David Rich, Sc.D., M.P.H.
David Rich, Sc.D., M.P.H.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)
Professor - Department of Environmental Medicine (SMD) - Joint
Professor - Department of Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care (SMD) - Joint
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Division of Aging 2004 - 2005
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health 2004 - 2005
Sc.D. | Harvard School of Public Health. Epidemiology & Environmental Health. 2004
M.P.H. | University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Public Health. Epidemiology & Quantitative Methods. 1999
B.S. | Rutgers University, Cook College. Public Health. 1994
George H. Cook Distinguished Alumni Award. 2015
Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper of 2013. 2014
Excellence in Teaching Award. 2009
B.S. (with Honors). 1994
George H. Cook Scholar (B.S.). 1993 - 1994
General Honors Program (B.S.). 1990 - 1994
Dr. Rich also mentors PhD and MS Epidemiology students and teaches graduate and undergraduate epidemiology courses, including Advanced Epidemiology Methods (PM416), Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology (PM470), and Concepts of Epidemiology (PHLT103)
Dr. Rich’s current research studies include:
1. Potential pathophysiologic mechanisms linking air pollution exposure during pregnancy to reduced fetal growth: a prospective cohort study of pregnant women living in Rochester, New York and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2. Long term monitoring of particle size distributions in Rochester, New York
3. Changes in air pollution particulate matter composition in New York State and triggering of acute cardiovascular, respiratory, and respiratory infectious disease hospital admissions, and triggering of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: an accountability study
4. Environmental and health benefits of mobile source and electricity generating unit
policies to reduce particulate pollution in New York City, Atlanta, and Los Angeles: an accountability study
Journal Articles
Can long-term residential air cleaning reduce cardiovascular morbidity in COPD patients
Croft DP, Utell MJ, Rich DQ.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2023; 207(6): 651-653.
Long-term exposure to particulate matter and COPD mortality: insights from causal inference methods based on a large population cohort in southern China
Wang Y, Du, Z, Zhang Y, Chen S, Xu L, Lin S, Rich DQ, Zhang K, Romeiko X, Deng X, Qu Y, Liu Y, Lin Z, Zhu S, Zhang W, Hao Y.
Science for the Total Environment. 2023; 863: 160808.
Phenomenology of ultrafine particle concentrations and size distribution across urban Europe
Trechera P, Garcia-Marlès M, Liu X, Reche C, Pérez N, Savadkoohi M, Beddows D, Salma I, Vörösmarty M, Casans A, Casquero-Vera JA, Hueglin C, Marchand N, Chazeau B, Gille G, Kalkavouras P, Mihalopoulos N, Ondracek J, Zikova N, Niemi JV, Manninen HE, Green DC, Tremper AH, Norman M, Vratolis S, Eleftheriadis K, Gómez-Moreno FJ, Alonso-Blanco E, Gerwig H, Wiedensohler A, Weinhold K, Merkel M, Bastian S, Petit JE, Favez O, Crumeyrolle S, Ferlay N, Dos Santos SM, Putaud JP, Timonen J, Asbach C, Wolf C, Kamin.
Environment International. 2023; 172: 107744.
How long-term ambient particle exposures interact with lifestyles on the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and the combined condition: insight from a large community-based survey
Cai H, Du Z, Lin X, Lawrence WR, Hopke PK, Rich DQ, Lin S, Xiao J, Deng X, Qu Y, Lin Z, Wang X, Ju X, Chen S, Zhang Y, Wu W, Wang Y, Gu J, Zhang W, Hao Y.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2023; .
Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in pregnant women in a northeastern U.S. city: socioeconomic disparity and contributions from air pollution sources
Lin Y, Craig E, Liu X, Ge Y, Brunner J, Wang X, Yang Z, Hopke PK, Miller RK, Barrett E, Thurston S, Murphy S, O'Connor T, Rich DQ, Zhang J.
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2023; .
Issues with the organic and elemental carbon fractions in recent U.S. Chemical Speciation Network data
Hopke PK, Chen Y, Rich DQ, Watson J, Chow J.
Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2023; .
