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DC-S Publications and Products

DC-S Publications

The chart below lists our DC-S publications to date (early 2012) and the topics each article addresses. They are listed in reverse chronological order, for the most part (the newest articles are at the top of the list). You may request single pdf copies of these articles by contacting Robert Pollard. Following this list of articles, is a listing of other DC-S products available for purchase. Further information about those products, including how to obtain them, is available from Robyn Dean.

Article title Topic

Beyond “Interesting”: Using demand control schema to structure experiential learning

This book chapter talks about how DC-S can be used by interpreter educators to structure experiential learning.

Context-based ethics in interpreting: A demand control schema perspective.

This article is the most up to date article on DC-S and interpreter decision-making.

RID research grant underscores occupational health risks: VRS and K-12 settings most concerning.

This article talks about our occupational health research study with ASL/English interpreters in four work arenas: community, staff, VRS, and K-12.

“I don’t think we’re supposed to be talking about this:”Case conferencing and supervision for interpreters.

This article talks about supervision and case conferencing as a professional development tool in interpreting.

“Just when I figured out the answers, someone changed the questions”: Thoughts about the interview portion of the NIC.

This is a discussion of teleological and deontological ethics and the interview portion of the NIC exam.

From best practice to best practice process: Shifting ethical thinking and teaching.

This article expounds on our explanation of ethics and our definition of professional responsibility (i.e., DCCRD sequence).

A practice-profession model of ethical reasoning.

This is a "quick and dirty" article on practice profession ethics and the liberal to conservative spectrum.

The demand-control schema: Effective curricular implementation.

This older article talks about DC-S in IPPs: For an updated account of DC-S in IPPs, you can purchase our Applications of DC-S in Interpreter Education conference proceedings book for $25 (see description below in the section on DC-S products).

Effectiveness of observation-supervision training in community mental health interpreting settings.

Observation-supervision in mental health interpreter training.

Training medically qualified interpreters: new approaches, new applications, promising results.

These three articles describes our technique of observation-supervision and its application to interpreter training in medical and mental health service arenas.

Consumers and service effectiveness in interpreting work: A practice profession perspective.

This is a popular article written for consumers of interpreting services; it explains and advocates for the practice profession model of interpreting. (this is a good article for practitioners too.)

Challenges in interpreting addressed by demand-control schema analysis.

In Brenda Cartwright's new edition of her 1001 Interpreting Scenarios book, there are five scenarios addressed from a DC-S perspective.

A study of conference, court, and medical interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States [book review].

This is a review of a book on the role of the interpreter by Claudia Angelelli (a Spanish / English interpreter), where the importance of role and responsibility is outlined.

Application of demand-control theory to sign language interpreting: Implications for stress and interpreter training.

This is our seminal 2001 article on demand control theory and its application to interpreting. From this starting point, DC-S was created. Please note: later publications describe some changes to DC-S that were made after this 2001 article was published. For that reason, we do not recommend using this article alone for teaching or learning about DC-S.

DC-S Products

The following DC-S products are available for purchase. Payment can be made via Paypal or check. For purchase arrangements, please contact Robyn Dean.

Product Name Description

DC-S Video Series on DVD:

Chapter 1: The demands of interpreting

Chapter 2: The controls of interpreting

Chapter 3: Demands and controls together

Chapter 4: Ethics and interpreting

Earn .7 CEUs for videos & assignments

The DVD contains a sequence of four films that teach the basics of the Demand Control Schema. Each of the ~25 minute films feature animated graphics and Robyn Dean's narration and captions. Accompanying materials to the DVD series include chapter homework assignments, quizzes, discussion questions, and answer keys. Total cost of materials and DVD is $50. For further details or to order, contact Robyn Dean.

Applications of Demand Control Schema in Interpreter Education: Proceedings of the RID Pre-conference Meeting, August 3, 2007

Our Applications of Demand Control Schema in Interpreter Education is a 52 page proceedings text from the pre-conference meeting on DC-S which took place the national convention of RID 2007. Robyn Dean and Robert Pollard offer an introductory chapter on the then-current state of DC-S scholarship. The remainder of the text features six chapters, penned by national experts in the field of interpreter education, regarding the specific application of DC-S in each of their interpreter preparation programs. Eight other authors contribute brief "case studies" which provide more personalized perspectives on the use of DC-S in teaching, mentoring, and interpreting practice. Cost $25. For further details or to order, contact Robyn Dean.