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Brian Keane, Ph.D.

Brian Keane, Ph.D.


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About Me

Dr. Keane is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center with additional affiliations in Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Science, and Center for Visual Science. He employs behavioral psychophysics and functional neuroimaging to investigate visual object percept...
Dr. Keane is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center with additional affiliations in Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Science, and Center for Visual Science. He employs behavioral psychophysics and functional neuroimaging to investigate visual object perception – both how it goes right in healthy people and how it becomes disturbed in those with psychosis. Dr. Keane obtained a doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of California in Psychology, a doctoral degree in Analytic Philosophy from Rutgers University, and a Bachelor of Arts Triple Major (Physics & Astronomy, Spanish, Philosophy) from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Keane has published over 40 peer reviewed works in clinical and non-clinical outlets and has been the recipient of a number of awards and grants including a K01 Mentored Career Development award, an NRSA postdoctoral fellowship, an ICOSR Young Investigator Award, a UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, and an APA Dissertation Research Award.

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Research (SMD)

Assistant Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S (RC) - Joint

Assistant Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, University Behavioral Health Care, Center for Cognitive Science. 2009 - 2011


Doctor of Philosophy | University of California, Los Angeles. Psychology. 2009

Doctor of Philosophy | Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Philosophy. 2006

Bachelor of Arts | University of Pittsburgh, PA, University Honors College. Physics & Astronomy, Spanish, Philosophy (intensive). 1999


Rutgers/RBHS Travel Award. 2016

SIRS/ICOSR Young Investigator Award. 2013

NIH/NIMH LRP program. 2013 - 2016

American Psychological Association Dissertation Award. 2008

UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship. 2008 - 2009

Summa Cum Laude. 1999

Phi Beta Kappa. 1999

University Scholarship. 1995 - 1999


Dr. Keane investigates how the visual system transforms spatiotemporally fragmented retinal images into discrete representations of objects and how this transformation becomes compromised among those with psychosis. This question is approached with behavioral psychophysics, eye movement analysis, an...
Dr. Keane investigates how the visual system transforms spatiotemporally fragmented retinal images into discrete representations of objects and how this transformation becomes compromised among those with psychosis. This question is approached with behavioral psychophysics, eye movement analysis, and resting-state and task-based functional MRI. Dr. Keane has co-developed relatively simple visual tasks that can briefly and non-invasively elicit large visual impairments in schizophrenia patients; such impairments are linked to a variety of clinical variables such as conceptual disorganization, premorbid functioning, and illness duration. Over the years, Dr. Keane has also written on foundational questions in cognitive science that are related to object perception, such as conditions under which visual grouping becomes malleable by higher-order thought or the best way to characterize the content of sensory representations.

Clinical Trials

Fine-scale eye movement differences in psychosis

Lead Researcher: Brian Keane

This study will look at differences in eye movement as they relate to visual perception and the way people think. The information collected in this study will aid in finding ways to more accurately diagnose psychiatric disorders, namely schizophrenia...

Psychosis Research Group Future Contact Database

Lead Researcher: Brian Keane

This future contact database will facilitate contact with prospective subjects, giving them greater opportunities to participate in behavioral and neuroimaging studies for which they may be eligible.


Journal Articles

Hallucinations and the depth-inversion illusion in schizophrenia.

Thompson JL, Silverstein SM, Papathomas TV, Keane BP

Schizophrenia research.. 2024 December 274 :21-23. Epub 09/08/2024.

Functional dysconnectivity of visual and somatomotor networks yields a simple and robust biomarker for psychosis.

Keane BP, Abrham YT, Cole MW, Johnson BA, Hu B, Cocuzza CV

Molecular psychiatry.. 2024 October 4 Epub 10/04/2024.

Distributed network flows generate localized category selectivity in human visual cortex.

Cocuzza CV, Sanchez-Romero R, Ito T, Mill RD, Keane BP, Cole MW

PLoS computational biology.. 2024 October 20 (10):e1012507. Epub 10/22/2024.

