Robert A. Gross, M.D., Ph.D.
Robert A. Gross, M.D., Ph.D.
About Me
Research interests have centered on various aspects of cellular neuropharmacology (regulation of voltage-gated Ca channels by neurotransmitters and therapeutic compounds, regulation of hippocampal neurogenesis by seizures and chemotherapeutic drugs). Collaborative efforts have focused on mechanisms of excitotoxicity. He was involved in several clinical trials of novel anticonvulsants and served on a multi-center task force to design trials to compare brand to generic AEDs. He was the recipient of the S. Weir Mitchell Award of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in 1988.
Dr. Gross' educational efforts are diverse. A former director of the interdepartmental Graduate Program in Neuroscience at the University of Rochester, he is the founding and current Director of the Academic Research Track, an innovative program for medical students that centers on a year-out experience in medical research, often concurrent with Masters degree preparation. This program is funded by URMC's Clinical and Translational Science Award and he is a member of the grant's Research, Educational and Career Development Directorate. He serves on the design committee for the medical student course "Mind, Brain and Behavior" for which he provides 9 hours of lecture in neuropharmacology. He is the Director of a novel basic science course for fourth year medical students, the month-long "Process of Discovery," in which students design cutting-edge research programs to effect changes in clinical care over a decade. He teaches in AAN Annual Meeting courses, including the Career Development course. He has developed mentoring programs for residents, fellows and faculty in the Department of Neurology.
He served as an Associate Editor of Neurology® for 8 years, two of which were as Deputy Editor. He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Neurology® journals.
He is a fellow of the ANA and AAN, and a member of the American Epilepsy Society. Dr. Gross was active in the Epilepsy Foundation of the Rochester, Syracuse and Binghamton regions (currently Epilepsy-Pralid, Inc.), and was a past President of the Board.
He has appeared on the PBS program "Second Opinion" and on local radio shows on the topic of epilepsy.
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Neurology, Epilepsy (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Chief Resident, Neurology Service, Massachusetts General Hospital 1984 - 1985
Resident in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital 1982 - 1985
Intern in Medicine, Jewish Hospital of St. Louis
(at Washington University) 1981 - 1982
MD | Washington U Medical Center. Medicine. 1981
PhD | Washington U Medical Center. Pharmacology. 1981
AB | Harvard College. Biology. 1975
Buswell Fellow. 1997
S. Weir Mitchell Award. 1987
Irwin S. Levy Prize in Neurology. 1981
Election to Alpha Omega Alpha. 1981
Cowdry Prize in Microscopic Anatomy. 1976
A.B. in Biology, summa cum laude. 1975
Journal Articles
Jones LK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2023 March 21100 (12):578. Epub 12/23/2022.
Gross RA, Jones LK
Neurology.. 2022 March 898 (10):401. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jones LK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2022 February 898 (6):237. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jones LK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2022 January 1198 (2):64. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jones LK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2021 December 1497 (24):1120. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology. Clinical practice.. 2021 December 11 (6):455-456. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hanrahan B, Gross RA, Wychowski T, Erba G, Birbeck GL, Liu L
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2021 September 122 :108067. Epub 06/17/2021.
Keran C, Gross RA, Yuan Y, Miyasaki JM
Neurology.. 2021 July 2797 (4):201. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Yuan Y, Keran C, Miyasaki JM
Neurology.. 2021 July 2797 (4):203. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jackson CE, Jones LK, Klein BC, Rost NR, Benish SM, Levi BT, Gross RA,
Neurology.. 2021 June 196 (22):1032-1040. Epub 1900 01 01.
Miyasaki JM, Maplethorpe E, Yuan Y, Keran C, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2020 December 1595 (24):e3313-e3320. Epub 09/15/2020.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2020 March 3194 (13):553-554. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baskin PK, Pieper KM, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2019 September 1793 (12):521-522. Epub 07/31/2019.
Petty SJ, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2019 April 3092 (18):827-828. Epub 03/29/2019.
