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Caroline Silva, Ph.D.

Caroline Silva, Ph.D.


Appointment (585) 275-2392

About Me

Caroline Silva, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry (SMD). Dr. Silva completed her A.B. in psychology at Harvard University and received her M.S./Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Florida State University....
Caroline Silva, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry (SMD). Dr. Silva completed her A.B. in psychology at Harvard University and received her M.S./Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Florida State University. She completed her clinical internship at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School and an NRSA (T32) Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide at the University of Rochester SMD. Broadly, her research has examined interpersonal risk factors for suicide via the lens of a contemporary theory of suicide—the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. In particular, Dr. Silva has examined the role of two forms of social disconnection—thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness—in suicide risk among high-risk populations, including sexual minorities, military service members, and clinical outpatients. Dr. Silva’s current program of research is focused on integrating the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide with cultural determinants of health to inform the development and evaluation of suicide prevention interventions for at-risk Hispanics.

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Research (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

NIMH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellow (T32MH20061; Conwell, PI), University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry 2016 - 2018

Internship in Psychology at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School 2015 - 2016


PhD | Florida State University. Clinical Psychology. 2016

MS | Florida State University. Clinical Psychology. 2013

AB | Harvard University. Psychology. 2008


NIH mHealth Training Institute Scholar. 2022

University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute KL2 Scholar. 2018 - 2020

NIH Loan Repayment Program award. 2017

NIH OBSSR Johns Hopkins Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences Scholar. 2017

MSRC Dissertation Award (USARMC award W81XWH-10-2-0178). 2014

FSU Dissertation Research Grant. 2014

McKnight Dissertation Fellowship. 2014


Journal Articles

COVID-19 vaccination attitudes and acceptance among people with serious mental illness

Small, W., Silva, C., Johnson, R., Betti, V., Nguyen, A.-T. A., Todd, L., Jacobwitz, D., & Lamberti, J. S.

Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2024; 15.

Publication Link

Interpersonal theory of suicide predictability

Clinically Significant Scores for Thwarted Belonging and Perceived Burden from the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15).

Silva C, Smith PN, Rogers M, Joiner TE, Foote B, Van Orden KA

Crisis.. 2023 September 44 (5):406-414. Epub 02/10/2023.

Recruiting Socially Disconnected Latinos Caring for a Person with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned.

Quiñones MM, Silva C, Ross C, Sörensen S, Serrano R, Van Orden K, Heffner K

Clinical gerontologist.. 2023 April 2 :1-14. Epub 04/02/2023.

Neighborhood Belonging and Thoughts of Death Among Hispanics in the United States.

Silva C, Douglas N, Van Orden K

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2023 27 (2):629-643. Epub 02/08/2022.

Engage coaching for caregivers: a pilot trial to reduce loneliness in dementia caregivers.

Van Orden KA, Bower E, Lutz J, Silva C

Aging & mental health.. 2023 27 (10):2019-2026. Epub 03/10/2023.

Spanish Validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale Among Mexican University Students.

Rangel Villafaña JN, Silva C, Cárdenas SJ

Revista internacional de investigación en adicciones.. 2023 9 (1):22-27. Epub 05/15/2023.

Centering Culture in Mental Health: Differences in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Access to Care Among Older People of Color.

Jimenez DE, Park M, Rosen D, Joo JH, Garza DM, Weinstein ER, Conner K, Silva C, Okereke O

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2022 November 30 (11):1234-1251. Epub 07/08/2022.

The feasibility and acceptability of using smartphones to assess suicide risk among Spanish-speaking adult outpatients.

Silva C, Cero I, Ricci N, Pérez A, Conwell Y, Van Orden K

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2022 October 52 (5):918-931. Epub 06/08/2022.

Toward Understanding of Suicidality in a Spanish Clinical Population: Validation of the European Spanish Version of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire.

Canal-Rivero M, Silva C, Obiols-Llandrich JE, García-Bernal C, García-Sanchez C, Bustos-Cardona T, Joiner TE, Crespo-Facorro B, Ruiz-Veguilla M

Psychopathology.. 2022 55 (1):16-27. Epub 12/28/2021.

Strategies to Promote Social Connections Among Older Adults During "Social Distancing" Restrictions.

Van Orden KA, Bower E, Lutz J, Silva C, Gallegos AM, Podgorski CA, Santos EJ, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):816-827. Epub 05/18/2020.