Football-related concussions and head impacts are associated with changes in retinal structure and signaling

Silverstein, S. M.; Atlas, J.; Young, M.; Bertolace, L.; Juskiewicz, I.; Merchant-Borna, K.; Dermady, S.; Abrham, Y.; Green, K.; Bazarian, J.; Ramchandran, R. S.; Keane, B. P.

Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry. 2024; 10.

Increased whole-brain functional heterogeneity in psychosis during rest and task.

Keane BP, Abrham YT, Hearne LJ, Bi H, Hu B

NeuroImage. Clinical.. 2024 43 :103630. Epub 06/09/2024.

Correcting visual acuity beyond 20/20 improves contour element detection and integration: A cautionary tale for studies of special populations.

Keane BP, Silverstein SM, Papathomas TV, Krekelberg B

PloS one.. 2024 19 (9):e0310678. Epub 09/26/2024.

Dorsal attention network activity during perceptual organization is distinct in schizophrenia and predictive of cognitive disorganization.

Keane BP, Krekelberg B, Mill RD, Silverstein SM, Thompson JL, Serody MR, Barch DM, Cole MW

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2023 February 57 (3):458-478. Epub 01/04/2023.

When do contrast sensitivity deficits (or enhancements) depend on spatial frequency? Two ways to avoid spurious interactions.

Bi H, Abrham Y, Butler PD, Hu B, Keane BP

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2023 January 57 (2):351-359. Epub 12/26/2022.

Visual system assessment for predicting a transition to psychosis.

Diamond A, Silverstein SM, Keane BP

Translational psychiatry.. 2022 August 2912 (1):351. Epub 08/29/2022.

A brief psychometric test reveals robust shape completion deficits in schizophrenia that are less severe in bipolar disorder.

Keane BP, Erlikhman G, Serody M, Silverstein SM

Schizophrenia research.. 2022 February 240 :78-80. Epub 12/30/2021.

Brain network mechanisms of visual shape completion.

Keane BP, Barch DM, Mill RD, Silverstein SM, Krekelberg B, Cole MW

NeuroImage.. 2021 August 1236 :118069. Epub 04/18/2021.

Activity flow underlying abnormalities in brain activations and cognition in schizophrenia.

Hearne LJ, Mill RD, Keane BP, Repovš G, Anticevic A, Cole MW

Science advances.. 2021 July 7 (29)Epub 07/14/2021.

Oculomics in Schizophrenia Research.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Corlett PR

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2021 April 2947 (3):577-579. Epub 1900 01 01.

A Whole-Brain and Cross-Diagnostic Perspective on Functional Brain Network Dysfunction.

Spronk M, Keane BP, Ito T, Kulkarni K, Ji JL, Anticevic A, Cole MW

Cerebral cortex.. 2021 January 131 (1):547-561. Epub 1900 01 01.

Visual Impairments in Schizophrenia: Their Significance and Unrealized Clinical Potential.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Demmin DL, Fradkin SI

Psychiatria Danubina.. 2020 32 (1):72-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Smaller visual arrays are harder to integrate in schizophrenia: Evidence for impaired lateral connections in early vision.

Keane BP, Paterno D, Crespo LP, Kastner S, Silverstein SM

Psychiatry research.. 2019 December 282 :112636. Epub 11/16/2019.

The Audio-Visual Abnormalities Questionnaire (AVAQ): Development and validation of a new instrument for assessing anomalies in sensory perception in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

Nikitova N, Keane BP, Demmin D, Silverstein SM, Uhlhaas PJ

Schizophrenia research.. 2019 July 209 :227-233. Epub 06/08/2019.

Intact illusory contour formation but equivalently impaired visual shape completion in first- and later-episode schizophrenia.

Keane BP, Paterno D, Kastner S, Krekelberg B, Silverstein SM

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2019 January 128 (1):57-68. Epub 10/22/2018.

Intact perception of coherent motion, dynamic rigid form, and biological motion in chronic schizophrenia.

Keane BP, Peng Y, Demmin D, Silverstein SM, Lu H

Psychiatry research.. 2018 October 268 :53-59. Epub 06/26/2018.

Contour interpolation: A case study in Modularity of Mind.

