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David M. Siegel, M.D., M.P.H.

David M. Siegel, M.D., M.P.H.


About Me

Prevention of High Risk Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Adolescents
Prevention of High Risk Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Adolescents

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Rheumatology (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

General Pediatrics Academic Fellowship, Research Fellowship in Pediatric Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 1983 - 1985

Residency in General Preventive Medicine, Department of Preventive, Family, and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 1983 - 1985

Combined Residency in Internal Medicine, University of Rochester Associated Hospitals Program and Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 1979 - 1983


MPH | University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Community Health. 1988

MD | University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Medicine. 1979

AB | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Zoology. 1975


Top Doctor. 2012

Ruth Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award in Community Service. 2008

"Strong Star" Certificate of Appreciation for Providing Exceptional Service. 2008

Best Doctors in America - Pediatric Rheumatology; Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine. 2007 - 2008

Outstanding Medical Professional Award, Upstate New York Chapter, Arthritis Foundation, Rochester, NY. 2006

Ruth A. Lawrence Academic Faculty Service Award, Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2005

Elected as a Senator to the Faculty Senate, University of Rochester, 3-year term 2003 - 2006

Hemophilia Pediatric Specialist,
(1986-2001) Distinguished Service Award, Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center, Rochester, NY, June 20, 2003.

Best Doctors in America - Pediatric Rheumatology 2003 - 2004

Selected to be a Facilitator ("Coach") for Biracial Partnerships for Community Progress; a 12-month program designed to bring business and community leaders of different racial backgrounds together as friendship pairs. Mayor's Committee on Ethnicity and Diversity, Rochester, NY. 2001 - 2002

David Hochstein Music School Merit Scholarship Competition, Honorable Mention-Classical Guitar. 1989

David Hochstein Music School Chamber Group Performance Scholarship 1988

Rochester Society of Internal Medicine Prize Award for paper submitted. "The High Cost of Medical technology: Getting at the Heart of the Matter. 1984

Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Bureau of Community Health Services, Division of Maternal and Child Health, University of Rochester, Study of General Pediatrics 1983 - 1985

Public health Summer Externship (included research project on well child care utilization), Durham County, North Carolina 1976


Dr. Siegel's research interests are high risk sexual behavior prevention intervention and descriptive and natural history studies of pediatric rheumatologic diseases, particularly juvenile arthritis and fibromyalgia syndrome.
Dr. Siegel's research interests are high risk sexual behavior prevention intervention and descriptive and natural history studies of pediatric rheumatologic diseases, particularly juvenile arthritis and fibromyalgia syndrome.


Journal Articles

Early clinical observations on the use of imatinib mesylate in FOP: A report of seven cases.

Kaplan FS, Andolina JR, Adamson PC, Teachey DT, Finklestein JZ, Ebb DH, Whitehead B, Jacobs B, Siegel DM, Keen R, Hsiao E, Pignolo RJ

Bone.. 2018 April 109 :276-280. Epub 07/20/2017.

Educating residents in behavioral health care and collaboration: comparison of conventional and integrated training models.

Garfunkel LC, Pisani AR, leRoux P, Siegel DM

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2011 February 86 (2):174-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Educating residents in behavioral health care and collaboration: integrated clinical training of pediatric residents and psychology fellows.

Pisani AR, leRoux P, Siegel DM

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2011 February 86 (2):166-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: a pediatrician's observations.

Siegel DM

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare.. 2009 March 27 (1):113-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

The diagnostic significance of soluble CD163 and soluble interleukin-2 receptor alpha-chain in macrophage activation syndrome and untreated new-onset systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Bleesing J, Prada A, Siegel DM, Villanueva J, Olson J, Ilowite NT, Brunner HI, Griffin T, Graham TB, Sherry DD, Passo MH, Ramanan AV, Filipovich A, Grom AA

Arthritis and rheumatism.. 2007 March 56 (3):965-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Family pediatrics.

Siegel DM, McDaniel SH

Pediatrics.. 2004 February 113 (2):428. Epub 1900 01 01.

Transition to adult health care for adolescents and young adults with chronic conditions: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

Rosen DS, Blum RW, Britto M, Sawyer SM, Siegel DM,

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2003 October 33 (4):309-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Testing.

Siegel DM

Pediatrics in review. 2003 September 24 (9):320-1. Epub 1900 01 01.

Case 33-2002: a 28-year-old woman with ocular inflammation, fever, and headache.

Siegel DM

The New England journal of medicine.. 2003 January 30348 (5):474-6; author reply 474-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Keeping middle school students abstinent: outcomes of a primary prevention intervention.

Aten MJ, Siegel DM, Enaharo M, Auinger P

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2002 July 31 (1):70-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Long-term effects of a middle school- and high school-based human immunodeficiency virus sexual risk prevention intervention.

Siegel DM, Aten MJ, Enaharo M

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 2001 October 155 (10):1117-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

A case of factitious disorder by proxy: the role of the health-care system, diagnostic dilemmas, and family dynamics.

von Hahn L, Harper G, McDaniel SH, Siegel DM, Feldman MD, Libow JA

Harvard review of psychiatry.. 2001 9 (3):124-35. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sexual behavior, contraception, and risk among college students.

Siegel DM, Klein DI, Roghmann KJ

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 1999 November 25 (5):336-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Early effects of a school-based human immunodeficiency virus infection and sexual risk prevention intervention.

Siegel DM, Aten MJ, Roghmann KJ, Enaharo M

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.. 1998 October 152 (10):961-70. Epub 1900 01 01.

