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John J. Foxe, Ph.D.

John J. Foxe, Ph.D.


Connect with John J. Foxe, Ph.D.

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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Chair - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Chair in Neuroscience - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Research Director - The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience

Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S (RC) - Joint

Professor - Department of Neurology (SMD) - Joint



PhD | Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Neuroscience. 1999

MS | Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Neuroscience. 1996

BS | Iona College. Experimental Psychology. 1989


I am a translational researcher with a history of research studies on the basic neurophysiology of schizophrenia and autism. My work places special emphasis on the identification of endophenotypic markers in childhood neuropsychiatric diseases and in the linking of these biomarkers to the underlying...
I am a translational researcher with a history of research studies on the basic neurophysiology of schizophrenia and autism. My work places special emphasis on the identification of endophenotypic markers in childhood neuropsychiatric diseases and in the linking of these biomarkers to the underlying genotype. Work in our lab has a consistent history of NIH and NSF funding, and a strong record of research productivity (160+ publications). Before joining the faculty at Einstein in January of 2010 (my alma mater), I served for 6 years as the Director of the PhD Program in Cognitive Neuroscience at The City College of New York. I was recruited to Einstein in January of 2010 as Director of Research for the Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC), with a mandate to develop and coordinate clinical pediatric research across the college. Our lab employs an integrated multi-methodological approach to issues in the cognitive neurosciences, using structural and functional neuroimaging, high-density electrophysiology, imaging genomics, eye tracking, psychophysics and virtual reality to understand the neural basis of basic sensory-perceptual and cognitive functions. The work is translational at its core in that it employs an equal mix of basic-science projects in healthy individuals with clinical studies in patient populations. The approach taken is to first develop novel assays of a given perceptual or cognitive function in healthy individuals, which are then deployed in clinical populations of interest. The core mission of the lab is to understand the underlying neurobiology of developmental disorders, with a specific emphasis on Autism. The central goal is to develop more effective treatments and interventions through establishing basic knowledge and myself and my team have worked extensively in both adolescent Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders. The lab also has a very extensive history of investigations into the neurophysiology of both basic and complex auditory processing, from investigations of the fundamental mechanisms of frequency representation all the way to high-level speech processing.


Journal Articles

Neural Mechanisms of Intersensory Switching: Evidence for Delayed Sensory Processing and Increased Cognitive Demands.

Vanneau T, Quiquempoix M, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

NeuroImage.. 2025 February 13 :121089. Epub 02/13/2025.

The longitudinal association between reward processing and symptoms of video game addiction in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.

Lopez DA, Foxe JJ, van Wijngaarden E, Thompson WK, Freedman EG

Journal of behavioral addictions.. 2024 December 9 Epub 12/09/2024.

Autism is associated with in vivo changes in gray matter neurite architecture.

Christensen ZP, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2024 November 17 (11):2261-2277. Epub 09/26/2024.

It's all in the timing: delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration.

Knight EJ, Altschuler TS, Molholm S, Murphy JW, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2024 September 1132 (3):628-642. Epub 07/03/2024.

Somatosensory temporal sensitivity in adults on the autism spectrum: A high-density electrophysiological mapping study using the mismatch negativity (MMN) sensory memory paradigm.

Isenstein EL, Freedman EG, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2024 September 17 (9):1760-1777. Epub 07/08/2024.

Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents.

Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Kleinman LC, Snowden JN, Rosenzweig EB, Milner JD, Tantisira KG, Rhee KE, Jernigan TL, Kinser PA, Salisbury AL, Warburton D, Mohandas S, Wood JC, Newburger JW, Truong DT, Flaherman VJ, Metz TD, Karlson EW, Chibnik LB, Pant DB, Krishnamoorthy A, Gallagher R, Lamendola-Essel MF, Hasson DC, Katz SD, Yin S, Dreyer BP, Carmilani M, Coombs K, Fitzgerald ML, Güthe N, Hornig M, Letts RJ, Peddie AK, Taylor BD, Foulkes AS, Stockwell MS, , , Balaraman V, Bogie A, Bukulmez H, Dozor AJ, Eckrich D, Elliott AJ, Evans DN, Farkas JS, Faustino EVS, Fischer L, Gaur S, Harahsheh AS, Hasan UN, Hsia DS, Huerta-Montañez G, Hummel KD, Kadish MP, Kaelber DC, Krishnan S, Kosut JS, Larrabee J, Lim PPC, Michelow IC, Oliveira CR, Raissy H, Rosario-Pabon Z, Ross JL, Sato AI, Stevenson MD, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Weakley KE, Zimmerman E, Bind MC, Chan J, Guan Z, Morse RE, Reeder HT, Akshoomoff N, Aschner JL, Bhattacharjee R, Cottrell LA, Cowan K, D'Sa VA, Fiks AG, Gennaro ML, Irby K, Khare M, Guttierrez JL, McCulloh RJ, Narang S, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan S, Palumbo P, Ryu J, Salazar JC, Selvarangan R, Stein CR, Werzberger A, Zempsky WT, Aupperle R, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Bookheimer SY, Brown SA, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Dale AM, Dapretto M, Ernst TM, Fair DA, Feldstein Ewing SW, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Garavan H, Gee DG, Gonzalez R, Gray KM, Heitzeg MM, Herting MM, Jacobus J, Laird AR, Larson CL, Lisdahl KM, Luciana M, Luna B, Madden PAF, McGlade EC, Müller-Oehring EM, Nagel BJ, Neale MC, Paulus MP, Potter AS, Renshaw PF, Sowell ER, Squeglia LM, Tapert S, Uddin LQ, Wilson S, Yurgelun-Todd DA

JAMA.. 2024 August 21332 (14):1174-88. Epub 08/21/2024.

Probing a neural unreliability account of auditory sensory processing atypicalities in Rett Syndrome.

Brima T, Beker S, Prinsloo KD, Butler JS, Djukic A, Freedman EG, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2024 June 316 (1):28. Epub 06/03/2024.

Should we stay or should we go-The ever-growing role of Twitter (X) in neuroscience dissemination and a quandary of conscience for a field.

Foxe KA, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2024 February 59 (3):319-322. Epub 12/20/2023.

Neural correlates of audiovisual narrative speech perception in children and adults on the autism spectrum: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Ross LA, Molholm S, Butler JS, Del Bene VA, Brima T, Foxe JJ

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2024 February 17 (2):280-310. Epub 02/09/2024.

Probing a neural unreliability account of auditory sensory processing atypicalities in Rett Syndrome.

Brima T, Beker S, Prinsloo KD, Butler JS, Djukic A, Freedman EG, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Research square.. 2024 January 30 Epub 01/30/2024.

Reduced Proactive and Reactive Cognitive Flexibility in Older Adults Underlies Performance Costs During Dual-Task Walking: A Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) Study.

Richardson DP, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 January 28 Epub 01/28/2024.

Probing a neural unreliability account of auditory sensory processing atypicalities in Rett Syndrome.

Brima T, Beker S, Prinsloo KD, Butler JS, Djukic A, Freedman EG, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2024 January 26 Epub 01/26/2024.

It's all in the timing: Delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration.

Knight EJ, Altschuler TS, Molholm S, Murphy JW, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 January 19 Epub 01/19/2024.


Crosse MJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

ArXiv.. 2024 January 17 Epub 01/17/2024.

Probing the Neurophysiology of Temporal Sensitivity in the Somatosensory System Using the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) Sensory Memory Paradigm.

Isenstein EL, Freedman EG, Xu J, DeAndrea-Lazarus IA, Foxe JJ

Neuroscience.. 2024 January 9536 :47-56. Epub 11/17/2023.

Assessing the integrity of auditory sensory memory processing in CLN3 disease (Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten disease)): an auditory evoked potential study of the duration-evoked mismatch negativity (MMN).

Brima T, Freedman EG, Prinsloo KD, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Wang KH, Mink JW, Shaw LH, Mantel EP, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2024 January 616 (1):3. Epub 01/06/2024.

Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

PloS one.. 2024 19 (4):e0291840. Epub 04/03/2024.

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.

Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Gage Witvliet M, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Bradford T, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Chrisant M, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dionne A, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Handler S, Harahsheh AS, Hasbani K, Heath AC, Hebson C, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, McHugh K, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Miller J, Mitchell EC, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Osakwe O, Oster ME, Payne RM, Portman MA, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Sexson Tejtel SK, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Srivastava S, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Thacker D, Trachtenberg F, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP,

PloS one.. 2024 19 (5):e0285635. Epub 05/07/2024.

Correction: Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

PloS one.. 2024 19 (11):e0313792. Epub 11/08/2024.

Event-related potential (ERP) evidence for visual processing differences in children and adults with cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations).

Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Francisco AA

Orphanet journal of rare diseases.. 2023 December 1218 (1):389. Epub 12/12/2023.

Maintaining Task Performance Levels Under Cognitive Load While Walking Requires Widespread Reallocation of Neural Resources.

Patelaki E, Foxe JJ, McFerren AL, Freedman EG

Neuroscience.. 2023 November 10532 :113-132. Epub 09/27/2023.

Ventilation during COVID-19 in a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Zand MS, Spallina S, Ross A, Zandi K, Pawlowski A, Seplaki CL, Herington J, Corbett AM, Kaukeinen K, Holden-Wiltse J, Freedman EG, Alcantara L, Li D, Cameron A, Beaumont N, Dozier A, Dewhurst S, Foxe JJ

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2023 September 20 Epub 09/20/2023.

Strategies and a checklist for increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in your journal.

Willis M, Carey MR, Foxe JJ, Jones J, Smith N, Vaidya V

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2023 September 58 (5):3199-3205. Epub 08/02/2023.

Assessing the integrity of auditory sensory memory processing in CLN disease (Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten disease)): An auditory evoked potential study of the duration-evoked mismatch negativity (MMN).

Brima T, Freedman EG, Prinsloo KD, Augustine EF, Adams HR, Wang KH, Mink JW, Shaw LH, Mantel EP, Foxe JJ

Research square.. 2023 August 17 Epub 08/17/2023.

Cued motor processing in autism and typical development: A high-density electrical mapping study of response-locked neural activity in children and adolescents.

Wakim KM, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2023 August 58 (3):2766-2786. Epub 06/20/2023.

Mobile brain-body imaging markers of treatment-related responses in a man with Parkinson's disease.

