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Heather R. Adams, Ph.D.

Heather R. Adams, Ph.D.

About Me

Dr. Heather R. Adams PhD completed her internship in Clinical Child Psychology (1998-1999) and a postdoctoral fellowship in Neuropsychology (1999-2003) at the University of Rochester Medical Center and joined the URMC faculty in 2003. She is currently a Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics. Her res...
Dr. Heather R. Adams PhD completed her internship in Clinical Child Psychology (1998-1999) and a postdoctoral fellowship in Neuropsychology (1999-2003) at the University of Rochester Medical Center and joined the URMC faculty in 2003. She is currently a Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics. Her research interests include: neurobehavioral phenotyping and natural history studies of children with inherited neurodegenerative diseases such as Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease), improving screening and diagnosis for Tourette Syndrome/tic disorders, and characterizing the cognitive features of pediatric hypertension.
Dr. Adams' clinical practice consists of neuropsychological assessment services for children who are experiencing cognitive and/or behavioral challenges in the setting of a neurologic condition. She is also available for consultation to families, providers, and schools related to neurobehavioral symptoms (mood, behavior, cognition/learning) of Batten disease.

Faculty Appointments

Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Neurology, Child Neurology (SMD)

Professor (Part-Time) - Department of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Fellow in Child Neuropsychology
URMC Dept of Neurology, Rochester, NY
Supervisor: Donna Palumbo, Ph.D. 2001 - 2003

Predoctoral Fellow in Child Neuropsychology
URMC Dept of Neurology, Rochester, NY
Supervisor: Donna Palumbo, Ph.D. 1999 - 2001

Predoctoral Intern in Clinical Child Psychology
URMC Dept of Psychiatry, Rochester, NY
Training Director: Linda Alpert-Gillis, Ph.D. 1998 - 1999


PhD | Southern Illinois Univ. Clinical Psychology. 2002

MA | Southern Illinois Univ. Psychology. 1995

BA | SUNY Coll at Geneseo. Psychology. 1991


Doctoral Fellowship, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 1995

Master's Fellowship, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. 1994

Psi Chi, State University of New York @ Geneseo 1989


Journal Articles

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth and fifth editions perform comparably in children with Batten Disease.

Adams H, Augustine EF, Bonifacio K, Collins A, Vierhile AE, Mink JW

Research square.. 2025 February 27 Epub 02/27/2025.

Anxiety Disorders Are Associated With Greater Tic Severity in Youth With Chronic Tic Disorder.

Sapozhnikov Y, Mink JW, Adams HR, Walsh N, Ross A, Esposito EC, Oakes L, Vermilion J

Pediatric neurology.. 2025 February 11166 :7-15. Epub 02/11/2025.

Coprophenomena Associated With Worse Individual and Family Function for Youth With Tourette Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Myers SP, Meeks KD, Adams H, Vierhile AE, Augustine E, Collins A, Lewin AB, Murphy TK, Mink JW, Vermilion J

Neurology. Clinical practice.. 2025 February 15 (1):e200369. Epub 10/08/2024.

Executive Function and Adherence in Children and Adolescents Living with HIV: Evidence from the HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Zambia (HANDZ) Study.

Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Sportiello K, Shah M, Adams HR, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Schneider C, Mweemba M, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2024 September 18 Epub 09/18/2024.

Identifying novel data-driven subgroups in congenital heart disease using multi-modal measures of brain structure.

Vandewouw MM, Norris-Brilliant A, Rahman A, Assimopoulos S, Morton SU, Kushki A, Cunningham S, King E, Goldmuntz E, Miller TA, Thomas NH, Adams HR, Cleveland J, Cnota JF, Ellen Grant P, Goldberg CS, Huang H, Li JS, McQuillen P, Porter GA, Roberts AE, Russell MW, Seidman CE, Tivarus ME, Chung WK, Hagler DJ, Newburger JW, Panigrahy A, Lerch JP, Gelb BD, Anagnostou E

NeuroImage.. 2024 August 15297 :120721. Epub 07/04/2024.

Neurobehavioral Phenotype of Children With Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy.

Patel N, Berggren KN, Hung M, Bates K, Dixon MM, Bax K, Adams H, Butterfield RJ, Campbell C, Johnson NE

Neurology.. 2024 March 12102 (5):e208115. Epub 02/15/2024.

