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Arshad Rahman, Ph.D.

Arshad Rahman, Ph.D.


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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology (SMD)

Professor - Department of Pharmacology and Physiology (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Senior Research Associate, Department of Pharmacology, Rush Medical Center, Chicago, IL 1993 - 1995

Research Associate, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL 1992 - 1993


PhD | AM University. Biochemistry. 1988

MSc | AM University. Biochemistry. 1984

BSc | AM University. Chemistry. 1981


My laboratory has a long-standing interest in endothelial cell biology and lung physiology especially as it relates to molecular analysis of signal transduction and gene regulation, and in vivo gene delivery to the lung endothelium. Specifically, we want to know how the otherwise "antiadhesive, anti...
My laboratory has a long-standing interest in endothelial cell biology and lung physiology especially as it relates to molecular analysis of signal transduction and gene regulation, and in vivo gene delivery to the lung endothelium. Specifically, we want to know how the otherwise "antiadhesive, anticoagulant, and relatively restrictive (semipermeable)" microvasculature is rendered into a "proadhesive, procoagulant, and leaky" one during acute lung injury (ALI). We have made contributions to the understanding of regulation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-?B), a master regulator of inflammation that is implicated in regulating these phenotypes of microvasculature during ALI and other inflammatory conditions. Another area of my research focuses on understanding the regulation and function of endothelial cells (EC) autophagy and its relationship with EC inflammation in the context of ALI. Our novel and exciting findings that autophagy and inflammation are linked in the lung endothelium and collaborate in causing lung injury form the basis of our ongoing research to identify the mechanistic link between these two fundamental processes (autophagy and inflammation), and address the relevance of this linkage in the pathogenesis of ALI.

More recently, we have been focusing on Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (Syk) and Mechanistic/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (MTOR) as critical mechanistic targets for modulation of ALI pathogenesis. The Syk project seeks to clarify the mechanism by which Syk regulates EC dysfunction (permeability and inflammation) in ALI and evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Syk inhibition against evolving ALI in mice with sepsis. The MTOR project builds logically on our prior work and seeks to clarify the role of MTOR in ALI and evaluate the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of modulation of MTOR signaling against ALI. In a nutshell, the research in my lab uses genetically modified mice, primary cell cultures, and multidisciplinary approaches ranging from biochemical, cellular, and molecular biology to in vivo gene delivery (cell-specific transfer of genes and shRNA to endothelial cells in the lung) and multiple mouse models of ALI to identify viable therapeutic targets and mechanisms to limit ALI.


Journal Articles

MTOR maintains endothelial cell integrity to limit lung vascular injury.

Millar MW, Najar RA, Slavin SA, Shadab M, Tahir I, Mahamed Z, Lin X, Abe JI, Wright TW, Dean DA, Fazal F, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2024 December 300 (12):107952. Epub 11/06/2024.

Occludin Is Essential to Maintain Normal Alveolar Barrier Integrity and Its Protective Role During ARDS Progression.

Lin X, Bai H, Barravecchia M, Norman R, Schiralli Lester GM, Kottmann RM, Leonard A, Rahman A, Young JL, Dean DA

International journal of molecular sciences.. 2024 October 2925 (21)Epub 10/29/2024.

Identifying novel data-driven subgroups in congenital heart disease using multi-modal measures of brain structure.

Vandewouw MM, Norris-Brilliant A, Rahman A, Assimopoulos S, Morton SU, Kushki A, Cunningham S, King E, Goldmuntz E, Miller TA, Thomas NH, Adams HR, Cleveland J, Cnota JF, Ellen Grant P, Goldberg CS, Huang H, Li JS, McQuillen P, Porter GA, Roberts AE, Russell MW, Seidman CE, Tivarus ME, Chung WK, Hagler DJ, Newburger JW, Panigrahy A, Lerch JP, Gelb BD, Anagnostou E

NeuroImage.. 2024 August 15297 :120721. Epub 07/04/2024.

