Pieter Leroux, D.Litt. et Phil.
Pieter Leroux, D.Litt. et Phil.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Psychiatry, Family/Marriage (SMD)
D. Litt. et Phil. (PhD) | University of Pretoria. Clinical Psychology. 1987
M.A. | University of Pretoria. Clinical Psychology. 1976
B.A. | Rand Afrikaans University. Psychology (Clinical, Developmental, Psychopathology,Experimental, and Research Design). 1972
H.E.D. | School Counseling, History; Teachers Training College. Education. 1969
B.A. | University of Pretoria. Psychology, Sociology, and History. 1968
Susan McDaniel Award for Excellence in Education. 2015
Raymond Babineau, M.D. Award. 2010
Sidney J. Rubin, MD Award. 2009
U.S. Public Health Service Primary Care Fellow. 2001
Gottschalk Award, Rochester Mental Health Association. 2001
Thaler Award, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. 2000
Friends of the Resident's Award, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. 2000
Scholarship Award, University of South Africa. 1987
Human Science Research Council, South African Merit Scholarship Award. 1983
Teachers Training Award. 1965 - 1969
Journal Articles
Developing an Outcome-Based Assessment for Family Therapy Training: The Rochester Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation
Le Roux, P., Podgorski, C., Rosenberg, T., Watson, W. H.; McDaniel, S. M.
Family Process. 2011; 50(4): 544-60.
Pisani, Anthony R. PhD; leRoux, Pieter DLitt et Phil; Siegel, David M. MD, MPH.
Academic Medicine. 2011; 86(2): 166-173.
Garfunkel, Lynn C. MD; Pisani, Anthony R. PhD; leRoux, Pieter DLitt et Phil; Siegel, David M. MD, MPH.
Academic Medicine. 2011; 86(2): 174-179.
McDaniel, S.H. and le Roux, P.
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2007; 14(1): 23-32.
McCann CM, le Roux P
Adolescent medicine clinics.. 2006 February 17 (1):217-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Life Cycle and Disability: Experiences of Continuity and Discontinuity in Child and Family Development
DeMarle, D.J., le Roux ,P.
Journal of Personal & Interpersonal Loss. 2001; 6(1): 29-44.
From Acting Out to Determination: Treatment of a Family that Presented a "Difficult" Adolescent
Snyders FJA, Fourie DP, and le Roux P.
Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies. 1988; 7(1): 1-6.
Symptoms as therapeutic metaphor: A case of hypertension.
le Roux P, Baker TM, Lasersohn B, and Van Zyl JE.
Family Systems Medicine. 1987; 5(1): 8-31.
What are we doing to the web?
le Roux, P.
Unisa Psychologia. 1986; 13(1): 3.
Counseling Psychology-The broader context
le Roux, P. and Fourie, D.P.
Consulto. 1979; : 51-54.
AAP Textbook For Adolescent Health Care (2011)
Chapter: Mental Health Treatment Modalities for Adolescents
Authors: le Roux, P.; McCann, C.M.
Publisher: AAP eBooks 2011
Pediatric Primary Care (5th Edition) (2009)
Chapter: Phobias
Authors: leRoux, P; McCann, C.M.
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Il. 2009
The Biopsychosocial Model: Past, Present and Future (2003)
Chapter: Clinical Practice and the Biopsychosocial Model
Authors: Epstein, R.M,. Morse ,D.S., Williams, G.C., le Roux .P.,Suchman, A.L., Quill ,T.E.
Publisher: The University of Rochester Press, Rochester, New York 2003
Primary Pediatric Care (2001)
Chapter: Phobias
Authors: le Roux,P.,McCann, C.M.
Publisher: St. Louis: Mosby, Inc. 2001
Pediatric Primary Care (2001)
Chapter: Phobias
Authors: le Roux, P. McCann, C.M.
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove, Il. 2001
In: Readings in Family Therapy Supervision. Selected Articles from the AAMFT Sup (2000)
Chapter: Developing the Person of the Supervisor: An Approach to Training
Authors: le Roux, P.
Publisher: AAMFT, Washington, DC 2000
Bulletin of the new York Academy of Medicine: A Journal of Urban Health (1998)
Chapter: Marriage as a Search for Healing
Authors: le Roux, P.
Publisher: Brunner Mazel, New York 1998
The Reasonbly Complete Systemic Supervisor Resource Guide (1997)
Chapter: A More Structured Approach: A Supervision of Supervision Evaluation Form
Authors: Mc Daniel, S.H., Horwitz, S.H., le Roux, P.
Publisher: Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon 1997
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine: A Journal of Urban Health (1997)
Chapter: Disorders of Self: New Therapeutic Horisons
Authors: le Roux, P.
Publisher: Brunner Mazel, New York, NY 1997
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine: A Journal of Urban Health (1996)
Chapter: Attention Deficit Scales for Adults (ADSA)
Authors: le Roux, P.
Publisher: Brunner Mazel, New York, NY 1996
The Family and the Pediatrician: Assessment and Treatment. The Pediatric Clini (1995)
Chapter: Beyond Anticipatory Guidance: Parenting and the Family Life Cycle
Authors: Gellerstedt ,E. , le Roux,P.
Publisher: WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia 1995
101 Favorite Family Therapy Interventions (1993)
Chapter: Grandma, Come Help
Authors: Landau-Stanton, J., le Roux, P., Horwitz,S., Baldwin, S., McDaniel, S.H.
Publisher: Harworth Press, New York, NY 1993
From Diversity to Healing (1989)
Chapter: Diversity and Dialogue: The Healing Narrative
Authors: le Roux, P.
Publisher: Durban: SAIMFT, Belmore 1989
Proceedings of Distance Education Conference (1987)
Chapter: Beyond Professional Training: Developing Mental Health Leadership.
Authors: Jordan, W.J,. le Roux ,P., Snyders, F.J.A,. Rademeyer,G.
Publisher: UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa 1987