Lizarraga KJ, Patelaki E, Mesmer H, Hewitt A, Wensel A, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.. 2023 August 152 :90-92. Epub 06/14/2023.

Event-related potential (ERP) evidence for early visual processing differences in children and adults with Cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations).

Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Francisco AA

Research square.. 2023 July 25 Epub 07/25/2023.

Common Data Element Collection in Underserved School Communities: Challenges and Recommendations.

Uthappa DM, Mann TK, Goldman JL, Schuster JE, Newland JG, Anderson WB, Dozier A, Inkelas M, Foxe JJ, Gwynn L, Gurnett CA, McDaniels-Davidson C, Walsh T, Watterson T, Holden-Wiltse J, Potts JM, D'Agostino EM, Zandi K, Corbett A, Spallina S, DeMuri GP, Wu YP, Pulgaron ER, Kiene SM, Oren E, Allison-Burbank JD, Okihiro M, Lee RE, Johnson SB, Stump TK, Coller RJ, Mast DK, Haroz EE, Kemp S, Benjamin DK, Zimmerman KO

Pediatrics.. 2023 July 1152 (Suppl 1)Epub 1900 01 01.

Event-related potential (ERP) markers of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and associated psychosis.

Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2023 June 1615 (1):19. Epub 06/16/2023.

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.

Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Witvliet MG, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Harahsheh AS, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Iacono WG, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Oster ME, Payne RM, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Thacker D, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2023 May 12 Epub 05/12/2023.

Event-related potential (ERP) evidence of early visual processing differences in cystinosis.

Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Francisco AA

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2023 April 2 Epub 04/02/2023.

Response inhibition and error-monitoring in cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations): Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of a diverse set of difficulties.

Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Berruti A, Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2023 April 2 Epub 04/02/2023.

Neurophysiological measures of auditory sensory processing are associated with adaptive behavior in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Cotter M, Reisli S, Francisco AA, Wakim KM, Oakes L, Crosse MJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2023 April 115 (1):11. Epub 04/01/2023.

Severely Attenuated Visual Feedback Processing in Children on the Autism Spectrum.

Knight EJ, Freedman EG, Myers EJ, Berruti AS, Oakes LA, Cao CZ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2023 March 2943 (13):2424-2438. Epub 03/01/2023.

Young adults who improve performance during dual-task walking show more flexible reallocation of cognitive resources: a mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) study.

Patelaki E, Foxe JJ, Mazurek KA, Freedman EG

Cerebral cortex.. 2023 March 1033 (6):2573-2592. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neural signature of mobility-related everyday function in older adults at-risk of cognitive impairment.

De-Sanctis P, Wagner J, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Blumen HM, Horsthuis DJ

Neurobiology of aging.. 2023 February 122 :1-11. Epub 11/09/2022.

No evidence for differential saccadic adaptation in children and adults with an autism spectrum diagnosis.

Tarrit K, Freedman EG, Francisco AA, Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in integrative neuroscience.. 2023 17 :1232474. Epub 10/06/2023.

Recalibrating single-study effect sizes using hierarchical Bayesian models.

Cao Z, McCabe M, Callas P, Cupertino RB, Ottino-González J, Murphy A, Pancholi D, Schwab N, Catherine O, Hutchison K, Cousijn J, Dagher A, Foxe JJ, Goudriaan AE, Hester R, Li CR, Thompson WK, Morales AM, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, Momenan R, Paulus MP, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Solowij N, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Uhlmann A, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Wiers RW, Yücel M, Zhang S, Conrod P, Mackey S, Garavan H,

Frontiers in neuroimaging.. 2023 2 :1138193. Epub 12/21/2023.

Neural correlates of multisensory enhancement in audiovisual narrative speech perception: A fMRI investigation.

Ross LA, Molholm S, Butler JS, Bene VAD, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2022 November 263 :119598. Epub 08/30/2022.

Association between mild traumatic brain injury, brain structure, and mental health outcomes in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.

Lopez DA, Christensen ZP, Foxe JJ, Ziemer LR, Nicklas PR, Freedman EG

NeuroImage.. 2022 November 263 :119626. Epub 09/11/2022.

Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Former Cocaine Dependence on Neuroanatomical Measures and Neurocognitive Performance.

Wakim KM, Freedman EG, Tivarus ME, Christensen Z, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Neuroscience.. 2022 October 15502 :77-90. Epub 08/11/2022.

The strength of feedback processing is associated with resistance to visual backward masking during Illusory Contour processing in adult humans.

Foxe JJ, Knight EJ, Myers EJ, Cao CZ, Molholm S, Freedman EG

NeuroImage.. 2022 October 1259 :119416. Epub 06/25/2022.

Attentional influences on neural processing of biological motion in typically developing children and those on the autism spectrum.

Knight EJ, Krakowski AI, Freedman EG, Butler JS, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Molecular autism.. 2022 July 1813 (1):33. Epub 07/18/2022.

Resolution of impaired multisensory processing in autism and the cost of switching sensory modality.

Crosse MJ, Foxe JJ, Tarrit K, Freedman EG, Molholm S

Communications biology.. 2022 June 305 (1):601. Epub 06/30/2022.

Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy-drinking adolescents.

Ottino-Gonzalez J, Albaugh MD, Cao Z, Cupertino RB, Schwab N, Spechler PA, Allen N, Artiges E, Banaschewski T, Bokde ALW, Burke Quinlan E, Brühl R, Orr C, Cousijn J, Desrivières S, Flor H, Foxe JJ, Fröhner JH, Goudriaan AE, Gowland P, Grigis A, Heinz A, Hester R, Hutchison K, Li CR, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Nees F, Martin-Santos R, Martinot JL, Millenet S, Momenan R, Paillère Martinot ML, Papadopoulos Orfanos D, Paulus MP, Poustka L, Schmaal L, Schumann G, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Smolka MN, Solowij N, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Uhlmann A, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Walter H, Whelan R, Wiers RW, Yücel M, Zhang S, Jahanshad N, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Mackey S, Garavan H

Addiction.. 2022 May 117 (5):1312-1325. Epub 02/27/2022.

Neural markers of proactive and reactive cognitive control are altered during walking: A Mobile Brain-Body Imaging (MoBI) study.

Richardson DP, Foxe JJ, Mazurek KA, Abraham N, Freedman EG

NeuroImage.. 2022 February 15247 :118853. Epub 12/23/2021.

Assessing combinatorial effects of HIV infection and former cocaine dependence on cognitive control processes: A functional neuroimaging study of response inhibition.

Wakim KM, Freedman EG, Tivarus ME, Heinecke A, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2022 February 1203 :108815. Epub 10/22/2021.

Supporting COVID-19 School Safety for Children With Disabilities and Medical Complexity.

Sherby MR, Kalb LG, Coller RJ, DeMuri GP, Butteris S, Foxe JJ, Zand MS, Freedman EG, Dewhurst S, Newland JG, Gurnett CA

Pediatrics.. 2022 February 1149 (12 Suppl 2)Epub 1900 01 01.

Predicting alcohol dependence from multi-site brain structural measures.

Hahn S, Mackey S, Cousijn J, Foxe JJ, Heinz A, Hester R, Hutchinson K, Kiefer F, Korucuoglu O, Lett T, Li CR, London E, Lorenzetti V, Maartje L, Momenan R, Orr C, Paulus M, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Stein DJ, Stein E, van Holst RJ, Veltman D, Walter H, Wiers RW, Yucel M, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Allgaier N, Garavan H

Human brain mapping.. 2022 January 43 (1):555-565. Epub 10/16/2020.

"Diversity matters series"-The Black In Neuro movement.

Smith NA, Helmreich DL, Adamantidis A, Bovolenta P, Foxe JJ, Smith Y, Vaidya VA

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2022 January 55 (2):343-349. Epub 12/28/2021.

Aging-related changes in cortical mechanisms supporting postural control during base of support and optic flow manipulations.

Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Joshi S, Verghese J, Mahoney JR, Molholm S, De Sanctis P

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 December 54 (12):8139-8157. Epub 10/27/2020.

Using the MoBI motion capture system to rapidly and accurately localize EEG electrodes in anatomic space.

Mazurek KA, Patelaki E, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 December 54 (12):8396-8405. Epub 02/21/2021.

Demographic and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Updates and age-related trajectories.

Barch DM, Albaugh MD, Baskin-Sommers A, Bryant BE, Clark DB, Dick AS, Feczko E, Foxe JJ, Gee DG, Giedd J, Glantz MD, Hudziak JJ, Karcher NR, LeBlanc K, Maddox M, McGlade EC, Mulford C, Nagel BJ, Neigh G, Palmer CE, Potter AS, Sher KJ, Tapert SF, Thompson WK, Xie L

Developmental cognitive neuroscience.. 2021 December 52 :101031. Epub 10/29/2021.

Oscillatory entrainment mechanisms and anticipatory predictive processes in children with autism spectrum disorder.

Beker S, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2021 November 1126 (5):1783-1798. Epub 10/13/2021.

Looking for consistency in an uncertain world: test-retest reliability of neurophysiological and behavioral readouts in autism.

Beker S, Foxe JJ, Venticinque J, Bates J, Ridgeway EM, Schaaf RC, Molholm S

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2021 September 3013 (1):43. Epub 09/30/2021.

Assessing combinatorial effects of HIV infection and former cocaine dependence on cognitive control processes: A high-density electrical mapping study of response inhibition.

Wakim KM, Freedman EG, Molloy CJ, Vieyto N, Cao Z, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2021 September 1195 :108636. Epub 06/04/2021.

Mapping cortical and subcortical asymmetries in substance dependence: Findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group.

Cao Z, Ottino-Gonzalez J, Cupertino RB, Schwab N, Hoke C, Catherine O, Cousijn J, Dagher A, Foxe JJ, Goudriaan AE, Hester R, Hutchison K, Li CR, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, Momenan R, Paulus MP, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Solowij N, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Uhlmann A, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Wiers RW, Yücel M, Zhang S, Jahanshad N, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Mackey S, Garavan H

Addiction biology.. 2021 September 26 (5):e13010. Epub 01/28/2021.

"Diversity matters series"-The ALBA network.

Helmreich DL, Bovolenta P, Adamantidis A, Foxe JJ, Smith Y, Vaidya VA

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 May 29 Epub 05/29/2021.

Assessing the integrity of auditory processing and sensory memory in adults with cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations).

Francisco AA, Berruti AS, Kaskel FJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Orphanet journal of rare diseases.. 2021 April 1316 (1):177. Epub 04/13/2021.

