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Brian E. McGarry, Ph.D.

Brian E. McGarry, Ph.D.


Connect with Brian E. McGarry, Ph.D.

About Me

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Medicine, Geriatrics/Aging (SMD)

Assistant Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint


Dr. McGarry is a physical therapist and health services researcher with an interest in the economics of aging. His research focuses on older adults' navigation of the Medicare program and long-term care system, as well as the impact of public policies on the cost and quality of care delivered to old...
Dr. McGarry is a physical therapist and health services researcher with an interest in the economics of aging. His research focuses on older adults' navigation of the Medicare program and long-term care system, as well as the impact of public policies on the cost and quality of care delivered to older adults. He completed his PhD in Health Services Research at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and a postdoctoral fellowship in Health Economics and Policy at Harvard Medical School.


Journal Articles

Measures to Prevent and Control COVID-19 in Skilled Nursing Facilities: A Scoping Review.

Canter BE, Ulyte A, McGarry BE, Barnett ML

JAMA health forum.. 2025 January 36 (1):e245175. Epub 01/03/2025.

Hospice providers serving assisted living residents: Association of higher volume with lower quality.

Guo W, Temkin-Greener H, McGarry BE

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2024 August 72 (8):2483-2490. Epub 03/27/2024.

Clinical Outcomes After Admission of Patients With COVID-19 to Skilled Nursing Facilities.

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Chughtai MA, Yin J, Barnett ML

JAMA internal medicine.. 2024 July 1184 (7):799-808. Epub 1900 01 01.

Preferences for Postacute Care at Home vs Facilities.

Geng F, McGarry BE, Rosenthal MB, Zubizarreta JR, Resch SC, Grabowski DC

JAMA health forum.. 2024 April 55 (4):e240678. Epub 04/05/2024.

Association Between Staff Turnover and Care Quality in Nursing Homes-Reply.

Shen K, McGarry BE, Gandhi AD

JAMA internal medicine.. 2024 March 1184 (3):335. Epub 1900 01 01.

Clinical Risk and Outpatient Therapy Utilization for COVID-19 in the Medicare Population.

Wilcock AD, Kissler S, Mehrotra A, McGarry BE, Sommers BD, Grabowski DC, Grad YH, Barnett ML

JAMA health forum.. 2024 January 55 (1):e235044. Epub 01/05/2024.

Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in US Nursing Homes-Reply.

McGarry BE, Sommers BD, Barnett ML

JAMA.. 2023 November 28330 (20):2022. Epub 1900 01 01.

Health Care Staff Turnover and Quality of Care at Nursing Homes.

Shen K, McGarry BE, Gandhi AD

JAMA internal medicine.. 2023 November 1183 (11):1247-1254. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medicaid home and community-based services spending for older adults: Is there a "woodwork" effect?

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2023 October 71 (10):3143-3151. Epub 06/16/2023.

Spillover effect of the Patient Drive Payment Model on skilled nursing facility therapy delivery among Medicare Advantage enrollees.

Rahman M, Meyers D, White EM, McGarry BE, Santostefano C, Resnik L, Grabowski DC

Health economics.. 2023 September 32 (9):1887-1897. Epub 05/23/2023.

Hospital Proximity and Emergency Department Use among Assisted Living Residents.

McGarry BE, Mao Y, Nelson DL, Temkin-Greener H

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2023 September 24 (9):1349-1355.e5. Epub 06/07/2023.

Monoclonal Antibody and Oral Antiviral Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in US Nursing Homes.

McGarry BE, Sommers BD, Wilcock AD, Grabowski DC, Barnett ML

JAMA.. 2023 August 8330 (6):561-563. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of Receipt of Paycheck Protection Program Loans With Staffing Patterns Among US Nursing Homes.

Travers JL, McGarry BE, Friedman S, Holaday LW, Ross JS, Lopez L, Chen K

JAMA network open.. 2023 July 36 (7):e2326122. Epub 07/03/2023.

Examination of Staffing Shortages at US Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Brazier JF, Geng F, Meehan A, White EM, McGarry BE, Shield RR, Grabowski DC, Rahman M, Santostefano C, Gadbois EA

JAMA network open.. 2023 July 36 (7):e2325993. Epub 07/03/2023.

Covid-19 Surveillance Testing in Nursing Homes. Reply.

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Barnett ML

The New England journal of medicine.. 2023 June 8388 (23):2207-2208. Epub 1900 01 01.

Are online reviews of assisted living communities associated with patient-centered outcomes?