Management of postoperative cervical pseudomeningocele with percutaneous aspiration and epidural blood patch.

Schartz DA, Ismail RF, Rahman AA, Bender MT, Westesson PL, Mesfin A, Kessler A

Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences.. 2024 February 30 (1):137-142. Epub 07/11/2022.

Impact of Peptide Sequence on Functional siRNA Delivery and Gene Knockdown with Cyclic Amphipathic Peptide Delivery Agents.

Jagrosse ML, Baliga UK, Jones CW, Russell JJ, García CI, Najar RA, Rahman A, Dean DA, Nilsson BL

Molecular pharmaceutics.. 2023 December 420 (12):6090-6103. Epub 11/14/2023.

Spleen Tyrosine Kinase phosphorylates VE-cadherin to cause endothelial barrier disruption in acute lung injury.

Shadab M, Slavin SA, Mahamed Z, Millar MW, Najar RA, Leonard A, Pietropaoli A, Dean DA, Fazal F, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2023 December 299 (12):105408. Epub 10/28/2023.

Therapeutic Targeting of NF-?B in Acute Lung Injury: A Double-Edged Sword.

Millar MW, Fazal F, Rahman A

Cells.. 2022 October 2111 (20)Epub 10/21/2022.

Drp1-dependent Regulation of RelA/p65 Is Critical for Endothelial Cell Inflammation.

Shadab M, Najar RA, Fazal F, Rahman A

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2022 May 36 Suppl 1 Epub 1900 01 01.

Essential Role of Rho-Associated Kinase in ABO Immune Complex-Mediated Endothelial Barrier Disruption.

McRae HL, Millar MW, Slavin SA, Blumberg N, Rahman A, Refaai MA

Biomedicines.. 2021 December 79 (12)Epub 12/07/2021.

Phosphodiesterase 10A Is a Key Mediator of Lung Inflammation.

Hsu CG, Fazal F, Rahman A, Berk BC, Yan C

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2021 June 15206 (12):3010-3020. Epub 06/11/2021.

Autophagy protein ATG7 is a critical regulator of endothelial cell inflammation and permeability.

Shadab M, Millar MW, Slavin SA, Leonard A, Fazal F, Rahman A

Scientific reports.. 2020 August 1310 (1):13708. Epub 08/13/2020.

Critical Role of Mortalin/GRP75 in Endothelial Cell Dysfunction Associated with Acute Lung Injury.

Leonard A, Su PY, Yule DI, Rahman A, Fazal F

Shock.. 2020 August 54 (2):245-255. Epub 1900 01 01.

RNAi therapeutic strategies for acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Jagrosse ML, Dean DA, Rahman A, Nilsson BL

Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.. 2019 December 214 :30-49. Epub 07/27/2019.

Critical role of autophagy regulator Beclin1 in endothelial cell inflammation and barrier disruption.

Leonard A, Millar MW, Slavin SA, Bijli KM, Dionisio Santos, Dean DA, Fazal F, Rahman A

Cellular signalling.. 2019 September 61 :120-129. Epub 05/01/2019.

The novel coronary artery disease risk gene JCAD/KIAA1462 promotes endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.

Xu S, Xu Y, Liu P, Zhang S, Liu H, Slavin S, Kumar S, Koroleva M, Luo J, Wu X, Rahman A, Pelisek J, Jo H, Si S, Miller CL, Jin ZG

European heart journal.. 2019 August 140 (29):2398-2408. Epub 1900 01 01.

Selective Inactivation of Intracellular BiP/GRP78 Attenuates Endothelial Inflammation and Permeability in Acute Lung Injury.

Leonard A, Grose V, Paton AW, Paton JC, Yule DI, Rahman A, Fazal F

Scientific reports.. 2019 February 149 (1):2096. Epub 02/14/2019.

stabilizes vascular endothelial cell adherens junctions through interaction with CKAP4.