Caffeine exposure in utero is associated with structural brain alterations and deleterious neurocognitive outcomes in 9-10 year old children.

Christensen ZP, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2021 March 15186 :108479. Epub 01/30/2021.

Breastfeeding Duration Is Associated With Domain-Specific Improvements in Cognitive Performance in 9-10-Year-Old Children.

Lopez DA, Foxe JJ, Mao Y, Thompson WK, Martin HJ, Freedman EG

Frontiers in public health.. 2021 9 :657422. Epub 04/26/2021.

Equivalence class formation when responding is separated from sample and comparison stimuli: Working memory, priming, and sorting.

Fields L, Doran E, Foxe JJ

Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior.. 2020 December 2 Epub 12/02/2020.

Individuals With Autism Have No Detectable Deficit in Neural Markers of Prediction Error When Presented With Auditory Rhythms of Varied Temporal Complexity.

Knight EJ, Oakes L, Hyman SL, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2020 December 13 (12):2058-2072. Epub 09/03/2020.

Subcortical surface morphometry in substance dependence: An ENIGMA addiction working group study.

Chye Y, Mackey S, Gutman BA, Ching CRK, Batalla A, Blaine S, Brooks S, Caparelli EC, Cousijn J, Dagher A, Foxe JJ, Goudriaan AE, Hester R, Hutchison K, Jahanshad N, Kaag AM, Korucuoglu O, Li CR, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, Meda SA, Momenan R, Morales A, Orr C, Paulus MP, Pearlson G, Reneman L, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Solowij N, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Tang D, Uhlmann A, van Holst R, Veltman DJ, Verdejo-Garcia A, Wiers RW, Yücel M, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Garavan H

Addiction biology.. 2020 November 25 (6):e12830. Epub 11/20/2019.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand the Pathogenesis of Methyl-CpG Binding Protein 2-related Disorders.

Fagiolini M, Patrizi A, LeBlanc J, Jin LW, Maezawa I, Sinnett S, Gray SJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Johnston MV, Naidu S, Blue M, Hossain A, Kadam S, Zhao X, Chang Q, Zhou Z, Zoghbi H

Neuroscience.. 2020 October 1445 :190-206. Epub 04/29/2020.

Atypical processing of tones and phonemes in Rett Syndrome as biomarkers of disease progression.

Sysoeva OV, Molholm S, Djukic A, Frey HP, Foxe JJ

Translational psychiatry.. 2020 June 1010 (1):188. Epub 06/10/2020.

Operating in a Multisensory Context: Assessing the Interplay Between Multisensory Reaction Time Facilitation and Inter-sensory Task-switching Effects.

Shaw LH, Freedman EG, Crosse MJ, Nicholas E, Chen AM, Braiman MS, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Neuroscience.. 2020 June 1436 :122-135. Epub 04/20/2020.

Mobile Brain/Body Imaging of cognitive-motor impairment in multiple sclerosis: Deriving EEG-based neuro-markers during a dual-task walking study.

De Sanctis P, Malcolm BR, Mabie PC, Francisco AA, Mowrey WB, Joshi S, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.. 2020 May 131 (5):1119-1128. Epub 02/21/2020.

Assessing auditory processing endophenotypes associated with Schizophrenia in individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Horsthuis DJ, DeMaio D, Molholm S

Translational psychiatry.. 2020 March 510 (1):85. Epub 03/05/2020.

Cross-frequency coupling of alpha oscillatory power to the entrainment rhythm of a spatially attended input stream.

Wilson TJ, Foxe JJ

Cognitive neuroscience.. 2020 January 11 (1-2):71-91. Epub 07/01/2019.

Utilizing High-Density Electroencephalography and Motion Capture Technology to Characterize Sensorimotor Integration While Performing Complex Actions.

Mazurek KA, Richardson D, Abraham N, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG

IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2020 January 28 (1):287-296. Epub 09/27/2019.

Multisensory Audiovisual Processing in Children With a Sensory Processing Disorder (I): Behavioral and Electrophysiological Indices Under Speeded Response Conditions.

Molholm S, Murphy JW, Bates J, Ridgway EM, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in integrative neuroscience.. 2020 14 :4. Epub 02/11/2020.

Atypical response inhibition and error processing in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and schizophrenia: Towards neuromarkers of disease progression and risk.

Francisco AA, Horsthuis DJ, Popiel M, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

NeuroImage. Clinical.. 2020 27 :102351. Epub 07/17/2020.

Multisensory Audiovisual Processing in Children With a Sensory Processing Disorder (II): Speech Integration Under Noisy Environmental Conditions.

Foxe JJ, Del Bene VA, Ross LA, Ridgway EM, Francisco AA, Molholm S

Frontiers in integrative neuroscience.. 2020 14 :39. Epub 07/14/2020.

Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.

Hagler DJ, Hatton S, Cornejo MD, Makowski C, Fair DA, Dick AS, Sutherland MT, Casey BJ, Barch DM, Harms MP, Watts R, Bjork JM, Garavan HP, Hilmer L, Pung CJ, Sicat CS, Kuperman J, Bartsch H, Xue F, Heitzeg MM, Laird AR, Trinh TT, Gonzalez R, Tapert SF, Riedel MC, Squeglia LM, Hyde LW, Rosenberg MD, Earl EA, Howlett KD, Baker FC, Soules M, Diaz J, de Leon OR, Thompson WK, Neale MC, Herting M, Sowell ER, Alvarez RP, Hawes SW, Sanchez M, Bodurka J, Breslin FJ, Morris AS, Paulus MP, Simmons WK, Polimeni JR, van der Kouwe A, Nencka AS, Gray KM, Pierpaoli C, Matochik JA, Noronha A, Aklin WM, Conway K, Glantz M, Hoffman E, Little R, Lopez M, Pariyadath V, Weiss SR, Wolff-Hughes DL, DelCarmen-Wiggins R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Miranda-Dominguez O, Nagel BJ, Perrone AJ, Sturgeon DT, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Pohl KM, Prouty D, Uban K, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Galvan A, Bagot K, Giedd J, Infante MA, Jacobus J, Patrick K, Shilling PD, Desikan R, Li Y, Sugrue L, Banich MT, Friedman N, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Sakai J, Tanabe J, Cottler LB, Nixon SJ, Chang L, Cloak C, Ernst T, Reeves G, Kennedy DN, Heeringa S, Peltier S, Schulenberg J, Sripada C, Zucker RA, Iacono WG, Luciana M, Calabro FJ, Clark DB, Lewis DA, Luna B, Schirda C, Brima T, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Mruzek DW, Mason MJ, Huber R, McGlade E, Prescot A, Renshaw PF, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Allgaier NA, Dumas JA, Ivanova M, Potter A, Florsheim P, Larson C, Lisdahl K, Charness ME, Fuemmeler B, Hettema JM, Maes HH, Steinberg J, Anokhin AP, Glaser P, Heath AC, Madden PA, Baskin-Sommers A, Constable RT, Grant SJ, Dowling GJ, Brown SA, Jernigan TL, Dale AM

NeuroImage.. 2019 November 15202 :116091. Epub 08/12/2019.

Editorial Comment: Gender diversity in neuroscience: Ongoing challenges for a field in flux.

Helmreich DL, Bolam JP, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2019 October 50 (7):3085-3088. Epub 04/26/2019.

The functional role of alpha-band activity in attentional processing: the current zeitgeist and future outlook.

Van Diepen RM, Foxe JJ, Mazaheri A

Current opinion in psychology.. 2019 October 29 :229-238. Epub 03/25/2019.

Is (poly-) substance use associated with impaired inhibitory control? A mega-analysis controlling for confounders.

Liu Y, van den Wildenberg WPM, de Graaf Y, Ames SL, Baldacchino A, Ragnhild B, Cadaveira F, Campanella S, Christiansen P, Claus ED, Colzato LS, Filbey FM, Foxe JJ, Garavan H, Hendershot CS, Hester R, Jester JM, Karoly HC, Kräplin A, Kreusch F, Landrø NI, Littel M, Steins-Loeber S, London ED, López-Caneda E, Lubman DI, Luijten M, Marczinski CA, Metrik J, Montgomery C, Papachristou H, Mi Park S, Paz AL, Petit G, Prisciandaro JJ, Quednow BB, Ray LA, Roberts CA, Roberts GMP, de Ruiter MB, Rupp CI, Steele VR, Sun D, Takagi M, Tapert SF, Holst RJV, Verdejo-Garcia A, Vonmoos M, Wojnar M, Yao Y, Yücel M, Zack M, Zucker RA, Huizenga HM, Wiers RW

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2019 October 105 :288-304. Epub 07/15/2019.

Long-term test-retest reliability of event-related potential (ERP) recordings during treadmill walking using the mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI) approach.

Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Mowrey WB, Molholm S, De Sanctis P

Brain research.. 2019 August 11716 :62-69. Epub 05/19/2017.

Addiction in focus: molecular mechanisms, model systems, circuit maps, risk prediction and the quest for effective interventions.

Goldstein RZ, Barrot M, Everitt BJ, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2019 August 50 (3):2007-2013. Epub 1900 01 01.

Auditory sensory memory span for duration is severely curtailed in females with Rett syndrome.

Brima T, Molholm S, Molloy CJ, Sysoeva OV, Nicholas E, Djukic A, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

Translational psychiatry.. 2019 April 99 (1):130. Epub 04/09/2019.

Special issue in honour of the first editor of EJN, Ray Guillery.

Bolam JP, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2019 April 49 (7):883. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mega-Analysis of Gray Matter Volume in Substance Dependence: General and Substance-Specific Regional Effects.

Mackey S, Allgaier N, Chaarani B, Spechler P, Orr C, Bunn J, Allen NB, Alia-Klein N, Batalla A, Blaine S, Brooks S, Caparelli E, Chye YY, Cousijn J, Dagher A, Desrivieres S, Feldstein-Ewing S, Foxe JJ, Goldstein RZ, Goudriaan AE, Heitzeg MM, Hester R, Hutchison K, Korucuoglu O, Li CR, London E, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, May A, Momenan R, Morales A, Paulus MP, Pearlson G, Rousseau ME, Salmeron BJ, Schluter R, Schmaal L, Schumann G, Sjoerds Z, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Sinha R, Solowij N, Tapert S, Uhlmann A, Veltman D, van Holst R, Whittle S, Wright MJ, Yücel M, Zhang S, Yurgelun-Todd D, Hibar DP, Jahanshad N, Evans A, Thompson PM, Glahn DC, Conrod P, Garavan H,

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2019 February 1176 (2):119-128. Epub 10/19/2018.

