Nancy Wang, Ph.D.
Nancy Wang, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SMD)
PhD | Univ Minnesota-Twin City Cmp. Genetics. 1978
MS | Univ Minnesota-Twin City Cmp. Genetics. 1968
BS | Taiwan - Non-Medical School. Botany. 1966
Editorial Board. 2009
President, Association of Chinese Geneticists in America. 2000 - 2001
America's Outstanding Women of the 80's-America's Who's Who. 1989
Tenured Associate Professorship, Dept of Biochemistry. 1986
Charles E. Culpepper Fellowship. 1985 - 1986
Appointed to mediate the Cancer and Developmental Genetics Session. 1984
To identify the differentially expressed tra...
To identify the differentially expressed transcripts associated with suppression of tumorigenicity, cDNA from the tumorigenic clones were subtracted from the non-tumorigenic clones which were then either cloned, sequenced and searched in GenBank, or analyzed by Gene Discovery Array Screening (GDAS). A cDNA transcript corresponding to the gene Thy-1 located (11q23-24) was found to be exclusively expressed in the non-tumorigenic clones. Transfection of Thy-1-antisence to the non-tumorigenic clone, 11(H)9-8, abolished the Thy-1 expression and restored tumorigenicity in scid/scid mice. We therefore, hypothesize that Thy-1 is a putative ovarian tumor suppressor gene (TSG).
To test this hypothesis, the following studies are ongoing: 1) To verify the tumor suppressing nature of Thy-1 and its specificity in fresh/frozen ovarian tumors by Northern blot, immunocytochemistry, and flow cytometry followed by statistical correlation study; 2) To define the effect of Thy-1 on in vivo growth and tumorigenicity by comparative xenographic study in scid/scid between 11(C)9-8-Thy-1-antisense and 11(C)9-8-null, as well as SKOV-3-Thy-1 and SKOV-3-null; 3) To identify the downstream genes associated with Thy-1 by comparative macroarray and microarray analysis combined with suppression subtractive hybridization on the DNA population between SKOV-3-Thy-1 and SKOV-3-null, as well as 11(C)9-8-Thy-1-antisense and 11(C)9-8-null; 4) To identify the sequential signaling pathway of Thy-1 using the in vitro doxycycline (dox) Thy-1 inducible system established in our laboratory. cDNA obtained from SKOV-3-Thy-1-inducible cells at various time post dox exposure will be analyzed and compared between adjacent time points by both macroarray and dual color microarray.
The accomplishment of this study cannot only verify the OVC tumor suppressing nature of Thy-1, but also let us understand the function of this important cell surface marker.
Journal Articles
Validating high-throughput micronucleus analysis of peripheral reticulocytes for radiation biodosimetry: Benchmark against dicentric and CBMN assays in a mouse model
Chen YC,Tsai Y, Nowak I, Wang N, Hyrien O, Wilkins R, Ferrarotto C. Sun H, Dertinger SD.
Health Phys. 2010; 98(2): 218-2010.
Functional characterization of THY-1 as a tumor suppressor gene with antiinvasive activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Lung HL, Cheung AK, Cheng Y, Kwong FM, Lo PH, Law EWL, Chua D, Zabarovsky ER, Wang N, Tsao SW, Stanbridge EJ, Lung ML.
Int J Cancer. 2009; .
Szych CM, Liesveld JL, Iqbal MA, Li L, Siebert S, Asmus C, O'Malley J, Lee A, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 2007 April 15174 (2):132-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Atlas of Hematological Diseases
McGraw-Hill Company. 2007; .
Lung HL, Bangarusamy DK, Xie D, Cheung AK, Cheng Y, Kumaran MK, Miller L, Liu ET, Guan XY, Sham JS, Fang Y, Li L, Wang N, Protopopov AI, Zabarovsky ER, Tsao SW, Stanbridge EJ, Lung ML
Oncogene.. 2005 September 2924 (43):6525-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Abeysinghe HR, Li LQ, Guckert NL, Reeder J, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 2005 September 161 (2):151-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chromosome microdissection using conventional methods.
Wang, N; Li, L and Abeysinghe, HR.
Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook. 2005; Third Edition Volume 3 Chapter 3.
Differential gene expression between tumorigeni and non-tumorigenic hybrid clones of ovarian carcinoma cell line SKOV-3.
Xu, J; Li, L; Miller, R and Wang, N.
2005; (in preparation).
Patel D, Incassati A, Wang N, McCance DJ
Cancer research.. 2004 February 1564 (4):1299-306. Epub 1900 01 01.
Abeysinghe HR, Pollock SJ, Guckert NL, Veyberman Y, Keng P, Halterman M, Federoff HJ, Rosenblatt JP, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 2004 February 149 (1):1-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Abeysinghe HR, Cao Q, Xu J, Pollock S, Veyberman Y, Guckert NL, Keng P, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 2003 June 143 (2):125-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Komrokji, R; Lancet, J; Felgar, R; Wang, N and Bennett, JM.