Keane BP

Cognition.. 2018 May 174 :1-18. Epub 02/03/2018.

Self-Reported Visual Perceptual Abnormalities Are Strongly Associated with Core Clinical Features in Psychotic Disorders.

Keane BP, Cruz LN, Paterno D, Silverstein SM

Frontiers in psychiatry.. 2018 9 :69. Epub 03/12/2018.

Seeing more clearly through psychosis: Depth inversion illusions are normal in bipolar disorder but reduced in schizophrenia.

Keane BP, Silverstein SM, Wang Y, Roché MW, Papathomas TV

Schizophrenia research.. 2016 October 176 (2-3):485-492. Epub 06/22/2016.

Visual integration dysfunction in schizophrenia arises by the first psychotic episode and worsens with illness duration.

Keane BP, Paterno D, Kastner S, Silverstein SM

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2016 May 125 (4):543-9. Epub 03/31/2016.

Disruptions in neural connectivity associated with reduced susceptibility to a depth inversion illusion in youth at ultra high risk for psychosis.

Gupta T, Silverstein SM, Bernard JA, Keane BP, Papathomas TV, Pelletier-Baldelli A, Dean DJ, Newberry RE, Ristanovic I, Mittal VA

NeuroImage. Clinical.. 2016 12 :681-690. Epub 10/02/2016.

Visual context processing dysfunctions in youth at high risk for psychosis: Resistance to the Ebbinghaus illusion and its symptom and social and role functioning correlates.

Mittal VA, Gupta T, Keane BP, Silverstein SM

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2015 November 124 (4):953-60. Epub 08/03/2015.

Comparison of visual perceptual organization in schizophrenia and body dysmorphic disorder.

Silverstein SM, Elliott CM, Feusner JD, Keane BP, Mikkilineni D, Hansen N, Hartmann A, Wilhelm S

Psychiatry research.. 2015 September 30229 (1-2):426-33. Epub 06/27/2015.

Cortical contributions to impaired contour integration in schizophrenia.

Silverstein SM, Harms MP, Carter CS, Gold JM, Keane BP, MacDonald A, Ragland JD, Barch DM

Neuropsychologia.. 2015 August 75 :469-80. Epub 07/06/2015.

Is 20/20 vision good enough? Visual acuity differences within the normal range predict contour element detection and integration.

Keane BP, Kastner S, Paterno D, Silverstein SM

Psychonomic bulletin & review.. 2015 February 22 (1):121-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Vision in schizophrenia: why it matters.

Silverstein S, Keane BP, Blake R, Giersch A, Green M, Kéri S

Frontiers in psychology.. 2015 6 :41. Epub 02/05/2015.

Multiple forms of contour grouping deficits in schizophrenia: what is the role of spatial frequency?

Keane BP, Erlikhman G, Kastner S, Paterno D, Silverstein SM

Neuropsychologia.. 2014 December 65 :221-33. Epub 11/01/2014.

Contour integration impairment in schizophrenia and first episode psychosis: state or trait?

Feigenson KA, Keane BP, Roché MW, Silverstein SM

Schizophrenia research.. 2014 November 159 (2-3):515-20. Epub 10/11/2014.

Temporal stability and moderating effects of age and sex on CNTRaCS task performance.

Strauss ME, McLouth CJ, Barch DM, Carter CS, Gold JM, Luck SJ, MacDonald AW, Ragland JD, Ranganath C, Keane BP, Silverstein SM

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2014 July 40 (4):835-44. Epub 07/01/2013.

Late, not early, stages of Kanizsa shape perception are compromised in schizophrenia.

Keane BP, Joseph J, Silverstein SM

Neuropsychologia.. 2014 April 56 :302-11. Epub 02/08/2014.

What's in a face? The role of depth undulations in three-dimensional depth-inversion illusions.

Vlajnic VM, Papathomas TV, Keane BP, Zalokostas A, Silverstein SM

Perception.. 2014 43 (5):381-94. Epub 1900 01 01.