Aging and Engaging: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Conversational Skills Coach for Older Adults.

Ali R, Hoque E, Duberstein P, Schubert L, Razavi SZ, Kane B, Silva C, Daks JS, Huang M, Van Orden K

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2021 August 29 (8):804-815. Epub 11/22/2020.

Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-15 (INQ-15-I).

Iliceto P, D'Antuono L, Fino E, Carcione A, Candilera G, Silva C, Joiner TE

Journal of clinical psychology.. 2021 January 77 (1):268-285. Epub 07/14/2020.

Clinical utility of suicide behavior and ideation measures: Implications for military suicide risk assessment.

Gutierrez PM, Joiner T, Hanson J, Avery K, Fender A, Harrison T, Kerns K, McGowan P, Stanley IH, Silva C, Rogers ML

Psychological assessment.. 2021 January 33 (1):1-13. Epub 11/12/2020.

URMC Universal Depression Screening Initiative: Patient Reported Outcome Assessments to Promote a Person-Centered Biopsychosocial Population Health Management Strategy.

Van Orden KA, Lutz J, Conner KR, Silva C, Hasselberg MJ, Fear K, Leadley AW, Wittink MN, Baumhauer JF

Frontiers in psychiatry.. 2021 12 :796499. Epub 01/11/2022.


Silva C, Tsay CJ

Journal of social and clinical psychology.. 2019 November 38 (9):788-809. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychometric properties of four commonly used suicide risk assessment measures: Applicability to military treatment settings

Gutierrez PM; Joiner TE; Hanson J; Stanley IH; Silva C; Rogers ML.

Military Behavioral Health. 2019; 7(2): 177-184.

Spanish translation and validation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire.

Silva C, Hurtado G, Hartley C, Rangel JN, Hovey JD, Pettit JW, Chorot P, Valiente RM, Sandín B, Joiner TE

Psychological assessment.. 2018 October 30 (10):e21-e37. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide among Hispanics in the United States.

Silva C, Van Orden KA

Current opinion in psychology.. 2018 August 22 :44-49. Epub 07/18/2017.

A Social Exclusion Manipulation Interacts with Acquired Capability for Suicide to Predict Self-Aggressive Behaviors.

Hames JL, Rogers ML, Silva C, Ribeiro JD, Teale NE, Joiner TE

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2018 22 (1):32-45. Epub 04/07/2017.

The role of stressful life events preceding death by suicide: Evidence from two samples of suicide decedents.

Buchman-Schmitt JM, Chu C, Michaels MS, Hames JL, Silva C, Hagan CR, Ribeiro JD, Selby EA, Joiner TE

Psychiatry research.. 2017 October 256 :345-352. Epub 06/27/2017.

Evidence for the Propositions of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Among a Military Sample.

Silva C, Hagan CR, Rogers ML, Chiurliza B, Podlogar MC, Hom MA, Tzoneva M, Lim IC, Joiner TE

Journal of clinical psychology.. 2017 June 73 (6):669-680. Epub 08/01/2016.

Examining longer-term effects of parental death in adolescents and young adults: Evidence from the national longitudinal survey of adolescent to adult health.

Feigelman W, Rosen Z, Joiner T, Silva C, Mueller AS

Death studies.. 2017 March 41 (3):133-143. Epub 11/04/2016.

Suicide-Related Knowledge and Confidence Among Behavioral Health Care Staff in Seven States.

Silva C, Smith AR, Dodd DR, Covington DW, Joiner TE

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2016 November 167 (11):1240-1245. Epub 06/15/2016.

Insomnia brings soldiers into mental health treatment, predicts treatment engagement, and outperforms other suicide-related symptoms as a predictor of major depressive episodes.

Hom MA, Lim IC, Stanley IH, Chiurliza B, Podlogar MC, Michaels MS, Buchman-Schmitt JM, Silva C, Ribeiro JD, Joiner TE

Journal of psychiatric research.. 2016 August 79 :108-115. Epub 05/10/2016.

Contrasts Between Young Males Dying by Suicide, Those Dying From Other Causes and Those Still Living: Observations From the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health.

Feigelman W, Joiner T, Rosen Z, Silva C, Mueller AS

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2016 July 220 (3):389-401. Epub 01/11/2016.

Investigating Correlates of Suicide Among Male Youth: Questioning the Close Affinity Between Suicide Attempts and Deaths.

