John T. Langfitt, Ph.D.
John T. Langfitt, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Neurology, Epilepsy (SMD)
PhD | Boston University. Psychology. 1989
MA | Boston University. Psychology. 1985
BA | Yale University. English. 1981
Graduated cum laude. 1981
Rita Underberg Teaching Award, URMC Dept. of Psychiatry.
Greater Rochester Board Leadership Award, Rochester Business Journal.
Journal Articles
Millstein DJ, Perez DL, Langfitt JT
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.. 2023 64 (3):307-308. Epub 04/11/2023.
Gross WL, Helfand A, Swanson SJ, Conant LL, Humphries C, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Busch RM, Allen L, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Lowe MJ, Langfitt JT, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Allendorfer JB, Szaflarski JP, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Vannest J, Binder JR,
Neurology.. 2022 June 798 (23):e2337-e2346. Epub 04/11/2022.
Karmen-Tuohy S, Mboma SM, Langfitt JT, Brim R, Gladstone M, Taylor TE
Malaria journal.. 2022 April 1321 (1):123. Epub 04/13/2022.
Binder JR, Tong JQ, Pillay SB, Conant LL, Humphries CJ, Raghavan M, Mueller WM, Busch RM, Allen L, Gross WL, Anderson CT, Carlson CE, Lowe MJ, Langfitt JT, Tivarus ME, Drane DL, Loring DW, Jacobs M, Morgan VL, Allendorfer JB, Szaflarski JP, Bonilha L, Bookheimer S, Grabowski T, Vannest J, Swanson SJ
Epilepsia.. 2020 September 61 (9):1939-1948. Epub 08/11/2020.
Langfitt JT, Quigg M, Yan G, Yu W, Ward MM, Barbaro NM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess C, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagi? A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E,
Epilepsia.. 2019 July 60 (7):1453-1461. Epub 06/11/2019.
Langfitt JT, McDermott MP, Brim R, Mboma S, Potchen MJ, Kampondeni SD, Seydel KB, Semrud-Clikeman M, Taylor TE
Pediatrics.. 2019 February 143 (2)Epub 01/29/2019.
Quigg M, Barbaro NM, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Newman SA, Mueller S, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagi? A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E
Seizure.. 2018 December 63 :62-67. Epub 10/31/2018.
Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Cascino GD
Neurology.. 2018 July 1091 (2):55-56. Epub 06/13/2018.
Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagi? A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E
Epilepsia.. 2018 June 59 (6):1198-1207. Epub 03/30/2018.
Altalib HH, Berg AT, Cong X, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Bazil CW, Sukumar N, Devinsky O
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2018 June 83 :7-12. Epub 04/07/2018.
2017; .
Langfitt JT
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2016 November 64 (Pt B):311-312. Epub 05/10/2016.
Hamid H, Blackmon K, Cong X, Dziura J, Atlas LY, Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Devinsky O
Neurology.. 2014 March 1182 (10):887-94. Epub 01/31/2014.
Brown FC, Westerveld M, Langfitt JT, Hamberger M, Hamid H, Shinnar S, Sperling MR, Devinsky O, Barr W, Tracy J, Masur D, Bazil CW, Spencer SS
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2014 February 31 :19-24. Epub 11/26/2013.
Tivarus ME, Starling SJ, Newport EL, Langfitt JT
Brain and language.. 2012 October 123 (1):1-10. Epub 07/24/2012.
Langfitt JT, Mathern GW
Neurology.. 2012 September 1179 (11):1074-5. Epub 08/15/2012.
Engel J, McDermott MP, Langfitt JT
JAMA.. 2012 June 20307 (23):2483-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Engel J, McDermott MP, Wiebe S, Langfitt JT, Stern JM, Dewar S, Sperling MR, Gardiner I, Erba G, Fried I, Jacobs M, Vinters HV, Mintzer S, Kieburtz K,
JAMA.. 2012 March 7307 (9):922-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Homotopic Language Reorganization in the Right Hemisphere after Early Left Hemisphere Injury
Tivarus, ME;Starling, SJ;Newport, EL; Langfitt, JT.
Brain and Language. 2012; .
Hamid H, Devinsky O, Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Spencer SS
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2011 March 20 (3):462-4. Epub 02/19/2011.