Gong C, Wang J, Bai Z, Rich DQ, Zhang Y.
Maternal exposure to ambient PM2.5 and term birth
Effects of short-term increases in personal and ambient pollutant concentrations on cardiovascular and pulmonary function: a panel study analysis of the Multicenter Ozone Study in older Subjects 2 (MOSES 2)
Frampton MW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Thurston SW, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Koutrakis P, Thevenet-Morrison K, Rich DQ.
Environmental Research. 2022; 205: 112522.
Chen Y, Rich DQ, Hopke PK
Atmospheric Environment. 2022; 272.
Welch BM, Keil AP, Buckley JP, Calafat AM, Christenbury KE, Engel SM, O'Brien KM, Rosen EM, James-Todd T, Zota AR, Hguyen HN, Sathyanarayana S, Swan SH, Cantonwine DE, McElrath TF, Aalborg J, Dabelea D, Starling AP, Hauser R, Messerlian C, ZhangY, Bradman A, Eskenazi B, Harley KG, Holland N, Bloom MS, Newman RB, Wenzel AG, Braun JM, Lanphear BP, Yolton K, Factor-Litvak P, Herbstman JB, Rauh VA, Drobnis EZ, Sparks AE, Redmon JB, Wang C, Binder AM, Michels KB, Baird DD, Jukic AMZ, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Ric
Associations between prenatal urinary biomarkers of phthalate exposure and preterm birth: A pooled study of 16 US cohorts.
JAMA Pediatrics. 2022; 176(9): 895-905.
Ferro AR, Nad?žda Z, Masiol M, Satsangi GP, Twomey T, Chalupa DC, Rich DQ, Hopke PK
Residential Indoor and Outdoor PM Measured Using Low-cost Monitors during the Heating Season in Monroe County, NY.
Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2022; .
Long-term trends of submicron particle number concentrations: concurrent effects of emission and dilution
Chen Y, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Pokorná P, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
Environmental Pollution. 2022; .
Assessment of Absolute Risk of Life-Threatening Cardiac Events in Long QT Syndrome Patients
Wang M, Peterson DR, McNitt S, Rich DQ, Seplaki SL, Kutyifa V, Barsheset A, Goldenberg I, Rosero S, Polonsky B, Zareba W.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2022; .
Triggering of ST-elevation myocardial infarction by ultrafine particles in New York: changes following Tier 3 vehicle introduction
Yount CS, Utell MJ, Hopke PK, Thurston S, Lin S, Ling F, Chen Y, Chalupa D, Deng X, Rich DQ.
Environmental Research. 2022; 22(Pt. 1): 114445.
Li T, Cushman JT, Shah MN, Kelly AG, Rich DQ, Jones CMC
The American journal of emergency medicine.. 2021 April 42 :127-131. Epub 02/07/2020.
van Wijngaarden E, Rich DQ, Zhang W, Thurston SW, Lin S, Croft DP, Squizzato S, Masiol M, Hopke PK
Annals of epidemiology.. 2021 February 54 :79-86.e4. Epub 09/30/2020.
Soo Kim B, Auerbach DA, Sadhra H, Godwin M, Bhandari R, Ling FS, Mohan A, Yule DI, Wagner L, Rich DQ, Ture S, Morrell CN, Timpanaro-Perrotta L, Younis A, Goldenberg I, Cameron SJ
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.. 2021 January 41 (1):390-400. Epub 11/12/2020.
Triggering of neurodegenerative hospital admissions and emergency room visits by fine particle concentrations in six urban centers in New York State: The New York State Accountability Study
van Wijngaarden E, Zhang W, Lin S, Thurston SW, Hopke PK, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Croft D, Rich DQ.
Annals of Epidemiology. 2021; 54: 79-86.
Prehospital time intervals and management of ischemic stroke patients
Li T, Cushman JT, Shah MN, Kelly AG, Rich DQ, Jones CMC.
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021; 42: 137-131.
A gender specific switch in platelet protease-activated receptor signaling occurs in women following myocardial infarction.
Kim BS, Auerbach DA, Sadhra H, Ling FS, Toth S, Mohan A, Tura S, Goldenberg I, Rich DQ, Cameron SJ.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2021; 41(1): 390-400.