Self-reported honesty among middle and high school students responding to a sexual behavior questionnaire.

Siegel DM, Aten MJ, Roghmann KJ

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 1998 July 23 (1):20-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Drug treatment of juvenile arthritis: accepted therapeutic options.

Siegel DM

Drugs of today.. 1998 April 34 (4):327-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fibromyalgia syndrome in children and adolescents: clinical features at presentation and status at follow-up.

Siegel DM, Janeway D, Baum J

Pediatrics.. 1998 March 101 (3 Pt 1):377-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mondor disease: an unusual consideration in a young woman with a breast mass.

Cox EM, Siegel DM

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 1997 September 21 (3):183-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of health services by urban youth: a school-based survey to assess differences by grade level, gender, and risk behavior.

Aten MJ, Siegel DM, Roghmann KJ

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 1996 October 19 (4):258-66. Epub 1900 01 01.


Siegel DM

Pediatrics in review. 1995 December 16 (12):477-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Juvenile arthritis.

Siegel DM, Baum J

Primary care.. 1993 December 20 (4):883-93. Epub 1900 01 01.

A comparison of self-perceived clinical competencies in primary care residency graduates.

Biro FM, Siegel DM, Parker RM, Gillman MW

Pediatric research.. 1993 November 34 (5):555-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Consent and refusal of treatment.

Siegel DM

Emergency medicine clinics of North America.. 1993 November 11 (4):833-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

What we have not learned from what we know about excessive school absence and school dropout.

Weitzman M, Siegel DM

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.. 1992 February 13 (1):55-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Juvenile SLE: A 23-Year Survey Showing Regional Similarities and Differences from Prior Series.

Van Ostrand EW (medical student), Siegel DM, Baum J.

J Univ Roch Med Center. 1992; 4: 2-6.

The frog prince: tale and toxicology.

Siegel DM, McDaniel SH

The American journal of orthopsychiatry.. 1991 October 61 (4):558-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Surveying graduates of combined internal medicine-pediatrics residency programs.

Biro FM, Gillman MW, Parker RM, Khoury PR, Siegel DM

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 1990 April 65 (4):266-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Bulimia, tricyclic antidepressants, and mania.

Siegel DM

Clinical pediatrics.. 1989 March 28 (3):123-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Demographic features and attitudes of program directors of combined internal medicine and pediatrics residencies.

Siegel DM, Parker RM, Gillman MW, Biro FM

American journal of diseases of children. 1988 October 142 (10):1104-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute myocardial infarction during treatment with an activated prothrombin complex concentrate in a patient with factor VIII deficiency and a factor VIII inhibitor.

Chavin SI, Siegel DM, Rocco TA, Olson JP

The American journal of medicine.. 1988 August 85 (2):245-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

HLA-B27 associated dactylitis in children.

Siegel DM, Baum J

The Journal of rheumatology.. 1988 June 15 (6):976-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

An unusual presentation of periarteritis nodosa.

Siegel DM, Siegel SF

Annals of emergency medicine.. 1988 April 17 (4):365-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The high cost of medical technology. Getting at the heart of the matter.

Siegel DM

Medical care.. 1987 October 25 (10):979-87. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adolescents and chronic illness.

Siegel DM

JAMA.. 1987 June 26257 (24):3396-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Paint pellet purpura: a peril for pistol-packing paramilitary personnel.

Siegel DM, Goldberg LH, Altman AR, Kalter DC

JAMA.. 1986 June 27255 (24):3367. Epub 1900 01 01.


Neinstein's Adolescent Health: A Practical Guide (2016)

Chapter: Disorders of Somatic and Musculoskeletal Pain. Neinstein L, Katzman D, Callahan T, Gordon CM, Joffe A, Rickert VI.

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2011)

Chapter: Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Adolescents. In: Fisher MM, Alderman EM, Kreipe RE, Rosenfeld WD, eds.

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care (2008)

Chapter: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis In: McInerny TK, Adam HM, Campbell D, Kamat DK, Kelleher KJ, eds.

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric care (2008)

Chapter: Joint Pain. In: McInerny TK, Adam HM, Campbell D, Kamat DK, Kelleher KJ, eds.

Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide (2007)

Chapter: Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy .

Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide (2007)

Chapter: Psychosomatic Illness

The Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2007)

Chapter: Juvenile Arthritis

Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology, (2004)

Chapter: Rheumatic Disease and Sexuality

En Enfermedades Reumaticas De La Infanci (2002)

Chapter: Fármacos En Enfermedades Reumáticas De La Infancia.

Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2001)

Chapter: Juvenile Arthritis

Pediatric Clinical Advisor (2001)

Chapter: Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Primary Pediatric Care (2000)

Chapter: Juvenile Arthritis

Primary Pediatric Care (2000)

Chapter: Lyme Disease

Yearbook of Family Practice (1999)

Chapter: Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: Clinical Features at Presentation and Status at Follow-up

Adolescent Rheumatology (1999)

Chapter: Adolescent Rheumatic Disease and Sexuality

Ambulatory Pediatrics V (1999)

Chapter: Arthritis

Collaboration in Health Care: The Process of Partnerships (1997)

Chapter: Rethinking Partnerships: Bias in Health Care.

Primary Pediatric Care (1997)

Chapter: Joint Pain

Textbook of Adolescent Medicine (1992)

Chapter: Collagen Vascular Disorders

Primary Pediatric Care (1992)

Chapter: Lyme Borreliosis

Primary Pediatric Care (1987)

Chapter: Joint Pain