Assessing the integrity of auditory sensory memory processing in CLN3 disease (Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten disease)): an auditory evoked potential study of the duration-evoked mismatch negativity (MMN).

Brima T, Freedman EG, Prinsloo KD, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Wang KH, Mink JW, Shaw LH, Mantel EP, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2024 January 616 (1):3. Epub 01/06/2024.

Performance of a Tic Screening Tool (MOVeIT) in Comparison to Expert Clinician Assessment in a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic Sample.

Vermilion JA, Bitsko RH, Danielson ML, Bonifacio KP, Dean SL, Hyman SL, Augustine EF, Mink JW, Morrison PE, Vierhile AE, Sulkes SB, van Wijngaarden E, Adams HR

Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health.. 2024 9 (2):245-261. Epub 11/08/2023.

Teacher Knowledge of Tourette Syndrome and Associated Factors.

Sapozhnikov Y, Mink JW, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Vierhile A, Lewin AB, Collins AT, McDermott MP, O'Connor T, Kurlan R, Murphy TK, Vermilion J

Pediatric neurology.. 2023 August 145 :80-87. Epub 05/16/2023.

Recommendations on the Selection, Development, and Modification of Performance Outcome Assessments: A Good Practices Report of an ISPOR Task Force.

Edgar CJ, Bush EN, Adams HR, Ballinger R, Byrom B, Campbell M, Eremenco S, McDougall F, Papadopoulos E, Slagle AF, Coons SJ

Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.. 2023 July 26 (7):959-967. Epub 1900 01 01.

Approaches to the Assessment of Clinical Benefit of Treatments for Conditions That Have Heterogeneous Symptoms and Impacts: Potential Applications in Rare Disease.

Murray LT, Howell TA, Matza LS, Eremenco S, Adams HR, Trundell D, Coons SJ,

Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.. 2023 April 26 (4):547-553. Epub 11/28/2022.

Brief youth self-report screener for tics: Can a subscale of the Motor tic, Obsession and compulsion, and Vocal tic Evaluation Survey (MOVES) identify tic disorders in youth?

Lewin AB, Murphy TK, Mink JW, Small BJ, Adams HR, Brennan E, Augustine EF, Vermilion J, Vierhile A, Collins A, Kudryk K, Dickinson S, Danielson ML, Bitsko RH

Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health.. 2023 March 318 (2):1-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of Potentially Damaging De Novo Gene Variants With Neurologic Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease.

Morton SU, Norris-Brilliant A, Cunningham S, King E, Goldmuntz E, Brueckner M, Miller TA, Thomas NH, Liu C, Adams HR, Bellinger DC, Cleveland J, Cnota JF, Dale AM, Frommelt M, Gelb BD, Grant PE, Goldberg CS, Huang H, Kuperman JM, Li JS, McQuillen PS, Panigrahy A, Porter GA, Roberts AE, Russell MW, Seidman CE, Tivarus ME, Anagnoustou E, Hagler DJ, Chung WK, Newburger JW

JAMA network open.. 2023 January 36 (1):e2253191. Epub 01/03/2023.

Evaluation of new instruments for screening and diagnosis of tics and tic disorders in a well-characterized sample of youth with tics and recruited controls.

Adams HR, Augustine EF, Bonifacio K, Collins AE, Danielson ML, Mink JW, Morrison P, van Wijngaarden E, Vermilion J, Vierhile A, Bitsko RH

Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health.. 2023 9 (2):216-230. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-5) Tic Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Modules.

Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Fisher PW, Lipton C, van Wijngaarden E, Augustine EF, Mink JW, Vierhile A, Piacentini J, Walkup J, Firchow B, Ali AR, Badgley A, Adams HR

Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health.. 2023 9 (2):231-244. Epub 1900 01 01.

Longitudinal Cognitive Outcomes in Children With HIV in Zambia: 2-Year Outcomes From the HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Zambia (HANDZ) Study.

Patil G, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Smith H, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Buda A, Adams HR, Potchen MJ, Mweemba M, Johnson BA, Schifitto G, Gelbard H, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes : JAIDS.. 2022 October 191 (2):217-225. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validation of the National Institute of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery (NIHTB-CB) in Children and Adolescents with and without HIV Infection in Lusaka, Zambia.

