Vivian Lewis, M.D.
Connect with Vivian Lewis, M.D.
Vivian Lewis, M.D.
About Me
Dr. Lewis is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Rochester, School of Medicine where she is also Associate Dean for Faculty Development for Women and Diversity. Prior to coming to Rochester, she was on the faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago where she cared for infertility patients and ran a multidisciplinary menopause clinic.
Dr. Lewis is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in obstetrics/gynecology and reproductive endocrinology. She is a member of the numerous professional societies including the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the North American Menopause Society, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. She has served for two terms as a member of the advisory committee on reproductive health drugs for the Food and Drug Administration.
Her areas of expertise include reproductive endocrinology, infertility, menopause, in vitro fertilization and hormone replacement therapy. Her current areas of research interest are: male infertility, menopausal health and hormone therapy.
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emerita - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD)
Vice Provost for Faculty Development & Diversity - Provost's Office (UR)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
University of California, San Francisco
Dept. of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences
and Cardiovascular Research Institute
Reproductive Endocrinology 1981 - 1983
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Obstetrics-Gynecology 1977 - 1981
MD | Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. Medicine. 1977
BA | Harvard College. Biology. 1973
National Trends and Service Award. 2007
Outstanding district service award. 2004
Preliminary prize poster. 2002
Distinguished physician, teacher and scholar award. 1998
Alpha Omega Alpha. 1976
Journal Articles
Lewis V, Martina CA, McDermott MP, Chaudron L, Trief PM, LaGuardia JG, Sharp D, Goodman SR, Morse GD, Ryan RM
CBE life sciences education.. 2017 16 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.
Lewis V, Martina CA, McDermott MP, Trief PM, Goodman SR, Morse GD, LaGuardia JG, Sharp D, Ryan RM
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.. 2016 July 91 (7):994-1001. Epub 1900 01 01.
Martina CA, Mutrie A, Ward D, Lewis V
Clinical and translational science.. 2014 October 7 (5):413-9. Epub 05/29/2014.
Legro RS, Brzyski RG, Diamond MP, Coutifaris C, Schlaff WD, Casson P, Christman GM, Huang H, Yan Q, Alvero R, Haisenleder DJ, Barnhart KT, Bates GW, Usadi R, Lucidi S, Baker V, Trussell JC, Krawetz SA, Snyder P, Ohl D, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Zhang H,
The New England journal of medicine.. 2014 July 10371 (2):119-29. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lewis V, Barnhart J, Houghton JL, Charney P
International journal of cardiology.. 2010 March 4139 (2):204-6. Epub 09/16/2008.
A brief office intervention improved referral rates for hypertension control in women
Lewis, V; Barnhart, J; Houghton, JL; Charney P.
International Journal of Cardiology. 2010; 134: 204-206.
Lewis V
Current medical research and opinion.. 2009 November 25 (11):2689-98. Epub 1900 01 01.
Archer DF, Lewis V, Carr BR, Olivier S, Pickar JH
Fertility and sterility.. 2009 September 92 (3):1039-1044. Epub 07/26/2009.
Song GJ, Lewis V
Fertility and sterility.. 2008 December 90 (6):2238-44. Epub 02/04/2008.
Lewis V, Guzick DS, Dozier A
Medical teacher.. 2008 30 (7):727-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Location of semen collection and time interval from collection to use for intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Song, GJ; Herko, R; Lewis, V.
Fertility and Sterility. 2007; 88(6): 1689-91.
Physician Barriers to Providing Coronary Risk Prevention: Survey Results from the Women and Heart Disease Physician Education Initiative
Barnhart, J; Lewis, V; Houghton, JL; Charney, P.
Women's Health Issues. 2007; 17(2): 93-100.
Song GJ, Norkus EP, Lewis V
International journal of andrology. 2006 December 29 (6):569-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Clomiphene citrate monitoring for intrauterine insemination timing-a randomized trial.
Lewis, V; Queenan, JT; Hoeger, K; Stevens, J; Guzick, DS.
Fertility and Sterility. 2006; 85: 402-406.
Lewis V, Hoeger K
Seminars in reproductive medicine.. 2005 May 23 (2):157-66. Epub 1900 01 01.
New hormone therapy formulations and routes of delivery-meeting the need of your patients in the post WHI world
Lewis, V.
OBG Management. 2004; S6: 11-18.
Polycystic ovary syndrome: a diagnostic challenge.
Lewis, V.
Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics of North America. 2003; 14: 497-516.
Prevention of heart disease-beyond hormone replacement therapy
Lewis, V; Pearson, T.
Menopausal Medicine. 2003; 11: 5-11.
Effects of lower doses of conjugated equine estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate on endometrial bleeding
Archer, DA; Dorin, M; Lewis, V; Schneider, DL; Pickar, J.
Fertility and Sterility. 2001; 75: 6.
Polycystic ovary syndrome: a diagnostic challenge
Lewis, V.
Obstet Gynecol Clin No Amer. 2001; 28: 1.