Burkitt's leukemia with precursor B-cell immunophenotype and atypical morphology (atypical Burkitt's leukemia/
Early gene activation in chronic leukemia B lymphocytes induced toward a plasma cell phenotype.
Segel, GB; Woodlock TJ; Xu, J; Li, L; Felgar, RE; Ryan, DH; Lichtman, MA and Wang, N.
Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases. 2003; 30: 277-287.
Methodologies in cancer cytogenetics and molecular genetics.
Wang, N.
Am J Med Genetics. 2002; 115: 118-124.
Cytogenetics and molecular genetics of ovarian cancer.
Wang, N.
Am J Med Genetics. 2002; 115: 157-163.
Cao Q, Abeysinghe H, Chow O, Xu J, Kaung H, Fong C, Keng P, Insel RA, Lee WM, Barrett JC, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 2001 September 129 (2):131-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Abeysinghe HR, Cedrone E, Tyan T, Xu J, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1999 October 15114 (2):136-43. Epub 1900 01 01.
Trasplantation followed by requinimex.
Rowe, JM; Rapoport, AP; Ryan, DH; Nilsson, BI; Duert, RE; Packman, CH; Abboud, CN; DiPersio, JF; Linder, T and Wang, N.
Bone Marrow Trasplantation. 1999; 24(10): 1057-1063.
Xu J, Fong CT, Cedrone E, Sullivan J, Wang N
Clinical genetics.. 1998 June 53 (6):490-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Choi C, Cho S, Horikawa I, Berchuck A, Wang N, Cedrone E, Jhung SW, Lee JB, Kerr J, Chenevix-Trench G, Kim S, Barrett JC, Koi M
Genes, chromosomes & cancer.. 1997 November 20 (3):234-42. Epub 1900 01 01.
Detection of 11q13 amplification as the origin of homogeneous staining region in small cell lung cancer by chromosome microdissection.
Xu, J; Tyan, T; Cedrone, E; Swaragi, N and Wang, N.
Gene Chromosome Cancer. 1996; 17: 172-178.
Xu J, Cedrone E, Roberts M, Wu G, Gershagen S, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1995 September 83 (2):105-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Woodruff K, Wang N, May W, Adrone E, Denny C, Feig SA
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1995 January 79 (1):25-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kouides PA, Phatak PD, Wang N, Bennett JM
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1994 November 78 (1):23-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Thomas M, Kosciolek B, Wang N, Rowley P
Leukemia research.. 1994 June 18 (6):401-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Xu J, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1994 May 74 (1):1-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sherer DM, Wang N, Thompson HO, Peterson JC, Miller ME, Metlay LA, Abramowicz JS
Prenatal diagnosis.. 1992 January 12 (1):31-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Youngblom J, Janatipour M, Shoffner RN
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1991 July 1554 (2):205-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Prenatal diagnosis and subsequent management of a fetus with a 46,XY,r(4)(p15;q35) karyotype.
Sherer, DM; Shah, YG; Wang, N; Metlay, LA and Woods, JR.
Am J Perinatology. 1991; 8: 53-55.
X chromosome: Inactivation and reactivation. In: eukaryotic chromosome structural and functional aspects.
Wang, N.
Ed RC Sobti and G Obe. 1991; .
Interpretation of bone marrow and lymph node karyotyping: In: Hematology; basic principles and practice.
Wang, N.
Churchill Livingstone Publishing Company. 1991; .
Effects of ionizing radiation on human papillomavirus immortalized human bronchial cells. In: Neoplastic transformation in human cell culture: mechanism of carcinogenesis.
Willey, JC; Greene, J; Bressoud, A; Cerutti, P; Hez, T; Wang, N; Maillie, D; Cox, C and Miles, E.
Ed. Johng S. Rhim and Anatoly Dritschilo. Humana Press. 1991; : 113-118.
Wang N, Cedrone E, Dry J, Skuse GR, Schwartz C, Terryberry S
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1990 December 50 (2):199-205. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Cedrone E, Skuse GR, Insel R, Dry J
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1990 June 46 (2):271-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
Youngblom JH, Wang N, McCarthy JB, Janatipour M, Wang T, Sheppard JR, Panter SS
Clinical & experimental metastasis.. 1990 8 (1):47-58. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pedersen MI, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1989 September 41 (2):185-201. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blennerhassett GT, Furth ME, Anderson A, Burns JP, Chaganti RS, Blick M, Talpaz M, Dev VG, Chan LC, Wiedemann LM
Leukemia.. 1988 October 2 (10):648-57. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Leung J, Warrier RP, Schorin M, Kirkpatrick D, Nowak MJ, Strand R
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1987 September 28 (1):155-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bear A, Clayman RV, Elbers J, Limas C, Wang N, Stone K, Gebhard R, Prigge W, Palmer J
Cancer research.. 1987 July 1547 (14):3856-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Varela M, Wang N, Cerrillo M
Human genetics.. 1987 January 75 (1):93-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Aberrant immunoglobulin and C-impage gene arrangement in patients with nonmalignant cryoglobulinemia.
Perl, A; Wang, N; William, JM; Hunt, MJ and Abraham GN.