Binder JR, Gross WL, Allendorfer JB, Bonilha L, Chapin J, Edwards JC, Grabowski TJ, Langfitt JT, Loring DW, Lowe MJ, Koenig K, Morgan PS, Ojemann JG, Rorden C, Szaflarski JP, Tivarus ME, Weaver KE
NeuroImage.. 2011 January 1554 (2):1465-75. Epub 09/25/2010.
Engel J, McDermott MP, Wiebe S, Langfitt JT, Erba G, Gardiner I, Stern J, Dewar S, Sperling MR, Jacobs M, Kieburtz K,
Epilepsia.. 2010 October 51 (10):1978-86. Epub 1900 01 01.
Design considerations for a multicenter randomized controlled trial of early surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Engel, J, Jr.;McDermott, MP;Wiebe, S; Langfitt JT;Erba, G; Gardiner, I; Stern, J; Dewar, S; Sperling, M; Jacobs, M; Kieburtz, K; and the ERSET Study Group.
Epilepsia. 2010; 51(10): 1978-1986.
Mapping Anterior Temporal Lobe Language Areas with FMRI: A Multi-Center Normative Study
Binder, JB; Gross, WL; Allendorfer, JB; Bonilha, L; Chapin, J; Edwards, JC; Grabowski, TJ; Langfitt, JT; Loring, DW; Lowe, MJ; Koenig, K; Morgan, PS; Ojemann, JG; Rorden, C; Szaflarski, JP; Tivarus, ME; Weaver, KE.
NeuroImage. 2010; 54(2): 1465-1475.
Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Testa FM, Levy SR, DiMario F, Westerveld M, Kulas J
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2008 November 13 (4):614-9. Epub 08/19/2008.
Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Testa FM, Levy SR, DiMario F, Westerveld M, Kulas J
Epilepsia.. 2008 April 49 (4):608-14. Epub 12/06/2007.
Langfitt JT, Wiebe S
Current opinion in neurology.. 2008 April 21 (2):179-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Residual cognitive effects of uncomplicated idiopathic and cryptogenic epilepsy.
Berg, AT; Langfitt, JT;T esta FM; Levy SR; Dimario F; Westerveld M; Kulas J.
Epilepsy and Behavior. 2008; 13: 614-619.
Global Cognitive Function in Children with Epilepsy: A community-based study
Berg, AT; Langfitt, JT; Testa FM; Levy SR; Dimario F; Westerveld M; Kulas J.
Epilepsia. 2008; 49(4): 608-14.
Chin PS, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Sperling MR, Haut SR, Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Walczak TS, Pacia SV, Vickrey BG
Epilepsia.. 2007 December 48 (12):2253-7. Epub 07/21/2007.
Langfitt JT
Neurology.. 2007 November 2069 (21):1968-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Haut S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Devinsky O,
Annals of neurology.. 2007 October 62 (4):327-34. Epub 1900 01 01.
Langfitt JT, Westerveld M, Hamberger MJ, Walczak TS, Cicchetti DV, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Barr WB, Sperling MR, Masur D, Spencer SS
Neurology.. 2007 June 568 (23):1988-94. Epub 1900 01 01.
Begley CE, Baker GA, Beghi E, Butler J, Chisholm D, Langfitt JT, Levy P, Pachlatko C, Wiebe S, Donaldson KL,
Epilepsia.. 2007 May 48 (5):990-1001. Epub 02/23/2007.
Langfitt JT, Holloway RG, McDermott MP, Messing S, Sarosky K, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Shinnar S
Neurology.. 2007 April 1768 (16):1290-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg AT, Langfitt JT, Spencer SS, Vickrey BG
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2007 March 10 (2):219-22. Epub 01/23/2007.
Stopping Antiepileptic Drugs After Epilepsy Surgery: A Survey of US Epilepsy Center Neurologists.
Berg, AT; Langfitt, JT; Vickrey, BG; Spencer, SS.
Epilepsy & Behavior. 2007; 10:: 219-222.
