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Elena Lomakina, M.D., Ph.D.

Elena Lomakina, M.D., Ph.D.

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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Research Assistant Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Rochester, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology 2001 - 2006


PhD | Russia-Russian State Medical Univ. Cell Biology, Cytology. 1995

MD | Russia-Russian State Medical Univ. Medicine. 1992



Journal Articles

ST3GAL1 and ?II-spectrin pathways control CAR T cell migration to target tumors.

Hong Y, Walling BL, Kim HR, Serratelli WS, Lozada JR, Sailer CJ, Amitrano AM, Lim K, Mongre RK, Kim KD, Capece T, Lomakina EB, Reilly NS, Vo K, Gerber SA, Fan TC, Yu AL, Oakes PW, Waugh RE, Jun CD, Reagan PM, Kim M

Nature immunology.. 2023 June 24 (6):1007-1019. Epub 04/17/2023.

Activation effects on the physical characteristics of T lymphocytes.

Waugh RE, Lomakina E, Amitrano A, Kim M

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology.. 2023 11 :1175570. Epub 05/15/2023.

Changes in endothelial glycocalyx layer protective ability after inflammatory stimulus.

Delgadillo LF, Lomakina EB, Kuebel J, Waugh RE

American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.. 2021 February 1320 (2):C216-C224. Epub 12/16/2020.

Immobilized IL-8 Triggers Phagocytosis and Dynamic Changes in Membrane Microtopology in Human Neutrophils.

Beste MT, Lomakina EB, Hammer DA, Waugh RE

Annals of biomedical engineering.. 2015 September 43 (9):2207-19. Epub 01/13/2015.

Cell surface topography is a regulator of molecular interactions during chemokine-induced neutrophil spreading.

Lomakina EB, Marsh G, Waugh RE

Biophysical journal.. 2014 September 16107 (6):1302-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Uropod elongation is a common final step in leukocyte extravasation through inflamed vessels.

Hyun YM, Sumagin R, Sarangi PP, Lomakina E, Overstreet MG, Baker CM, Fowell DJ, Waugh RE, Sarelius IH, Kim M

The Journal of experimental medicine.. 2012 July 2209 (7):1349-62. Epub 06/18/2012.

LFA-1 and Mac-1 define characteristically different intralumenal crawling and emigration patterns for monocytes and neutrophils in situ.

Sumagin R, Prizant H, Lomakina E, Waugh RE, Sarelius IH

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2010 December 1185 (11):7057-66. Epub 10/29/2010.

Signaling and Dynamics of Activation of LFA-1 and Mac-1 by Immobilized IL-8.

Lomakina EB, Waugh RE

Cellular and molecular bioengineering.. 2010 June 13 (2):106-116. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adhesion between human neutrophils and immobilized endothelial ligand vascular cell adhesion molecule 1: divalent ion effects.

Lomakina EB, Waugh RE

Biophysical journal.. 2009 January 96 (1):276-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Activation of human neutrophil Mac-1 by anion substitution.

Lomakina E, Knauf PA, Schultz JB, Law FY, McGraw MD, Waugh RE

Blood cells, molecules & diseases.. 2009 42 (3):177-84. Epub 02/25/2009.

Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions are linked to vascular permeability via ICAM-1-mediated signaling.

Sumagin R, Lomakina E, Sarelius IH

American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2008 September 295 (3):H969-H977. Epub 07/18/2008.

Dynamics of increased neutrophil adhesion to ICAM-1 after contacting immobilized IL-8.

Lomakina EB, Waugh RE

Annals of biomedical engineering.. 2006 October 34 (10):1553-63. Epub 09/20/2006.

Rheological analysis and measurement of neutrophil indentation.

Lomakina EB, Spillmann CM, King MR, Waugh RE

Biophysical journal.. 2004 December 87 (6):4246-58. Epub 09/10/2004.

Neutrophil adhesive contact dependence on impingement force.

Spillmann CM, Lomakina E, Waugh RE

Biophysical journal.. 2004 December 87 (6):4237-45. Epub 09/10/2004.

Micromechanical tests of adhesion dynamics between neutrophils and immobilized ICAM-1.

Lomakina EB, Waugh RE

Biophysical journal.. 2004 February 86 (2):1223-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Computer morphologic densitometric analysis of normal erythrocytes and erythrocytes irradiated with the low dose of radiation

Lomakina, E. B.; Dubovaya, T. K.; Kogan, E. M.;.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 1997; 124(311): 591-2.

Application of the new methodology of quantitative evaluation of morphofunctional changes in RBCs induced by low-dose irradiation of donors". SPIE International Symposium

Priezzhev, A.; Dergachev, A.; Kopylov, V.; Zhukotsky, A.; Lomakina, E. B.; Kogan, E.;.

Progress in Biomedical Optics. 1996; 2678(34): 353-357.

Computerizes Morphodensitometric Analysis of Blood Cells from Individuals Exposed to Low Dose Radiation". SPIE International Symposium

Kopylov, V.; Zhukotsky, A.; Kogan, E.; Putina, T.; Marchenko, 0.; Lomakina, E. B.; Chernysh, S.;.

Progress in Biomedical Optics. 1994; 2136(3): 154-162.

Computer Morphodensitometric Analysis of Blood Cells at Low Dose Radiation

Kogan, E.; Zhukotsky, A.; Kopylov, V.; Chemysh, S.; Lomakina, E. B.; Putina, T.; Molodtsov, M.;.

Molecular - Genetic Mechanisms of Low Dose Radiation Effect, Moscow:. 1994; : 145-171.

Morphodensitometric Parameters Computerized Range in Research of Low Dose Radiation Effect

Lomakin, O.; Lomakina, E. B.; Kogan, E.;.

Suppl. In VINITI. 1994; : 875- B94: 15 pp.

Computerized TV Morphodensitometry of RBCs: Research on Low Dose Radiation

Lomakina, E. B.; Lomakin, O.; Zhukotsky, A.;.

Acta Cytologica. 1994; 38(34): 642.

Effect of peptide hydra morphogen on the structure of tissue components of rat myocardial layers in the early period of heart hypertrophy development

Fedoseev, V. A.; Kazimirsky, A. N.; Lomakina, E. B.; Ionina, I. A.; Rubina, A.; Pylaev, A. S;.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 1993; 113(33): 307-9.

The dynamic changes in the tissue components of the myocardial layers under compensatory heart hypertrophy in exposure to a peptide hydra morphogen

Fedoseev, V. A.; Kazimirsky, A. N.; Lomakina, E. B.; Ionina, I. A.; Rubina, A.; Pylaev, A. S.;.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 1993; 116(39): 316-8.

Morphological characteristics of tissue components of various layers of the rat myocardium in the early period of development of myocardial hypertrophy

Fedoseev, V. A.; Lomakina, E. B.; Ionina, I. A.;.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 1992; 113(32): 210-1.

Influence of Hydra Morphogen Peptide on the Metabolic and Functional Parameters of Strained Functioning Tissues

Kazimirsky, A.; Fedoseev, V.; Gorlanov, I.; Shiphrina (Lomakina), E. B.;.

Theoretical, Experimental and Applied Investigations of Biological Systems. 1991; : 49-55.


Principles of Cellular Engineering: Understanding the Biomolecular Interface (2005)

Chapter: Bond Formation During Cell Compression