Lyu Q, Xu S, Lyu Y, Choi M, Christie CK, Slivano OJ, Rahman A, Jin ZG, Long X, Xu Y, Miano JM

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2019 January 8116 (2):546-555. Epub 12/24/2018.

Importins ? and ? signaling mediates endothelial cell inflammation and barrier disruption.

Leonard A, Rahman A, Fazal F

Cellular signalling.. 2018 April 44 :103-117. Epub 01/11/2018.

Autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine protects against endothelial cell barrier dysfunction in acute lung injury.

Slavin SA, Leonard A, Grose V, Fazal F, Rahman A

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2018 March 1314 (3):L388-L396. Epub 10/26/2017.

Inhibition of Regulatory-Associated Protein of Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Prevents Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury by Enhancing Autophagy and Reducing Apoptosis in Neonatal Mice.

Angara S, Syed M, Das P, Janér C, Pryhuber G, Rahman A, Andersson S, Homer RJ, Bhandari V

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.. 2016 November 55 (5):722-735. Epub 1900 01 01.

Phospholipase C-? signaling mediates endothelial cell inflammation and barrier disruption in acute lung injury.

Bijli KM, Fazal F, Slavin SA, Leonard A, Grose V, Alexander WB, Smrcka AV, Rahman A

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2016 August 1311 (2):L517-24. Epub 07/01/2016.

Serpine2 deficiency results in lung lymphocyte accumulation and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue formation.

Solleti SK, Srisuma S, Bhattacharya S, Rangel-Moreno J, Bijli KM, Randall TD, Rahman A, Mariani TJ

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2016 July 30 (7):2615-26. Epub 04/08/2016.

Serpine2 deficiency results in lung lymphocyte accumulation and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue formation. FASEB J. 30:2615-26

Solleti SK, Srisuma S, Bhattacharya S, Rangel-Moreno J, Bijli KM, Randall TD, Rahman A, Mariani TJ.

2016; .

Inhibition of RPTOR Prevents Hyperoxia-induced Lung Injury by Enhancing Autophagy and Reducing Apoptosis in Neonatal Mice.

Sureshbabu. A.; Syed, M.; Das, P.; Janér, C.; Pryhuber, G.; Rahman, A.; Andersson, S.; Homer, R.J.; Bhandari, V.

Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2016; 55: 722-735.

Airway epithelial cell PPAR? modulates cigarette smoke-induced chemokine expression and emphysema susceptibility in mice.

Solleti SK, Simon DM, Srisuma S, Arikan MC, Bhattacharya S, Rangasamy T, Bijli KM, Rahman A, Crossno JT, Shapiro SD, Mariani TJ

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2015 August 1309 (3):L293-304. Epub 05/29/2015.

Regulation of endothelial cell inflammation and lung polymorphonuclear lymphocyte infiltration by transglutaminase 2.

Bijli KM, Kanter BG, Minhajuddin M, Leonard A, Xu L, Fazal F, Rahman A

Shock.. 2014 December 42 (6):562-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Thrombin selectively engages LIM kinase1 and slingshot-1L phosphatase to regulate NF-?B activation and endothelial cell inflammation.

Leonard A, Marando C, Rahman A, Fazal F.

Am J Physiol: Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2013; 305: L651-64.

Critical role of non-muscle myosin light chain kinase in thrombin-induced endothelial cell inflammation and lung PMN infiltration.

Fazal F, Bijli KM, Murrill M, Leonard A, Minhajuddin M, Anwar KN, Finkelstein JN, Watterson DM, Rahman A

PloS one.. 2013 8 (3):e59965. Epub 03/21/2013.

Regulation of Rela/p65 and endothelial cell inflammation by proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2.

Bijli KM, Fazal F, Rahman A

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.. 2012 November 47 (5):660-8. Epub 07/27/2012.

GPR56 Regulates VEGF production and angiogenesis during melanoma progression.