Theodore WH, Spencer SS, Wiebe S, Langfitt JT, Ali A, Shafer PO, Berg AT, Vickrey BG
Epilepsia.. 2006 October 47 (10):1700-22. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chin PS, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Lee ML, Shinnar S, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Pacia SV, Bazil CW, Vassar S, Vickrey BG
Neurology.. 2006 June 2766 (12):1882-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Langfitt JT, Vickrey BG, McDermott MP, Messing S, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Shinnar S
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation.. 2006 June 15 (5):899-914. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Langfitt JT, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Bazil C, Walczak T, Spencer SS,
Epilepsia.. 2006 January 47 (1):64-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
Devinsky O, Barr WB, Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Pacia SV, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Spencer SS
Neurology.. 2005 December 1365 (11):1744-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Shinnar S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Pacia SV,
Neurology.. 2005 September 2765 (6):912-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Janzen L, Sherman E, Langfitt J, Berg M, Connolly M
Epilepsia.. 2004 May 45 (5):555-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Shinnar S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Pacia SV, Ebrahimi N, Frobish D,
Neurology.. 2003 December 2361 (12):1680-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Langfitt JT, Sperling MR, Walczak TS, Shinnar S, Bazil CW, Pacia SV, Spencer SS,
Epilepsia.. 2003 November 44 (11):1425-33. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stroup E, Langfitt J, Berg M, McDermott M, Pilcher W, Como P
Neurology.. 2003 April 2260 (8):1266-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg AT, Langfitt J, Shinnar S, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Walczak T, Bazil C, Pacia SV, Spencer SS
Neurology.. 2003 January 2860 (2):186-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Haut SR, Berg AT, Shinnar S, Cohen HW, Bazil CW, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Pacia SV, Walczak TS, Spencer SS
Epilepsia.. 2002 November 43 (11):1396-401. Epub 1900 01 01.
Begley CE, Beghi E, Beran RG, Heaney D, Langfitt JT, Pachlatko C, Silfvenius H, Sperling MR, Wiebe S
Epilepsia.. 2002 June 43 (6):668-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cost-effectiveness of epilepsy therapy: how should treatment effects be measured?
Langfitt J ; Wiebe S.
Epilepsia. 2002; (Suppl. 4): 17-24.
Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Walczak TS, Pacia S, Kim S, Spencer SS
Epilepsia.. 2000 June 41 (6):760-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Bazil CW, Shinnar S, Walczak TS, Pacia S, Spencer SS
Neurology.. 2000 February 854 (3):625-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cost evaluations in epilepsy: an update.
Langfitt, JT.
Epilepsia. 2000; 41(S2): S62-68.
Langfitt JT, Wood BL, Brand KL, Brand J, Erba G
Epilepsia.. 1999 June 40 (6):735-44. Epub 1900 01 01.
Use of surgical procedures in the treatment of epilepsy: interventions and outcomes. Disease Management &
Langfitt, JT; Bronstein, K.
Health Outcomes. 1999; 5:: 23-40.
Langfitt JT
Epilepsia.. 1997 February 38 (2):154-63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pilcher WH, Langfitt J
Clinical neurosurgery. 1997 44 :401-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Langfitt JT, Rausch R
Archives of neurology.. 1996 January 53 (1):72-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Langfitt JT
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation.. 1995 April 4 (2):101-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Prosopagnosia: a bihemispheric disorder.
Ettlin TM, Beckson M, Benson DF, Langfitt JT, Amos EC & Pineda GS.
Cortex. 1992; 28(1):: 128-134.
In response: Towards a quantitative assessment of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. (2016)
Authors: Erba G, Beghi E, Magaudda A, Bianchi E, Giussani G, Di Rosa G, Laganà A, Chiesa V, Juersivich A, Langfitt J.
Publisher: Epilepsia 2016
Cognition, behavior, and the ILAE Classification of the Epilepsies: (2016)
Chapter: A view from Africa. Epilepsy Behav.
Authors: Langfitt JT.
Publisher: PubMed PMID: 27177992. 2016
In response: Towards a quantitative assessment of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. (2016)
Chapter: (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27286757) Epilepsia.
Authors: Erba G, Beghi E, Magaudda A, Bianchi E, Giussani G, Di Rosa G, Laganà A, Chiesa V, Juersivich A, Langfitt J.
Publisher: PubMed PMID: 27286757 2016
Evaluation and Management of Psychogenic, Non-epileptic Attacks. In Barr, W & Morrison, C (2014)
Chapter: Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy.
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Watson, W.
Publisher: Springer, New York 2014
Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy. (2013)
Chapter: Evaluation and Management of Psychogenic, Non-epileptic Attacks
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Watson, W.
Publisher: In Barr, W & Morrison, C 2013
The future is here: Web-based eight-question tool to determine epilepsy surgery evaluation (2012)
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Mathern, GW
Publisher: Neurology 2012
Atlas of the Epilepsies (2010)
Chapter: Cognition
Authors: Langfitt, JT
Publisher: Springer UK 2010
"Cognition". (2010)
Chapter: Atlas of the Epilepsies. Panayiotopoulos, CP.
