What Do You Know About Dietary Guidelines?
Take this quiz to learn about the latest 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
1. The Dietary Guidelines were developed to teach Americans about the food groups
in a healthy diet. Which of these organizations created the guidelines?
2. The guidelines were designed to focus on which of these?
3. Which of these equals 1 cup in the milk group?
4. How many cups of vegetables do the guidelines suggest each day?
5. Which of these equals 1 cup from the vegetable group?
6. Dry beans, eggs, and nuts are in which food group?
7. The amount of oil you are allowed each day depends on your age, gender, and amount
of physical activity you get. Which of these foods is naturally high in oil?
Medical Reviewers:
- Novick, Tara BSN, MSN
- Trevino, Heather, BSN, RNC