Ann Marie White, Ed.D.
Ann Marie White, Ed.D.
About Me
Dr. White directs local and national training activities in collaborative research to infuse scientific inquiries with mental health-related policy and program activities of communities. She promotes mental health supporting behaviors, services utilization and mental illness prevention strategies within community-based settings. For instance, she developed participatory research with volunteer "natural helpers" seeking to strengthen urban neighborhoods' violence prevention activities. She conducts multimedia education to develop civic engagement among youth and young adults from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds. Her research interests focus on system science methods in the application of community engagement in research, mental health promotion, and violence prevention systems in communities. She has an active research program involving social media data and successful transitions into adulthood. Her many years of research experiences in developmental psychology emphasized the role of community settings such as childcare, arts centers and after-school programs in the development of children and adolescents. Upon completion of her doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard's Graduate School of Education, she was a AAAS/SRCD fellow in the U.S. Senate and the National Institutes of Health.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Administration (SMD)
Associate Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention - Joint
Associate Professor - Department of Clinical & Social Psychology (RC) - Joint
Associate Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
AAAS/SRCD Executive Branch Science and Policy Fellow - National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, Office of Behavior and Social Science Research, Washington, DC - Initiate, implement, and coordinate research agendas and funding initiatives to advance scientific knowledge of the social and behavioral components of health (e.g., authoring the program announcement with specialized review such as Community Participation in Research, PAR- 05-026, etc.) 2003 - 2004
AAAS/SRCD Congressional Science and Policy Fellow - U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families, Washington, D.C. - Develop policy positions by distilling and evaluating information provided by advocates, administrators, researchers, constituents, program providers and policy-makers; draft legislation; manage the legislative process of bills; analyze research findings; prepare and conduct discussion of pending legislation. 2002 - 2003
Ed.D. | Harvard University. Human Development and Psychology. 2002
MA | Columbia University. Developmental Psychology. 1993
BS with Honors | Cornell University. Human Development and Family Studies. 1992
President's Diversity Award nominee, University of Rochester. 2012
NIH Institute on Systems Science and Health, Selected Attendee. 2012
Got Dreams Award (community leader award), Monroe County Office of Mental Health. 2012
Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award Nominee. 2011
Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award Nominee. 2010
MHSR New Investigator Workshop and Poster Award. 2007
OBSSR 10th Anniversary Celebration Travel Scholarship Winner. 2006
Collier Award. 2006
Fellow of the NIH Summer Institute on Behavioral and Social Intervention Research. 2005
Journal Articles
Examining benefits academic-community research team training: Rochester's suicide prevention training institutes
White, A.M., Lu, N., Cerulli, C., Tu, X.
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action. 2014; 8(1): 125-137.
You know a tree by its fruit: Growing a fellowship program for community partnered mental health disparities research in an academic medical center
White, A.M., Castle, K., Sörensen, S., Briody, S., Dailey, H., King, D., Fogarty, C. & Duberstein, P.
International Public Health Journal. 2013; 5(3).
Does practice make perfect? A Randomized control trial of behavioral rehearsal on suicide prevention gatekeeper skills.
Cross, W., Seaburn, D., Gibbs, D. Schmeelk, K., White, A.M., Caine, E.
The Journal of Primary Prevention. 2011; 32(3): 195-211.
Does the Health-status of intimate partner violence victims warrant pharmacies as portals for public health awareness, advocacy and facilitation.
Cerulli, C., Cerulli, J., Santos, E., Lu, N., He, H., Johnson, K.A., White, A.M. & Tu, X.
Journal of the American Pharmacist Association. 2010; 50: 200-206.
White AM, Philogene GS, Fine L, Sinha S
American journal of public health.. 2009 October 99 (10):1872-8. Epub 08/20/2009.
Charting the course of student growth
Wolf, D. P., & White, A. M.
Education Leadership. 2000; 57(5): 6-11.
Building research and policy connections
Susman-Stillman, A., Brown,. J., Adam, E., Blair, C., Gaines,. R., Gordon, R., White, A. M., & Wynn, S.
Social Policy Report. 1996; 10(4).
Use of electronic technologies for promoting community and personal health for individuals unconnected to healthcare systems (in review)
Crilly, J., Keefe, R. H., White, A. M., & Volpe, F.
Court perspectives on improving mental health and reducing suicide through community-based participatory research (in preparation for the Journal of Urban Health)
White, A.M., Nichols-Hadeed, C.,Steadman, H., & Cerulli, C.
Social Networking: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook (2013)
Authors: Tu, X., White, A.M. & Lu, N
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013
Suicide: Risk Factors and Prevention (2012)
Chapter: Reducing Suicide Risk in the Justice System through Court Based Community-based Participatory Research
Authors: White, A.M., Nichols-Hadeed, C., Steadman, H.J. & Cerulli, C
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY 2012
Building community capacity: Case examples from around the world (2012)
Chapter: You know a tree by its fruit: Growing a fellowship program for community partnered mental health disparities research in an academic medical center
Authors: White, A.M., Castle, K., Sörensen, S., Briody, S., Dailey, H., King, D., Fogarty, C. & Duberstein, P
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers 2012