Yang L, Chen G, Mohanty S, Scott G, Fazal F, Rahman A, Begum S, Hynes R, Xu L

Cancer research.. 2011 August 1571 (16):5558-68. Epub 07/01/2011.

Blocking NF-?B: An Inflammatory Issue.

Rahman A and Fazal F.

Proc Am Thorac Soc 8:497-503. 2011; .

Essential role of cofilin-1 in regulating thrombin-induced RelA/p65 nuclear translocation and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression in endothelial cells.

Fazal F, Bijli KM, Minhajuddin M, Rein T, Finkelstein JN, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2009 July 31284 (31):21047-56. Epub 05/29/2009.

Protein kinase C-delta and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt activate mammalian target of rapamycin to modulate NF-kappaB activation and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression in endothelial cells.

Minhajuddin M, Bijli KM, Fazal F, Sassano A, Nakayama KI, Hay N, Platanias LC, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2009 February 13284 (7):4052-61. Epub 12/13/2008.

Hug tightly and say goodbye: Role of endothelial ICAM-1 in leukocyte transmigration.

Rahman A and Fazal F.

Antioxid Redox Signal 11:823-829. 2009; .

VEGFR-2 inhibition augments cigarette smoke-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses leading to endothelial dysfunction.

Edirisinghe I, Yang SR, Yao H, Rajendrasozhan S, Caito S, Adenuga D, Wong C, Rahman A, Phipps RP, Jin ZG, Rahman I

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.. 2008 July 22 (7):2297-310. Epub 02/08/2008.

Activation of Syk by protein kinase C-delta regulates thrombin-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in endothelial cells via tyrosine phosphorylation of RelA/p65.

Bijli KM, Fazal F, Minhajuddin M, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2008 May 23283 (21):14674-84. Epub 03/24/2008.

Evidence for actin cytoskeleton-dependent and -independent pathways for RelA/p65 nuclear translocation in endothelial cells.

Fazal F, Minhajuddin M, Bijli KM, McGrath JL, Rahman A

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2007 February 9282 (6):3940-50. Epub 12/08/2006.

c-Src interacts with and phosphorylates RelA/p65 to promote thrombin-induced ICAM-1 expression in endothelial cells.

Bijli KM, Minhajuddin M, Fazal F, O'Reilly MA, Platanias LC, Rahman A

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2007 February 292 (2):L396-404. Epub 09/29/2006.

Berk BC. Flow antagonizes TNF? signaling in endothelial cells by inhibiting caspase-dependent PKC zeta processing.

Garin G, Abe J, Mohan A, Lu W, Yan C, Newby AC, Rhaman A, Berk BC.

Circ Res. 2007; 101(1): 97-105.

Regulation of lung neutrophil recruitment by VE-cadherin.

Orrington-Myers J, Gao X, Kouklis P, Broman M, Rahman A, Vogel SM, Malik AB

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2006 October 291 (4):L764-71. Epub 06/16/2006.

p21(Cip1/Waf1/Sdi1) protects against hyperoxia by maintaining expression of Bcl-X(L).

Staversky RJ, Vitiello PF, Gehen SC, Helt CE, Rahman A, Keng PC, O'Reilly MA

Free radical biology & medicine.. 2006 August 1541 (4):601-9. Epub 05/23/2006.

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase gamma signaling through protein kinase Czeta induces NADPH oxidase-mediated oxidant generation and NF-kappaB activation in endothelial cells.

Frey RS, Gao X, Javaid K, Siddiqui SS, Rahman A, Malik AB

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2006 June 9281 (23):16128-38. Epub 03/09/2006.

Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin potentiates thrombin-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression by accelerating and stabilizing NF-kappa B activation in endothelial cells.

Minhajuddin M, Fazal F, Bijli KM, Amin MR, Rahman A

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2005 May 1174 (9):5823-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

RhoA/Rho-associated kinase pathway selectively regulates thrombin-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression in endothelial cells via activation of I kappa B kinase beta and phosphorylation of RelA/p65.

