Speech Therapy & Speech Language Pathology

Mike Crandall, MA, CCC, SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
A New York State licensed Speech Language Pathologist provides speech therapy and cognitive training related to disease or injury. Modified Barium Swallow (MBS) studies are offered at St. James Hospital in cooperation with the radiology department.
Modified Barium Swallow Study
A modified barium swallow study is a fast, painless, objective and tremendously useful tool in treating patients with dysphagia (swallowing difficulty or choking problems). Our goal is to develop a treatment plan that will help patients overcome their swallowing difficulty and improve quality of life.
Patients who have experienced a stroke, other neurological injury, head trauma or certain types of cancers may benefit from this study, as well as children with dysphagia. Through therapy, dysphagia can be effectively treated to help prevent aspiration and pneumonia.
Patient Instructions
Referral and Contact
Patients need a referral from a physician to be evaluated and treated by the Speech Language Pathologist. Contact scheduling (607) 247-2218 with any questions you may have regarding Speech Language Pathology services.