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Po-Ju Lin, Ph.D.

Po-Ju Lin, Ph.D.


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Research Assistant Professor - Department of Surgery, Cancer Control (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Associate, Division of
Supportive Care in Cancer, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center 2016 - 2020


PhD | University of Michigan. Kinesiology. 2015

MPH | University of Michigan. Human Nutrition. 2004

MS | University of Michigan. Kinesiology. 2003

BS | National Chung-Hsing University. Food Science. 2000


IAYT SYR Top Research Abstract Award. 2023

MASCC Outstanding Young Investigator Award. 2022

IAYT SYR Research Abstract Award. 2022

SBM Outstanding Research Citation Award. 2021

ASCO Pain and Symptom Management Special Merit Award. 2019

SBM Outstanding Research Citation Award. 2018

IAYT SYR Research Abstract Award. 2017

ASCO Pain and Symptom Management Special Merit Award. 2017

University of Rochester Postdoctoral Travel and Professional Development Award. 2017

University of Rochester Steadman Family Prize in Interdisciplinary Research. 2017

URMC-Surgery Outstanding Clinical Research Award. 2017


Journal Articles

Pilot trial testing the effects of exercise on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN) and the interoceptive brain system.

Kleckner IR, Manuweera T, Lin PJ, Chung KH, Kleckner AS, Gewandter JS, Culakova E, Tivarus ME, Dunne RF, Loh KP, Mohile NA, Kesler SR, Mustian KM

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2024 September 2132 (10):677. Epub 09/21/2024.

Systemic inflammation and changes in physical well-being in patients with breast cancer: a longitudinal study in community oncology settings.

Gilmore N, Li Y, Seplaki CL, Sohn M, Yang Y, Li CS, Loh KP, Lin PJ, Kleckner A, Mohamed M, Vertino P, Peppone L, Mustian K, Kadambi S, Corso SW, Esparaz B, Giguere JK, Mohile S, Janelsins MC

The oncologist.. 2024 August 23 Epub 08/23/2024.

A scoping review evaluating physical and cognitive functional outcomes in cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy: charting progress since the 2018 NCI think tank on cancer and aging phenotypes.

Mohamed M, Ahmed M, Williams AM, Gilmore N, Lin PJ, Yilmaz S, Jensen-Battaglia M, Mustian K, Janelsins M, Mohile S

Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice.. 2024 August 18 (4):1089-1130. Epub 05/14/2024.

The effect of yoga on cancer-related fatigue and quality of life among racially and Ethnically diverse cancer survivors: A secondary data analysis

Arana-Chicas, E.; Lin, P-J.; Gada, U.; Sun, H.; Chakrabarti, A.; Mattick, L.; Melnik, M.; Kim, G.; Ruzick, J.; Cartujano-Barrera, F.; Kamen, C. S.; Cupertino, A.; Altman, B.; Vertino, P.; Mohile, S.; Mustian, K. M.

Journal of Geriatric Oncology. 2024; 15(8): 102076.

Effect of Yoga and Mediational Influence of Fatigue on Walking, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors.

Lin PJ, Altman BJ, Gilmore NJ, Loh KP, Dunne RF, Bautista J, Fung C, Janelsins MC, Peppone LJ, Melnik MK, Gococo KO, Messino MJ, Mustian KM

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN.. 2023 February 21 (2):153-162.e2. Epub 1900 01 01.

A single-arm pilot study of a mobile health exercise intervention (GO-EXCAP) in older patients with myeloid neoplasms.

Loh KP, Sanapala C, Watson EE, Jensen-Battaglia M, Janelsins MC, Klepin HD, Schnall R, Culakova E, Vertino P, Susiarjo M, Lin PJ, Mendler JH, Liesveld JL, Huselton EJ, Taberner K, Mohile SG, Mustian K

Blood advances.. 2022 July 126 (13):3850-3860. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protocol paper: Multi-site, cluster-randomized clinical trial for optimizing functional outcomes of older cancer survivors after chemotherapy.

Yilmaz S, Janelsins MC, Flannery M, Culakova E, Wells M, Lin PJ, Loh KP, Epstein R, Kamen C, Kleckner AS, Norton SA, Plumb S, Alberti S, Doyle K, Porto M, Weber M, Dukelow N, Magnuson A, Kehoe LA, Nightingale G, Jensen-Battaglia M, Mustian KM, Mohile SG

Journal of geriatric oncology.. 2022 July 13 (6):892-903. Epub 03/12/2022.

Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial of a mobile health exercise intervention for older patients with myeloid neoplasms (GO-EXCAP 2).

