Melissa Heatly, Ph.D.
Melissa Heatly, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Assistant Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Child & Adoles Serv (SMD)
PhD | University of Pittsburgh. Clinical Psychology. 2015
MS | University of Pittsburgh. Developmental Psychology. 2011
BA | Cornell University. Government. 2005
Outstanding Research Presentation. 2015
Graduate Research Presentation Award. 2014
Recognition of Excellence in Teaching. 2006
Journal Articles
Parent- & Teacher-Child Child Relationships and Engagement at School Entry: Mediating, Interactive, and Transactional Associations Across Contexts. (In Press)
Heatly, M.C.; Votruba-Drzal, E.
Developmental Psychology. 2017; .
Heatly, M.C.; Bachman, H. J.; & Votruba-Drzal, E.
Applied Developmental Psychology,. 2015; 41: 46-59.
Bachman, H.J.; Votruba-Drzal, E.; El Nokali, N.E. ; Heatly, M.C.
American Education Research Journal. 2015; 52(5): 849 – 923.
Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings (2017)
Chapter: Addressing conduct disorder in primary care settings
Authors: Heatly, M.C.; Lee, P
Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG, Cham 2017