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Beechwood Continuing Care, Getzville

Picture of Beechwood Continuing Care FacilityContact Information

At its beautiful location, Beechwood Continuing Care provides a classroom for the participating interns along with employees who serve as professional mentors. The team consists of a teacher, teacher’s aide, and two job coaches to meet the educational and training needs of the interns. Job placement is the goal of Project SEARCH®. The team helps each intern define career goals.

Types of Internships Offered

  • Gift shop
  • Direct care with Beechwood residents
  • Recreation activities
  • Clerical/office work
  • Food preparation
  • Dining services
  • Laundry service
  • Inventory support
  • Maintenance

Typical Daily Schedule

Project SEARCH operates Monday - Friday, 8:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Interns attend morning employability skills classes at Beechwood. Lessons are based on daily living skills like finances, nutrition, and resume writing. Interns then participate in 3 unpaid job rotations throughout Beechwood, each for 10 - 12 weeks.

Mobility (transportation) training is scheduled monthly as part of the program.


  • Beechwood Continuing Care
  • The Summit Center
  • Aspire of WNY
  • Erie1 BOCES