Adams HR, Kabundula PP, Mbewe EG, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Birbeck GL, Mweemba M, Wang B, Menon JA, Bearden DR

AIDS and behavior.. 2022 October 26 (10):3436-3449. Epub 04/21/2022.

Correction to: Validation of the National Institute of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery (NIHTB-CB) in Children and Adolescents with and without HIV Infection in Lusaka, Zambia.

Kabundula PP, Mbewe EG, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Birbeck GL, Mweemba M, Wang B, Menon JA, Bearden DR, Adams HR

AIDS and behavior.. 2022 October 26 (10):3450. Epub 1900 01 01.

Associations between time-weighted postnatal methylmercury exposure from fish consumption and neurodevelopmental outcomes through 24 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study Main Cohort.

Thurston SW, Myers G, Mruzek D, Harrington D, Adams H, Shamlaye C, van Wijngaarden E

Neurotoxicology.. 2022 July 91 :234-244. Epub 05/25/2022.

Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Function in Children With HIV: Evidence From the HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Zambia (HANDZ) Study.

Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Buda A, Adams HR, Schneider C, Potchen MJ, Mweemba M, Mathews M, Menon JA, Wang B, Baseler T, Paciorkowski A, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes : JAIDS.. 2022 January 189 (1):56-63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk Behaviors in Youth With and Without Tourette Syndrome.

Vermilion J, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Vierhile A, Collins AT, McDermott MP, O'Connor TG, Kurlan R, van Wijngaarden E, Mink JW

Pediatric neurology.. 2022 January 126 :20-25. Epub 10/19/2021.

Increasing precision in the measurement of change in pediatric neurodegenerative disease.

Eisengart JB, Daniel MH, Adams HR, Williams P, Kuca B, Shapiro E

Molecular genetics and metabolism.. 2022 137 (1-2):201-209. Epub 09/08/2022.

Neighborhood-Based Socioeconomic Determinants of Cognitive Impairment in Zambian Children With HIV: A Quantitative Geographic Information Systems Approach.

Buda A, Dean O, Adams HR, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Potchen MJ, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Mweemba M, Matoka B, Mathews M, Menon JA, Wang B, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.. 2021 December 3110 (12):1071-1079. Epub 1900 01 01.

A diagnostic confidence scheme for CLN3 disease.

Masten MC, Corre C, Paciorkowski AR, Vierhile A, Adams HR, Vermilion J, Zimmerman GA, Augustine EF, Mink JW

Journal of inherited metabolic disease.. 2021 November 44 (6):1453-1462. Epub 09/07/2021.

Evaluating the Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Function Among Children and Adolescents with HIV in Zambia.

Molinaro M, Adams HR, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Mweemba M, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

AIDS and behavior.. 2021 September 25 (9):2669-2679. Epub 02/25/2021.

Management of CLN1 Disease: International Clinical Consensus.

Augustine EF, Adams HR, de Los Reyes E, Drago K, Frazier M, Guelbert N, Laine M, Levin T, Mink JW, Nickel M, Peifer D, Schulz A, Simonati A, Topcu M, Turunen JA, Williams R, Wirrell EC, King S

Pediatric neurology.. 2021 July 120 :38-51. Epub 04/09/2021.

Anxiety Symptoms Differ in Youth With and Without Tic Disorders.

Vermilion J, Pedraza C, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Vierhile A, Lewin AB, Collins AT, McDermott MP, O'Connor T, Kurlan R, van Wijngaarden E, Murphy TK, Mink JW

Child psychiatry and human development.. 2021 April 52 (2):301-310. Epub 1900 01 01.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Childhood Primary Hypertension: Potential in the Study of Cognitive Outcomes.

Uddin MN, Tivarus M, Adams H, Little E, Schifitto G, Lande MB

Hypertension.. 2021 March 377 (3):751-758. Epub 02/10/2021.

Cerebrovascular Disease in Children Perinatally Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Zambia.

Schneider CL, Mohajeri-Moghaddam S, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Dean O, Buda A, Potchen MJ, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Saylor D, Adams HR, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Pediatric neurology.. 2020 November 112 :14-21. Epub 08/05/2020.

Overview of advances in educational and social supports for young persons with NCL disorders.

Elmerskog B, Tøssebro AG, Atkinson R, Rokne S, Cole B, Ockelford A, Adams HR

Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease.. 2020 September 11866 (9):165480. Epub 05/30/2019.