Croft DP, Burton D, Nagel D, Bhattacharya S, Falsey AR, Georas S, Hopke PK, Johnston C, Kottman M, Litonjua A, Mariani T, Rich, DQ, Thevenet-Morrison K, Thurston SW, Utell MJ, McCall MN.
Scientific Reports. 2021; 11: 19436.
Wang M, Peterson DR, Rosero S, McNitt S, Rich DQ, Seplaki CL, Polonsky B, Goldenberg I, Zareba W.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2021; 78(21): 2076-2088.
Bi J, D'Souza RR, Rich DQ, Hopke PK, Russell AG, Liu Y, Chang HH, Ebelt S
Environmental research.. 2020 November 190 :109967. Epub 07/26/2020.
Li R, Hopke PK, Dozier A, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Croft D, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2020 September 30 (5):899. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rich DQ, Thurston SW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Thevenet-Morrison K, Koutrakis P, Frampton MW
Annals of the American Thoracic Society.. 2020 May 17 (5):563-572. Epub 1900 01 01.
Assibey-Mensah V, Glantz JC, Hopke PK, Jusko TA, Thevenet-Morrison K, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Hypertension.. 2020 March 75 (3):851-858. Epub 01/06/2020.
Rich DQ, Frampton MW, Balmes JR, Bromberg PA, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Thurston SW, Alexis NE, Ganz P, Zareba W, Koutrakis P, Thevenet-Morrison K
Research report. 2020 March 2020 (192, Pt 2):1-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hopke PK, Croft DP, Zhang W, Lin S, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Utell MJ, Rich DQ
Environmental research.. 2020 February 181 :108912. Epub 11/11/2019.
Croft DP, Zhang W, Lin S, Thurston SW, Hopke PK, van Wijngaarden E, Squizzato S, Masiol M, Utell MJ, Rich DQ
Environmental science & technology.. 2020 January 2154 (2):975-984. Epub 12/18/2019.
Zhang W, Kinney PL, Rich DQ, Sheridan SC, Romeiko XX, Dong G, Stern EK, Du Z, Xiao J, Lawrence WR, Lin Z, Hao Y, Lin S
Environment international.. 2020 January 134 :105285. Epub 11/11/2019.
Li T, Cushman JT, Shah MN, Kelly AG, Rich DQ, Jones CMC.
Li T, Cushman JT, Shah MN, Kelly AG, Rich DQ, Jones CMC. 2020; .
Wang M, Hopke PK, Masiol M, Thurston SW, Cameron S, Ling F, van Wijngaarden, Croft D, Squizzato S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Environmental health : a global access science source.. 2019 September 618 (1):82. Epub 09/06/2019.
Hopke PK, Croft D, Zhang W, Lin S, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden, Utell MJ, Rich DQ
The Science of the total environment.. 2019 August 10677 :328-339. Epub 04/26/2019.
Li R, Hopke PK, Dozier A, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Croft D, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2019 June 29 (4):500-509. Epub 04/02/2019.
Rich DQ, Zhang W, Lin S, Squizzato S, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Croft D, Masiol M, Hopke PK
Environment international.. 2019 May 126 :387-394. Epub 02/28/2019.
Zhang JJ, Adcock IM, Bai Z, Chung KF, Duan X, Fang Z, Gong J, Li F, Miller RK, Qiu X, Rich DQ, Wang B, Wei Y, Xu D, Xue T, Zhang Y, Zheng M, Zhu T
Journal of thoracic disease.. 2019 April 11 (4):1727-1730. Epub 1900 01 01.
Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ, Hopke PK
The Science of the total environment.. 2019 March 1654 :1167-1178. Epub 11/10/2018.
Croft DP, Zhang W, Lin S, Thurston SW, Hopke PK, Masiol M, Squizzato S, van Wijngaarden E, Utell MJ, Rich DQ
Annals of the American Thoracic Society.. 2019 March 16 (3):321-330. Epub 1900 01 01.