Gewandter JS, Eisenach JC, Gross RA, Jensen MP, Keefe FJ, Lee DA, Turk DC
Pain reports.. 2019 4 (3):e621. Epub 09/13/2017.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2018 November 691 (19):855-856. Epub 09/07/2018.
Petty S, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2018 July 391 (1):12-13. Epub 06/08/2018.
Amato AA, Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2018 May 890 (19):865-866. Epub 04/11/2018.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2018 January 290 (1):12-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Auerbach DS, Biton Y, Polonsky B, McNitt S, Gross RA, Dirksen RT, Moss AJ
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.. 2018 January 191 :81-92.e7. Epub 10/20/2017.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 November 1489 (20):2026-2028. Epub 10/25/2017.
Selioutski O, Grzesik K, Vasilyeva ON, Hilmarsson Á, Fessler AJ, Liu L, Gross RA
Seizure.. 2017 November 52 :199-204. Epub 10/16/2017.
Gewandter JS, McDermott MP, Kitt RA, Chaudari J, Koch JG, Evans SR, Gross RA, Markman JD, Turk DC, Dworkin RH
BMJ open.. 2017 July 187 (7):e017288. Epub 07/18/2017.
Gross RA, Worrall BB, Amato AA, Cascino GD, Ciccarelli O, Corboy JR, Dalmau JO, Gottesman RF, Grossman M, Millichap JJ, Mink JW, Pulst SM, Uitti RJ
Neurology.. 2017 July 489 (1):2-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baskin PK, Mink JW, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 July 489 (1):11-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Guillet R, Holloway RG, Gross RA, Libby K, Shapiro JR
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2017 April 1 (2):77-82. Epub 02/27/2017.
Gewandter JS, Kitt RA, Hunsinger MR, Poku J, Lozano J, Chaudari J, Evans S, Gross RA, McDermott MP, Rowbotham MC, Turk DC, Dworkin RH
Journal of clinical epidemiology.. 2017 March 83 :101-107. Epub 01/23/2017.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 February 2888 (9):815. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 February 2188 (8):723. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 February 1488 (7):609. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 February 788 (6):507. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 January 3188 (5):419. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 January 2488 (4):337. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 January 1788 (3):223. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2017 January 1088 (2):113. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Griggs RC
Neurology.. 2017 January 1088 (2):221. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Worrall BB, Amato AA, Cascino GD, Ciccarelli O, Corboy JR, Dalmau JO, Gottesman RF, Grossman M, Millichap JJ, Mink JW, Pulst SM, Uitti RJ
Neurology.. 2017 January 388 (1):2-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 December 1387 (24):2501. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 December 687 (23):2387. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA,
Neurology.. 2016 December 687 (23):2388. Epub 11/09/2016.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 November 2987 (22):2285. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 November 2287 (21):2177. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 November 1587 (20):2069. Epub 1900 01 01.
Auerbach DS, McNitt S, Gross RA, Zareba W, Dirksen RT, Moss AJ
Neurology.. 2016 October 1887 (16):1660-1668. Epub 07/27/2016.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 September 687 (10):962-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Janelsins MC, Heckler CE, Thompson BD, Gross RA, Opanashuk LA, Cory-Slechta DA
Neurotoxicology.. 2016 September 56 :287-293. Epub 06/28/2016.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 July 587 (1):11-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gyang TV, Hamel J, Goodman AD, Gross RA, Samkoff L
Neurology.. 2016 May 1086 (19):1843-5. Epub 04/13/2016.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2016 January 586 (1):11-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gewandter JS, Smith SM, McKeown A, Edwards K, Narula A, Pawlowski JR, Rothstein D, Desjardins PJ, Dworkin SF, Gross RA, Ohrbach R, Rappaport BA, Sessle BJ, Turk DC, Dworkin RH
The Journal of the American Dental Association.. 2015 April 146 (4):246-54.e6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2015 January 684 (1):11-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gewandter JS, McKeown A, McDermott MP, Dworkin JD, Smith SM, Gross RA, Hunsinger M, Lin AH, Rappaport BA, Rice AS, Rowbotham MC, Williams MR, Turk DC, Dworkin RH
The journal of pain.. 2015 January 16 (1):3-10. Epub 10/23/2014.