Anwar KN, Fazal F, Malik AB, Rahman A

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2004 December 1173 (11):6965-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

cAMP targeting of p38 MAP kinase inhibits thrombin-induced NF-kappaB activation and ICAM-1 expression in endothelial cells.

Rahman A, Anwar KN, Minhajuddin M, Bijli KM, Javaid K, True AL, Malik AB

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2004 November 287 (5):L1017-24. Epub 07/09/2004.

E. coli pneumonia induces CD18-independent airway neutrophil migration in the absence of increased lung vascular permeability.

Ong ES, Gao XP, Xu N, Predescu D, Rahman A, Broman MT, Jho DH, Malik AB

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2003 October 285 (4):L879-88. Epub 06/20/2003.

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces nuclear factor-kappaB-dependent TRPC1 expression in endothelial cells.

Paria BC, Malik AB, Kwiatek AM, Rahman A, May MJ, Ghosh S, Tiruppathi C

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2003 September 26278 (39):37195-203. Epub 07/10/2003.

Activation of protein kinase C delta by all-trans-retinoic acid.

Kambhampati S, Li Y, Verma A, Sassano A, Majchrzak B, Deb DK, Parmar S, Giafis N, Kalvakolanu DV, Rahman A, Uddin S, Minucci S, Tallman MS, Fish EN, Platanias LC

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2003 August 29278 (35):32544-51. Epub 06/12/2003.

Activation of protein kinase C delta by IFN-gamma.

Deb DK, Sassano A, Lekmine F, Majchrzak B, Verma A, Kambhampati S, Uddin S, Rahman A, Fish EN, Platanias LC

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2003 July 1171 (1):267-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces early-onset endothelial adhesivity by protein kinase Czeta-dependent activation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1.

Javaid K, Rahman A, Anwar KN, Frey RS, Minshall RD, Malik AB

Circulation research.. 2003 May 3092 (10):1089-97. Epub 04/24/2003.

Inhibition of activator protein-1 transcription factor activation by omega-3 fatty acid modulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling kinases.

Babcock TA, Kurland A, Helton WS, Rahman A, Anwar KN, Espat NJ

JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.. 2003 27 (3):176-80; discussion 181. Epub 1900 01 01.

Galpha(q) and Gbetagamma regulate PAR-1 signaling of thrombin-induced NF-kappaB activation and ICAM-1 transcription in endothelial cells.

Rahman A, True AL, Anwar KN, Ye RD, Voyno-Yasenetskaya TA, Malik AB

Circulation research.. 2002 September 691 (5):398-405. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nitric oxide stimulates macrophage inflammatory protein-2 expression in sepsis.

Skidgel RA, Gao XP, Brovkovych V, Rahman A, Jho D, Predescu S, Standiford TJ, Malik AB

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2002 August 15169 (4):2093-101. Epub 1900 01 01.

PKCzeta regulates TNF-alpha-induced activation of NADPH oxidase in endothelial cells.

Frey RS, Rahman A, Kefer JC, Minshall RD, Malik AB

Circulation research.. 2002 May 1790 (9):1012-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protein kinase C-delta (PKC-delta ) is activated by type I interferons and mediates phosphorylation of Stat1 on serine 727.

Uddin S, Sassano A, Deb DK, Verma A, Majchrzak B, Rahman A, Malik AB, Fish EN, Platanias LC

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2002 April 26277 (17):14408-16. Epub 02/11/2002.

Role of NADPH oxidase in the mechanism of lung neutrophil sequestration and microvessel injury induced by Gram-negative sepsis: studies in p47phox-/- and gp91phox-/- mice.

Gao XP, Standiford TJ, Rahman A, Newstead M, Holland SM, Dinauer MC, Liu QH, Malik AB

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2002 April 15168 (8):3974-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Time-dependent reversal of sepsis-induced PMN uptake and lung vascular injury by expression of CD18 antagonist.