Breitner S, Peters A, Zareba W, Hampel R, Oakes D, Wiltshire J, Frampton MW, Hopke PK, Cyrys J, Utell MJ, Kane C, Schneider A, Rich DQ
Scientific reports.. 2019 February 139 (1):1946. Epub 02/13/2019.
Assibey-Mensah V, Glantz JC, Hopke PK, Jusko TA, Thevenet-Morrison K, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Environmental research.. 2019 January 168 :25-31. Epub 09/07/2018.
Health Effects Institute. 2019; .
Breitner S, Schneider A, Zareba W, Oakes D, Wiltshire J, Kane C, Bausch J, Frampton M, Hopke PK, Hampel R, Utell MJ, Peters A, Rich DQ.
Scientific Reports. 2019; 9.
Squizzato S, Masiol M, Enami F, Chalupa DC, Utell MJ, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
Atmosphere. 2019; 10(1): 27.
Masiol M, Squizzato S, Cheng M-D, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
Differential probability functions for
Masiol M, Squizzato S, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
Atmospheric Environment. 2019; 201: 110-120.
Balmes JR, Arjomandi M, Bromberg PA, Costantini MG, Dagincourt N, Hazucha MJ, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Rich DQ, Stark P, Frampton MW
PloS one.. 2019 14 (9):e0222601. Epub 09/25/2019.
Masiol M, Zíková N, Chalupa DC, Rich DQ, Ferro AR, Hopke PK
Environmental research.. 2018 November 167 :7-14. Epub 07/04/2018.
Zhang W, Lin S, Hopke PK, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Croft D, Squizzato S, Masiol M, Rich DQ
Environmental pollution.. 2018 November 242 (Pt B):1404-1416. Epub 08/11/2018.
Rich DQ, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Zareba W, Stark P, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Costantini MG, Ganz P, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Bromberg PA
Environment international.. 2018 October 119 :193-202. Epub 07/04/2018.
Li T, Cushman JT, Shah MN, Kelly AG, Rich DQ, Jones CMC
Prehospital and disaster medicine.. 2018 October 33 (5):501-507. Epub 08/29/2018.
Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa DC, Utell MJ, Rich DQ, Hopke PK
The Science of the total environment.. 2018 August 15633 :59-70. Epub 03/21/2018.
Masiol M, Squizzato S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ, Hopke PK
Aerosol and air quality research.. 2018 August 18 (8):2029-2037. Epub 07/27/2018.
Arjomandi M, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Bromberg P, Stark P, Alexis NE, Rich DQ, Costantini M, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Hazucha MJ
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.. 2018 May 15197 (10):1319-1327. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schmidt RA, Morrell CN, Ling FS, Simlote P, Fernandez G, Rich DQ, Adler D, Gervase J, Cameron SJ
Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.. 2018 May 195 :1-12. Epub 12/02/2017.
Masiol M; Squizzato S; Chalupa DC; Utell MJ; Rich DQ; Hopke PK.
The Science of the total environment. 2018; : 59-70.
Squizzato S, Masiol M, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
A long-term source apportionment of PM2.5 in
Squizzato S, Masiol M, Rich DQ, Hopke PK.
PM2.5 and gaseous pollutants in New York
van Wijngaarden E, Zhang W, Lin S, Thurston SW, Hopke PK, Masiol M, Squizzato S, Croft D, Rich DQ.
ISEE Conference Abstracts. 2018; .
Rich DQ, Utell MJ, Croft DP, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Evans KA, Ling FS, Tian Y, Hopke PK
Air quality, atmosphere, & health.. 2018 11 (2):239-244. Epub 12/11/2017.
Croft D, Block R, Cameron SJ, Evans K, Lowenstein CJ, Ling F, Zareba W, Hopke PK, Utell MJ, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Rich DQ
Air quality, atmosphere, & health.. 2018 11 (7):791-799. Epub 06/03/2018.
Evans KA, Stewart PA, Cook SR, Seplaki CL, Rich DQ, Fernandez ID
Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition.. 2018 13 (2):240-254. Epub 01/02/2018.
