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Peter Wyman, Ph.D.

Peter Wyman, Ph.D.


Appointment (585) 273-3372

About Me

Peter A. Wyman, PhD, is Professor, Director of the Network Health and Prevention Program, and Co-Director of the Center for Study and Prevention Suicide. Wyman’s work uses natural social networks to deliver interventions to prevent suicide, depression, and substance use. Dr. Wyman and his team devel...
Peter A. Wyman, PhD, is Professor, Director of the Network Health and Prevention Program, and Co-Director of the Center for Study and Prevention Suicide. Wyman’s work uses natural social networks to deliver interventions to prevent suicide, depression, and substance use. Dr. Wyman and his team developed the Connect Program suite of interventions. This interactive group training for members of a natural network builds group social bonds and shared healthy norms to sustain intervention impact. Connect Programs are currently being implemented in the US Air Force (Wingman-Connect), workplace (Police-Connect), and community settings (HAVEN-Connect in predominantly Black churches).

Dr. Wyman’s work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wyman c0-chaired the New York State Governor’s Task Force on Suicide (2017-2019) and is a member of the Community Prevention Services Task Force (CPSTF), an independent advisory group appointed by the CDC Director.

Dr. Wyman is a graduate of Columbia University and received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in clinical psychology from the University of Rochester.

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Child & Adoles Serv (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Rochester, University Health Service 1986 - 1988


Ph.D. | University of Rochester. Clinical Psychology. 1987

M.A. | University of Rochester. Clinical Psychology. 1984

A.B. | Columbia College, Columbia University. Psychology. 1982


Action Partner Award, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). 2016

Excellence in Suicide Prevention Award, Suicide Prevention Center of New York State. 2012

Distinction for Ph.D. Comprehensive Examinations, University of Rochester. 1985

NIMH Research Fellowship (merit-based). 1982 - 1983

Magna Cum Laude, Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, NY. 1982

Cleveland Foundation Research Award (merit based). 1979


Clinical Trials

Testing Peer-led Network Intervention to Prevent Adolescent Vaping

Lead Researcher: Peter Wyman

Rates of adolescent vaping are increasing rapidly. Current high school student use of electronic vaping products (EVPs) rose from 1.5% in 2011 to 20.8% in 2018 - an increase from 220,000 to 3.05 million adolescent users. Effective, school-based inter...


Journal Articles

Rollout trial designs in implementation research are often necessary and sometimes preferred.

Simon GE, Garner BR, Smith JD, Wyman PA, Matson TE, Chin-Purcell L, Cero I, Vermeer W, Johnson KA, Prado G, Brown CH

Implementation science : IS.. 2025 February 2420 (1):11. Epub 02/24/2025.

Text Messaging to Extend School-Based Suicide Prevention: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Pisani AR, Wyman PA, Cero I, Kelberman C, Gurditta K, Judd E, Schmeelk-Cone K, Mohr D, Goldston D, Ertefaie A

JMIR mental health.. 2024 December 611 :e56407. Epub 12/06/2024.

RCT testing Sources of Strength impact on suicide attempts and moderation by sexual violence.

Wyman PA, Cero I, Espelage DL, Reif T, Mintz S, LoMurray S, Nickodem K, Schmeelk-Cone KH, Delgado A

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2024 November 29 Epub 11/29/2024.

Social network structure as a suicide prevention target.

Cero I, De Choudhury M, Wyman PA

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.. 2024 March 59 (3):555-564. Epub 06/21/2023.

Adolescents' Comfort in Disclosing to Caregivers Predicts Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Directly and Indirectly Through Difficulties in Emotion Regulation.

Choe SY, Lengua LJ, McFall JP, Wyman PA

Journal of youth and adolescence.. 2023 August 52 (8):1721-1737. Epub 05/13/2023.

Predictive Equity in Suicide Risk Screening.

Cero I, Wyman PA, Chattopadhyay I, Gibbons RD

Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.. 2023 64 (4):336-339. Epub 03/30/2023.

Accounting for Context in Randomized Trials after Assignment.

Brown CH, Hedeker D, Gibbons RD, Duan N, Almirall D, Gallo C, Burnett-Zeigler I, Prado G, Young SD, Valido A, Wyman PA

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2022 November 23 (8):1321-1332. Epub 09/09/2022.