J Immunology. 1987; 139: 3512-3520.
Rangan SR, Martin LN, Bozelka BE, Wang N, Gormus BJ
International journal of cancer.. 1986 September 1538 (3):425-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hornung MO, Krementz ET, Sullivan KA, Muchmore JH, Prats I, Wang N, Strand R
Cancer research.. 1986 July 46 (7):3704-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gregory P, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1986 February 1520 (3-4):263-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pedersen MI, Bennett JW, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1986 February 120 (1-2):11-27. Epub 1900 01 01.
Analysis of sister chromatic exchange in Fra(X) individuals.
Gregory, P; Howard-Peebles, P and Wang N.
Am J Medical Genetics. 1986; 23: 563-566.
A practical metaphase marker of the inactive X-chromosome.
Van Dyke, DL; Flejter, WL; Worsham, MJ; Robinson, JR; Higgins, JV; Hen, HM; Weiss, L and Wang, N.
Am H Hum Genet. 1986; 39: 88-95.
Multiple oncogene alterations in human malignant melanoma.
Pedersen, M and Wang N.
Am J Human Genet. 1986; 39: 37.
Gilman PA, Wang N, Fan SF, Reede J, Khan A, Leventhal BG
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1985 June 17 (2):123-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Changes in the X-chromosome replication pattern induced by 5-azacytidine in a patient with Klinefelter syndrome.
Gregory, P; Green, C; Shapira, B and Wang N.
Cytogenetic Cell Genetics. 1985; 39: 234-236.
Sister chromatid exchanges in adult epileptic patients on phenytoin therapy.
Schauman, B; Wang, N; Johnson, S and Van Brunt S.
Environ Mutagenesis. 1985; 7: 711-714.
Andes WA, deShazo RD, Reed RJ, Harkin JC, Wang NN
Blood.. 1984 October 64 (4):768-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Perkins KL
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1984 April 11 (4):479-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
The effect of immune pressure on pulmonary metastasis of a methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcoma and three of its clones.
Yu, S; Wang, N and McKhann, C.
Surg Oncology. 1984; 27: 51-58.
Proteolytic and metastatic activities of clones derived from a methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcoma.
McLaughlin, M; Liener, IE and Wang N.
Cin Expl Metastasis. 1983; 1: 359-371.
Wang N, Trend B, Kaung HL, Wang T
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1982 October 7 (2):173-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Shoffner RN, Otis JS, Cheng KM
Mutation research.. 1982 September 96 (1):53-66. Epub 1900 01 01.
Johnson MP, Ramsay N, Cervenka J, Wang N
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.. 1982 May 6 (1):29-37. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kiang DT, King M, Zhang HJ, Kennedy BJ, Wang N
Science.. 1982 April 2216 (4541):68-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Flynn KJ, Dehner LP, Gajl-Peczalska KJ, Dahl MV, Ramsay N, Wang N
Cancer.. 1982 March 149 (5):959-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Yu SH, Liener IE, Hebbel RP, Eaton JW, McKhann CF
Cancer research.. 1982 March 42 (3):1046-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Flynn KJ, Dehner LP, Gajl-Peczalska KJ, Dahl MV, Ramsay N, Wang N
Minnesota medicine.. 1982 February 65 (2):73-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bitgood JJ, Shoffner RN, Otis JS, Wang N
Science.. 1982 January 22215 (4531):409-11. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hereditary renal carcinoma and chromosomal defects.
Kantor, AF; Blattner, WA; Blot, WJ; Frumeni, JF; McLaughlin, JK; Schuman, LH; Lindquist, LL and Wang N.
New Eng J Med. 1982; 307: 140.
Wiencke JK, Vosika J, Johnson P, Wang N, Garry VF
Pharmacology.. 1982 24 (2):67-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Perkins KL, Bronson DL, Fraley EE
Cancer research.. 1981 June 41 (6):2135-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Sheppard JR, Wang T, Shoffner RN
Mutation research.. 1980 December 73 (2):279-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Wang N, Trend B, Bronson DL, Fraley EE
Cancer research.. 1980 March 40 (3):796-802. Epub 1900 01 01.
Induction of heteroploidy in gallus domesticus.
Wang, N and Shoffner, RN.
Mutation Res. 1980; 69: 262-273.
Cytogenetic evidence for the absence of an inactivated X-chromosome in human female (XX) breast carcinoma cell line.
Camargo, M and Wang, N.
Human Genet. 1980; 55: 81-85.
Chromosomal homology between the Ross's and the Emperor goose.
Shoffner, RN; Wang, N; Lee, F; King, R and Otis, JJ.
Heredity. 1979; 70: 395-400.
Wang N, Shoffner RN
Chromosoma. 1974 47 (1):61-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
THY-1 tumor suppressive function mediated though CAPM1 and CRYAB in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Lung HL; Cheung AKL; Cheng Y; Kwong FM; Lo PHY; Law EWL; Chua D; Zabarousky ER; Wang N; Tsao SW; Stanbridge E; Lung ML.
Cancer Research. .