Zikova N, Masiol M, Chalupa DC, Rich DQ, Ferro AR, Hopke PK
Sensors.. 2017 August 2117 (8)Epub 08/21/2017.
Altemose B, Robson MG, Kipen HM, Ohman Strickland P, Meng Q, Gong J, Huang W, Wang G, Rich DQ, Zhu T, Zhang J
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2017 May 27 (3):244-250. Epub 07/20/2016.
Croft DP, Cameron SJ, Morrell CN, Lowenstein CJ, Ling F, Zareba W, Hopke PK, Utell MJ, Thurston SW, Thevenet-Morrison K, Evans KA, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Environmental research.. 2017 April 154 :352-361. Epub 02/04/2017.
Evans KA, Hopke PK, Utell MJ, Kane C, Thurston SW, Ling FS, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2017 March 27 (2):198-206. Epub 04/13/2016.
Rich DQ
Environment international.. 2017 March 100 :62-78. Epub 01/13/2017.
Thurston GD, Kipen H, Annesi-Maesano I, Balmes J, Brook RD, Cromar K, De Matteis S, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Frampton MW, Grigg J, Heederik D, Kelly FJ, Kuenzli N, Laumbach R, Peters A, Rajagopalan ST, Rich D, Ritz B, Samet JM, Sandstrom T, Sigsgaard T, Sunyer J, Brunekreef B
The European respiratory journal.. 2017 January 49 (1)Epub 01/11/2017.
Acute cardiopulmonary responses to controlled low level ozone exposure in healthy older adults: the Multicenter Ozone Study in Elderly Subjects (MOSES).
Frampton M; Balmes J; Bromberg P; Stark P; Arjomandi M; Hazucha M; Rich DQ; Hollenbeck-Pringle D; Alexis N; Ganz P; Zareba W; Costantini M.
Research Report 192, Part 1. Health Effects Institute. 2017; .
Wang M, Corsetti J, McNitt S, Rich DQ, Sparks CE, Moss AJ, Zareba W
Journal of clinical lipidology.. 2017 11 (1):215-223. Epub 12/28/2016.
Kim ES, Baran AM, Mondo EL, Rodgers TD, Nielsen GC, Dougherty DW, Pandya KJ, Rich DQ, Wijngaarden EV
PloS one.. 2017 12 (12):e0189410. Epub 12/11/2017.
Frampton MW, Rich DQ
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.. 2016 November 15194 (10):1180-1182. Epub 1900 01 01.
Herr MM, Mohile NA, Barr PM, van Wijngaarden E, Brown EB, Rich DQ
Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia.. 2016 September 16 (9):e123-e127. Epub 06/08/2016.
Wang M, Utell MJ, Schneider A, Zareba W, Frampton MW, Oakes D, Hopke PK, Wiltshire J, Kane C, Peters A, Breitner S, Chalupa D, Rich DQ
Environmental research.. 2016 August 149 :15-22. Epub 05/10/2016.
Herr MM, Mohile NA, van Wijngaarden E, Brown EB, Rich DQ
Journal of neuro-oncology.. 2016 August 129 (1):179-87. Epub 06/11/2016.
Assibey-Mensah V, Liu K, Thurston SW, Stevens TP, Zhang J, Zhang J, Kane C, Pan Y, Weinberger B, Ohman-Strickland P, Woodruff T, Rich DQ
Archives of environmental & occupational health.. 2016 July 371 (4):208-15. Epub 06/11/2015.
Rich DQ, Peters A, Schneider A, Zareba W, Breitner S, Oakes D, Wiltshire J, Kane C, Frampton MW, Hampel R, Hopke PK, Cyrys J, Utell MJ
Research report. 2016 May (186):5-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pereira G, Evans KA, Rich DQ, Bracken MB, Bell ML
Epidemiology.. 2016 January 27 (1):66-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Becerra AZ, Georas S, Brenna JT, Hopke PK, Kane C, Chalupa D, Frampton MW, Block R, Rich DQ
Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A.. 2016 79 (6):287-98. Epub 03/30/2016.
Gong J, Zhu T, Kipen H, Rich DQ, Huang W, Lin WT, Hu M, Zhang JJ
Environment international.. 2015 December 85 :104-10. Epub 09/16/2015.