Loh KP, Sanapala C, Janelsins M, Klepin HD, Schnall R, Culakova E, Sohn MB, Vertino P, Susiarjo M, Jensen-Battaglia M, Becker MW, Liesveld J, Mendler JH, Huselton E, Lin PJ, Mustian K

Journal of geriatric oncology.. 2022 May 13 (4):545-553. Epub 12/21/2021.

Association of Oncologist-Patient Communication With Functional Status and Physical Performance in Older Adults: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.

Jensen-Battaglia M, Lei L, Xu H, Kehoe L, Patil A, Loh KP, Ramsdale E, Magnuson A, Kleckner AS, Wildes TM, Lin PJ, Mustian KM, Giri G, Whitehead M, Bearden J, Burnette BL, Geer J, Mohile SG, Dunne RF

JAMA network open.. 2022 March 15 (3):e223039. Epub 03/01/2022.

Serum carotenoids and cancer-related fatigue: An analysis of the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Kleckner AS, van Wijngaarden E, Jusko TA, Kleckner IR, Lin PJ, Mustian KM, Peppone LJ

Cancer research communications.. 2022 March 2 (3):202-210. Epub 03/31/2022.

Association of Prognostic Understanding With Health Care Use Among Older Adults With Advanced Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.

Loh KP, Seplaki CL, Sanapala C, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Lund JL, Epstein RM, Duberstein PR, Flannery M, Culakova E, Xu H, McHugh C, Klepin HD, Lin PJ, Watson E, Grossman VA, Liu JJ, Geer J, O'Rourke MA, Mustian K, Mohile SG

JAMA network open.. 2022 February 15 (2):e220018. Epub 02/01/2022.

Physical Activity Patterns and Relationships With Cognitive Function in Patients With Breast Cancer Before, During, and After Chemotherapy in a Prospective, Nationwide Study.

Salerno EA, Culakova E, Kleckner AS, Heckler CE, Lin PJ, Matthews CE, Conlin A, Weiselberg L, Mitchell J, Mustian KM, Janelsins MC

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.. 2021 October 1039 (29):3283-3292. Epub 08/18/2021.

Developing and adapting a mobile health exercise intervention for older patients with myeloid neoplasms: A qualitative study.

Loh KP, Sanapala C, Di Giovanni G, Klepin HD, Janelsins M, Schnall R, Culakova E, Vertino P, Susiarjo M, Mendler JH, Liesveld JL, Lin PJ, Dunne RF, Kleckner I, Mustian K, Mohile SG

Journal of geriatric oncology.. 2021 July 12 (6):909-914. Epub 03/04/2021.

Excess Body Weight and Cancer-Related Fatigue, Systemic Inflammation, and Serum Lipids in Breast Cancer Survivors.

Inglis JE, Kleckner AS, Lin PJ, Gilmore NJ, Culakova E, VanderWoude AC, Mustian KM, Fernandez ID, Dunne RF, Deutsch J, Peppone LJ

Nutrition and cancer.. 2021 73 (9):1676-1686. Epub 08/19/2020.

Effects of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Phase Angle and Physical Function in Patients with Prostate Cancer on ADT.

Inglis JE, Fernandez ID, van Wijngaarden E, Culakova E, Reschke JE, Kleckner AS, Lin PJ, Mustian KM, Peppone LJ

Nutrition and cancer.. 2021 73 (10):1882-1889. Epub 09/11/2020.

Longitudinal assessment of the impact of higher body mass index on cancer-related fatigue in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy.

Inglis JE, Janelsins MC, Culakova E, Mustian KM, Lin PJ, Kleckner IR, Peppone LJ

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2020 March 28 (3):1411-1418. Epub 07/02/2019.

Effectiveness of exercise-based rehabilitation on functional capacity and quality of life in head and neck cancer patients receiving chemo-radiotherapy.

Samuel SR, Maiya AG, Fernandes DJ, Guddattu V, Saxena PUP, Kurian JR, Lin PJ, Mustian KM

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2019 October 27 (10):3913-3920. Epub 03/27/2019.

Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Versus Omega-6 Fatty Acids for the Control of Cancer-Related Fatigue Among Breast Cancer Survivors.

Peppone LJ, Inglis JE, Mustian KM, Heckler CE, Padula GDA, Mohile SG, Kamen CS, Culakova E, Lin PJ, Kerns SL, Cole S, Janelsins MC

JNCI cancer spectrum.. 2019 June 3 (2):pkz005. Epub 02/21/2019.

Effects of a Home-based Exercise Program on Anxiety and Mood Disturbances in Older Adults with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy.