Xu N, Gao XP, Minshall RD, Rahman A, Malik AB

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.. 2002 April 282 (4):L796-802. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differential role of CD18 integrins in mediating lung neutrophil sequestration and increased microvascular permeability induced by Escherichia coli in mice.

Gao X, Xu N, Sekosan M, Mehta D, Ma SY, Rahman A, Malik AB

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2001 September 1167 (5):2895-901. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protein kinase C-delta regulates thrombin-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in endothelial cells via activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.

Rahman A, Anwar KN, Uddin S, Xu N, Ye RD, Platanias LC, Malik AB

Molecular and cellular biology.. 2001 August 21 (16):5554-65. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protein kinase C-alpha signals rho-guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor phosphorylation and rho activation and regulates the endothelial cell barrier function.

Mehta D, Rahman A, Malik AB

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2001 June 22276 (25):22614-20. Epub 04/17/2001.

G alpha 16 couples chemoattractant receptors to NF-kappa B activation.

Yang M, Sang H, Rahman A, Wu D, Malik AB, Ye RD

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2001 June 1166 (11):6885-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Decreased oxidant buffering impairs NF-kappaB activation and ICAM-1 transcription in endothelial cells.

Kefer J, Rahman A, Anwar KN, Malik AB

Shock.. 2001 January 15 (1):11-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protein kinase C-zeta mediates TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 gene transcription in endothelial cells.

Rahman A, Anwar KN, Malik AB

American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.. 2000 October 279 (4):C906-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

beta(2)-Integrin blockade driven by E-selectin promoter prevents neutrophil sequestration and lung injury in mice.

Xu N, Rahman A, Minshall RD, Tiruppathi C, Malik AB

Circulation research.. 2000 August 487 (3):254-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Activation of NF-kB induced by H2O2 and TNFa in endothelial cells and effect on ICAM-1 expression.

True, A.L., Rahman, A., Malik, A.B.

Am. J. Physiol: Lung Mol. Cell. Physiolol. 2000; 279: L302-L311.

Neutrophil inhibitory factor abrogates neutrophil adhesion by blockade of CD11a and CD11b beta(2) integrins.

Lo SK, Rahman A, Xu N, Zhou MY, Nagpala P, Jaffe HA, Malik AB

Molecular pharmacology.. 1999 November 56 (5):926-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Thrombin-induced p65 homodimer binding to downstream NF-kappa B site of the promoter mediates endothelial ICAM-1 expression and neutrophil adhesion.

Rahman A, Anwar KN, True AL, Malik AB

The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1999 May 1162 (9):5466-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protein kinase C-activated oxidant generation in endothelial cells signals intercellular adhesion molecule-1 gene transcription.

Rahman A, Bando M, Kefer J, Anwar KN, Malik AB

Molecular pharmacology.. 1999 March 55 (3):575-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

E-selectin expression in human endothelial cells by TNFa-induced oxidant generation and NF-kB activation.

Rahman, A., Kefer, J., Bando, M., Niles, W.D., Malik, A.B.

Am. J. Physiol. 1998; 19: L533-L544.

H2O2 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha activate intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) gene transcription through distinct cis-regulatory elements within the ICAM-1 promoter.

Roebuck KA, Rahman A, Lakshminarayanan V, Janakidevi K, Malik AB

The Journal of biological chemistry.. 1995 August 11270 (32):18966-74. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect of single-base substitutions in the central domain of virus-associated RNA I on its function.

Rahman A, Malhotra P, Dhar R, Kewalramani T, Thimmapaya B

Journal of virology.. 1995 July 69 (7):4299-307. Epub 1900 01 01.

Generation of superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical by methylglyoxal.

Fazal, F., Rahman, A., Hadi, S.M.

Med. Sci. Res. 1994; 22: 21-24.

Activities of flavonoids for the cleavage of DNA in the presence of Cu(II): correlation with generation of active oxygen species.