Mao Y, Li Y, McGarry B, Wang J, Temkin-Greener H

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2023 May 71 (5):1505-1514. Epub 12/26/2022.

Covid-19 Surveillance Testing and Resident Outcomes in Nursing Homes.

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Barnett ML

The New England journal of medicine.. 2023 March 23388 (12):1101-1110. Epub 1900 01 01.

Staffing Patterns in US Nursing Homes During COVID-19 Outbreaks.

Shen K, McGarry BE, Grabowski DC, Gruber J, Gandhi AD

JAMA health forum.. 2022 July 3 (7):e222151. Epub 07/22/2022.

Association of State COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates With Staff Vaccination Coverage and Staffing Shortages in US Nursing Homes.

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Syme M, Berry SD, White EM, Grabowski DC

JAMA health forum.. 2022 July 3 (7):e222363. Epub 07/29/2022.

Nursing Home Staff Vaccination and Covid-19 Outcomes.

McGarry BE, Barnett ML, Grabowski DC, Gandhi AD

The New England journal of medicine.. 2022 January 27386 (4):397-398. Epub 12/08/2021.

Association Between the Patient Driven Payment Model and Therapy Utilization and Patient Outcomes in US Skilled Nursing Facilities.

Rahman M, White EM, McGarry BE, Santostefano C, Shewmaker P, Resnik L, Grabowski DC

JAMA health forum.. 2022 January 3 (1):e214366. Epub 01/07/2022.

Association of Nursing Home Characteristics With Staff and Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage.

McGarry BE, Shen K, Barnett ML, Grabowski DC, Gandhi AD

JAMA internal medicine.. 2021 December 1181 (12):1670-1672. Epub 1900 01 01.

Larger Nursing Home Staff Size Linked To Higher Number Of COVID-19 Cases In 2020.

McGarry BE, Gandhi AD, Grabowski DC, Barnett ML

Health affairs.. 2021 August 40 (8):1261-1269. Epub 07/14/2021.

Addressing Unmet Adaptive Equipment Needs Through Primary Care.

McGarry BE, Falvey JR

JAMA internal medicine.. 2021 May 1181 (5):670-671. Epub 1900 01 01.

Outcomes After Shortened Skilled Nursing Facility Stays Suggest Potential For Improving Postacute Care Efficiency.

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC, Ding L, McWilliams JM

Health affairs.. 2021 May 40 (5):745-753. Epub 1900 01 01.

COVID-19 Test Result Turnaround Time for Residents and Staff in US Nursing Homes.

McGarry BE, SteelFisher GK, Grabowski DC, Barnett ML

JAMA internal medicine.. 2021 April 1181 (4):556-559. Epub 1900 01 01.

Medicare's New Patient Driven Payment Model Resulted In Reductions In Therapy Staffing In Skilled Nursing Facilities.

McGarry BE, White EM, Resnik LJ, Rahman M, Grabowski DC

Health affairs.. 2021 March 40 (3):392-399. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cognition and Take-up of the Medicare Savings Programs.

Roberts ET, McGarry BE, Glynn A

JAMA internal medicine.. 2020 November 1180 (11):1529-1531. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of Medicaid Expansion Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act With Use of Long-term Care.

Van Houtven CH, McGarry BE, Jutkowitz E, Grabowski DC

JAMA network open.. 2020 October 13 (10):e2018728. Epub 10/01/2020.

Severe Staffing And Personal Protective Equipment Shortages Faced By Nursing Homes During The COVID-19 Pandemic.

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC, Barnett ML

Health affairs.. 2020 October 39 (10):1812-1821. Epub 08/20/2020.

Consumer Numeracy and Insurance Design Decisions: An Examination of Inflation Protection Take-Up Among Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policy Holders.

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC

Medical care research and review : MCRR.. 2020 April 77 (2):187-195. Epub 07/15/2018.

Impact of Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Penalties on Hip and Knee Replacement Readmissions: Comparison of Hospitals at Risk of Varying Penalty Amounts.

Thirukumaran CP, McGarry BE, Glance LG, Ying M, Ricciardi BF, Cai X, Li Y

The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.. 2020 January 2102 (1):60-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Impact of Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Penalties on Hip and Knee Replacement Readmissions: Comparison of Hospitals at Risk of Varying Penalty Amounts

Thirukumaran, Caroline P; McGarry, Brian E; Glance, Laurent G; Ying, Meiling; Ricciardi, Benjamin F; Cai, Xueya; Li, Yue;.

2020; 102(1): 60-67.

Association between High Proportions of Seriously Mentally Ill Nursing Home Residents and the Quality of Resident Care.

