Zheng-Gen Jin, Ph.D.
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Zheng-Gen Jin, Ph.D.
About Me
The specific ongoing projects in the lab are: 1) to characterize the signaling pathways involved in flow-mediated eNOS activation and anti-inflammatory effect; 2) to identify specific intracellular signaling molecules essential for oxidative stress-induced endothelial dysfunction; 3) to define the molecular mechanisms of endothelial proinflammatory and angiogenetic responses to growth factors and cytokines.
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Medicine, Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute (SMD)
PhD | China - Non-Medical School. Physiology. 1991
BS | China - Non-Medical School. Physics. 1987
* Molecular regulation of vascular endothelial function.
Dr. Jin's research has been focused on molecular regulation of vascular endothelial function. Vascular endothelial cells in blood vessels produce a number of vasodilator and vasoconstrictor substances that not only p...
* Molecular regulation of vascular endothelial function.
Dr. Jin's research has been focused on molecular regulation of vascular endothelial function. Vascular endothelial cells in blood vessels produce a number of vasodilator and vasoconstrictor substances that not only physiologically regulate vasomotor tone and vascular homeostasis, but also mediate the recruitment and activity of inflammatory cells and the propensity towards atherosclerotic lesion formation and thrombosis in the pathological condition. Normal laminar shear stress, a fractional force generated by blood flow, regulates the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and promotes the expression of genes in endothelial cells that may protect against atherosclerosis. In contrast, oxidant stress caused by over-production of reactive oxygen species plays a major role in impairing vascular functions, by reducing the bioavailability of nitric oxide and stimulating proinflammatory pathways. By understanding the nature of molecular regulation of endothelial function and dysfunction by shear stress and oxidative stress as well as growth factors and cytokines, Dr. Jin's research will help to develop novel therapeutic strategies for preventing atherosclerotic vascular diseases.
The specific ongoing projects in the lab are: 1) to characterize the signaling pathways involved in flow-mediated eNOS activation and anti-inflammatory effect; 2) to identify specific intracellular signaling molecules essential for oxidative stress-induced endothelial dysfunction; 3) to define the molecular mechanisms of endothelial proinflammatory and angiogenetic responses to growth factors and cytokines.
Journal Articles
Wang J, Luo J, Rotili D, Mai A, Steegborn C, Xu S, Jin ZG
Inflammation.. 2024 February 47 (1):323-332. Epub 10/11/2023.
Zhang S, Kim JY, Xu S, Liu H, Yin M, Koroleva M, Guo J, Pei X, Jin ZG
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2020 March 3117 (9):4792-4801. Epub 02/19/2020.
Luo J, Jin FQ, Yin M, Jin ZG
Biochemical and biophysical research communications.. 2020 January 8521 (2):279-284. Epub 10/23/2019.
Xu S, Xu Y, Liu P, Zhang S, Liu H, Slavin S, Kumar S, Koroleva M, Luo J, Wu X, Rahman A, Pelisek J, Jo H, Si S, Miller CL, Jin ZG
European heart journal.. 2019 August 140 (29):2398-2408. Epub 1900 01 01.
Xu S, Jin ZG
Trends in biochemical sciences.. 2019 July 44 (7):561-564. Epub 04/26/2019.
Liu H, Zhang S, Xu S, Koroleva M, Small EM, Jin ZG
Biochemical and biophysical research communications.. 2019 June 30514 (3):913-918. Epub 05/10/2019.
Xu S, Kamato D, Little PJ, Nakagawa S, Pelisek J, Jin ZG
Pharmacology & therapeutics.. 2019 April 196 :15-43. Epub 11/13/2018.
Niu N, Xu S, Xu Y, Little PJ, Jin ZG
Trends in pharmacological sciences.. 2019 April 40 (4):253-266. Epub 02/28/2019.
Lyu Q, Xu S, Lyu Y, Choi M, Christie CK, Slivano OJ, Rahman A, Jin ZG, Long X, Xu Y, Miano JM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2019 January 8116 (2):546-555. Epub 12/24/2018.
Xu S, Pelisek J, Jin ZG
Trends in endocrinology and metabolism : TEM.. 2018 November 29 (11):739-742. Epub 05/10/2018.
Zhao F, Anderson C, Karnes S, Zhou Q, Ma J, Jin ZG, Bhattacharjee PS, Wang S
Experimental eye research.. 2018 May 170 :169-176. Epub 03/01/2018.
Xu S, Xu Y, Yin M, Zhang S, Liu P, Koroleva M, Si S, Little PJ, Pelisek J, Jin ZG
Theranostics.. 2018 8 (11):3007-3021. Epub 04/30/2018.
Xu Y, Xu S, Liu P, Koroleva M, Zhang S, Si S, Jin ZG
Journal of the American Heart Association.. 2017 November 306 (12)Epub 11/30/2017.
Xu Y, Liu P, Xu S, Koroleva M, Zhang S, Si S, Jin ZG
Scientific reports.. 2017 July 277 (1):6686. Epub 07/27/2017.
Halim D, Wilson MP, Oliver D, Brosens E, Verheij JB, Han Y, Nanda V, Lyu Q, Doukas M, Stoop H, Brouwer RW, van IJcken WF, Slivano OJ, Burns AJ, Christie CK, de Mesy Bentley KL, Brooks AS, Tibboel D, Xu S, Jin ZG, Djuwantono T, Yan W, Alves MM, Hofstra RM, Miano JM
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2017 March 28114 (13):E2739-E2747. Epub 03/14/2017.
