Deborah A. Napolitano, Ph.D.
Deborah A. Napolitano, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Clinical Associate Professor (Voluntary) - Department of Pediatrics, Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (SMD)
PhD | University of Kansas. Developmental & Child Psychology. 2000
MA | University of Kansas. Early Childhood Education & Applied Behavior Analysis. 1994
BA | Western Connecticut State University. Communications & Human Relations. 1987
Journal Articles
Perceptions of Body Image by Persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome and their Parents.
Napolitano, DA; Zarcone, JR; Nielsen, S.; Wang, H; Caliendo, JM.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 2010; 115: 43-53.
Measurement of problem behaviour during medication evaluations.
Zarcone, J.R., Napolitano, D.A., & Valdovinos, M.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2008; : 1015-1028.
Zarcone J, Napolitano D, Peterson C, Breidbord J, Ferraioli S, Caruso-Anderson M, Holsen L, Butler MG, Thompson T
Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR.. 2007 June 51 (Pt. 6):478-87. Epub 1900 01 01.
The use of functional communication training to reduce pica.
Napolitano, D.A., Blaakman, L.A., Kohl, L.B., Vallese, H.M. & McAdam, D.B. (2007).
The Journal of Speech - Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis. 2007; 1.4-2.1: 25-31.
Brief review of the effects of psychotropic drugs on Reinforcement, Avoidance, punishment, and functional relations.
Valdovinos, M., & Napolitano, D.A.
Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis. 2007; : 27-34.
Translational Implications of the Behavioral Effects of Anticonvulsants for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
Valdovinos, M. & Napolitano, D.A.
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed Bulletin. 2007; .
The influence of idiosyncratic antecedent variables on the problem behavior displayed by a person with PDD.
Napolitano, D. A., Tessing, J. L., McAdam, D. B., Dunleavy, J. J., Cifuni, N. M.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 2006; 18: 295-305.
Tessing JL, Napolitano DA, McAdam DB, DiCesare A, Axelrod S
Journal of applied behavior analysis.. 2006 39 (4):501-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
McAdam DB, Sherman JA, Sheldon JB, Napolitano DA
Behavior modification.. 2004 January 28 (1):45-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Marshall BL, Napolitano DA, McAdam DB, Dunleavy III JJ, Tessing JL, Varrell J
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2003 April 42 (4):383-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yoo JH, Williams DC, Napolitano DA, Peyton RT, Baer DM, Schroeder SR
Journal of applied behavior analysis.. 2003 36 (2):245-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Valdovinos MG, Napolitano DA, Zarcone JR, Hellings JA, Williams DC, Schroeder SR
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology.. 2002 August 10 (3):268-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
McAdam DB, Zarcone JR, Hellings J, Napolitano DA, Schroeder SR
American journal of mental retardation : AJMR.. 2002 July 107 (4):261-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Drug-behavior interactions in persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
Napolitano, D.A., Jack, S.L., Sheldon, J. B., Williams, D.C., McAdam, D.B., Schroeder, S. R.
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research and Reviews. 1999; 5: 322-344.
Brief review of the effects of psychotropic drugs on Reinforcement, avoidance, punishment, and functional relations.
Valdovinos, M., Napolitano, D. A.
Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis.
Translational Implications of the Behavioral Effects of Anticonvulsants for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
Valdovinos, M. & Napolitano, D.A. (2007).
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed Bulleting. 10: 23-30.
Measurement of problem behaviour when evaluating medication effects.
Zarcone, J.R.; Napolitano, D. A.; & Valdovinos, M. G.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
Increasing response diversity in children with autism
Napolitano, DA., Smith T., Zarcone, JR.,Goodkin, K., McAdam DB.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. .
Functional Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior (2012)
Chapter: The Role of Functional Assessment in Treatment Planning In: J. Matson (Ed.),
Authors: Napolitano, D.A., Madaus-Knapp, V., Speares, E., McAdam, D.B., & Brown, H.
Publisher: Springer Publishing., New York, NY 2012
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Applied Behavior Analysis Evidence & (2007)
Chapter: Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis
Authors: Smith T, McAdam D, Napolitano D
Publisher: PRO-ED 2007