The CLN3 Disease Staging System: A new tool for clinical research in Batten disease.

Masten MC, Williams JD, Vermilion J, Adams HR, Vierhile A, Collins A, Marshall FJ, Augustine EF, Mink JW

Neurology.. 2020 June 994 (23):e2436-e2440. Epub 04/16/2020.

Tic Disorders are Associated With Lower Child and Parent Quality of Life and Worse Family Functioning.

Vermilion J, Augustine E, Adams HR, Vierhile A, Lewin AB, Thatcher A, McDermott MP, O'Connor T, Kurlan R, van Wijngaarden E, Murphy TK, Mink JW

Pediatric neurology.. 2020 April 105 :48-54. Epub 12/27/2019.

Neurocysticercosis Among Zambian Children and Adolescents With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Geographic Information Systems Approach.

Buda A, Dean O, Adams HR, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Potchen MJ, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Moghaddam SM, Mweemba M, Matoka B, Mathews MM, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Pediatric neurology.. 2020 January 102 :36-43. Epub 08/06/2019.

Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings Associated With Cognitive Impairment in Children and Adolescents With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Zambia.

Dean O, Buda A, Adams HR, Mwanza-Kabaghe S, Potchen MJ, Mbewe EG, Kabundula PP, Moghaddam SM, Birbeck GL, Bearden DR

Pediatric neurology.. 2020 January 102 :28-35. Epub 09/09/2019.

Therapy development for the mucopolysaccharidoses: Updated consensus recommendations for neuropsychological endpoints.

van der Lee JH, Morton J, Adams HR, Clarke L, Eisengart JB, Escolar ML, Giugliani R, Harmatz P, Hogan M, Kearney S, Muenzer J, Muschol N, Rust S, Saville BR, Semrud-Clikeman M, Wang R, Shapiro E

Molecular genetics and metabolism.. 2020 131 (1-2):181-196. Epub 08/31/2020.

Neurodevelopmental Delay After the Neonatal Repair of Coarctation and Arch Obstruction.

Simon BV, Swartz MF, Orie JM, Adams HR, Seltzer LE, Angona RE, Atallah-Yunes NH, Alfieris GM

The Annals of thoracic surgery.. 2019 November 108 (5):1416-1422. Epub 06/14/2019.

A novel, hybrid, single- and multi-site clinical trial design for CLN3 disease, an ultra-rare lysosomal storage disorder.

Adams HR, Defendorf S, Vierhile A, Mink JW, Marshall FJ, Augustine EF

Clinical trials : journal of the Society for Clinical Trials.. 2019 October 16 (5):555-560. Epub 06/11/2019.

Patient-reported study of the impact of pediatric-onset myotonic dystrophy.

Hunter M, Ekstrom AB, Campbell C, Hung M, Bounsanga J, Bates K, Adams HR, Luebbe E, Moxley RT, Heatwole C, Johnson NE

Muscle & nerve.. 2019 October 60 (4):392-399. Epub 07/26/2019.

Developing and Implementing Performance Outcome Assessments: Evidentiary, Methodologic, and Operational Considerations.

Richardson E, Burnell J, Adams HR, Bohannon RW, Bush EN, Campbell M, Chen WH, Coons SJ, Papadopoulos E, Reeve BR, Rooks D, Daniel G

Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science.. 2019 January 53 (1):146-153. Epub 05/08/2018.

Overview of advances in educational and social supports for young persons with NCL disorders

Elmerskog, B; Tossebro, AG; Atkinson, R; Rokne, S; Cole, B; Ockelford, A; Adams, HR.

BBA Molecular Basis of Disease. 2019; .

A novel, hybrid single- and multi-site clinical trial design for CLN3 disease, an ultra-rare lysosomal storage disorder

Adams, HR; Beck, A; Defendorf, S; Vierhile, A; Timm, D; Weimer, J; Mink, JW; Marshal, FJ; Augustine, EF.

Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials. 2019; .

Short-Term Administration of Mycophenolate Is Well-Tolerated in CLN3 Disease (Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis).

Augustine EF, Beck CA, Adams HR, Defendorf S, Vierhile A, Timm D, Weimer JM, Mink JW, Marshall FJ

JIMD reports.. 2019 43 :117-124. Epub 06/20/2018.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and neurocognitive function in children with primary hypertension.