Identify a shared neural circuit linking multiple neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer's pathology.

Wang X, Ren P, Mapstone M, Conwell Y, Porsteinsson AP, Foxe JJ, Raizada RDS, Lin F,

Brain imaging and behavior.. 2019 February 13 (1):53-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Macronutrient composition of a morning meal and the maintenance of attention throughout the morning.

Wilson TJ, Gray MJ, Van Klinken JW, Kaczmarczyk M, Foxe JJ

Nutritional neuroscience.. 2018 December 21 (10):729-743. Epub 07/17/2017.

Cognitive load reduces the effects of optic flow on gait and electrocortical dynamics during treadmill walking.

Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Molholm S, De Sanctis P

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2018 November 1120 (5):2246-2259. Epub 08/01/2018.

Orchestration of brain oscillations: principles and functions.

Mazaheri A, Slagter HA, Thut G, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2018 October 48 (7):2385-2388. Epub 1900 01 01.

Eye movements, sensorimotor adaptation and cerebellar-dependent learning in autism: toward potential biomarkers and subphenotypes.

Freedman EG, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2018 March 47 (6):549-555. Epub 07/12/2017.

Explorations and perspectives on the neurobiological bases of autism spectrum disorder.

Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Baudouin SJ, Wallace MT

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2018 March 47 (6):488-496. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ripe for solution: Delayed development of multisensory processing in autism and its remediation.

Beker S, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2018 January 84 :182-192. Epub 11/21/2017.

Transparent review at the European Journal of Neuroscience: experiences one year on.

Bolam PJ, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2017 December 46 (11):2647. Epub 11/06/2017.

On open access, special issues and strategies for increasing the readership of your neuroscience research.

Foxe JJ, Bolam JP

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2017 December 46 (12):2791-2792. Epub 12/08/2017.

Saccade adaptation deficits in developmental dyslexia suggest disruption of cerebellar-dependent learning.

Freedman EG, Molholm S, Gray MJ, Belyusar D, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2017 November 99 (1):36. Epub 11/09/2017.

Common variation in the autism risk gene CNTNAP2, brain structural connectivity and multisensory speech integration.

Ross LA, Del Bene VA, Molholm S, Jae Woo Y, Andrade GN, Abrahams BS, Foxe JJ

Brain and language.. 2017 November 174 :50-60. Epub 07/22/2017.

The European Journal of Neuroscience's mission to increase the visibility and recognition of women in science.

Helmreich DL, Bolam JP, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2017 November 46 (9):2427-2428. Epub 10/26/2017.

Open review and the quest for increased transparency in neuroscience publication.

Foxe JJ, Bolam P

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2017 May 45 (9):1125-1126. Epub 03/31/2017.

An Examination of the Neural Unreliability Thesis of Autism.

Butler JS, Molholm S, Andrade GN, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2017 January 127 (1):185-200. Epub 1900 01 01.

Insula and Inferior Frontal Gyrus' Activities Protect Memory Performance Against Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in Old Age.

Lin F, Ren P, Lo RY, Chapman BP, Jacobs A, Baran TM, Porsteinsson AP, Foxe JJ,

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.. 2017 55 (2):669-678. Epub 1900 01 01.

A Computational Analysis of Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Maturation of Multisensory Speech Integration in Neurotypical Children and Those on the Autism Spectrum.

Cuppini C, Ursino M, Magosso E, Ross LA, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Frontiers in human neuroscience.. 2017 11 :518. Epub 10/30/2017.

White Matter Changes in HIV+ Women with a History of Cocaine Dependence.

Wakim KM, Molloy CJ, Bell RP, Ross LA, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in neurology. 2017 8 :562. Epub 10/31/2017.

A few simple steps to improve the description of group results in neuroscience.

Rousselet GA, Foxe JJ, Bolam JP

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2016 November 44 (9):2647-2651. Epub 09/28/2016.

Disturbances in Response Inhibition and Emotional Processing as Potential Pathways to Violence in Schizophrenia: A High-Density Event-Related Potential Study.

Krakowski MI, De Sanctis P, Foxe JJ, Hoptman MJ, Nolan K, Kamiel S, Czobor P

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2016 July 42 (4):963-74. Epub 02/19/2016.

Neuro-oscillatory mechanisms of intersensory selective attention and task switching in school-aged children, adolescents and young adults.

Murphy JW, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Developmental science.. 2016 May 19 (3):469-87. Epub 07/17/2015.

The neural dynamics of somatosensory processing and adaptation across childhood: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Uppal N, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Acluche F, Molholm S

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2016 March 115 (3):1605-19. Epub 01/13/2016.

Regulating task-monitoring systems in response to variable reward contingencies and outcomes in cocaine addicts.

Morie KP, De Sanctis P, Garavan H, Foxe JJ

Psychopharmacology.. 2016 March 233 (6):1105-18. Epub 02/10/2016.

Response inhibition and addiction medicine: from use to abstinence.

Spechler PA, Chaarani B, Hudson KE, Potter A, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Progress in brain research.. 2016 223 :143-64. Epub 10/23/2015.

A Common CYFIP1 Variant at the 15q11.2 Disease Locus Is Associated with Structural Variation at the Language-Related Left Supramarginal Gyrus.

Woo YJ, Wang T, Guadalupe T, Nebel RA, Vino A, Del Bene VA, Molholm S, Ross LA, Zwiers MP, Fisher SE, Foxe JJ, Abrahams BS

PloS one.. 2016 11 (6):e0158036. Epub 06/28/2016.

Automatic cortical representation of auditory pitch changes in Rett syndrome.

Foxe JJ, Burke KM, Andrade GN, Djukic A, Frey HP, Molholm S

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders.. 2016 8 (1):34. Epub 09/01/2016.

Neuroanatomical Abnormalities in Violent Individuals with and without a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia.

Del Bene VA, Foxe JJ, Ross LA, Krakowski MI, Czobor P, De Sanctis P

PloS one.. 2016 11 (12):e0168100. Epub 12/28/2016.

The aging brain shows less flexible reallocation of cognitive resources during dual-task walking: A mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI) study.

Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, De Sanctis P

NeuroImage.. 2015 August 15117 :230-42. Epub 05/16/2015.

Intersensory selective attention and temporal orienting operate in parallel and are instantiated in spatially distinct sensory and motor cortices.

Pomper U, Keil J, Foxe JJ, Senkowski D

Human brain mapping.. 2015 August 36 (8):3246-59. Epub 05/28/2015.

Attentional Selection in a Cocktail Party Environment Can Be Decoded from Single-Trial EEG.

O'Sullivan JA, Power AJ, Mesgarani N, Rajaram S, Foxe JJ, Shinn-Cunningham BG, Slaney M, Shamma SA, Lalor EC

Cerebral cortex.. 2015 July 25 (7):1697-706. Epub 01/15/2014.

Neuro-oscillatory phase alignment drives speeded multisensory response times: an electro-corticographic investigation.

Mercier MR, Molholm S, Fiebelkorn IC, Butler JS, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2015 June 335 (22):8546-57. Epub 1900 01 01.

Oscillatory recruitment of bilateral visual cortex during spatial attention to competing rhythmic inputs.

Gray MJ, Frey HP, Wilson TJ, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2015 April 835 (14):5489-503. Epub 1900 01 01.

Spatio-temporal dynamics of adaptation in the human visual system: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Andrade GN, Butler JS, Mercier MR, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2015 April 41 (7):925-39. Epub 02/16/2015.

Interests shape how adolescents pay attention: the interaction of motivation and top-down attentional processes in biasing sensory activations to anticipated events.

Banerjee S, Frey HP, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2015 March 41 (6):818-34. Epub 12/26/2014.

Severe multisensory speech integration deficits in high-functioning school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their resolution during early adolescence.

Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Del Bene VA, Frey HP, Russo NN, Blanco D, Saint-Amour D, Ross LA

Cerebral cortex.. 2015 February 25 (2):298-312. Epub 08/28/2013.

Neurophysiological indices of atypical auditory processing and multisensory integration are associated with symptom severity in autism.

Brandwein AB, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Frey HP, Bates JC, Shulman LH, Molholm S

Journal of autism and developmental disorders.. 2015 January 45 (1):230-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Taking up the reins.

Foxe JJ, Bolam P

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2015 January 41 (1):3-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sex differences in multisensory speech processing in both typically developing children and those on the autism spectrum.

Ross LA, Del Bene VA, Molholm S, Frey HP, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2015 9 :185. Epub 05/27/2015.

Keeping in touch with the visual system: spatial alignment and multisensory integration of visual-somatosensory inputs.

Mahoney JR, Molholm S, Butler JS, Sehatpour P, Gomez-Ramirez M, Ritter W, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in psychology.. 2015 6 :1068. Epub 08/05/2015.

Impairments of multisensory integration and cross-sensory learning as pathways to dyslexia.

Hahn N, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.. 2014 November 47 :384-92. Epub 09/29/2014.

Executive dysfunction and reward dysregulation: a high-density electrical mapping study in cocaine abusers.

Morie KP, De Sanctis P, Garavan H, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2014 October 85 :397-407. Epub 06/06/2014.

Neural correlates of craving and impulsivity in abstinent former cocaine users: Towards biomarkers of relapse risk.

Bell RP, Garavan H, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2014 October 85 :461-70. Epub 06/18/2014.

Atypical multisensory integration in Niemann-Pick type C disease - towards potential biomarkers.

Andrade GN, Molholm S, Butler JS, Brandwein AB, Walkley SU, Foxe JJ

Orphanet journal of rare diseases.. 2014 September 209 :149. Epub 09/20/2014.

Towards obtaining spatiotemporally precise responses to continuous sensory stimuli in humans: a general linear modeling approach to EEG.

Gonçalves NR, Whelan R, Foxe JJ, Lalor EC

NeuroImage.. 2014 August 1597 :196-205. Epub 04/13/2014.

Susceptibility to distraction in autism spectrum disorder: probing the integrity of oscillatory alpha-band suppression mechanisms.

Murphy JW, Foxe JJ, Peters JB, Molholm S

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2014 August 7 (4):442-58. Epub 03/27/2014.

