moore B, Malek J, Majumder MA

HEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues.. 2024 March 36 (1):1-29. Epub 02/26/2022.

The Right to Refusal of Unwanted End-of-Life Interventions for Pregnant Persons: Additional Challenges to Reproductive Rights Post-Roe.

Carpenter H, Moore B

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2024 February 24 (2):61-63. Epub 01/31/2024.

What Do Psychiatrists Think About Caring for Patients Who Have Extremely Treatment-Refractory Illness?

Dorfman NJ, Blumenthal-Barby J, Ubel PA, Moore B, Nelson R, Kious BM

AJOB neuroscience.. 2024 15 (1):51-58. Epub 06/28/2023.

Beyond the Hospital Walls: The Role of the Ethicist in Community Healthcare Settings.

Moore B

The Journal of clinical ethics.. 2024 35 (3):208-216. Epub 1900 01 01.

Antiracism: An Ethical Imperative.

Wolfe I, Moore B, Bush L, Knackstedt A, Derrington S, Hoehn KS, Johnson LM, Porter S, Brown AC

Pediatrics.. 2023 September 1152 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Consistently Inconsistent: Does Inconsistency Really Indicate Incapacity?

Moore B, Nelson RH, Meredyth N, Pandya N

HEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues.. 2023 September 35 (3):215-222. Epub 10/06/2021.

Ethical Issues With Patient-Provider Interactions in an Evolving Social Media Landscape.

Clover-Brown I, Moore B, Andrews CG, Antommaria AHM

Pediatrics.. 2023 June 1151 (6)Epub 1900 01 01.

From Bridge to Destination? Ethical Considerations Related to Withdrawal of ECMO Support over the Objections of Capacitated Patients.

Childress A, Bibler T, Moore B, Nelson RH, Robertson-Preidler J, Schuman O, Malek J

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2023 June 23 (6):5-17. Epub 05/26/2022.

The Fraught Notion of a "Good Death" in Pediatrics.

Moore B

The Journal of medicine and philosophy.. 2023 February 1748 (1):60-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bioethics and the Moral Authority of Experience.

Nelson RH, Moore B, Lynch HF, Waggoner MR, Blumenthal-Barby J

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2023 January 23 (1):12-24. Epub 10/11/2022.

Exploring the Ethics of the Parental Role in Parent-Clinician Conflict.

Moore B, McDougall R

The Hastings Center report.. 2022 November 52 (6):33-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Killing in the name of: A merciful death?

Moore B

Bioethics.. 2022 July 36 (6):613-620. Epub 03/10/2022.

Two Minds, One Patient: Clearing up Confusion About "Ambivalence".

Moore B, Nelson RH, Ubel PA, Blumenthal-Barby J

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2022 June 22 (6):37-47. Epub 02/23/2021.

When Parents Prefer to Defer: Is 'Deferral' Always Problematic in Pediatric Decision-Making?

Moore B, Loutrianakis G, Wellesley J

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2022 June 22 (6):24-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pediatric Authenticity: Hiding in Plain Sight.

Nelson RH, Moore B, Blumenthal-Barby J

The Hastings Center report.. 2022 January 52 (1):42-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Death and the neonate.

Moore B, Lantos JD

Journal of medical ethics.. 2021 March 18 Epub 03/18/2021.

Critical Conversations: Say This, Not That.

Malek J, Bibler TM, Childress AM, Crist J, Fedson S, Horner C, Moore B, Nelson RH

Chest.. 2020 September 158 (3):896-898. Epub 05/04/2020.

Dying during Covid-19.

Moore B

The Hastings Center report.. 2020 May 50 (3):13-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

Healthcare organizations and high profile disagreements.

Moore B, Lantos JD

Bioethics.. 2020 March 34 (3):281-287. Epub 10/02/2019.

Victoria's Voluntary Assisted Dying Act: navigating the section 8 gag clause.

Moore B, Hempton C, Kendal E

The Medical journal of Australia.. 2020 February 212 (2):67-68.e1. Epub 01/19/2020.

Moral Intimacy, Authority, and Discretion.

Moore B, Nelson RH

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB.. 2020 February 20 (2):66-68. Epub 1900 01 01.

Variation in Clinical Ethics Fellowship Programs: Lessons from the Field.

Moore B, Horner C

The Journal of clinical ethics.. 2020 31 (3):277-282. Epub 1900 01 01.

Why only common morality?

Moore B

Journal of medical ethics.. 2019 December 45 (12):788-789. Epub 10/29/2019.

Anticipation, Accompaniment, and a Good Death in Perinatal Care.

Moore BS, Carter BS, Beaven B, House K, House J

The Yale journal of biology and medicine.. 2019 December 92 (4):741-745. Epub 12/20/2019.

When Parents Take Conflicts to Digital Media.

Moore B, Lantos JD

Pediatrics.. 2019 August 144 (2)Epub 07/24/2019.

Infant With Trisomy 18 and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.

Kukora S, Firn J, Laventhal N, Vercler C, Moore B, Lantos JD

Pediatrics.. 2019 May 143 (5)Epub 04/04/2019.

Ethical Considerations in Multiple Pregnancy: Preterm Delivery in the Setting of Discordant Fetal Anomaly.

Phillips T, Moore B, Posma E, Gillam L, Cuzzilla R, Cole S

Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies.. 2019 April 22 (2):120-123. Epub 04/26/2019.

Two's company, is three a crowd? Ethical cognition in decision making and the role of industry third parties in pediatric diabetes care.

Cameron FJ, Moore B, Gillam L

Pediatric diabetes.. 2019 February 20 (1):15-22. Epub 11/05/2018.

Medical crowdfunding and the virtuous donor.

Moore B

Bioethics.. 2019 February 33 (2):238-244. Epub 10/20/2018.

The Strange Tale of Three Identical Strangers: Cinematic Lessons in Bioethics.

Moore B, Garrett JR, McNolty LA, Murano MC

The Hastings Center report.. 2019 January 49 (1):21-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

The responsibility to prevent, the duty to educate.

Lederman Z, Cernat A, Ferri EG, Galbo F, Levi-Setti GM, Mertens M, Moore B, Riklikiene O, Vescio J, Chamberlin SE

Theoretical medicine and bioethics.. 2016 June 37 (3):233-6. Epub 1900 01 01.