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Robert Q. Pollard, Ph.D.

Robert Q. Pollard, Ph.D.

About Me

Robert Pollard, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine where he founded and directs the Deaf Wellness Center (DWC). The DWC is home to numerous initiatives pertaining to mental health, public health, sign language interpreting, and professional educat...
Robert Pollard, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine where he founded and directs the Deaf Wellness Center (DWC). The DWC is home to numerous initiatives pertaining to mental health, public health, sign language interpreting, and professional education opportunities for deaf people. Dr. Pollard's work has been recognized with many national and international awards and honors. He has been principal investigator on over 40 federal, foundation, regional, and local grants totaling over $5M, has published over 80 articles and book chapters, and produced 15 films in American Sign Language for Deaf audiences. Dr. Pollard's scholarship interests include psychopathology, psychological testing, sign language interpreting, forensic evaluation, intimate partner violence, and public health issues affecting the deaf population. He is active in several national organizations, especially the American Psychological Association, where he founded a Special Interest Section on Deafness.

Faculty Appointments

Clinical Professor Emeritus - Department of Psychiatry, Psychology (SMD)



PhD | State University of New York at Buffalo. Clinical Psychology. 1984

MA | State University of New York at Buffalo. Clinical Psychology. 1983

BS | Union College. Psychology and Biology (double major). 1980


Excellence in Diversity Training Award, Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers 2007

Larry G. Stewart Award, presented biennially by the Special Interest Section on Deafness of Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) of the American Psychological Association for career achievement in the field of psychology and deafness 2004

Aegis Award (finalist), honoring the film "My Body, My Responsibility: A Health Education Video for Deaf Women" 2003

Healthcare Advocacy Award, Health Care Trustees of New York State, honoring the Strong Connections videoconference-based sign language interpreting service 2001

Marvin J. Hoffman Faculty Mentor Award, University of Rochester School of Medicine. 1999

National Leadership Award, Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology, American Psychological Association 1997

Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest (Early Career), American Psychological Association 1994

John Lewis March Prize in Psychology, Union College, Schenectady, NY. 1980


Journal Articles

Deaf Victims' Experiences With Intimate Partner Violence: The Need for Integration and Innovation.

Mastrocinque JM, Thew D, Cerulli C, Raimondi C, Pollard RQ, Chin NP

Journal of interpersonal violence.. 2017 December 32 (24):3753-3777. Epub 09/13/2015.

Capitalizing on Community Resources to Build Specialized Behavioral Health Services Together with Persons who are Deaf, Deafblind or Hard of Hearing.

Mathos KK, Pollard RQ

Community mental health journal.. 2016 February 52 (2):187-93. Epub 10/27/2015.

What can we learn? Examining intimate partner violence service provision in the Deaf Community.

Cerulli, C., Pollard, R. Q Jr., Thew, D., Mastrocinque, J., Smith, C., DeWindt, L., Haynes, S., Kelstone, K. & Chin, N.

Journal of Community Psychology. 2015; 43(2): 142-155.

Intimate partner violence reported by two samples of deaf adults via a computerized American sign language survey.

Pollard RQ, Sutter E, Cerulli C

Journal of interpersonal violence.. 2014 March 29 (5):948-65. Epub 10/17/2013.

What medical education can do to ensure robust language development in deaf children.

Humphries, T., Kushalnagar, P., Mathur, G., Napoli, D. J., Padden, C.,Pollard, R., Rathmann, C., & Smith, S.

Medical Science Educator. 2014; 24(4): 409-419.

Integrating primary care and behavioral health with four special populations: Children with special needs, people with serious mental illness, refugees, and deaf people.

Pollard RQ, Betts WR, Carroll JK, Waxmonsky JA, Barnett S, Degruy FV, Pickler LL, Kellar-Guenther Y

The American psychologist.. 2014 69 (4):377-87. Epub 1900 01 01.

Community participatory research with deaf sign language users to identify health inequities.

Barnett S, Klein JD, Pollard Jr RQ, Samar V, Schlehofer D, Starr M, Sutter E, Yang H, Pearson TA

American journal of public health.. 2011 December 101 (12):2235-8. Epub 10/20/2011.

Context-based ethical reasoning in interpreting: A demand control schema perspective.

Dean, R. K. & Pollard, R. Q (2011).

Interpreter and Translator TrainerDean, R. K. & Pollard, R. Q (2011). 2011; : 155-182.

A community-participatory approach to adapting survey items for deaf individuals and American Sign Language

Graybill, P., Aggas, J., Dean, R. K., Demers, S., Finigan, E. & Pollard, R. Q.

Field Methods. 2010; 22(4): 429-448.

Health-related vocabulary knowledge among deaf adults.

Pollard RQ, Barnett S

Rehabilitation psychology.. 2009 May 54 (2):182-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adapting health education material for deaf audiences.

Pollard RQ, Dean RK, O'Hearn A, Haynes SL

Rehabilitation psychology.. 2009 May 54 (2):232-238. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effectiveness of observation-supervision training in community mental health interpreting settings

Dean, R. K. & Pollard, R. Q (2009).

REDIT E-journal on the Didactics of Translation and Interpreting,. 2009; : 1-17.