Kupferman JC, Batisky DL, Samuels J, Adams HR, Hooper SR, Wang H, Lande MB

Pediatric nephrology : journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association.. 2018 October 33 (10):1765-1771. Epub 06/12/2018.

Neurocognitive Function in Children with Primary Hypertension after Initiation of Antihypertensive Therapy.

Lande MB, Batisky DL, Kupferman JC, Samuels J, Hooper SR, Falkner B, Waldstein SR, Szilagyi PG, Wang H, Staskiewicz J, Adams HR

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2018 April 195 :85-94.e1. Epub 02/03/2018.

Severe obstructive sleep apnea in children with elevated blood pressure.

Hinkle J, Connolly HV, Adams HR, Lande MB

Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH.. 2018 March 12 (3):204-210. Epub 01/03/2018.

Feasibility of providing pediatric neurology telemedicine care to youth with headache

Vierhile, A; Tuttle, J; Adams, H; Tenhoopen, C; Baylor, E.

J Pediatr. Health Care. 2018; 32(5): 500-506.

Feasibility of Providing Pediatric Neurology Telemedicine Care to Youth with Headache.

Vierhile A, Tuttle J, Adams H, tenHoopen C, Baylor E

Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners.. 2018 32 (5):500-506. Epub 04/13/2018.

Screening tools for tic disorders-Focus on development or implementation?

Augustine EF, Adams HR, Mink JW

Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society.. 2017 June 32 (6):946. Epub 04/24/2017.

Cognitive endpoints for therapy development for neuronopathic mucopolysaccharidoses: Results of a consensus procedure.

van der Lee JH, Morton J, Adams HR, Clarke L, Ebbink BJ, Escolar ML, Giugliani R, Harmatz P, Hogan M, Jones S, Kearney S, Muenzer J, Rust S, Semrud-Clikeman M, Wijburg FA, Yu ZF, Janzen D, Shapiro E

Molecular genetics and metabolism.. 2017 June 121 (2):70-79. Epub 05/06/2017.

Management Strategies for CLN2 Disease.

Williams RE, Adams HR, Blohm M, Cohen-Pfeffer JL, de Los Reyes E, Denecke J, Drago K, Fairhurst C, Frazier M, Guelbert N, Kiss S, Kofler A, Lawson JA, Lehwald L, Leung MA, Mikhaylova S, Mink JW, Nickel M, Shediac R, Sims K, Specchio N, Topcu M, von Löbbecke I, West A, Zernikow B, Schulz A

Pediatric neurology.. 2017 April 69 :102-112. Epub 02/04/2017.

Design of a Multisite Study Assessing the Impact of Tic Disorders on Individuals, Families, and Communities.

Augustine EF, Adams HR, Bitsko RH, van Wijngaarden E, Claussen AH, Thatcher A, Hanks CE, Lewin AB, O'Connor TG, Vierhile A, Danielson ML, Kurlan R, Murphy TK, Mink JW

Pediatric neurology.. 2017 March 68 :49-58.e3. Epub 11/08/2016.

Therapeutic Hypothermia after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children.

Moler FW, Silverstein FS, Holubkov R, Slomine BS, Christensen JR, Nadkarni VM, Meert KL, Browning B, Pemberton VL, Page K, Gildea MR, Scholefield BR, Shankaran S, Hutchison JS, Berger JT, Ofori-Amanfo G, Newth CJ, Topjian A, Bennett KS, Koch JD, Pham N, Chanani NK, Pineda JA, Harrison R, Dalton HJ, Alten J, Schleien CL, Goodman DM, Zimmerman JJ, Bhalala US, Schwarz AJ, Porter MB, Shah S, Fink EL, McQuillen P, Wu T, Skellett S, Thomas NJ, Nowak JE, Baines PB, Pappachan J, Mathur M, Lloyd E, van der Jagt EW, Dobyns EL, Meyer MT, Sanders RC, Clark AE, Dean JM,

The New England journal of medicine.. 2017 January 26376 (4):318-329. Epub 01/24/2017.

Neurocognitive Function in Children with Primary Hypertension.