Said Ahmad M, Fazal F, Rahman A, Hadi SM, Parish JH

Carcinogenesis.. 1992 April 13 (4):605-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Strand scission in DNA induced by dietary flavonoids: role of Cu(I) and oxygen free radicals and biological consequences of scission.

Rahman A, Fazal F, Greensill J, Ainley K, Parish JH, Hadi SM

Molecular and cellular biochemistry.. 1992 April 111 (1-2):3-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reaction of furfural and methylfurfural with DNA: use of single-strand-specific nucleases.

Shahabuddin , Rahman A, Hadi SM

Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.. 1991 October 29 (10):719-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anticancer drugs and DNA degradation.

Rahman, A.; Hadi, S.M.

Med Sci Res. 1991; 19: 627-631.

Strand scission in DNA by quercetin and Cu(II): identification of free radical intermediates and biological consequences of scission.

Fazal F, Rahman A, Greensill J, Ainley K, Hadi SM, Parish JH

Carcinogenesis.. 1990 November 11 (11):2005-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Complexes involving quercetin, DNA and Cu(II).

Rahman A, Shahabuddin , Hadi SM, Parish JH

Carcinogenesis.. 1990 November 11 (11):2001-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Specificity of the in vitro interaction of methylfurfural with DNA.

Shahabuddin , Rahman A, Hadi SM

Mutagenesis.. 1990 March 5 (2):131-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Formation of strand breaks and interstrand cross-links in DNA by methylglyoxal.

Rahman A, Shahabuddin , Hadi SM

Journal of biochemical toxicology.. 1990 5 (3):161-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Strand scission in DNA induced by quercetin and Cu(II): role of Cu(I) and oxygen free radicals.

Rahman A, Shahabuddin , Hadi SM, Parish JH, Ainley K

Carcinogenesis.. 1989 October 10 (10):1833-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Specificity of the interaction of furfural with DNA.

Hadi SM, Shahabuddin , Rehman A

Mutation research.. 1989 March 225 (3):101-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dietary mutagens and carcinogens

Hadi, SM.; Rizvi, RY.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, S.

J Sc Ind Res. 1987; 46: 54-60.

Effect of alkylation with streptozotocin on the secondary structure of DNA.

Rizvi, R.Y., Uddin, S., Rahman, A., Hadi, S. M.

Biosc. Rep. 1986; 6: 557-564.

SENCR Stabilizes Vascular Endothelial Cell Adherens Junction through Interaction with CKAP4.

Lyu, Q.; Xu, S.W.; Lyu, Y.Y.; Choi, M.; Christie, C.K.; Slivano, O.J.; Rahman, A.; Jin, Z.G.; Long, X.C.; Xu, Y.W.; Miano, J.M.

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. .

Endoplasmic Reticulum Chaperone and Signaling Regulator BiP/GRP78 is Critical to Endothelial Dysfunction in Acute Lung Injury.

Leonard, A.; Grose, V.; Paton, A.W.; Paton, J.C.; Yule, D.I.; Rahman, A.; Fazal, F.

Scientific Reports. .

Essential Role of Beclin1-Autopahgy Axis in Endothelial Cell Inflammation and Permeability

Leonard, A.; Millar, M.; Slavin, S.A.; Bijli, K.M.; Dionisio-Santos, DA.; Dean, DA.; Fazal, F.; *Rahman, A.

J Immunol. .

Occludin is indispensable for alveolar barrier function and serves as a therapeutic target for treating ARDS.

Lin, X.; Bai, H.; Barravecchia, M.; Norman, R.; Rahman, A.; Young, JL.; Dean, DA.

JCI Insight. .

Deficiency of a novel coronary artery disease risk gene JCAD/KIAA1462 reduces atherosclerosis.

Xu, Y.; Xu, S.; Liu, P.; Zhang, S.; Slavin, S.; Koroleva, M.; Rahman, A.; Si, S.; Jin, ZG.

European Heart Journal. .


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