Loh KP, Kleckner IR, Lin PJ, Mohile SG, Canin BE, Flannery MA, Fung C, Dunne RF, Bautista J, Culakova E, Kleckner AS, Peppone LJ, Janelsins M, McHugh C, Conlin A, Cho JK, Kasbari S, Esparaz BT, Kuebler JP, Mustian KM

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2019 May 67 (5):1005-1011. Epub 1900 01 01.

Response to Crevenna and Ashbury, Vallance and Bolam, and Crevenna and Keilani regarding the effects of exercise on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

Kleckner IR, Kamen C, Gewandter JS, Mohile NA, Heckler CE, Culakova E, Fung C, Janelsins MC, Asare M, Lin PJ, Reddy PS, Giguere J, Berenberg J, Kesler SR, Mustian KM

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2019 January 27 (1):7-8. Epub 10/29/2018.

Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Exercise Interventions Using Digital Activity Trackers in Patients With Cancer.

Schaffer K, Panneerselvam N, Loh KP, Herrmann R, Kleckner IR, Dunne RF, Lin PJ, Heckler CE, Gerbino N, Bruckner LB, Storozynsky E, Ky B, Baran A, Mohile SG, Mustian KM, Fung C

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN.. 2019 January 17 (1):57-63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Nutritional Interventions for Treating Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Qualitative Review.

Inglis JE, Lin PJ, Kerns SL, Kleckner IR, Kleckner AS, Castillo DA, Mustian KM, Peppone LJ

Nutrition and cancer.. 2019 71 (1):21-40. Epub 01/26/2019.

Influence of Yoga on Cancer-Related Fatigue and on Mediational Relationships Between Changes in Sleep and Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Nationwide, Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga in Cancer Survivors.

Lin PJ, Kleckner IR, Loh KP, Inglis JE, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MC, Kamen CS, Heckler CE, Culakova E, Pigeon WR, Reddy PS, Messino MJ, Gaur R, Mustian KM

Integrative cancer therapies.. 2019 18 :1534735419855134. Epub 1900 01 01.

Exercise for managing cancer- and treatment-related side effects in older adults.

Loh KP, Lin PJ, Uth J, Quist M, Klepin H, Mustian K

Journal of geriatric oncology.. 2018 July 9 (4):405-410. Epub 03/30/2018.

Effects of exercise during chemotherapy on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial.

Kleckner IR, Kamen C, Gewandter JS, Mohile NA, Heckler CE, Culakova E, Fung C, Janelsins MC, Asare M, Lin PJ, Reddy PS, Giguere J, Berenberg J, Kesler SR, Mustian KM

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.. 2018 April 26 (4):1019-1028. Epub 12/14/2017.

Yoga for the Management of Cancer Treatment-Related Toxicities.

Lin PJ, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MC, Mohile SG, Kamen CS, Kleckner IR, Fung C, Asare M, Cole CL, Culakova E, Mustian KM

Current oncology reports.. 2018 February 120 (1):5. Epub 02/01/2018.

Exercise for Toxicity Management in Cancer-A Narrative Review.

Kleckner IR, Dunne RF, Asare M, Cole C, Fleming F, Fung C, Lin PJ, Mustian KM

Oncology & hematology review.. 2018 14 (1):28-37. Epub 02/15/2018.

Low-Carbohydrate-High-Fat Diet: Can it Help Exercise Performance?

Chang CK, Borer K, Lin PJ

Journal of human kinetics.. 2017 February 56 :81-92. Epub 03/12/2017.

Exercise Recommendations for the Management of Symptoms Clusters Resulting From Cancer and Cancer Treatments.

Mustian KM, Cole CL, Lin PJ, Asare M, Fung C, Janelsins MC, Kamen CS, Peppone LJ, Magnuson A

Seminars in oncology nursing.. 2016 November 32 (4):383-393. Epub 10/21/2016.

Children's dairy intake in the United States: too little, too fat?

Kranz S, Lin PJ, Wagstaff DA

The Journal of pediatrics.. 2007 December 151 (6):642-6, 646.e1-2. Epub 07/24/2007.


Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care (2nd ed.) (2024)

Chapter: Yoga Therapy for Cancer Survivors

Common Issues in Breast Cancer Survivors (2021)

Chapter: Cancer-related fatigue

Geriatric Oncology (2020)

Chapter: Exercise and the older cancer survivor

Handbook of Cancer Survivorship (2018)

Chapter: Fatigue

The Little Book of Menopause: Living with the Challenges of Breast Cancer (2018)

Chapter: The value of exercise for the breast cancer survivor