Processing of spatial-frequency altered faces in schizophrenia: effects of illness phase and duration.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Papathomas TV, Lathrop KL, Kourtev H, Feigenson K, Roché MW, Wang Y, Mikkilineni D, Paterno D

PloS one.. 2014 9 (12):e114642. Epub 12/08/2014.

Automatic feature-based grouping during multiple object tracking.

Erlikhman G, Keane BP, Mettler E, Horowitz TS, Kellman PJ

Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance.. 2013 December 39 (6):1625-1637. Epub 03/04/2013.

Reduced depth inversion illusions in schizophrenia are state-specific and occur for multiple object types and viewing conditions.

Keane BP, Silverstein SM, Wang Y, Papathomas TV

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2013 May 122 (2):506-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reinterpreting behavioral receptive fields: lightness induction alters visually completed shape.

Keane BP, Lu H, Papathomas TV, Silverstein SM, Kellman PJ

PloS one.. 2013 8 (6):e62505. Epub 06/04/2013.

Effects of short-term inpatient treatment on sensitivity to a size contrast illusion in first-episode psychosis and multiple-episode schizophrenia.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Wang Y, Mikkilineni D, Paterno D, Papathomas TV, Feigenson K

Frontiers in psychology.. 2013 4 :466. Epub 07/24/2013.

The spatial range of contour integration deficits in schizophrenia.

Keane BP, Silverstein SM, Barch DM, Carter CS, Gold JM, Kovács I, MacDonald AW, Ragland JD, Strauss ME

Experimental brain research.. 2012 August 220 (3-4):251-9. Epub 06/19/2012.

Is interpolation cognitively encapsulated? Measuring the effects of belief on Kanizsa shape discrimination and illusory contour formation.

Keane BP, Lu H, Papathomas TV, Silverstein SM, Kellman PJ

Cognition.. 2012 June 123 (3):404-18. Epub 03/20/2012.

Optimization and validation of a visual integration test for schizophrenia research.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Barch DM, Carter CS, Gold JM, Kovács I, MacDonald A, Ragland JD, Strauss ME

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2012 January 38 (1):125-34. Epub 10/20/2011.

The role of stereopsis, motion parallax, perspective and angle polarity in perceiving 3-D shape.

Sherman A, Papathomas TV, Jain A, Keane BP

Seeing and perceiving.. 2012 25 (3-4):263-85. Epub 07/19/2011.

Vision science and schizophrenia research: toward a re-view of the disorder. Editors' introduction to special section.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2011 July 37 (4):681-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Perceptual organization impairment in schizophrenia and associated brain mechanisms: review of research from 2005 to 2010.

Silverstein SM, Keane BP

Schizophrenia bulletin.. 2011 July 37 (4):690-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Attentional signatures of perception: multiple object tracking reveals the automaticity of contour interpolation.

Keane BP, Mettler E, Tsoi V, Kellman PJ

Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance.. 2011 June 37 (3):685-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

Audiovisual integration in high-functioning adults with autism.

Keane, B. P.; Rosenthal, O.; Chun, N. H.; Shams, L.

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2010; 4: 276-289.

Perceptual organization in schizophrenia: Plasticity and state-related change.

Silverstein, S. M; Keane, B. P.

Learning and Perception. 2009; 1(2): 229-261.

On representing objects with a language of sentience

Keane, B. P.

Philosophical Psychology. 2008; 21(1): 113-127.

Classification images reveal spatiotemporal contour interpolation.

Keane BP, Lu H, Kellman PJ

Vision research.. 2007 December 47 (28):3460-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interpolation processes in object perception: reply to Anderson (2007).

Kellman PJ, Garrigan P, Shipley TF, Keane BP

Psychological review.. 2007 April 114 (2):488-508. Epub 1900 01 01.

Is motion extrapolation employed in multiple object tracking? Tracking as a low-level, non-predictive function.

Keane BP, Pylyshyn ZW

Cognitive psychology.. 2006 June 52 (4):346-68. Epub 01/25/2006.


Computation, cognition, and Pylyshyn (2009)

Chapter: Visual objects as the referents of early vision: A response to a Theory of Sentience