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Elizabeth M. Cooper, CNM, EdD

Elizabeth M. Cooper, CNM, EdD


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD)



EdD | University of Rochester. Education Administration. 1992

MS | Columbia University. Midwifery. 1971

BS | Univ Texas-Austin. Nursing. 1969


Chairperson. 2013

Dorothea Lang Pioneer Award. 2008

Establishment of Annual Elizabeth Cooper Midwifery Lectureship. 2005

Appointment to New York State Board of Midwifery. 2005 - 2015

Inclusion in 1st Edition of Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care. 1997 - 1998

Who's Who in American Nursing, 6th Edition. 1996

Awarded Fellowship in the American College of Nurse-Midwives. 1995

Who's Who in American Nursing, 5th Edition. 1994

Recognition Award for Contributions to the Finger Lakes Region. 1992


Journal Articles

Maternal inflammation at delivery affects assessment of maternal iron status.

Lee S, Guillet R, Cooper EM, Westerman M, Orlando M, Pressman E, O'Brien KO

The Journal of nutrition.. 2014 October 144 (10):1524-32. Epub 07/30/2014.

Reductions in heel bone quality across gestation are attenuated in pregnant adolescents with higher prepregnancy weight and greater increases in PTH across gestation.

Whisner CM, Young BE, Witter FR, Harris ZL, Queenan RA, Cooper EM, O'Brien KO

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2014 September 29 (9):2109-17. Epub 1900 01 01.

Placental heme receptor LRP1 correlates with the heme exporter FLVCR1 and neonatal iron status.

Cao C, Pressman EK, Cooper EM, Guillet R, Westerman M, O'Brien KO

Reproduction : the official journal of the Society for the Study of Fertility.. 2014 September 148 (3):295-302. Epub 06/19/2014.

Placental CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 expression in human placental tissue and their association with maternal and neonatal calcitropic hormones.

O'Brien KO, Li S, Cao C, Kent T, Young BV, Queenan RA, Pressman EK, Cooper EM

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.. 2014 April 99 (4):1348-56. Epub 01/28/2014.

Placental vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression is related to neonatal vitamin D status, placental clacium transfer, and fetal bone length in pregnant adolescents.

Young, BE; Cooper, EM; McIntyre, AW; Kent, t; Witter, F; Harris, ZL; O'Brien, KO.

FASEB J. 2014; 28.

Gestational iron deficiency is associated with pica behaviors in adolescents.

Lunish RA, Young BL, Lee S, Cooper E, Pressman E. Guillet R, O'Brien KO.

J Nutr. 2014; 144(10): 1533-9.

Vitamin D insufficiency is prevalent and vitamin D is inversely associated with parathyroid hormone and calcitriol in pregnant adolescents.

Young BE, McNanley TJ, Cooper EM, McIntyre AW, Witter F, Harris ZL, O'Brien KO

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2012 January 27 (1):177-86. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal vitamin D status and calcium intake interact to affect fetal skeletal growth in utero in pregnant adolescents.

Young, BE; McNanley, TJ; Cooper, EM; McIntyre, AW; Witter, G; Harris, ZL; O'Brien, KO.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2012; 95: 1103-1112.

Osteoprotegerin (OPG) differs by race and is related to infant birth weight Z-score in pregnant adolescents.

Essley, BV; McNanley, T; Cooper, E; McIntyre, AW; Witter, F; Harris, ZL; O'Brien, KO.

Journal of Developmental Origian of Health and Disease. 2011; 2: 272-279.

Placental expression of the heme transported, feline leukemia virus subgroup c receptor, is related to maternal iron status in pregnancy adolescents,

Jaacks, LM; Young, MG; Essley, BV; McNanley, TJ; Cooper, EM; Pressman, EK; McIntyre, AW; Orlando, MS; Abkowitz, JL; Guillet, R; O'Brien, KO.

Journal of Nutrition. 2011; 141: 1267-1272.

Impact of Maternal and neonatal iron status on placental transferrin receptor expression.

Young, MF; Pressman, e; Foehr, ML; McNanley, T; Cooper, E' Guillet, R; Orlando, M; McIntyre, AW; Lafond, J.

Placenta. 2010; 31(11): 1010-1014.

Utilization of iron from an animal-based iron source is greater than that of ferrous sulfate in pregnant and non-pregnant women,

Young, MF; Griffin, I; Pressman, E; McIntyre, A; Cooper, E; McNanley, T; Harris, ZL; Westerman, M; O'Brien, KO.

Journal of Nutrition. 2010; 140(12): 2162-6.

Innovative midwifery teaching for medical students and residents.

Cooper, E.

Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health. 2009; 54(4): 5.

Brien, KO. "Role of maternal/fetal iron status on placental transferrin receptor expression.

Young, MF; Foehr, M; McNanley, T; Cooper, E; McIntryre, A; Orlando, M; Lafond, J; O

FASEB J. 2009; 23:105.

Suboptimal vitamin D status in pregnancy adolescents is associated with neonatal vitamin D insufficiency.

O'Brien, KO; Essley, BV; Cooper, E; McIntyre, AW; Witter, FR; Kent, T; McNanley, T.

J Bone and MIneral Research. 2008; 23: S133.

Obstetric Triage in Ten US Midwifery Practices

Cooper, E., Strong Memorial Hospital triage; In Angelini, D (Ed).

Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 1999; : 44 (5): 507-509.

Credentialing and privileging nurse-midwives

Cooper, E.

Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 1998; : 12 (4): 30-35.

Resolution of marked intrapartum fetal tachycardia following intravenous nalbuphone hydrochloride.

Sherer, D.M.; Cooper, E.M.; Spoor, C.; Serletti, B.L.; Woods, J.R.

American Journal of Perinatology. 1994; : 11: 367-68.

The effect of gender and education on obstetric practitioners' attitues toward psychosocial aspects of patient care and patient self-determination (Doctoral dissertation)

Cooper, E.M.

Disertation Abstracts International. 1993; : 53 (8): 4014-418.

A small group can go a long way

Fullar, S.A.;Lum, B.; Sprik, M.G.; Cooper, E.M.;.

Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing. 1988; : 13: 414-418.

Legislation and nurse-midwifery practice in the United States (Entire Issue)

Forman, A.; Cooper, E.M.

Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 1976; : 12 (2).


Pregnancy in Adolescence: Needs, Problems, and Management (1982)

Chapter: Prenatal Care for the Pregnant Adolescent