A comparison of peer change agent selection methods: Evidence from a high-school based suicide preventive intervention.

Pickering TA, Wyman PA, Valente TW

BMC public health.. 2022 May 1622 (1):985. Epub 05/16/2022.

Wingman-Connect Program increases social integration for Air Force personnel at elevated suicide risk: Social network analysis of a cluster RCT.

Wyman PA, Pickering TA, Pisani AR, Cero I, Yates B, Schmeelk-Cone K, Hendricks Brown C, Gibbons RD, Simonson J, Pflanz SE

Social science & medicine.. 2022 March 296 :114737. Epub 01/22/2022.

Social Networks of Adolescent Sexual Violence Perpetrators: Peer Friendship and Trusted Adult Characteristics.

Espelage DL, Rulison KL, Ingram KM, Valido A, Schmeelk-Cone K, Wyman PA

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2022 January 23 (1):154-166. Epub 09/03/2021.

Annual Research Review: A meta-analytic review of worldwide suicide rates in adolescents.

Glenn CR, Kleiman EM, Kellerman J, Pollak O, Cha CB, Esposito EC, Porter AC, Wyman PA, Boatman AE

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.. 2020 March 61 (3):294-308. Epub 08/01/2019.

Peer-adult network structure and suicide attempts in 38 high schools: implications for network-informed suicide prevention.

Wyman PA, Pickering TA, Pisani AR, Rulison K, Schmeelk-Cone K, Hartley C, Gould M, Caine ED, LoMurray M, Brown CH, Valente TW

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.. 2019 October 60 (10):1065-1075. Epub 08/08/2019.

Framework for Supporting Adolescent Peer Leaders: A Pilot Using Text Messaging in a School-Based Substance Use Prevention Program.

Pisani AR, Wyman PA, Petrova M, Judd E, Schmeelk-Cone K, Thiha P, Gurditta K

The journal of primary prevention.. 2019 April 40 (2):243-254. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mobile Phone Intervention to Reduce Youth Suicide in Rural Communities: Field Test.

Pisani AR, Wyman PA, Gurditta K, Schmeelk-Cone K, Anderson CL, Judd E

JMIR mental health.. 2018 May 315 (2):e10425. Epub 05/31/2018.

Diffusion of a Peer-Led Suicide Preventive Intervention Through School-Based Student Peer and Adult Networks.

Pickering TA, Wyman PA, Schmeelk-Cone K, Hartley C, Valente TW, Pisani AR, Rulison KL, Brown CH, LoMurray M

Frontiers in psychiatry.. 2018 9 :598. Epub 11/15/2018.

Efficacy of Web-Based Collection of Strength-Based Testimonials for Text Message Extension of Youth Suicide Prevention Program: Randomized Controlled Experiment.

Thiha P, Pisani AR, Gurditta K, Cherry E, Peterson DR, Kautz H, Wyman PA

JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2016 November 92 (2):e164. Epub 11/09/2016.

Human Subjects Protection and Technology in Prevention Science: Selected Opportunities and Challenges.

Pisani AR, Wyman PA, Mohr DC, Perrino T, Gallo C, Villamar J, Kendziora K, Howe GW, Sloboda Z, Brown CH

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2016 August 17 (6):765-78. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Sources of Strength Australia Project: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Calear AL, Brewer JL, Batterham PJ, Mackinnon A, Wyman PA, LoMurray M, Shand F, Kazan D, Christensen H

Trials.. 2016 July 2617 (1):349. Epub 07/26/2016.

Suicide Prevention Strategies for Improving Population Health.

Wilcox HC, Wyman PA

Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America.. 2016 April 25 (2):219-33. Epub 01/22/2016.

Positive-Themed Suicide Prevention Messages Delivered by Adolescent Peer Leaders: Proximal Impact on Classmates' Coping Attitudes and Perceptions of Adult Support.

Petrova M, Wyman PA, Schmeelk-Cone K, Pisani AR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2015 December 45 (6):651-63. Epub 02/18/2015.

Designs for Testing Group-Based Interventions with Limited Numbers of Social Units: The Dynamic Wait-Listed and Regression Point Displacement Designs.

Wyman PA, Henry D, Knoblauch S, Brown CH

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2015 October 16 (7):956-66. Epub 1900 01 01.