Jakob R, Beutner G, Sharma VK, Duan Y, Gross RA, Hurst S, Jhun BS, O-Uchi J, Sheu SS
Neuroscience letters.. 2014 July 11575 :7-12. Epub 05/23/2014.
Hunsinger M, Smith SM, McKeown A, Parkhurst M, Gross RA, Lin AH, McDermott MP, Rappaport BA, Turk DC, Dworkin RH
Pain.. 2014 June 155 (6):1059-1063. Epub 12/12/2013.
Knopman DK, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2014 January 782 (1):11-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Brenner SR, Calamante F, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2013 April 3080 (18):1720. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pereira A, Gitlin MJ, Gross RA, Posner K, Dworkin RH
Pain.. 2013 March 154 (3):345-349. Epub 01/11/2013.
Landis SC, Amara SG, Asadullah K, Austin CP, Blumenstein R, Bradley EW, Crystal RG, Darnell RB, Ferrante RJ, Fillit H, Finkelstein R, Fisher M, Gendelman HE, Golub RM, Goudreau JL, Gross RA, Gubitz AK, Hesterlee SE, Howells DW, Huguenard J, Kelner K, Koroshetz W, Krainc D, Lazic SE, Levine MS, Macleod MR, McCall JM, Moxley RT, Narasimhan K, Noble LJ, Perrin S, Porter JD, Steward O, Unger E, Utz U, Silberberg SD
Nature.. 2012 October 11490 (7419):187-91. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baskin PK, Gross RA
BMJ : British medical journal. 2011 October 25343 :d6223. Epub 10/25/2011.
Digiovanni BF, Ward DS, O'Donnell SM, Fong CT, Gross RA, Grady-Weliky T, Lambert DR
Medical education online.. 2011 16 Epub 12/05/2011.
Janelsins MC, Roscoe JA, Berg MJ, Thompson BD, Gallagher MJ, Morrow GR, Heckler CE, Jean-Pierre P, Opanashuk LA, Gross RA
Cancer investigation.. 2010 June 28 (5):544-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baskin PK, Knopman DS, Gross RA
Mayo Clinic proceedings.. 2010 February 85 (2):196-7; author 201-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Johnston KC
Neurology.. 2009 January 672 (1):8-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Noseworthy JH, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2008 December 271 (23):1846-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Berg MJ, Gross RA, Haskins LS, Zingaro WM, Tomaszewski KJ
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.. 2008 November 13 (4):693-9. Epub 09/10/2008.
Noseworthy JH, Gross RA, Engel AG, Johnston KC, Knopman DS, Mink JW, Ransohoff RM, Uitti RJ
Neurology.. 2008 July 2271 (4):232-3. Epub 06/04/2008.
Duan Y, Gross RA, Sheu SS
The Journal of physiology.. 2007 December 15585 (Pt 3):741-58. Epub 10/18/2007.
Gross RA
Neurology.. 2005 August 2365 (4):503. Epub 1900 01 01.
Beydoun A, Uthman BM, Kugler AR, Greiner MJ, Knapp LE, Garofalo EA,
Neurology.. 2005 February 864 (3):475-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
(Editorial Comment on Cody C. Eiberg, Ilo E. Leppik, Reed Perron, Ilo E. Leppik, James C. Clyod III, Lower Phenytoin serum levels in persons switched from brand to generic pheytoin).
Schwid SR, Gross RA, Mink JW and Griggs RC.
Neurology. 2005; 64: 1485-1486.
Bias, not conflict of interest, is the enemy. (Editorial).
Schwid SR and Gross RA.
Neurology. 2005; 64: 1830-1831.