Reward contingencies and the recalibration of task monitoring and reward systems: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Morie KP, De Sanctis P, Foxe JJ

Neuroscience.. 2014 July 25273 :100-17. Epub 05/14/2014.

Recalibration of inhibitory control systems during walking-related dual-task interference: a mobile brain-body imaging (MOBI) study.

De Sanctis P, Butler JS, Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2014 July 194 :55-64. Epub 03/15/2014.

Intact inhibitory control processes in abstinent drug abusers (I): a functional neuroimaging study in former cocaine addicts.

Bell RP, Foxe JJ, Ross LA, Garavan H

Neuropharmacology.. 2014 July 82 :143-50. Epub 03/06/2013.

Intact inhibitory control processes in abstinent drug abusers (II): a high-density electrical mapping study in former cocaine and heroin addicts.

Morie KP, Garavan H, Bell RP, De Sanctis P, Krakowski MI, Foxe JJ

Neuropharmacology.. 2014 July 82 :151-60. Epub 03/16/2013.

Mapping phonemic processing zones along human perisylvian cortex: an electro-corticographic investigation.

Molholm S, Mercier MR, Liebenthal E, Schwartz TH, Ritter W, Foxe JJ, De Sanctis P

Brain structure & function.. 2014 July 219 (4):1369-83. Epub 05/26/2013.

Throwing out the rules: anticipatory alpha-band oscillatory attention mechanisms during task-set reconfigurations.

Foxe JJ, Murphy JW, De Sanctis P

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2014 June 39 (11):1960-72. Epub 04/01/2014.

Modulation of early cortical processing during divided attention to non-contiguous locations.

Frey HP, Schmid AM, Murphy JW, Molholm S, Lalor EC, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2014 May 39 (9):1499-507. Epub 03/07/2014.

The effort to close the gap: tracking the development of illusory contour processing from childhood to adulthood with high-density electrical mapping.

Altschuler TS, Molholm S, Butler JS, Mercier MR, Brandwein AB, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2014 April 1590 :360-73. Epub 12/21/2013.

Effects of ZNF804A on auditory P300 response in schizophrenia.

O'Donoghue T, Morris DW, Fahey C, Da Costa A, Moore S, Cummings E, Leicht G, Karch S, Hoerold D, Tropea D, Foxe JJ, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G

Translational psychiatry.. 2014 January 144 (1):e345. Epub 01/14/2014.

Topological organization of the "small-world" visual attention network in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Xia S, Foxe JJ, Sroubek AE, Branch C, Li X

Frontiers in human neuroscience.. 2014 8 :162. Epub 03/20/2014.

Mosaic epigenetic dysregulation of ectodermal cells in autism spectrum disorder.

Berko ER, Suzuki M, Beren F, Lemetre C, Alaimo CM, Calder RB, Ballaban-Gil K, Gounder B, Kampf K, Kirschen J, Maqbool SB, Momin Z, Reynolds DM, Russo N, Shulman L, Stasiek E, Tozour J, Valicenti-McDermott M, Wang S, Abrahams BS, Hargitai J, Inbar D, Zhang Z, Buxbaum JD, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Marion RW, Auton A, Greally JM

PLoS genetics.. 2014 10 (5):e1004402. Epub 05/29/2014.

You can't always get what you want: the influence of unexpected task constraint on voluntary task switching.

Weaver SM, Foxe JJ, Shpaner M, Wylie GR

The quarterly journal of experimental psychology : QJEP.. 2014 67 (11):2247-59. Epub 06/11/2014.

Propagating neocortical gamma bursts are coordinated by traveling alpha waves.

Bahramisharif A, van Gerven MA, Aarnoutse EJ, Mercier MR, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ, Ramsey NF, Jensen O

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2013 November 2733 (48):18849-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

The influence of monetary punishment on cognitive control in abstinent cocaine-users.

Hester R, Bell RP, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2013 November 1133 (1):86-93. Epub 06/21/2013.

Auditory-driven phase reset in visual cortex: human electrocorticography reveals mechanisms of early multisensory integration.

Mercier MR, Foxe JJ, Fiebelkorn IC, Butler JS, Schwartz TH, Molholm S

NeuroImage.. 2013 October 179 :19-29. Epub 04/26/2013.

Early sensory-perceptual processing deficits for affectively valenced inputs are more pronounced in schizophrenia patients with a history of violence than in their non-violent peers.

De Sanctis P, Foxe JJ, Czobor P, Wylie GR, Kamiel SM, Huening J, Nair-Collins M, Krakowski MI

Social cognitive and affective neuroscience.. 2013 August 8 (6):678-87. Epub 05/03/2012.

Atypical cortical representation of peripheral visual space in children with an autism spectrum disorder.

Frey HP, Molholm S, Lalor EC, Russo NN, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2013 July 38 (1):2125-38. Epub 05/22/2013.

The development of multisensory integration in high-functioning autism: high-density electrical mapping and psychophysical measures reveal impairments in the processing of audiovisual inputs.

Brandwein AB, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Russo NN, Altschuler TS, Gomes H, Molholm S

Cerebral cortex.. 2013 June 23 (6):1329-41. Epub 05/24/2012.

Atypical category processing and hemispheric asymmetries in high-functioning children with autism: revealed through high-density EEG mapping.

Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, McCourt ME, Dumas KN, Molholm S

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2013 May 49 (5):1259-67. Epub 05/03/2012.

Disambiguating the roles of area V1 and the lateral occipital complex (LOC) in contour integration.

Shpaner M, Molholm S, Forde E, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2013 April 169 :146-56. Epub 11/28/2012.

Oscillatory alpha-band suppression mechanisms during the rapid attentional shifts required to perform an anti-saccade task.

Belyusar D, Snyder AC, Frey HP, Harwood MR, Wallman J, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2013 January 1565 :395-407. Epub 10/05/2012.

Dissociated grey matter changes with prolonged addiction and extended abstinence in cocaine users.

Connolly CG, Bell RP, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

PloS one.. 2013 8 (3):e59645. Epub 03/18/2013.

Recalibration of the multisensory temporal window of integration results from changing task demands.

Mégevand P, Molholm S, Nayak A, Foxe JJ

PloS one.. 2013 8 (8):e71608. Epub 08/08/2013.

Transcriptome comparison of human neurons generated using induced pluripotent stem cells derived from dental pulp and skin fibroblasts.

Chen J, Lin M, Foxe JJ, Pedrosa E, Hrabovsky A, Carroll R, Zheng D, Lachman HM

PloS one.. 2013 8 (10):e75682. Epub 10/03/2013.

Atypical pulvinar-cortical pathways during sustained attention performance in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Li X, Sroubek A, Kelly MS, Lesser I, Sussman E, He Y, Branch C, Foxe JJ

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.. 2012 November 51 (11):1197-1207.e4. Epub 09/30/2012.

Multisensory representation of frequency across audition and touch: high density electrical mapping reveals early sensory-perceptual coupling.

Butler JS, Foxe JJ, Fiebelkorn IC, Mercier MR, Molholm S

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2012 October 3132 (44):15338-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

The countervailing forces of binding and selection in vision.

Snyder AC, Foxe JJ

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.. 2012 September 48 (8):1035-42. Epub 05/17/2011.

Visual sensory processing deficits in schizophrenia: is there anything to the magnocellular account?

Lalor EC, De Sanctis P, Krakowski MI, Foxe JJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2012 August 139 (1-3):246-52. Epub 06/15/2012.

Isolating early cortical generators of visual-evoked activity: a systems identification approach.

Murphy JW, Kelly SP, Foxe JJ, Lalor EC

Experimental brain research.. 2012 July 220 (2):191-9. Epub 05/29/2012.

Assessing the effects of caffeine and theanine on the maintenance of vigilance during a sustained attention task.

Foxe JJ, Morie KP, Laud PJ, Rowson MJ, de Bruin EA, Kelly SP

Neuropharmacology.. 2012 June 62 (7):2320-7. Epub 02/02/2012.

A NOS1 variant implicated in cognitive performance influences evoked neural responses during a high density EEG study of early visual perception.

O'Donoghue T, Morris DW, Fahey C, Da Costa A, Foxe JJ, Hoerold D, Tropea D, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G

Human brain mapping.. 2012 May 33 (5):1202-11. Epub 04/21/2011.

At what time is the cocktail party? A late locus of selective attention to natural speech.

Power AJ, Foxe JJ, Forde EJ, Reilly RB, Lalor EC

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2012 May 35 (9):1497-503. Epub 03/30/2012.

Pitting binding against selection--electrophysiological measures of feature-based attention are attenuated by Gestalt object grouping.

Snyder AC, Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2012 March 35 (6):960-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Early electrophysiological indices of illusory contour processing within the lateral occipital complex are virtually impervious to manipulations of illusion strength.

Altschuler TS, Molholm S, Russo NN, Snyder AC, Brandwein AB, Blanco D, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2012 February 1559 (4):4074-85. Epub 10/21/2011.

The neurobiology of cognitive control in successful cocaine abstinence.

Connolly CG, Foxe JJ, Nierenberg J, Shpaner M, Garavan H

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2012 February 1121 (1-2):45-53. Epub 08/31/2011.

Auditory selective attention and processing in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Gomes H, Duff M, Ramos M, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Halperin J

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.. 2012 February 123 (2):293-302. Epub 08/11/2011.

Mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI): High-density electrical mapping of inhibitory processes during walking.

De Sanctis P, Butler JS, Green JM, Snyder AC, Foxe JJ

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2012 2012 :1542-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Oscillatory sensory selection mechanisms during intersensory attention to rhythmic auditory and visual inputs: a human electrocorticographic investigation.

Gomez-Ramirez M, Kelly SP, Molholm S, Sehatpour P, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2011 December 1431 (50):18556-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Auditory facilitation of visual-target detection persists regardless of retinal eccentricity and despite wide audiovisual misalignments.

Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Molholm S

Experimental brain research.. 2011 September 213 (2-3):167-74. Epub 04/09/2011.

The N1 auditory evoked potential component as an endophenotype for schizophrenia: high-density electrical mapping in clinically unaffected first-degree relatives, first-episode, and chronic schizophrenia patients.

Foxe JJ, Yeap S, Snyder AC, Kelly SP, Thakore JH, Molholm S

European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience.. 2011 August 261 (5):331-9. Epub 12/14/2010.