McGarry BE, Joyce NR, McGuire TG, Mitchell SL, Bartels SJ, Grabowski DC

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2019 November 67 (11):2346-2352. Epub 07/29/2019.

The effects of plan payment rates on the market for Medicare Advantage Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans.

McGarry BE, Layton TJ, Grabowski DC

Health services research.. 2019 October 54 (5):1137-1145. Epub 05/20/2019.

What Do Clinicians Caring for Aging Patients Need to Know About Private Long-Term Care Insurance?

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2019 October 67 (10):2167-2173. Epub 08/06/2019.

Managed care for long-stay nursing home residents: an evaluation of Institutional Special Needs Plans.

McGarry BE, Grabowski DC

The American journal of managed care.. 2019 September 25 (9):438-443. Epub 1900 01 01.

What Do Clinicians Caring for Aging Patients Need to Know About Private Long?Term Care Insurance?

McGarry, Brian E; Grabowski, David C;.

2019; 67(10): 2167-2173.

Managed care for long-stay nursing home residents: an evaluation of Institutional Special Needs Plans

McGarry, Brian E; Grabowski, David C;.

2019; 25(9): 438-443.


McGarry, Brian E; Grabowski, David C;.

2019; 3(Supplement_1): S300-S300.

Association between High Proportions of Seriously Mentally Ill Nursing Home Residents and the Quality of Resident Care

McGarry, Brian E; Joyce, Nina R; McGuire, Thomas G; Mitchell, Susan L; Bartels, Stephen J; Grabowski, David C;.

2019; 67(11): 2346-2352.

The effects of plan payment rates on the market for Medicare Advantage Dual?Eligible Special Needs Plans

McGarry, Brian E; Layton, Timothy J; Grabowski, David C;.

2019; 54(5): 1137-1145.

Simplifying The Medicare Plan Finder Tool Could Help Older Adults Choose Lower-Cost Part D Plans.

McGarry BE, Maestas N, Grabowski DC

Health affairs.. 2018 August 37 (8):1290-1297. Epub 1900 01 01.

Consumer Decision-Making Abilities and Long-Term Care Insurance Purchase.

McGarry BE, Tempkin-Greener H, Grabowski DC, Chapman BP, Li Y

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.. 2018 April 1673 (4):e1-e10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Consumer Numeracy and Insurance Design Decisions: An Examination of Inflation Protection Take-Up Among Private Long-Term Care Insurance Policy Holders

McGarry, Brian E; Grabowski, David C;.

2018; : 1077558718787742.

Simplifying the Medicare plan finder tool could help older adults choose lower-cost Part D plans

McGarry, Brian E; Maestas, Nicole; Grabowski, David C;.

2018; 37(8): 1290-1297.

Consumer decision-making abilities and long-term care insurance purchase

McGarry, Brian E; Tempkin-Greener, Helena; Grabowski, David C; Chapman, Benjamin P; Li, Yue;.

2018; 73(4): e1-e10.

The Impact of Consumer Numeracy on the Purchase of Long-Term Care Insurance.

McGarry BE, Temkin-Greener H, Chapman BP, Grabowski DC, Li Y

Health services research.. 2016 August 51 (4):1612-31. Epub 01/22/2016.

The Impact of the Medicare Hospital Readmission Reduction Program in New York State.

McGarry BE, Blankley AA, Li Y

Medical care.. 2016 February 54 (2):162-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

The impact of the Medicare hospital readmission reduction program in New York state

McGarry, Brian E; Blankley, Albert A; Li, Yue;.

2016; 54(2): 162-171.

The impact of consumer numeracy on the purchase of long?term care insurance

McGarry, Brian E; Temkin?Greener, Helena; Chapman, Benjamin P; Grabowski, David C; Li, Yue;.

2016; 51(4): 1612-1631.

Role of race and ethnicity in private long-term care insurance ownership.

McGarry BE, Temkin-Greener H, Li Y

The Gerontologist.. 2014 December 54 (6):1001-12. Epub 09/05/2013.

The Care Span: Lower Hispanic participation in Medicare Part D may reflect program barriers.

McGarry BE, Strawderman RL, Li Y

Health affairs.. 2014 May 33 (5):856-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lower Hispanic participation in Medicare Part D may reflect program barriers

McGarry, Brian E; Strawderman, Robert L; Li, Yue;.

2014; 33(5): 856-862.

Role of race and ethnicity in private long-term care insurance ownership

McGarry, Brian E; Temkin-Greener, Helena; Li, Yue;.

2014; 54(6): 1001-1012.