Gross RA, Gidal BE, Pack AM
Neurology.. 2004 June 862 (11):E24-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Takahashi Y, Mori H, Mishina M, Watanabe M, Fujiwara T, Shimomura J, Aiba H, Miyajima T, Saito Y, Nezu A, Nishida H, Imai K, Sakaguchi N, Kondo N
Neurology.. 2003 October 1461 (7):891-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lagerlund TD, Gross RA
Neurology.. 2003 April 860 (7):1062-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ferland RJ, Williams JP, Gross RA, Applegate CD
Experimental neurology.. 2003 January 179 (1):71-82. Epub 1900 01 01.
The effects of brain irradiation-induced decreases in hippocampal mitotic activity on flurothyl-induced epileptogenesis in adult C57BL/6J.
Ferland RJ, William JP, Gross RA and Applegate CD.
Experimental Neurology. 2003; 64: 71-82.
Ferland RJ, Gross RA, Applegate CD
Neuroscience letters.. 2002 October 31332 (2):131-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Alano CC, Beutner G, Dirksen RT, Gross RA, Sheu SS
Journal of neurochemistry.. 2002 February 80 (3):531-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ferland RJ, Gross RA, Applegate CD
Neuroscience.. 2002 115 (3):669-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Scott JK, Huang SF, Gangadhar BP, Samoriski GM, Clapp P, Gross RA, Taussig R, Smrcka AV
The EMBO journal.. 2001 February 1520 (4):767-76. Epub 1900 01 01.
Advances in Neurology, vol. 84: Neocortical Epilepsies, by P. D. Williamson et al. (Book review).
Gross RA.
Neurology. 2001; 56: 1251.
Samoriski GM, Gross RA
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.. 2000 August 294 (2):500-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Genetic alteration of PLC B3 expression modulates behavioral and cellular Response to u opiods.
Xie W., Samoriski G, McLaughlin JP, Romoser VA, Smrcka A, Hinkle PM, Bidlack JM, Gross RA, Jiang H, Wu D.
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences. 1999; 96: 10385-10390.
"The seat of the discharge" and the molecules that goven seizures> (Editorial).
Gross RA and Theodore WH.
Neruolgoy. 1999; 52: 441-443.
Greene JG, Sheu SS, Gross RA, Greenamyre JT
Neuroscience.. 1998 May 84 (2):503-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Testbook, by Engel & Pedley (book review).
Gross RA.
Archives of Neurology. 1998; 55: 1373-1374.
Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Textbook, by Engel & Pedley (book review).
Gross RA.
Archives of Neurology. 1998; 55: 1373-1374.
Wiley JW, Moises HC, Gross RA, MacDonald RL
Journal of neurophysiology.. 1997 March 77 (3):1338-48. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Covey DF, Ferrendelli JA
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.. 1997 February 280 (2):686-94. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Huggenvik J, Massa E, Allen RG, Uhler MD
Molecular endocrinology.. 1994 August 8 (8):970-82. Epub 1900 01 01.
Seized, by Eve LaPlante (book review).
Gross RA.
Neurology. 1994; 44: 2220-2221.
Wiley JW, Gross RA, MacDonald RL
Journal of neurophysiology.. 1993 July 70 (1):324-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA
Epilepsy research.. 1992 July 12 (2):65-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
The peptide calcitonin gene-related peptide increase a high threshold Ca2+ current in rat nodose neurons via a pertussis toxin-sensitive pathway.
Wiley JW, Gross RA and Macdonald RL.
Journal of Physiology (London). 1992; 455.
Een korte geschiendenis van epilepsie en haar therapeutische benadering in het Westelijk Halfron (translation of number 26 above).
Gross RA.
Acta Antwerpiensia. 1992; 9: 10-23.
Tetrahydroaminoacridine reduces voltage-dependent calcium currents in rat sensory neurons.
Kelly KM, Gross RA and Macdonald RL.
Neuroscience Letters. 1991; 132: 367-381.
Vertigo: Its Multisensory Syndromes.