Authors: Langfitt, JT.
Publisher: Springer, UK 2010
"Seizures" or Attacks" (2010)
Chapter: a follow-up (editorial).
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Watson W.
Publisher: Neurology 72(23) 2010
Forgetting to remember in epilepsy: a family affair? (2010)
Authors: Hermann, BP & Langfitt, JT.
Publisher: Neurology 75(24) 2010
Sperling MR. Intracarotid amobarbital procedure for epilepsy surgery. (2010)
Chapter: (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21190900)
Authors: Sharan A, Ooi YC, Langfitt J
Publisher: Epilepsy Behav. 20(2) 2010
Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition. (2008)
Chapter: Economic aspects of epilepsy and antiepileptic treatment.
Authors: Pillas, DK; Selai, CE; Langfitt, J; Nuwer, M.
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 2008
Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition. (2008)
Chapter: Outcome Measures.
Authors: Berg, AT, Langfitt, JT, Vickrey, BG and Wiebe, S.
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 2008
Outcome Measures. In Engel J Jr. and Pedley TA, (eds.). (2008)
Chapter: Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition.
Authors: Berg, AT, Langfitt, JT, Vickrey, BG and Wiebe, S
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 2008
Economic aspects of epilepsy and antiepileptic treatment. (2008)
Chapter: In Engel J Jr. and Pedley TA, (eds.). Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook: 2nd Edition.
Authors: Pillas, DK; Selai, CE; Langfitt, J; Nuwer, M..
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 2008
"Do we know quality epilepsy care when we see it?" (2007)
Authors: Langfitt JT.
Publisher: Neurology. 69(21) 2007
Want to improve epilepsy care? Ask the patient (2004)
Authors: Langfitt J & Meador K
Publisher: Neurology 62 2004
Cost-effectiveness of epilepsy therapy: how should treatment effects be measured? (2002)
Chapter: Epilepsia 43
Authors: Langfitt J & Wiebe S
Publisher: 17-24 2002
Prognosis of Neurological Disorders, (2nd ed.) (2000)
Chapter: Economic prognosis: evaluating the economic outcomes of health care.
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Holloway, RG.
Publisher: Oxford, New York 2000
Cost evaluations in epilepsy: an update. (2000)
Chapter: Epilepsia 41(S2)
Authors: Langfitt, JT.
Publisher: Epilepsia 41(S2) 2000
Economic prognosis: evaluating the economic outcomes of health care. (2000)
Chapter: In Evans, RW, Baskin, DS & Yatsu, FM (eds.) Prognosis of Neurological Disorders,(2nd ed).
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Holloway, RG
Publisher: Oxford, New York 2000
Use of surgical procedures in the treatment of epilepsy: interventions and outcomes. (1999)
Chapter: Disease Management & Health Outcomes 5:
Authors: Langfitt, JT & Bronstein, K
Publisher: - 1999
(2002) ILAE commission on the burden of epilepsy, subcommission on the economic burden of epilepsy: final report 1998-2001. (1998)
Authors: Begley,C.E., Beghi,E., Beran,R.G., Heaney,D., Langfitt,J.T., Pachlatko,C., Silfvenius,H., Sperling,M.R., Wiebe,S
Publisher: Epilepsia 43 1998
Epilepsy A Comprehensive Textbook (1997)
Chapter: Neuropsychological Evaluation - Adults. In Engel J Jr. and Pedley TA (eds.)
Authors: Rausch, R; Le, MT; Langfitt JT
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 1997
Economic evaluation of health care: relevance to epilepsy care in the 1990s (1997)
Authors: . Langfitt, JT
Publisher: American Epilepsy Society Newsletter Spring 1997
Neuropsychological Evaluation - Adults. In Engel J Jr. and Pedley TA (eds.), (1997)
Chapter: Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook
Authors: Rausch R, Le,MT & Langfitt JT(1997)
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 1997
Surgery for Epilepsy (1991)
Chapter: Memory Evaluation during the Intracarotid Sodium Amobarbital Procedure.
Authors: Rausch, R; Langfitt JT
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 1991
Rausch R & Langfitt JT. Memory Evaluation during the Intracarotid Sodium Amobarbital Procedure (1991)
Chapter: Surgery for Epilepsy
Authors: Rausch R & Langfitt JT
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 1991