Georas SN, van Wijngaarden E, Rich DQ
The Lancet. Respiratory medicine.. 2015 December 3 (12):902-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Evans KA, Rich DQ, Weinberger B, Vetrano AM, Valentin-Blasini L, Strickland PO, Blount BC
Reproductive toxicology.. 2015 November 57 :183-9. Epub 07/10/2015.
Rich DQ, Liu K, Zhang J, Thurston SW, Stevens TP, Pan Y, Kane C, Weinberger B, Ohman-Strickland P, Woodruff TJ, Duan X, Assibey-Mensah V, Zhang J
Environmental health perspectives.. 2015 September 123 (9):880-7. Epub 04/28/2015.
Su J; Hopke PK; Tian Y; Baldwin N; Thurston S; Evans K,; Rich DQ.
Modeling particulate matter concentrations measured through mobile monitoring in a machine
Triggering of myocardial infarction by increased ambient fine particle concentration: effect modification by source direction.
Hopke PK, Kane C, Utell MJ, Chalupa D, Kumar P, Ling F, Gardner B, Rich DQ.
Environmental Research. 2015; 142: 374-379.
Wasserman EB, Zareba W, Utell MJ, Oakes D, Hopke PK, Frampton M, Chalupa D, Beckett W, Rich DQ
Air quality, atmosphere, & health.. 2014 September 17 (3):357-367. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gandhi SK, Rich DQ, Ohman-Strickland PA, Kipen HM, Gow A
Inhalation toxicology.. 2014 June 26 (7):426-34. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gong J, Zhu T, Kipen H, Wang G, Hu M, Guo Q, Ohman-Strickland P, Lu SE, Wang Y, Zhu P, Rich DQ, Huang W, Zhang J
Environmental science & technology.. 2014 May 648 (9):5264-73. Epub 04/11/2014.
Weinberger B, Vetrano AM, Archer FE, Marcella SW, Buckley B, Wartenberg D, Robson MG, Klim J, Azhar S, Cavin S, Wang L, Rich DQ
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.. 2014 March 27 (4):323-7. Epub 07/18/2013.
Evans KA, Halterman JS, Hopke PK, Fagnano M, Rich DQ
Environmental research.. 2014 February 129 :11-9. Epub 01/11/2014.
Gardner B, Ling F, Hopke PK, Frampton MW, Utell MJ, Zareba W, Cameron SJ, Chalupa D, Kane C, Kulandhaisamy S, Topf MC, Rich DQ
Particle and fibre toxicology.. 2014 January 211 :1. Epub 01/02/2014.
Roy A, Gong J, Thomas DC, Zhang J, Kipen HM, Rich DQ, Zhu T, Huang W, Hu M, Wang G, Wang Y, Zhu P, Lu SE, Ohman-Strickland P, Diehl SR, Eckel SP
PloS one.. 2014 9 (12):e114913. Epub 12/12/2014.
Rich DQ, Özkaynak H, Crooks J, Baxter L, Burke J, Ohman-Strickland P, Thevenet-Morrison K, Kipen HM, Zhang J, Kostis JB, Lunden M, Hodas N, Turpin BJ
Environmental science & technology.. 2013 August 2047 (16):9414-23. Epub 07/30/2013.
Faiz AS, Rhoads GG, Demissie K, Lin Y, Kruse L, Rich DQ
Epidemiology.. 2013 July 24 (4):538-44. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dockery DW, Rich DQ, Goodman PG, Clancy L, Ohman-Strickland P, George P, Kotlov T,
Research report. 2013 July (176):3-109. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dadvand P, Parker J, Bell ML, Bonzini M, Brauer M, Darrow LA, Gehring U, Glinianaia SV, Gouveia N, Ha EH, Leem JH, van den Hooven EH, Jalaludin B, Jesdale BM, Lepeule J, Morello-Frosch R, Morgan GG, Pesatori AC, Pierik FH, Pless-Mulloli T, Rich DQ, Sathyanarayana S, Seo J, Slama R, Strickland M, Tamburic L, Wartenberg D, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Woodruff TJ
Environmental health perspectives.. 2013 March 121 (3):267-373. Epub 02/06/2013.