Oscillatory alpha-band mechanisms and the deployment of spatial attention to anticipated auditory and visual target locations: supramodal or sensory-specific control mechanisms?

Banerjee S, Snyder AC, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2011 July 631 (27):9923-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ready, set, reset: stimulus-locked periodicity in behavioral performance demonstrates the consequences of cross-sensory phase reset.

Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Mercier MR, Snyder AC, Molholm S

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2011 July 631 (27):9971-81. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory interactions in early evoked brain activity follow the principle of inverse effectiveness.

Senkowski D, Saint-Amour D, Höfle M, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2011 June 1556 (4):2200-8. Epub 04/08/2011.

The development of multisensory speech perception continues into the late childhood years.

Ross LA, Molholm S, Blanco D, Gomez-Ramirez M, Saint-Amour D, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2011 June 33 (12):2329-37. Epub 05/25/2011.

The neurophysiology of human biological motion processing: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Krakowski AI, Ross LA, Snyder AC, Sehatpour P, Kelly SP, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2011 May 156 (1):373-83. Epub 01/26/2011.

The development of audiovisual multisensory integration across childhood and early adolescence: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Brandwein AB, Foxe JJ, Russo NN, Altschuler TS, Gomes H, Molholm S

Cerebral cortex.. 2011 May 21 (5):1042-55. Epub 09/16/2010.

Assessing white matter integrity as a function of abstinence duration in former cocaine-dependent individuals.

Bell RP, Foxe JJ, Nierenberg J, Hoptman MJ, Garavan H

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2011 April 1114 (2-3):159-68. Epub 11/13/2010.

Common or redundant neural circuits for duration processing across audition and touch.

Butler JS, Molholm S, Fiebelkorn IC, Mercier MR, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2011 March 231 (9):3400-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Role of Alpha-Band Brain Oscillations as a Sensory Suppression Mechanism during Selective Attention.

Foxe JJ, Snyder AC

Frontiers in psychology.. 2011 2 :154. Epub 07/05/2011.

Motion P3 demonstrates neural nature of motion ERPs.

Nolan H, Butler JS, Whelan R, Foxe JJ, Bülthoff HH, Reilly RB

Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2011 2011 :3884-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tactile shape discrimination recruits human lateral occipital complex during early perceptual processing.

Lucan JN, Foxe JJ, Gomez-Ramirez M, Sathian K, Molholm S

Human brain mapping.. 2010 November 31 (11):1813-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cognitive control in late-life depression: response inhibition deficits and dysfunction of the anterior cingulate cortex.

Katz R, De Sanctis P, Mahoney JR, Sehatpour P, Murphy CF, Gomez-Ramirez M, Alexopoulos GS, Foxe JJ

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2010 November 18 (11):1017-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration.

Russo N, Foxe JJ, Brandwein AB, Altschuler T, Gomes H, Molholm S

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research.. 2010 October 3 (5):253-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

Impaired visual object processing across an occipital-frontal-hippocampal brain network in schizophrenia: an integrated neuroimaging study.

Sehatpour P, Dias EC, Butler PD, Revheim N, Guilfoyle DN, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC

Archives of general psychiatry.. 2010 August 67 (8):772-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sensory deficits and distributed hierarchical dysfunction in schizophrenia.

Leitman DI, Sehatpour P, Higgins BA, Foxe JJ, Silipo G, Javitt DC

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2010 July 167 (7):818-27. Epub 05/17/2010.

Prepare for conflict: EEG correlates of the anticipation of target competition during overt and covert shifts of visual attention.

Kelly SP, Foxe JJ, Newman G, Edelman JA

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2010 May 31 (9):1690-700. Epub 1900 01 01.

Making sense of multisensory integration.

Molholm S, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2010 May 31 (10):1709-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Staying within the lines: the formation of visuospatial boundaries influences multisensory feature integration.

Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, Schwartz TH, Molholm S

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2010 May 31 (10):1737-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Early spatial attentional modulation of inputs to the fovea.

Frey HP, Kelly SP, Lalor EC, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2010 March 3130 (13):4547-51. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anticipatory attentional suppression of visual features indexed by oscillatory alpha-band power increases: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Snyder AC, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2010 March 1730 (11):4024-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Executive function and error detection: The effect of motivation on cingulate and ventral striatum activity.

Simões-Franklin C, Hester R, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Human brain mapping.. 2010 March 31 (3):458-69. Epub 1900 01 01.

My face or yours? Event-related potential correlates of self-face processing.

Keyes H, Brady N, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

Brain and cognition.. 2010 March 72 (2):244-54. Epub 10/24/2009.

Dual mechanisms for the cross-sensory spread of attention: how much do learned associations matter?

Fiebelkorn IC, Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Cerebral cortex.. 2010 January 20 (1):109-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neural responses to uninterrupted natural speech can be extracted with precise temporal resolution.

Lalor EC, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2010 January 31 (1):189-93. Epub 12/21/2009.

Preserved executive function in high-performing elderly is driven by large-scale recruitment of prefrontal cortical mechanisms.

De Sanctis P, Gomez-Ramirez M, Sehatpour P, Wylie GR, Foxe JJ

Human brain mapping.. 2009 December 30 (12):4198-214. Epub 1900 01 01.

Abnormal timing of visual feedback processing in young adults with schizophrenia.

Kemner C, Foxe JJ, Tankink JE, Kahn RS, Lamme VA

Neuropsychologia.. 2009 December 47 (14):3105-10. Epub 07/23/2009.

The strength of anticipatory spatial biasing predicts target discrimination at attended locations: a high-density EEG study.

Kelly SP, Gomez-Ramirez M, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2009 December 30 (11):2224-34. Epub 11/20/2009.

Early processing in the human lateral occipital complex is highly responsive to illusory contours but not to salient regions.

Shpaner M, Murray MM, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2009 November 30 (10):2018-28. Epub 11/06/2009.

Visual sensory processing deficits in patients with bipolar disorder revealed through high-density electrical mapping.

Yeap S, Kelly SP, Reilly RB, Thakore JH, Foxe JJ

Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN.. 2009 November 34 (6):459-64. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mismatch negativity to tonal contours suggests preattentive perception of prosodic content.

Leitman DI, Sehatpour P, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC

Brain imaging and behavior.. 2009 September 3 (3):284-91. Epub 06/30/2009.

Uncovering the neural signature of lapsing attention: electrophysiological signals predict errors up to 20 s before they occur.

O'Connell RG, Dockree PM, Robertson IH, Bellgrove MA, Foxe JJ, Kelly SP

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2009 July 129 (26):8604-11. Epub 1900 01 01.

Resolving precise temporal processing properties of the auditory system using continuous stimuli.

Lalor EC, Power AJ, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2009 July 102 (1):349-59. Epub 05/13/2009.

The effects of L-theanine on alpha-band oscillatory brain activity during a visuo-spatial attention task.

Gomez-Ramirez M, Kelly SP, Montesi JL, Foxe JJ

Brain topography.. 2009 June 22 (1):44-51. Epub 10/09/2008.

Multisensory integration: frequency tuning of audio-tactile integration.

Foxe JJ

Current biology : CB.. 2009 May 1219 (9):R373-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Ten years at the Multisensory Forum: musings on the evolution of a field.

Foxe JJ, Molholm S

Brain topography.. 2009 May 21 (3-4):149-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

The neurophysiology of bi-directional synesthesia (Commentary on Gebuis et al.).

Shalgi S, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2009 April 29 (8):1701-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

The neural correlates of deficient error awareness in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

O'Connell RG, Bellgrove MA, Dockree PM, Lau A, Hester R, Garavan H, Fitzgerald M, Foxe JJ, Robertson IH

Neuropsychologia.. 2009 March 47 (4):1149-59. Epub 1900 01 01.

Distinct neurophysiological mechanisms mediate mixing costs and switch costs.

Wylie GR, Murray MM, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2009 January 21 (1):105-18. Epub 1900 01 01.

Two types of action error: electrophysiological evidence for separable inhibitory and sustained attention neural mechanisms producing error on go/no-go tasks.

O'Connell RG, Dockree PM, Bellgrove MA, Turin A, Ward S, Foxe JJ, Robertson IH

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2009 January 21 (1):93-104. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prefrontal and midline interactions mediating behavioural control.

Fassbender C, Hester R, Murphy K, Foxe JJ, Foxe DM, Garavan H

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2009 January 29 (1):181-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lip-reading aids word recognition most in moderate noise: a Bayesian explanation using high-dimensional feature space.

Ma WJ, Zhou X, Ross LA, Foxe JJ, Parra LC

PloS one.. 2009 4 (3):e4638. Epub 03/04/2009.

Early, low-level auditory-somatosensory multisensory interactions impact reaction time speed.

Sperdin HF, Cappe C, Foxe JJ, Murray MM

Frontiers in integrative neuroscience.. 2009 3 :2. Epub 03/11/2009.

Right Hemispheric Contributions to Fine Auditory Temporal Discriminations: High-Density Electrical Mapping of the Duration Mismatch Negativity (MMN).

De Sanctis P, Molholm S, Shpaner M, Ritter W, Foxe JJ

Frontiers in integrative neuroscience.. 2009 3 :5. Epub 04/20/2009.

Toward the end of a "principled" era in multisensory science.

Foxe JJ

Brain research.. 2008 November 251242 :1-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differences in early sensory-perceptual processing in synesthesia: a visual evoked potential study.

Barnett KJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Kelly SP, Shalgi S, Mitchell KJ, Newell FN

NeuroImage.. 2008 November 1543 (3):605-13. Epub 07/25/2008.

Look who's talking: the deployment of visuo-spatial attention during multisensory speech processing under noisy environmental conditions.

Senkowski D, Saint-Amour D, Gruber T, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2008 November 143 (2):379-87. Epub 07/18/2008.

Spatial attention modulates initial afferent activity in human primary visual cortex.

Kelly SP, Gomez-Ramirez M, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2008 November 18 (11):2629-36. Epub 03/04/2008.

Enhanced and bilateralized visual sensory processing in the ventral stream may be a feature of normal aging.

De Sanctis P, Katz R, Wylie GR, Sehatpour P, Alexopoulos GS, Foxe JJ

Neurobiology of aging.. 2008 October 29 (10):1576-86. Epub 05/02/2007.

Parvocellular and magnocellular contributions to the initial generators of the visual evoked potential: high-density electrical mapping of the "C1" component.