Evaluating and managing the hirsute patient
Lewis, V.
OBG management. 2001; 13: 28.
A new highly purified human derived FSH is a effective and well tolerated as recombinant Follitropin-beta in ovulation induction in infertilewomen with ovulatory dysfunction
Feigenbaum, SL; Miller, P; Kaufmann, R; Elkind-Hirsch, K; Fein, SH; Marshall, DC: Bravelle Ovulation Study Group; Lewis, V.
Today's Therapeutic Trends. 2001; 19: 297-313.
Lewis V, Saller DN, Kouides RW, Garza J
Fertility and sterility.. 1999 February 71 (2):278-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
Genetic screening of oocyte donors: an overview
Lewis, V; DeVico, A; Greenlaw, J; Saller, DN.
Assisted Reproduction Reviews. 1999; 9: 95-103.
Centola GM, Weisensel SP, Lewis V, Andolina EG, Herko RC
Journal of andrology. 1997 18 (5):556-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Graham MC, Partridge AB, Lewis V, Phipps WR
Fertility and sterility.. 1995 November 64 (5):1036-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lewis V, Khan-Dawood F, King M, Beckmann C, Dawood MY
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1990 March 75 (3 Pt 2):561-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rabbit alveolar beta adrenergic receptors increase with gestational age
Lewis, V; Goldfien, A; Day, J; Roberts, JM;.
American Journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1990; 162: 269.
Dawood MY, Lewis V, Ramos J
Fertility and sterility.. 1989 July 52 (1):21-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cervical mucus enzymes as markers of the women's fertile period
Tsibris, JCM; Lewis, V; Langenberg, PW; Chatterton, RT; Spellacy, WN.
Int. J. Gynecology Obstetrics. 1989; 51: 73.
Human platelet alpha-adrenergic receptors and responses during pregnancy
Roberts, JM; Lewis, V; Mize, N; Tsuchiya, A; Starr, J.
American Journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1986; 154: 206.
Female dyspareunia
Lewis, V.
Pain & Analgesia. 1986; 2: 7.
Ablation of folliculogenesis in women by a single does of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist: Significance of time of cycle
Monroe, SE; Henzel, MR; Martin, MC; Schriock, E; Lewis, V; Nerenberg, C; Jaffe, RB.
Fertility and Sterility. 1985; 43: 362.
Distribution of adrenergic receptors does not explain regional differences in blood flow in the pregnant uterus
Lewis, V; Katz, M; Roberts, JH;.
American Journal Obstetrics Gynecology. 1984; 249: 860.
Hyperprolactinemic disorders
Reyniak, JV; Lewis, V.
Mt. Sinai Journal of Medicine (New York). 1980; 47: 612.
Donor egg IVF (2009)
Chapter: Genetic screening of potential oocyte donors
Authors: Lewis, V
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Press, New Delhi 2009
Handbook of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (2007)
Authors: Lewis, V
Publisher: Landes Bioscience, Austin TX 2007
Primary Care for Women (2004)
Chapter: Premenstrual syndrome
Authors: Grady-Weliky T, Lewis, V
Publisher: Lippincott, Philadelphia 2004
Gynecologic Imaging (1999)
Chapter: Hysterosalpingography of the Myometrium
Authors: Abramowicz J, Lewis V
Publisher: Churchill-Livingstone, London 1999
Gynecologic Imaging (1999)
Chapter: Hysterosalpingography of the Endometrium
Authors: Lewis V, Abramowicz J
Publisher: Churchill-Livingstone, London 1999
Gynecologic Imaging (1999)
Chapter: Hysterosalpingography of the Fallopian Tubes
Authors: Lewis V, Abramowicz J
Publisher: Churchill-Livingstone, London 1999
Gynecologic Imaging (1999)
Chapter: Plain radiography and flouroscopy
Authors: Abramowicz J, Lewis V
Publisher: Churchill-Livingstone, London 1999
Clinical Reproductive Medicine (1997)
Chapter: Hyperprolactinemia
Authors: Lewis V
Publisher: Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia 1997
Loss during pregnancy and the early newborn period (1997)
Chapter: Biology of early pregnancy loss
Authors: Lewis V
Publisher: AL Janetti, New Jersey 1997
Imaging in Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology (1994)
Chapter: Hysterosalpingography of the Abnormal Pelvis
Authors: Lewis V, Abramowicz JS
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1994
Imaging in Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology (1994)
Chapter: Normal hysterosalpingography
Authors: Abramowicz JS, Lewis V
Publisher: JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1994
A Clinical Manual of Gynecology (1992)
Chapter: Menopause and the climacteric
Authors: Lewis V
Publisher: Pergamon Press 1992
Ovulation Induction (1991)
Chapter: Bromocriptine and related compounds for ovulation induction in hyperprolactinemia
Authors: Lewis V
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, New York City 1991
Uterine Contractility (1984)
Chapter: Hormonal control of uterine adrenergic response
Authors: Roberts JM, Lewis V, Riemer RK
Publisher: Mason Publishing, New York City 1984
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