Observed parent-child relationship quality predicts antibody response to vaccination in children.

O'Connor TG, Wang H, Moynihan JA, Wyman PA, Carnahan J, Lofthus G, Quataert SA, Bowman M, Burke AS, Caserta MT

Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2015 August 48 :265-73. Epub 04/09/2015.

Observational measures of implementer fidelity for a school-based preventive intervention: development, reliability, and validity.

Cross W, West J, Wyman PA, Schmeelk-Cone K, Xia Y, Tu X, Teisl M, Brown CH, Forgatch M

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2015 January 16 (1):122-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Translating Genetic Research into Preventive Intervention: The Baseline Target Moderated Mediator Design.

Howe GW, Beach SR, Brody GH, Wyman PA

Frontiers in psychology.. 2015 6 :1911. Epub 01/07/2016.

Depressive symptoms and immune response to meningococcal conjugate vaccine in early adolescence.

O'Connor TG, Moynihan JA, Wyman PA, Carnahan J, Lofthus G, Quataert SA, Bowman M, Caserta MT

Development and psychopathology.. 2014 November 26 (4 Pt 2):1567-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Developmental approach to prevent adolescent suicides: research pathways to effective upstream preventive interventions.

Wyman PA

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2014 September 47 (3 Suppl 2):S251-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Connectedness and suicide prevention in adolescents: pathways and implications.

Whitlock J, Wyman PA, Moore SR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2014 June 44 (3):246-72. Epub 01/20/2014.

Emotion regulation difficulties, youth-adult relationships, and suicide attempts among high school students in underserved communities.

Pisani AR, Wyman PA, Petrova M, Schmeelk-Cone K, Goldston DB, Xia Y, Gould MS

Journal of youth and adolescence.. 2013 June 42 (6):807-20. Epub 12/18/2012.

Associations between suicidal high school students' help-seeking and their attitudes and perceptions of social environment.

Pisani AR, Schmeelk-Cone K, Gunzler D, Petrova M, Goldston DB, Tu X, Wyman PA

Journal of youth and adolescence.. 2012 October 41 (10):1312-24. Epub 05/06/2012.

Association between school engagement and disclosure of suicidal ideation to adults among Latino adolescents.

De Luca SM, Wyman PA

The journal of primary prevention.. 2012 June 33 (2-3):99-110. Epub 1900 01 01.

Three scales assessing high school students' attitudes and perceived norms about seeking adult help for distress and suicide concerns.

Schmeelk-Cone K, Pisani AR, Petrova M, Wyman PA

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 April 42 (2):157-72. Epub 02/10/2012.

Associations among depression, perceived self-efficacy, and immune function and health in preadolescent children.

Caserta MT, Wyman PA, Wang H, Moynihan J, O'Connor TG

Development and psychopathology.. 2011 November 23 (4):1139-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

An outcome evaluation of the Sources of Strength suicide prevention program delivered by adolescent peer leaders in high schools.

Wyman PA, Brown CH, Lomurray M, Schmeelk-Cone K, Petrova M, Yu Q, Walsh E, Tu X, Wang W

American journal of public health.. 2010 September 100 (9):1653-61. Epub 07/15/2010.

Intervention to strengthen emotional self-regulation in children with emerging mental health problems: proximal impact on school behavior.

Wyman PA, Cross W, Hendricks Brown C, Yu Q, Tu X, Eberly S

Journal of abnormal child psychology.. 2010 July 38 (5):707-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Intervention to strengthen emotion self-regulation in children with emerging mental health problems: Proximal impact on school behavior.

Wyman, P.A., Cross, W., Brown, C. H., Yu, Q., Tu, X, & Eberly, S.

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,. 2010; 38(5): 707-720.

Emotional triggers and psychopathology associated with suicidal ideation in urban children with elevated aggressive-disruptive behavior.

Wyman PA, Gaudieri PA, Schmeelk-Cone K, Cross W, Brown CH, Sworts L, West J, Burke KC, Nathan J

Journal of abnormal child psychology.. 2009 October 37 (7):917-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adaptive designs for randomized trials in public health.

Brown CH, Ten Have TR, Jo B, Dagne G, Wyman PA, Muthén B, Gibbons RD

Annual review of public health.. 2009 30 :1-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

Immigration generation status and its association with suicide attempts, substance use, and depressive symptoms among latino adolescents in the USA.