Feigelman W, Joiner T, Rosen Z, Silva C

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2016 April 46 (2):191-205. Epub 08/06/2015.

Suicide as a derangement of the self-sacrificial aspect of eusociality.

Joiner TE, Hom MA, Hagan CR, Silva C

Psychological review.. 2016 April 123 (3):235-54. Epub 11/02/2015.

The Interactive Effects of the Capability for Suicide and Major Depressive Episodes on Suicidal Behavior in a Military Sample.

Chu C, Podlogar M, Hagan CR, Buchman-Schmitt JM, Silva C, Chiurliza B, Hames JL, Stanley IH, Lim LI, Joiner TE

Cognitive therapy and research.. 2016 February 40 (1):22-30. Epub 09/29/2015.

Mental disorders and thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired capability for suicide.

Silva C, Ribeiro JD, Joiner TE

Psychiatry research.. 2015 March 30226 (1):316-27. Epub 01/15/2015.

Considerations regarding online methods for suicide-related research and suicide risk assessment.

Michaels MS, Chu C, Silva C, Schulman BE, Joiner T

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2015 February 45 (1):10-7. Epub 05/27/2014.

Suicide risk among sexual minority college students: A mediated moderation model of sex and perceived burdensomeness

Silva C; Chu C; Monahan KR; Joiner TE.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 2015; 2(1): 22-33.

Overarousal interacts with a sense of fearlessness about death to predict suicide risk in a sample of clinical outpatients.

Ribeiro JD, Silva C, Joiner TE

Psychiatry research.. 2014 August 15218 (1-2):106-12. Epub 04/05/2014.

An examination of the relationship between anger and suicide risk through the lens of the interpersonal theory of suicide.

Hawkins KA, Hames JL, Ribeiro JD, Silva C, Joiner TE, Cougle JR

Journal of psychiatric research.. 2014 March 50 :59-65. Epub 12/25/2013.

An assessment of suicide-related knowledge and skills among health professionals.

Smith AR, Silva C, Covington DW, Joiner TE

Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.. 2014 February 33 (2):110-9. Epub 02/04/2013.

Predicting nonsuicidal self-injury episodes over a discrete period of time in a sample of women diagnosed with bulimia nervosa: an analysis of self-reported trait and ecological momentary assessment based affective lability and previous suicide attempts.

Anestis MD, Silva C, Lavender JM, Crosby RD, Wonderlich SA, Engel SG, Joiner TE

The International journal of eating disorders.. 2012 September 45 (6):808-11. Epub 07/08/2011.

Sleep problems outperform depression and hopelessness as cross-sectional and longitudinal predictors of suicidal ideation and behavior in young adults in the military.

Ribeiro JD, Pease JL, Gutierrez PM, Silva C, Bernert RA, Rudd MD, Joiner TE

Journal of affective disorders.. 2012 February 136 (3):743-50. Epub 10/26/2011.

Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal behavior, and their co-occurrence as viewed through the lens of the interpersonal theory of suicide

Joiner TE; Ribeiro JD; Silva C.

Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2012; 21(5): 342-347.

A trait-interpersonal perspective on suicide risk in criminal offenders.

Cramer RJ, Garza MJ, Henderson CE, Ribeiro JD, Silva C, Smith AR, Joiner TE, White J

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2012 16 (4):334-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

Moral injury and moral repair in war veterans: a preliminary model and intervention strategy.

Litz BT, Stein N, Delaney E, Lebowitz L, Nash WP, Silva C, Maguen S

Clinical psychology review.. 2009 December 29 (8):695-706. Epub 07/29/2009.

The historic origins of military and veteran mental health stigma and the stress injury model as a means to reduce it

Nash WP; Silva C; Litz BT.

Psychiatric Annals. 2009; 39(8): 789-794.


Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging (2019)

Chapter: Suicide in later life

Authors: Van Orden KA; Silva C; Conwell Y

Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York 2019

The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology (2015)

Chapter: Suicide

Authors: Ribeiro JD; Silva C; Hagan CR; Joiner TE

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA 2015

Meaning, Mortality, and Choice: The Social Psychology of Existential Concerns (2012)

Chapter: Why people die by suicide: Further development and tests of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior

Authors: Joiner TE; Silva C

Publisher: American Psychological Association, Washington, DC 2012

The Oxford Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders (2012)

Chapter: Individual approaches to prevention and early intervention

Authors: Au TM; Silva C; Delaney E; Litz BT

Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York 2012