Lande MB, Batisky DL, Kupferman JC, Samuels J, Hooper SR, Falkner B, Waldstein SR, Szilagyi PG, Wang H, Staskiewicz J, Adams HR

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2017 January 180 :148-155.e1. Epub 09/29/2016.

Batten disease and parents: marital quality, support, and communication

Cozart, EJ; Augustine, EF; Mink, JW; Thatcher, AR; Adams, HR.

Journal of the International Child Neurology Association. 2017; 17(114).

Phenotype Differentiation of FOXG1 and MECP2 Disorders: A New Method for Characterization of Developmental Encephalopathies.

Ma M, Adams HR, Seltzer LE, Dobyns WB, Paciorkowski AR

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2016 November 178 :233-240.e10. Epub 09/15/2016.

Parent-reported multi-national study of the impact of congenital and childhood onset myotonic dystrophy.

Johnson NE, Ekstrom AB, Campbell C, Hung M, Adams HR, Chen W, Luebbe E, Hilbert J, Moxley RT, Heatwole CR

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2016 July 58 (7):698-705. Epub 10/28/2015.

Neurocognitive clinical outcome assessments for inborn errors of metabolism and other rare conditions.

Shapiro E, Bernstein J, Adams HR, Barbier AJ, Buracchio T, Como P, Delaney KA, Eichler F, Goldsmith JC, Hogan M, Kovacs S, Mink JW, Odenkirchen J, Parisi MA, Skrinar A, Waisbren SE, Mulberg AE

Molecular genetics and metabolism.. 2016 June 118 (2):65-9. Epub 04/14/2016.

Neurodevelopmental outcomes after neonatal cardiac surgery: Role of cortical isoelectric activity.

Seltzer L, Swartz MF, Kwon J, Burchfiel J, Cholette JM, Wang H, Sweeney D, Adams HR, Meagher C, Angona R, Guillet R, Alfieris GM

The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.. 2016 April 151 (4):1137-42. Epub 10/27/2015.

Remote Assessment of Cognitive Function in Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten disease): A Pilot Study of Feasibility and Reliability.

Ragbeer SN, Augustine EF, Mink JW, Thatcher AR, Vierhile AE, Adams HR

Journal of child neurology.. 2016 March 31 (4):481-7. Epub 09/02/2015.


Storch EA, Hanks CE, Mink JW, McGuire JF, Adams HR, Augustine EF, Vierhile A, Thatcher A, Bitsko R, Lewin AB, Murphy TK

Depression and anxiety.. 2015 October 32 (10):744-53. Epub 02/24/2015.

Guidelines for incorporating scientific knowledge and practice on rare diseases into higher education: neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses as a model disorder.

Cismondi IA, Kohan R, Adams H, Bond M, Brown R, Cooper JD, de Hidalgo PK, Holthaus SM, Mole SE, Mugnaini J, de Ramirez AM, Pesaola F, Rautenberg G, Platt FM, Noher de Halac I

Biochimica et biophysica acta.. 2015 October 1852 (10 Pt B):2316-23. Epub 06/24/2015.

Sleep disordered breathing as measured by SRBD-PSQ and neurocognition in children with hypertension.

Lande MB, Hooper SR, Batisky DL, Kupferman JC, Szilagyi PG, Samuels JA, Adams HR

American journal of hypertension.. 2015 April 28 (4):552-8. Epub 09/20/2014.

Standardized assessment of seizures in patients with juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.

Augustine EF, Adams HR, Beck CA, Vierhile A, Kwon J, Rothberg PG, Marshall F, Block R, Dolan J, Mink JW,

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2015 April 57 (4):366-71. Epub 11/11/2014.

Neurocognitive Changes after Sustained Ketamine Administration in Children with Chronic Pain.

Bredlau AL, Harel BT, McDermott MP, Dworkin RH, Korones DN, Dolan JG, Adams HR

Journal of palliative care & medicine. 2015 March 5 (2)Epub 03/27/2015.

Experience, knowledge, and opinions about childhood genetic testing in Batten disease.

Adams HR, Rose K, Augustine EF, Kwon JM, Deblieck EA, Marshall FJ, Vierhile A, Mink JW, Nance MA

Molecular genetics and metabolism.. 2014 February 111 (2):197-202. Epub 11/04/2013.

Blood pressure and school performance.

