Deep Phenotyping of Parkinson's Disease.
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A Virtual Cohort Study of Individuals at Genetic Risk for Parkinson's Disease: Study Protocol and Design.
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Patient-Customized Oligonucleotide Therapy for a Rare Genetic Disease.
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Design of a Multisite Study Assessing the Impact of Tic Disorders on Individuals, Families, and Communities.
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Delineation of the movement disorders associated with FOXG1 mutations.
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Standardized assessment of seizures in patients with juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.
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Sex Differences in Clinical Features of Early, Treated Parkinson's Disease.
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Utility of the diagnostic interview schedule for children for assessing Tourette syndrome in children.
Lewin AB, Mink JW, Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Parker-Athill EC, Hanks C, Storch EA, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Vierhile AE, Thatcher AR, Murphy TK
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Experience, knowledge, and opinions about childhood genetic testing in Batten disease.
Adams HR, Rose K, Augustine EF, Kwon JM, Deblieck EA, Marshall FJ, Vierhile A, Mink JW, Nance MA
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No sex differences in use of dopaminergic medication in early Parkinson disease in the US and Canada - baseline findings of a multicenter trial.
Umeh CC, Pérez A, Augustine EF, Dhall R, Dewey RB, Mari Z, Simon DK, Wills AM, Christine CW, Schneider JS, Suchowersky O
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Methodology of clinical research in rare diseases: development of a research program in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL) via creation of a patient registry and collaboration with patient advocates.
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Females experience a more severe disease course in Batten disease.
Cialone J, Adams H, Augustine EF, Marshall FJ, Kwon JM, Newhouse N, Vierhile A, Levy E, Dure LS, Rose KR, Ramirez-Montealegre D, de Blieck EA, Mink JW
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Quantifying physical decline in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).
Kwon JM, Adams H, Rothberg PG, Augustine EF, Marshall FJ, Deblieck EA, Vierhile A, Beck CA, Newhouse NJ, Cialone J, Levy E, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Dure LS, Rose KR, Mink JW
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Genotype does not predict severity of behavioural phenotype in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).
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