Gross, RA.
The New England Journal of Medicine. 1991; 325: 1258.
Gross RA, Uhler MD, Macdonald RL
Brain research.. 1990 December 10535 (2):214-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wiley JW, Gross RA, Lu YX, Macdonald RL
Journal of neurophysiology.. 1990 June 63 (6):1499-507. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Wiley JW, Ryan-Jastrow T, Macdonald RL
Molecular pharmacology.. 1990 April 37 (4):546-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Valproic acid selectively reudces the low-threshold (T) calcium current in rat nodose neurons.
Gross RA, Moises HC, Uhler MD and Macdonald RL.
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences USA. 1990; 87: 7025-7029.
The cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit selectively enhances calcium currents in rat nodose neurones.
Gross RA, Uhler MD and Macdonald RL.
Journal of Physiology (London). 1990; 429: 483-496.
Gross RA, MacDonald RL
Journal of neurophysiology.. 1989 June 61 (6):1259-69. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Macdonald RL
Journal of neurophysiology.. 1989 January 61 (1):97-105. Epub 1900 01 01.
2-chloroadenosine selectively reduces the N-type calcium current of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurones in a pertussis toxin sensitive manner.
Gross RA, Macdonald RL and Ryan-Jastrow T.
Journal of Physiology (London). 1989; 411: 585-595.
Gross RA, Macdonald RL
Neuroscience letters.. 1988 May 1688 (1):50-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Macdonald RL
Neurology.. 1988 March 38 (3):443-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Herridge P
The Journal of clinical psychiatry.. 1988 March 49 (3):119-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Differential actions of pentobarbitone on calcium current components of mouse sensory neurones in culture.
Gross RA and Macdonald RL.
Journal of Physiology (London). 1988; : 187-203.
The suprachiasmatic nuclei contain a tetrodotoxin-resistant circadian pacemaker.
Schwartz WJ, Gross RA and Morton MT.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 1987; 84: 1694-1698.
Dynorphin A selectively reduces a large transient (N-type) calcium current of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons in cell culture.
Gross RA and Macdonald RL.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 1987; 84: 5469-5473.
Tyler KL, Gross RA, Cascino GD
Neurology.. 1986 June 36 (6):855-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wechsler LR, Gross RA, Miller DC
Neurology.. 1984 December 34 (12):1611-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Ferrendelli JA
Neuropharmacology.. 1982 July 21 (7):655-61. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ferrendelli JA, Blank AC, Gross RA
Brain research.. 1980 October 27200 (1):93-103. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Ferrendelli JA
Journal of neurochemistry.. 1980 May 34 (5):1309-18. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Ferrendelli JA
Annals of neurology.. 1979 October 6 (4):296-301. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gross RA, Clark RB
Molecular pharmacology.. 1977 March 13 (2):242-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Clark RB, Gross R, Su YF, Perkins JP
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 1974 August 25249 (16):5296-303. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pharmacotherapeutics (1998)
Chapter: "Neurologic Disorders".
Authors: Drew-Cates J and Gross RA.
Publisher: Appleton & Lange, Stamford, CT. 1998
GABAergic Transmission and Anxiety, Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology (1986)
Chapter: "Benzodiazepine, B-carboline and barbiturate actions on GABA responses".
Authors: Macdonald RL, Weddle MG and Gross RA.
Publisher: Raven Press, New York 1986
Cerebral Metabolism and Neural Function. (1980)
Chapter: "Cerebral metabolism during seizures: Regulation and role of cyclic AMP in epileptic brain".
Authors: Gross RA and Ferrendelli JA.
Publisher: Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1980
Neuropharmacology of Cyclic Nucleotides (1979)
Chapter: "Effects of seizures and anticonvulsant drugs on cyclic nucleotide regulation in the CNS".
Authors: Ferrendelli JA, Gross RA, Kinscherf DA and Rubin EH.
Publisher: Urban and Schwarzenberg, Baltimore 1979
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