Peña JB, Wyman PA, Brown CH, Matthieu MM, Olivares TE, Hartel D, Zayas LH

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.. 2008 December 9 (4):299-310. Epub 10/15/2008.

The associations between psychosocial stress and the frequency of illness, and innate and adaptive immune function in children.

Caserta MT, O'Connor TG, Wyman PA, Wang H, Moynihan J, Cross W, Tu X, Jin X

Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2008 August 22 (6):933-40. Epub 03/04/2008.

Methods for testing theory and evaluating impact in randomized field trials: intent-to-treat analyses for integrating the perspectives of person, place, and time.

Brown CH, Wang W, Kellam SG, Muthén BO, Petras H, Toyinbo P, Poduska J, Ialongo N, Wyman PA, Chamberlain P, Sloboda Z, MacKinnon DP, Windham A,

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2008 June 195 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S74-S104. Epub 01/22/2008.

Randomized trial of a gatekeeper program for suicide prevention: 1-year impact on secondary school staff.

Wyman PA, Brown CH, Inman J, Cross W, Schmeelk-Cone K, Guo J, Pena JB

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2008 February 76 (1):104-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of randomized trials in testing interventions for the prevention of youth suicide.

Brown CH, Wyman PA, Brinales JM, Gibbons RD

International review of psychiatry.. 2007 December 19 (6):617-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of family stress with natural killer cell activity and the frequency of illnesses in children.

Wyman PA, Moynihan J, Eberly S, Cox C, Cross W, Jin X, Caserta MT

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2007 March 161 (3):228-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prosocial involvement and antisocial peer affiliations as predictors of behavior problems in urban adolescents: Main effects and moderating effects.

Kaufmann, D., Wyman, P.A., *Forbes-Jones, E., & Barry, J.

Journal of Community Psychology,. 2007; 35: 417-434.

Association of family stress with natural killer cell activity and the frequency of illnesses in children.

Wyman, P.A., Moynihan, J., Eberly, S., Cox, C., Cross, W., Jin, X., & Caserta, M.

Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2007; 161: 228-234.

Dynamic wait-listed designs for randomized trials: new designs for prevention of youth suicide.

Brown CH, Wyman PA, Guo J, Peña J

Clinical trials : journal of the Society for Clinical Trials.. 2006 3 (3):259-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

A micro-level analysis of developmental, parenting, and family milieu variables that differentiate urban stress resilient and stress affected children.

Kilmer, R. P., Cowen, E. L., & Wyman, P. A.

Journal of Community Psychology. 2001; 29: 391-416.

Pathways to aggression in young highly stressed urban children.

Sutton, S. E., Cowen, E. L, Crean, H., Wyman, P. A., & Work, W. C.

Child Study Journal. 1999; 28: 49-68.

A two-year follow-up evaluation of a preventive intervention program for young children of divorce.

Pedro-Carroll, J. L., Sutton, S. E., & Wyman, P. A.

School Psychology Review. 1999; 28: 467-476.

Correlates of resilient outcomes among Black and White urban children.

Magnus, K. B., Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A., Fagen, D. F., & Work, W. C.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1999; 27: 259-272.

Parent-child relationship qualities and child adjustment in highly stressed urban Black and White families.

Magnus, K. B., Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A., Work, W. C., & Fagen, D. B.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1999; 27: 55-71.

Caregiving and developmental factors differentiating young at-risk urban children showing resilient versus stress-affected outcomes: a replication and extension.

Wyman PA, Cowen EL, Work WC, Hoyt-Meyers L, Magnus KB, Fagen DB

Child development.. 1999 70 (3):645-59. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differences in stressors experienced by urban African-American, White and Hispanic children.

Kilmer, R. P., Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A., Work, W. C., & Magnus, K. B.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1998; 26: 415-428.

Follow-up study of young stress-affected and stress-resilient urban children.

Cowen EL, Wyman PA, Work WC, Kim JY, Fagen DB, Magnus KB

Development and psychopathology.. 1997 9 (3):565-77. Epub 1900 01 01.

Relationships between parent-child relational variables and child-test variables in highly stressed urban children.

Fagen, D. B., Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A. & Work, W. C.

Child Study Journal. 1996; 26: 87-108.

Resilience in highly stressed urban children: concepts and findings.