Foxe JJ, Strugstad EC, Sehatpour P, Molholm S, Pasieka W, Schroeder CE, McCourt ME

Brain topography.. 2008 September 21 (1):11-21. Epub 09/11/2008.

Visual sensory processing deficits in Schizophrenia and their relationship to disease state.

Yeap S, Kelly SP, Sehatpour P, Magno E, Garavan H, Thakore JH, Foxe JJ

European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience.. 2008 August 258 (5):305-16. Epub 05/26/2008.

Crossmodal binding through neural coherence: implications for multisensory processing.

Senkowski D, Schneider TR, Foxe JJ, Engel AK

Trends in neurosciences.. 2008 August 31 (8):401-9. Epub 07/02/2008.

L-theanine and caffeine in combination affect human cognition as evidenced by oscillatory alpha-band activity and attention task performance.

Kelly SP, Gomez-Ramirez M, Montesi JL, Foxe JJ

The Journal of nutrition.. 2008 August 138 (8):1572S-1577S. Epub 1900 01 01.

Visual sensory processing deficits in first-episode patients with Schizophrenia.

Yeap S, Kelly SP, Thakore JH, Foxe JJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2008 July 102 (1-3):340-3. Epub 05/15/2008.

Hemispheric asymmetry and callosal integration of visuospatial attention in schizophrenia: a tachistoscopic line bisection study.

McCourt ME, Shpaner M, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2008 July 102 (1-3):189-96. Epub 05/16/2008.

ERP correlates of anticipatory attention: spatial and non-spatial specificity and relation to subsequent selective attention.

Dale CL, Simpson GV, Foxe JJ, Luks TL, Worden MS

Experimental brain research.. 2008 June 188 (1):45-62. Epub 03/18/2008.

Changes in effective connectivity of human superior parietal lobule under multisensory and unisensory stimulation.

Moran RJ, Molholm S, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2008 May 27 (9):2303-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

A human intracranial study of long-range oscillatory coherence across a frontal-occipital-hippocampal brain network during visual object processing.

Sehatpour P, Molholm S, Schwartz TH, Mahoney JR, Mehta AD, Javitt DC, Stanton PK, Foxe JJ

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2008 March 18105 (11):4399-404. Epub 03/11/2008.

Early visual processing deficits in dysbindin-associated schizophrenia.

Donohoe G, Morris DW, De Sanctis P, Magno E, Montesi JL, Garavan HP, Robertson IH, Javitt DC, Gill M, Corvin AP, Foxe JJ

Biological psychiatry.. 2008 March 163 (5):484-9. Epub 10/22/2007.

Forgetting as an active process: an FMRI investigation of item-method-directed forgetting.

Wylie GR, Foxe JJ, Taylor TL

Cerebral cortex.. 2008 March 18 (3):670-82. Epub 07/07/2007.

Auditory scene analysis: the interaction of stimulation rate and frequency separation on pre-attentive grouping.

De Sanctis P, Ritter W, Molholm S, Kelly SP, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2008 March 27 (5):1271-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dissecting the cellular contributions to early visual sensory processing deficits in schizophrenia using the VESPA evoked response.

Lalor EC, Yeap S, Reilly RB, Pearlmutter BA, Foxe JJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2008 January 98 (1-3):256-64. Epub 11/08/2007.

Impaired multisensory processing in schizophrenia: deficits in the visual enhancement of speech comprehension under noisy environmental conditions.

Ross LA, Saint-Amour D, Leavitt VM, Molholm S, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2007 December 97 (1-3):173-83. Epub 10/24/2007.

Isolating endogenous visuo-spatial attentional effects using the novel visual-evoked spread spectrum analysis (VESPA) technique.

Lalor EC, Kelly SP, Pearlmutter BA, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2007 December 26 (12):3536-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Avoiding another mistake: error and posterror neural activity associated with adaptive posterror behavior change.

Hester R, Barre N, Mattingley JB, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience.. 2007 December 7 (4):317-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Auditory processing in schizophrenia during the middle latency period (10-50 ms): high-density electrical mapping and source analysis reveal subcortical antecedents to early cortical deficits.

Leavitt VM, Molholm S, Ritter W, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ

Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN.. 2007 September 32 (5):339-53. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of spatial attention in the selection of real and illusory objects.

Martinez A, Ramanathan DS, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC, Hillyard SA

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2007 July 2527 (30):7963-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory processing of naturalistic objects in motion: a high-density electrical mapping and source estimation study.

Senkowski D, Saint-Amour D, Kelly SP, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2007 July 136 (3):877-88. Epub 03/12/2007.

Object-based attention is multisensory: co-activation of an object's representations in ignored sensory modalities.

Molholm S, Martinez A, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2007 July 26 (2):499-509. Epub 1900 01 01.

Do you see what I am saying? Exploring visual enhancement of speech comprehension in noisy environments.

Ross LA, Saint-Amour D, Leavitt VM, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2007 May 17 (5):1147-53. Epub 06/19/2006.

The role of cingulate cortex in the detection of errors with and without awareness: a high-density electrical mapping study.

O'Connell RG, Dockree PM, Bellgrove MA, Kelly SP, Hester R, Garavan H, Robertson IH, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2007 April 25 (8):2571-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The neural substrates of impaired prosodic detection in schizophrenia and its sensorial antecedents.

Leitman DI, Hoptman MJ, Foxe JJ, Saccente E, Wylie GR, Nierenberg J, Jalbrzikowski M, Lim KO, Javitt DC

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2007 March 164 (3):474-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Event-related potentials in an emotional go/no-go task and remission of geriatric depression.

Alexopoulos GS, Murphy CF, Gunning-Dixon FM, Kalayam B, Katz R, Kanellopoulos D, Etwaroo GR, Klimstra S, Foxe JJ

Neuroreport.. 2007 February 1218 (3):217-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Seeing voices: High-density electrical mapping and source-analysis of the multisensory mismatch negativity evoked during the McGurk illusion.

Saint-Amour D, De Sanctis P, Molholm S, Ritter W, Foxe JJ

Neuropsychologia.. 2007 February 145 (3):587-97. Epub 06/06/2006.

Subcortical visual dysfunction in schizophrenia drives secondary cortical impairments.

Butler PD, Martinez A, Foxe JJ, Kim D, Zemon V, Silipo G, Mahoney J, Shpaner M, Jalbrzikowski M, Javitt DC

Brain : a journal of neurology.. 2007 February 130 (Pt 2):417-30. Epub 09/19/2006.

Multisensory processing and oscillatory activity: analyzing non-linear electrophysiological measures in humans and simians.

Senkowski D, Gomez-Ramirez M, Lakatos P, Wylie GR, Molholm S, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

Experimental brain research.. 2007 February 177 (2):184-95. Epub 10/19/2006.

Optimal sustained attention is linked to the spectral content of background EEG activity: greater ongoing tonic alpha (approximately 10 Hz) power supports successful phasic goal activation.

Dockree PM, Kelly SP, Foxe JJ, Reilly RB, Robertson IH

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2007 February 25 (3):900-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

The deployment of intersensory selective attention: a high-density electrical mapping study of the effects of theanine.

Gomez-Ramirez M, Higgins BA, Rycroft JA, Owen GN, Mahoney J, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ

Clinical neuropharmacology.. 2007 30 (1):25-38. Epub 1900 01 01.

Patterns of normal human brain plasticity after practice and their implications for neurorehabilitation.

Kelly C, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.. 2006 December 87 (12 Suppl 2):S20-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Boundary completion is automatic and dissociable from shape discrimination.

Murray MM, Imber ML, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2006 November 1526 (46):12043-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

Oscillatory beta activity predicts response speed during a multisensory audiovisual reaction time task: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Senkowski D, Molholm S, Gomez-Ramirez M, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2006 November 16 (11):1556-65. Epub 12/15/2005.

Visual white matter integrity in schizophrenia.

Butler PD, Hoptman MJ, Nierenberg J, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC, Lim KO

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2006 November 163 (11):2011-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Early visual sensory deficits as endophenotypes for schizophrenia: high-density electrical mapping in clinically unaffected first-degree relatives.

Yeap S, Kelly SP, Sehatpour P, Magno E, Javitt DC, Garavan H, Thakore JH, Foxe JJ

Archives of general psychiatry.. 2006 November 63 (11):1180-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Rapid targeting followed by sustained deployment of visual spatial attention.

Simpson GV, Dale CL, Luks TL, Miller WL, Ritter W, Foxe JJ

Neuroreport.. 2006 October 2317 (15):1595-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The VESPA: a method for the rapid estimation of a visual evoked potential.

Lalor EC, Pearlmutter BA, Reilly RB, McDarby G, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2006 October 132 (4):1549-61. Epub 07/27/2006.

Mapping the functional anatomy of task preparation: priming task-appropriate brain networks.

Fassbender C, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

Human brain mapping.. 2006 October 27 (10):819-27. Epub 1900 01 01.

Changing plans: neural correlates of executive control in monkey and human frontal cortex.

Dias EC, McGinnis T, Smiley JF, Foxe JJ, Schroeder CE, Javitt DC

Experimental brain research.. 2006 September 174 (2):279-91. Epub 04/25/2006.

Preattentively grouped tones do not elicit MMN with respect to each other.

Ritter W, De Sanctis P, Molholm S, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Psychophysiology.. 2006 September 43 (5):423-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Audio-visual multisensory integration in superior parietal lobule revealed by human intracranial recordings.

Molholm S, Sehatpour P, Mehta AD, Shpaner M, Gomez-Ramirez M, Ortigue S, Dyke JP, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2006 August 96 (2):721-9. Epub 05/10/2006.

Flexible cognitive control: effects of individual differences and brief practice on a complex cognitive task.

Kelly AM, Hester R, Foxe JJ, Shpaner M, Garavan H

NeuroImage.. 2006 June 31 (2):866-86. Epub 03/07/2006.

Increases in alpha oscillatory power reflect an active retinotopic mechanism for distracter suppression during sustained visuospatial attention.

Kelly SP, Lalor EC, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2006 June 95 (6):3844-51. Epub 03/29/2006.

The anterior cingulate and error avoidance.

Magno E, Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Robertson IH, Garavan H

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2006 May 326 (18):4769-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Jumping the gun: is effective preparation contingent upon anticipatory activation in task-relevant neural circuitry?

Wylie GR, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2006 March 16 (3):394-404. Epub 05/25/2005.

Objects are highlighted by spatial attention.

