Multiphoton image of cleared human lung using a modified CUBIC technique and stained for CD31 (Red) and collagen (White). Nuclei are shown (Blue). Human lung cleared using a modified CUBIC technique and stained for CD31 (Red), Elastin (Cyan), and collagen (SHG, White). Nuclei are shown (Green). Scale bar = 80 µm 25X 1.05 NA magnification. Images courtesy of Cory Poole, Pryhuber_G.
Merged brightfield and confocal maximum intensity projection image shows the mechanosensory neurons which are responsible for sensing light touch. Mechanosensory neurons were stained with (m Cherry-red) inside the transparent C. elegans body. Image courtesy of Sanjib Guha, G. Johnson Lab.
Confocal image of a mouse carotid artery 3 days post-ligation injury, showing Caveolin-1 expression (Red fluorescence) in the intimal layer. Scale bar- 50µm. Image courtesy of Weimin Liu, Redmond Lab.
Mouse brian Thy1-YFP (labels neurons), microglia (Iba1, usually red) , co-labeled internal puncta stained CD68 (marker for phagocytic activity). and Dapi. Image courtesy of Joshua Hinkle, O"Banion Lab.
Confocal image whole mount Immunofluorescence of human placental villi analyzing the cellular patterns of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Nuclear Translocator (ARNT). . Image Courtesy of Gayathri Guru Murthy, Murphy Lab.