Cowen EL, Wyman PA, Work WC

Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.. 1996 73 (2):267-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

A preventive intervention for enhancing resilience among highly stressed urban children.

Cowen EL, Wyman PA, Work WC, Iker MR

The journal of primary prevention.. 1995 March 15 (3):247-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Test correlates of resilient outcomes among highly stressed 2nd and 3rd grade urban children.

Hoyt-Meyers, L. A., Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C., Wyman, P. A., Magnus, K., Fagen, D. F. & Lotyczewski, B. S.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1995; 23: 326-338.

A preventive intervention for enhancing resilience among young highly stressed urban children.

Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A., Work, W. C., & Iker, M. R.

Journal of Primary Prevention. 1994; 15: 247-260.

Relationships between retrospective parent reports of developmental milestones and school adjustment at ages 10 to 12 years.

Cowen EL, Work WC, Wyman PA, Jarrell DD

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 1994 33 (3):400-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Parent and child views of parent-child relationship qualities and resilient outcomes among urban children.

Gribble PA, Cowen EL, Wyman PA, Work WC, Wannon M, Raoof A

Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.. 1993 May 34 (4):507-19. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of children's future expectations in self-system functioning and adjustment to life-stress. A prospective study of urban at risk children.

Wyman, P. A., Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C. & Kerley, J. H.

Development and Psychopathology. 1993; 5: 649-661.

Interviews with children who experienced major life stress: family and child attributes that predict resilient outcomes.

Wyman PA, Cowen EL, Work WC, Raoof A, Gribble PA, Parker GR, Wannon M

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 1992 September 31 (5):904-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

The relationship between retrospective reports of early child temperament and adjustment at ages 10-12.

Cowen EI, Wyman PA, Work WC

Journal of abnormal child psychology.. 1992 February 20 (1):39-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Test comparisons among stress affected, stress resilient and nonclassified 4th-6th grade urban children.

Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C., Wyman, P. A., Parker, G. R., Wannon, M. & Gribble, P. A.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1992; 20: 200-214.

Test comparisons among stress affected, stress resilient and nonclassified 5th-6th grade urban children.

Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C., Wyman, P. A., Parker, G. R., Wannon, M., & Gribble, P. A.

Journal of Community Psychology. 1992; 20: 200-214.

The development and evaluation of a measure of perceived self-efficacy in children.

Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C., Hightower, A. D., Wyman, P. A., Parker, G. R., & Lotyczewski, B. S.

Journal of Child-Clinical Psychology. 1992; 20: 169-178.

Similarity of parent and child self-views in stress-affected and stress-resilient urban families.

Cowen EL, Work WC, Wyman PA

Acta paedopsychiatrica.. 1992 55 (4):193-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Developmental and family milieu correlates of resilience in urban children who have experienced major life stress.

Wyman PA, Cowen EL, Work WC, Parker GR

American journal of community psychology.. 1991 June 19 (3):405-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Stress resilient children in an urban setting.

Work WC, Cowen EL, Parker GR, Wyman PA

The journal of primary prevention.. 1990 September 11 (1):3-17. Epub 1900 01 01.

Test correlates of stress resilience among urban school children.

Parker GR, Cowen EL, Work WC, Wyman PA

The journal of primary prevention.. 1990 September 11 (1):19-35. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Rochester Child Resilience Project (RCRP): Overview and summary of first year findings.

Cowen, E. L., Wyman, P. A., & Work, W. C.

Development and Psychopathology. 1990; 2: 193-212.

Test correlates of stress affected and stress resilient outcomes among urban children.

Parker, G. R., Cowen, E. L., Work, W. C., & Wyman, P. A.

Journal of Primary Prevention. 1990; 11: 19-35.

Stress resilient children in an urban setting.

Work, W. C., Cowen, E. L., Parker, G. R., & Wyman, P. A.

Journal of Primary Prevention. 1990; 11: 3-17.

Perceived competence, self-esteem and anxiety in latency-aged children of divorce.

Wyman, P. A., Cowen, E. L., Hightower, A. D., & Pedro-Carroll, J. L.

Journal of Child-Clinical Psychology. 1985; 14: 20-26.

Resilience in children: The nature and importance of the concept.

Cowen, E. L., & Wyman, P.A.

Psicologia Escolar e Educacional.