Modifying Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Deaf individuals.

O'Hearn, A. M. & Pollard, R. Q.

Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2008; 15: 400-414.

A prose recall test using stories in American Sign Language

Pollard, R. Q; DeMatteo, A.; Lentz, E.; Rediess, S.

2007; 52(1): 11-24.

A prose recall test using stories in American Sign Language.

Pollard, R. Q, DeMatteo, A, Lentz, E., & Rediess, S.

Rehabilitation Psychology. 2007; 52(1): 11-24.

From dissertation to journal article: A useful method for planning and writing any manuscript

Pollard, R. Q.

The Internet Journal of Mental Health. 2005; 2(2).

Development and validation of the Signed Paired Associates Test

Pollard, R. Q; Rediess, S.; DeMatteo, A.

Rehabilitation Psychology. 2005; 50(3): 258-265.

Application of demand-control theory to sign language interpreting: implications for stress and interpreter training.

Dean RK, Pollard RQ

Journal of deaf studies and deaf education.. 2001 6 (1):1-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Familien mit gehorlosen und horenden Mitgliedern: Vorteile optimal nutzen und Riskiken klein halten

Pollard, R. Q; Rendon, M. E.

Das Zeichen. 1999; 49: 412-419.

Deaf Strong Hospital: An exercise in cross-cultural communication for first year medical students

Richards, J.; Harmer, L.; Pollard, P.; Pollard, R.

Journal of the University of Rochester Medical Center. 1999; 10: 5-7.

Mixed deaf-hearing families: maximizing benefits and minimizing risks.

Pollard R, Rendon M

Journal of deaf studies and deaf education.. 1999 4 (2):156-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

A consumer interview seminar that enhances medical student attitudes toward persons with disabilities

Pollard, R. Q.

Journal of Behavioral Sciences in Medical Education. 1998; 5(1): 27-31.

Professional psychology and deaf people. The emergence of a discipline.

Pollard RQ

The American psychologist.. 1996 April 51 (4):389-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

Conceptualizing and conducting preoperative psychological assessments of cochlear implant candidates.

Pollard R

Journal of deaf studies and deaf education.. 1996 1 (1):16-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mental health services and the deaf population: A regional consensus planning approach

Pollard, R. Q.

Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association. 1995; 28(3): 1-47.

Public mental health service and diagnostic trends regarding individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing

Pollard, R. Q.

Rehabilitation Psychology. 1994; 39(3): 147-160.

Cochlear implants.

Pollard RQ

The New England journal of medicine.. 1993 June 17328 (24):1787; author reply 1787-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

100 years in psychology and deafness: A centennial retrospective

Pollard, R. Q.

Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association. 1993; 26(3): 32-46.

Cross-cultural ethics in the conduct of deafness research.

Pollard RQ

Rehabilitation psychology.. 1992 37 (2):87-101. Epub 1900 01 01.

Update on deafness and mental health.

Pollard, R. Q.

American Rehabilitation. 1986; 12(4): 8 10, 22 23.

Placebo effects in biofeedback and self-perception of muscle tension.

Pollard RQ, Katkin ES

Psychophysiology.. 1984 January 21 (1):47-53. Epub 1900 01 01.

Deafness and psychology [Special issue].

Pollard, R. Q (Ed.).

Rehabilitation Psychology. 38(4).

Community participatory research to identify health inequities with deaf sign language users

Barnett, S., Klein, J. D., Pollard, R. Q Jr., Samar, V., Schlehofer, D., Starr, M., Sutter, E., Yang, H. & Pearson, T. A.

American Journal of Public Health. .


In our Hands: Educating Healthcare Interpreters. (2011)

Chapter: Beyond "interesting": Using demand control schema to structure experiential learning

Oxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and education, (2011)

Chapter: Mental health and deaf adults.

Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2010)

Chapter: Dialectical behavior therapy for deaf clients: Cultural and linguistic modifications for outpatient mental health settings

B. E. Cartwright Encounters with reality: 1,001 interpreter scenarios (2009)

Chapter: Challenges in interpreting addressed by demand-control schema analysis

Applications of Demand Control Schema in Interpreter Education (2008)

Chapter: Proceedings of the August 3, 2007 pre-conference meeting at the national convention of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Interpreting and interpreter education: Directions for research and practice (2005)

Chapter: Consumers and service effectiveness in interpreting work: A practice profession perspective

Handbook to service the deaf and hard of hearing: A bridge to accessibility (2004)

Chapter: Robert Pollard, Ph.D.: Mental health and deaf and hard of hearing individuals

Oxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and education (2003)

Chapter: Mental health and deaf adults.

Ethics in mental health and deafness (2002)

Chapter: Ethical conduct in research involving deaf people

Casebook for integrating family therapy (2001)

Chapter: The misfit: A deaf adolescent struggles for meaning

Handbook of rehabilitation psychology (2000)

Chapter: Hearing and vision loss

Test interpretation and diversity: Achieving equity in assessment (1998)

Chapter: Hearing impairments and test interpretation

Psychological perspectives on deafness (1998)

Chapter: Psychopathology.

Mental health interpreting: A mentored curriculum (1998)

Mental health interpreting: A mentored curriculum (1998)