Martínez A, Teder-Sälejärvi W, Vazquez M, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC, Di Russo F, Worden MS, Hillyard SA

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2006 February 18 (2):298-310. Epub 1900 01 01.

A spectrum of colors: investigating the temporal frequency characteristics of the human visual system using a system identification approach.

Lalor EC, Reilly RB, Pearlmutter BA, Foxe JJ

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2006 2006 :3720-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Filling-in in schizophrenia: a high-density electrical mapping and source-analysis investigation of illusory contour processing.

Foxe JJ, Murray MM, Javitt DC

Cerebral cortex.. 2005 December 15 (12):1914-27. Epub 03/16/2005.

Multisensory processes.

Soto-Faraco S, Foxe JJ, Wallace MT

Experimental brain research.. 2005 October 166 (3-4):287-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

How single-trial electrical neuroimaging contributes to multisensory research.

Gonzalez Andino SL, Murray MM, Foxe JJ, de Peralta Menendez RG

Experimental brain research.. 2005 October 166 (3-4):298-304. Epub 08/03/2005.

Biasing the brain's attentional set: II. effects of selective intersensory attentional deployments on subsequent sensory processing.

Foxe JJ, Simpson GV

Experimental brain research.. 2005 October 166 (3-4):393-401. Epub 08/06/2005.

Biasing the brain's attentional set: I. cue driven deployments of intersensory selective attention.

Foxe JJ, Simpson GV, Ahlfors SP, Saron CD

Experimental brain research.. 2005 October 166 (3-4):370-92. Epub 08/05/2005.

Neurophysiological markers of alert responding during goal-directed behavior: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Dockree PM, Kelly SP, Robertson IH, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2005 September 27 (3):587-601. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neural mechanisms involved in error processing: a comparison of errors made with and without awareness.

Hester R, Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Shpaner M, Garavan H

NeuroImage.. 2005 September 27 (3):602-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The brain uses single-trial multisensory memories to discriminate without awareness.

Murray MM, Foxe JJ, Wylie GR

NeuroImage.. 2005 August 1527 (2):473-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory contributions to low-level, 'unisensory' processing.

Schroeder CE, Foxe J

Current opinion in neurobiology.. 2005 August 15 (4):454-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sensory contributions to impaired prosodic processing in schizophrenia.

Leitman DI, Foxe JJ, Butler PD, Saperstein A, Revheim N, Javitt DC

Biological psychiatry.. 2005 July 158 (1):56-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Grabbing your ear: rapid auditory-somatosensory multisensory interactions in low-level sensory cortices are not constrained by stimulus alignment.

Murray MM, Molholm S, Michel CM, Heslenfeld DJ, Ritter W, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2005 July 15 (7):963-74. Epub 11/10/2004.

Visual spatial attention tracking using high-density SSVEP data for independent brain-computer communication.

Kelly SP, Lalor EC, Reilly RB, Foxe JJ

IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.. 2005 June 13 (2):172-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The neural circuitry of pre-attentive auditory change-detection: an fMRI study of pitch and duration mismatch negativity generators.

Molholm S, Martinez A, Ritter W, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2005 May 15 (5):545-51. Epub 09/01/2004.

The case for feedforward multisensory convergence during early cortical processing.

Foxe JJ, Schroeder CE

Neuroreport.. 2005 April 416 (5):419-23. Epub 1900 01 01.

Look 'hear', primary auditory cortex is active during lip-reading.

Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Neuroreport.. 2005 February 816 (2):123-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Individual differences discriminate event-related potentials but not performance during response inhibition.

Roche RA, Garavan H, Foxe JJ, O'Mara SM

Experimental brain research.. 2005 January 160 (1):60-70. Epub 1900 01 01.

Kanizsa subjective figures capture visual spatial attention: evidence from electrophysiological and behavioral data.

Senkowski D, Röttger S, Grimm S, Foxe JJ, Herrmann CS

Neuropsychologia.. 2005 43 (6):872-86. Epub 11/24/2004.

Can whole brain nerve conduction velocity be derived from surface-recorded visual evoked potentials? A re-examination of Reed, Vernon, and Johnson (2004).

Saint-Amour D, Saron CD, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

Neuropsychologia.. 2005 43 (12):1838-44. Epub 03/24/2005.

Setting boundaries: brain dynamics of modal and amodal illusory shape completion in humans.

Murray MM, Foxe DM, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2004 August 424 (31):6898-903. Epub 1900 01 01.

A topography of executive functions and their interactions revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Fassbender C, Murphy K, Foxe JJ, Wylie GR, Javitt DC, Robertson IH, Garavan H

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2004 July 20 (2):132-43. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prefrontal-subcortical dissociations underlying inhibitory control revealed by event-related fMRI.

Kelly AM, Hester R, Murphy K, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ, Garavan H

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2004 June 19 (11):3105-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Predicting success: patterns of cortical activation and deactivation prior to response inhibition.

Hester RL, Murphy K, Foxe JJ, Foxe DM, Javitt DC, Garavan H

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2004 June 16 (5):776-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

EEG alpha power changes reflect response inhibition deficits after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in humans.

Roche RA, Dockree PM, Garavan H, Foxe JJ, Robertson IH, O'Mara SM

Neuroscience letters.. 2004 May 13362 (1):1-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory visual-auditory object recognition in humans: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Molholm S, Ritter W, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

Cerebral cortex.. 2004 April 14 (4):452-65. Epub 1900 01 01.

Brightening prospects for early cortical coding of perceived luminance: a high-density electrical mapping study.

McCourt ME, Foxe JJ

Neuroreport.. 2004 January 1915 (1):49-56. Epub 1900 01 01.

Task switching: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Wylie GR, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

NeuroImage.. 2003 December 20 (4):2322-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

The dynamics of the spread of selective visual attention.

Worden MS, Foxe JJ

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2003 October 14100 (21):11933-5. Epub 10/06/2003.

Changing plans: a high density electrical mapping study of cortical control.

Dias EC, Foxe JJ, Javitt DC

Cerebral cortex.. 2003 July 13 (7):701-15. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cognitive control processes during an anticipated switch of task.

Wylie GR, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2003 February 17 (3):667-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

Impaired visual object recognition and dorsal/ventral stream interaction in schizophrenia.

Doniger GM, Foxe JJ, Murray MM, Higgins BA, Javitt DC

Archives of general psychiatry.. 2002 November 59 (11):1011-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Auditory-somatosensory multisensory processing in auditory association cortex: an fMRI study.

Foxe JJ, Wylie GR, Martinez A, Schroeder CE, Javitt DC, Guilfoyle D, Ritter W, Murray MM

Journal of neurophysiology.. 2002 July 88 (1):540-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The spatiotemporal dynamics of illusory contour processing: combined high-density electrical mapping, source analysis, and functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Murray MM, Wylie GR, Higgins BA, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2002 June 1522 (12):5055-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory auditory-visual interactions during early sensory processing in humans: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Molholm S, Ritter W, Murray MM, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2002 June 14 (1):115-28. Epub 1900 01 01.

The timing and laminar profile of converging inputs to multisensory areas of the macaque neocortex.

Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2002 June 14 (1):187-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

Memory reactivation or reinstatement and the mismatch negativity.

Ritter W, Sussman E, Molholm S, Foxe JJ

Psychophysiology.. 2002 March 39 (2):158-65. Epub 1900 01 01.

Flow of activation from V1 to frontal cortex in humans. A framework for defining "early" visual processing.

Foxe JJ, Simpson GV

Experimental brain research.. 2002 January 142 (1):139-50. Epub 11/15/2001.

Visual activation of frontal cortex: segregation from occipital activity.

Saron CD, Schroeder CE, Foxe JJ, Vaughan HG

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2001 August 12 (1):75-88. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attention-dependent suppression of distracter visual input can be cross-modally cued as indexed by anticipatory parieto-occipital alpha-band oscillations.

Fu KM, Foxe JJ, Murray MM, Higgins BA, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2001 August 12 (1):145-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Visual perceptual learning in human object recognition areas: a repetition priming study using high-density electrical mapping.

Doniger GM, Foxe JJ, Schroeder CE, Murray MM, Higgins BA, Javitt DC

NeuroImage.. 2001 February 13 (2):305-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Visuo-spatial neural response interactions in early cortical processing during a simple reaction time task: a high-density electrical mapping study.

Murray MM, Foxe JJ, Higgins BA, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE

Neuropsychologia.. 2001 39 (8):828-44. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multisensory auditory-somatosensory interactions in early cortical processing revealed by high-density electrical mapping.

Foxe JJ, Morocz IA, Murray MM, Higgins BA, Javitt DC, Schroeder CE

Brain research. Cognitive brain research.. 2000 September 10 (1-2):77-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Activation timecourse of ventral visual stream object-recognition areas: high density electrical mapping of perceptual closure processes.

Doniger GM, Foxe JJ, Murray MM, Higgins BA, Snodgrass JG, Schroeder CE, Javitt DC

Journal of cognitive neuroscience.. 2000 July 12 (4):615-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

Anticipatory biasing of visuospatial attention indexed by retinotopically specific alpha-band electroencephalography increases over occipital cortex.

Worden MS, Foxe JJ, Wang N, Simpson GV

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2000 March 1520 (6):RC63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Parieto-occipital approximately 10 Hz activity reflects anticipatory state of visual attention mechanisms.

Foxe JJ, Simpson GV, Ahlfors SP

Neuroreport.. 1998 December 19 (17):3929-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dynamic neuroimaging of brain function.

Simpson GV, Pflieger ME, Foxe JJ, Ahlfors SP, Vaughan HG, Hrabe J, Ilmoniemi RJ, Lantos G

Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society.. 1995 September 12 (5):432-49. Epub 1900 01 01.

Integration of electrophysiological source analyses, MRI and animal models in the study of visual processing and attention.

Simpson GV, Foxe JJ, Vaughan HG, Mehta AD, Schroeder CE

Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology.

Normal infant and adult auditory brainstem responses to bone-conducted tones.

Foxe JJ, Stapells DR

Audiology : official organ of the International Society of Audiology.. 1993 32 (2):95-109. Epub 1900 01 01.

Aging-related changes in cortical mechanisms supporting postural control during base of support and optic flow manipulations. European Journal of Neuroscience


Aging-related changes in cortical mechanisms supporting postural control during base of support and optic flow manipulations. European Journal of Neuroscience