Zhang J, Zhu T, Kipen H, Wang G, Huang W, Rich D, Zhu P, Wang Y, Lu SE, Ohman-Strickland P, Diehl S, Hu M, Tong J, Gong J, Thomas D,
Research report. 2013 February (174):5-174. Epub 1900 01 01.
Baxter LK, Burke J, Lunden M, Turpin BJ, Rich DQ, Thevenet-Morrison K, Hodas N, Ozkaynak H
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2013 23 (3):241-7. Epub 01/16/2013.
Gong J, Zhu T, Kipen H, Wang G, Hu M, Ohman-Strickland P, Lu SE, Zhang L, Wang Y, Zhu P, Rich DQ, Diehl SR, Huang W, Zhang JJ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2013 23 (3):322-7. Epub 01/16/2013.
Hodas N, Turpin BJ, Lunden MM, Baxter LK, Özkaynak H, Burke J, Ohman-Strickland P, Thevenet-Morrison K, Kostis JB, , Rich DQ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2013 23 (6):573-80. Epub 05/29/2013.
Baxter LK, Dionisio KL, Burke J, Ebelt Sarnat S, Sarnat JA, Hodas N, Rich DQ, Turpin BJ, Jones RR, Mannshardt E, Kumar N, Beevers SD, Özkaynak H
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2013 23 (6):654-9. Epub 10/02/2013.
Huang W, Wang G, Lu SE, Kipen H, Wang Y, Hu M, Lin W, Rich D, Ohman-Strickland P, Diehl SR, Zhu P, Tong J, Gong J, Zhu T, Zhang J
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.. 2012 December 1186 (11):1150-9. Epub 08/30/2012.
Hodas N, Meng Q, Lunden MM, Rich DQ, Ozkaynak H, Baxter LK, Zhang Q, Turpin BJ
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.. 2012 September 22 (5):448-54. Epub 05/23/2012.
Faiz AS, Rhoads GG, Demissie K, Kruse L, Lin Y, Rich DQ
American journal of epidemiology.. 2012 August 15176 (4):308-16. Epub 07/18/2012.
Rich DQ, Zareba W, Beckett W, Hopke PK, Oakes D, Frampton MW, Bisognano J, Chalupa D, Bausch J, O'Shea K, Wang Y, Utell MJ
Environmental health perspectives.. 2012 August 120 (8):1162-9. Epub 04/27/2012.
Faiz AS, Demissie K, Rich DQ, Kruse L, Rhoads GG
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.. 2012 June 25 (6):699-705. Epub 02/18/2012.
Rich DQ, Kipen HM, Huang W, Wang G, Wang Y, Zhu P, Ohman-Strickland P, Hu M, Philipp C, Diehl SR, Lu SE, Tong J, Gong J, Thomas D, Zhu T, Zhang JJ
JAMA.. 2012 May 16307 (19):2068-78. Epub 1900 01 01.
Parker JD, Rich DQ, Glinianaia SV, Leem JH, Wartenberg D, Bell ML, Bonzini M, Brauer M, Darrow L, Gehring U, Gouveia N, Grillo P, Ha E, van den Hooven EH, Jalaludin B, Jesdale BM, Lepeule J, Morello-Frosch R, Morgan GG, Slama R, Pierik FH, Pesatori AC, Sathyanarayana S, Seo J, Strickland M, Tamburic L, Woodruff TJ
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Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders (2014)
Chapter: Indoor and outdoor pollution
Authors: Rich DQ, Samet JM, Utell MJ
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York 2014
Steyn DG, Builtjes PJH, Timmermans RMA (eds): Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXII - NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security (2014)
Chapter: Evaluating Alternative Exposure Metrics Used for Multipollutant Air Quality and Human Health Studies.
Authors: Ozkaynak H, Isakov V, Baxter L, Graham SE, Sarnat SE, Sarnat J, Mulholland J, Turpin B, Rich DQ, Lunden M
Publisher: Springer Netherlands 2014