Deng H, Fung G, Qiu Y, Wang C, Zhang J, Jin ZG, Luo H
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology.. 2017 7 :85. Epub 03/16/2017.
Xu S, Koroleva M, Yin M, Jin ZG
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.. 2016 October 176 :18-28.e2. Epub 05/26/2016.
Xu S, Bai P, Jin ZG
Trends in endocrinology and metabolism : TEM.. 2016 October 27 (10):677-678. Epub 07/22/2016.
Xu S, Liu B, Yin M, Koroleva M, Mastrangelo M, Ture S, Morrell CN, Zhang DX, Fisher EA, Jin ZG
Oncotarget.. 2016 June 217 (25):37622-37635. Epub 1900 01 01.
Xu S, Yin M, Koroleva M, Mastrangelo MA, Zhang W, Bai P, Little PJ, Jin ZG
Aging.. 2016 May 8 (5):1064-82. Epub 1900 01 01.
Xu S, Ha CH, Wang W, Xu X, Yin M, Jin FQ, Mastrangelo M, Koroleva M, Fujiwara K, Jin ZG
Cellular signalling.. 2016 March 28 (3):117-124. Epub 12/17/2015.
Liu Z, Xu S, Huang X, Wang J, Gao S, Li H, Zhou C, Ye J, Chen S, Jin ZG, Liu P
British journal of pharmacology.. 2015 December 172 (23):5661-75. Epub 02/27/2015.
Deng H, Fung G, Shi J, Xu S, Wang C, Yin M, Hou J, Zhang J, Jin ZG, Luo H
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2015 November 29 (11):4523-31. Epub 07/16/2015.
Wang W, Xu S, Yin M, Jin ZG
International journal of cardiology.. 2015 February 15181 :180-4. Epub 10/24/2014.
Kwon IS, Wang W, Xu S, Jin ZG
Cardiovascular research.. 2014 October 1104 (1):127-37. Epub 08/05/2014.
Jhun BS, O-Uchi J, Wang W, Ha CH, Zhao J, Kim JY, Wong C, Dirksen RT, Lopes CM, Jin ZG
Circulation research.. 2012 January 6110 (1):59-70. Epub 11/10/2011.
Zhao J, Wang W, Ha CH, Kim JY, Wong C, Redmond EM, Hamik A, Jain MK, Feng GS, Jin ZG
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2011 May 31 (5):1016-23. Epub 03/03/2011.
Ha CH, Kim JY, Zhao J, Wang W, Jhun BS, Wong C, Jin ZG
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2010 August 31107 (35):15467-72. Epub 08/17/2010.
Edirisinghe I, Arunachalam G, Wong C, Yao H, Rahman A, Phipps RP, Jin ZG, Rahman I
Antioxidants & redox signaling.. 2010 June 1512 (12):1355-69. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang W, Ha CH, Jhun BS, Wong C, Jain MK, Jin ZG
Blood.. 2010 April 8115 (14):2971-9. Epub 12/30/2009.
Ha CH, Jin ZG
Molecules and cells.. 2009 July 3128 (1):1-5. Epub 07/20/2009.
Ha CH, Jhun BS, Kao HY, Jin ZG
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2008 October 28 (10):1782-8. Epub 07/10/2008.
Xu X, Jhun BS, Ha CH, Jin ZG
Endocrinology.. 2008 August 149 (8):4183-92. Epub 05/01/2008.
Edirisinghe I, Yang SR, Yao H, Rajendrasozhan S, Caito S, Adenuga D, Wong C, Rahman A, Phipps RP, Jin ZG, Rahman I
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2008 July 22 (7):2297-310. Epub 02/08/2008.
Satoh K, Matoba T, Suzuki J, O'Dell MR, Nigro P, Cui Z, Mohan A, Pan S, Li L, Jin ZG, Yan C, Abe J, Berk BC
Circulation.. 2008 June 17117 (24):3088-98. Epub 06/09/2008.
Ha CH, Wang W, Jhun BS, Wong C, Hausser A, Pfizenmaier K, McKinsey TA, Olson EN, Jin ZG
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2008 May 23283 (21):14590-9. Epub 03/10/2008.
Zhang Q, Guo R, Lu Y, Zhao L, Zhou Q, Schwarz EM, Huang J, Chen D, Jin ZG, Boyce BF, Xing L
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2008 May 9283 (19):13491-9. Epub 03/20/2008.
Ha CH, Bennett AM, Jin ZG
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2008 March 14283 (11):7261-70. Epub 01/07/2008.
"VEGF Stimulates HDAC7 Phosphorylation and Cytoplasmic Accumulation Modulating Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression and Angiongenesis."
Ha, C.H., Jhun, B.S., Kao, H.Y., Jin, Z.G.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008; .
Xu X, Ha CH, Wong C, Wang W, Hausser A, Pfizenmaier K, Olson EN, McKinsey TA, Jin ZG
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2007 November 27 (11):2355-62. Epub 09/06/2007.
Suzuki J, Jin ZG, Meoli DF, Matoba T, Berk BC
Circulation research.. 2006 March 3198 (6):811-7. Epub 03/09/2006.