Lande MB, Kupferman JC, Hooper SR, Pavlakis SG, Batisky DL, Adams HR

Psychosomatic medicine.. 2014 February 76 (2):163-6. Epub 01/26/2014.

Classification and natural history of the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses.

Mink JW, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Marshall FJ, Kwon JM

Journal of child neurology.. 2013 September 28 (9):1101-5. Epub 07/09/2013.

Neurobehavioral features and natural history of juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).

Adams HR, Mink JW,

Journal of child neurology.. 2013 September 28 (9):1128-36. Epub 1900 01 01.

Clinical trials in rare disease: challenges and opportunities.

Augustine EF, Adams HR, Mink JW

Journal of child neurology.. 2013 September 28 (9):1142-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Methodology of clinical research in rare diseases: development of a research program in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL) via creation of a patient registry and collaboration with patient advocates.

de Blieck EA, Augustine EF, Marshall FJ, Adams H, Cialone J, Dure L, Kwon JM, Newhouse N, Rose K, Rothberg PG, Vierhile A, Mink JW,

Contemporary clinical trials.. 2013 July 35 (2):48-54. Epub 04/26/2013.

Primary hypertension and neurocognitive and executive functioning in school-age children.

Kupferman JC, Lande MB, Adams HR, Pavlakis SG

Pediatric nephrology : journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association.. 2013 March 28 (3):401-8. Epub 06/13/2012.

A multicenter study of neurocognition in children with hypertension: methods, challenges, and solutions.

Lande MB, Adams HR, Kupferman JC, Hooper SR, Szilagyi PG, Batisky DL

Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH.. 2013 7 (5):353-62. Epub 06/20/2013.

Neurocognitive alterations in hypertensive children and adolescents.

Lande MB, Kupferman JC, Adams HR

The journal of clinical hypertension.. 2012 June 14 (6):353-9. Epub 05/21/2012.

Females experience a more severe disease course in Batten disease.

Cialone J, Adams H, Augustine EF, Marshall FJ, Kwon JM, Newhouse N, Vierhile A, Levy E, Dure LS, Rose KR, Ramirez-Montealegre D, de Blieck EA, Mink JW

Journal of inherited metabolic disease.. 2012 May 35 (3):549-55. Epub 12/14/2011.

Quantifying physical decline in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).

Kwon JM, Adams H, Rothberg PG, Augustine EF, Marshall FJ, Deblieck EA, Vierhile A, Beck CA, Newhouse NJ, Cialone J, Levy E, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Dure LS, Rose KR, Mink JW

Neurology.. 2011 November 1577 (20):1801-7. Epub 10/19/2011.

Big brain/smart brain.

Rosenberger PB, Adams HR

Neurology.. 2011 October 1877 (16):1504-5. Epub 10/12/2011.

Parent-reported benefits of flupirtine in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease; CLN3) are not supported by quantitative data.

Cialone J, Augustine EF, Newhouse N, Adams H, Vierhile A, Marshall FJ, de Blieck EA, Kwon J, Rothberg PG, Mink JW

Journal of inherited metabolic disease.. 2011 October 34 (5):1075-81. Epub 05/10/2011.

Learning and attention problems among children with pediatric primary hypertension.

Adams HR, Szilagyi PG, Gebhardt L, Lande MB

Pediatrics.. 2010 December 126 (6):e1425-9. Epub 11/08/2010.

Genotype does not predict severity of behavioural phenotype in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).

Adams HR, Beck CA, Levy E, Jordan R, Kwon JM, Marshall FJ, Vierhile A, Augustine EF, DE Blieck EA, Pearce DA, Mink JW

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2010 July 52 (7):637-43. Epub 02/19/2010.

Parental assessment of executive function and internalizing and externalizing behavior in primary hypertension after anti-hypertensive therapy.

Lande MB, Adams H, Falkner B, Waldstein SR, Schwartz GJ, Szilagyi PG, Wang H, Palumbo D

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2010 July 157 (1):114-9. Epub 03/15/2010.

Genotype does not predict severity of behavioural phenotype in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease)

Adams HR, Beck CA, Levy E, Jordan R, Kwon JM, Marshall FJ, Vierhile A, Augustine EF, deBlieck EA, Pearce DA, Mink JW.

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2010; 52: 637-643.

Learning and Attention Problems in Children with Pediatric Primary Hypertension

Adams, HR; Szilagyi, PG; Gebhardt, L; Lande, MB.

Pediatrics. 2010; 126(6): e1425-9.

Parental assessments of internalizing and externalizing behavior and executive function in children with primary hypertension.

Lande MB, Adams H, Falkner B, Waldstein SR, Schwartz GJ, Szilagyi PG, Wang H, Palumbo D

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2009 February 154 (2):207-12. Epub 09/27/2008.

Parental Assessments of Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior and Executive Function in Children with Primary Hypertension

Lande, MB; Adams, H; Falkner, B; Waldstein, SR; Schwartz, GJ; Szilagyi, PG; Wang, H; Palumbo, D.

J Pediatrics. 2009; 154: 207-212.

Neuropsychological outcomes from a randomized trial of triple intrathecal chemotherapy compared with 18 Gy cranial radiation as CNS treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: findings from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ALL Consortium Protocol 95-01.

Waber DP, Turek J, Catania L, Stevenson K, Robaey P, Romero I, Adams H, Alyman C, Jandet-Brunet C, Neuberg DS, Sallan SE, Silverman LB

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.. 2007 November 125 (31):4914-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neuropsychological symptoms of juvenile-onset batten disease: experiences from 2 studies.

Adams HR, Kwon J, Marshall FJ, de Blieck EA, Pearce DA, Mink JW

Journal of child neurology.. 2007 May 22 (5):621-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Standardized assessment of behavior and adaptive living skills in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.

Adams H, de Blieck EA, Mink JW, Marshall FJ, Kwon J, Dure L, Rothberg PG, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Pearce DA

Developmental medicine and child neurology.. 2006 April 48 (4):259-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

A clinical rating scale for Batten disease: reliable and relevant for clinical trials.

Marshall FJ, de Blieck EA, Mink JW, Dure L, Adams H, Messing S, Rothberg PG, Levy E, McDonough T, DeYoung J, Wang M, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Kwon JM, Pearce DA

Neurology.. 2005 July 2665 (2):275-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Outcomes of a randomized trial of hyperfractionated cranial radiation therapy for treatment of high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia: therapeutic efficacy and neurotoxicity.

Waber DP, Silverman LB, Catania L, Mautz W, Rue M, Gelber RD, Levy DE, Goldwasser MA, Adams H, Dufresne A, Metzger V, Romero I, Tarbell NJ, Dalton VK, Sallan SE

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.. 2004 July 122 (13):2701-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

College women's expectations about pregnancy, childbirth, and infant care: a prospective study.

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Birth.. 1992 December 19 (4):202-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychosocial adjustment and executive functioning in children treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Turek Queally J; Dahlberg SE; Adams H; Alyman C; Héral J; Jandet-Brunet C; Robaey P; Romero I; Waber DP.


Quantifying Physical Decline in Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease).

Kwon, JM; Adams, H; Rothberg, PG; Augustine, EF; Marshall, FJ; deBlieck, EA; Vierhile, A; Beck, C; Newhouse, NJ; Cialone, J; Levy, E; Ramirez-Montealegre, D; Dure, LS; Rose, KR; Mink, JW.

Neurology. .

Validation of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-5) Tic Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder modules

Bitsko, RH; Holbrook, JR; Fisher, PW; Lipton, C; van Wijngaarden ,E; Augustine, EF; Mink, JW; Vierhile, A; Piacentini, J; Walkup, J; Firchow, B; Ali, AR; Badgley, A; Adams, HR.

Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health. .

Evaluation of new instruments for screening and diagnosis of tics and tic disorders in a well-characterized sample of youth with tics and recruited controls.

Adams HR; Augustine EF; Bonifacio K; Danielson ML; Mink JW; Morrison P; vanWijngaarden E; Vermilion J; Vierhile A; Bitsko, RH.

Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health. .


Pediatric Hypertension. Fourth edition (2018)

Chapter: Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Childhood Hypertension

Pediatric Hypertension: Third edition (2013)

Chapter: Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Childhood Hypertension

AAP Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2010)

Chapter: Psychoeducational Testing in Adolescents

AAP Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (2010)

Chapter: Neuropsychological Testing in Adolescents.

Comprehensive Textbook of Child and Adolescent Disorders: A Guide to DSM-IV (1999)

Chapter: Dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence.