How Much Do You Know About Poisonous Houseplants?
Houseplants help keep your indoor air clean, make a dramatic statement in your interior design, and provide a sense of well-being around the house. But some plants can poison children or pets. Take this quiz to find out how much you know about the safety of common houseplants.
1. One of the most common houseplants in the U.S. is the philodendron. It grows quickly
and soon fills your home with lush, green growth. But chewing on those lush leaves
can cause what?
2. Potted daffodils, hyacinth, and narcissus are common in early spring. What parts
of these popular plants are poisonous to humans?
3. Cats love to chew on green things, but chewing on an Easter lily can cause a cat
to have which of these symptoms:
4. Rhododendrons and azaleas produce beautiful blooms. But those flowers, and especially
the leaves and stems of these 2 plant species, contain a toxin that causes what symptoms
in animals?
5. English ivy is easy to grow, both indoors and out. This makes it a popular choice
as a hanging houseplant. What part of the plant can poison your child or your dog?
6. Colocasia, also known as elephant ear, is prized for its large leaves and makes
a delightful addition to your interior. But if eaten, it can cause:
7. The castor bean plant is a large tropical plant. What might happen if part of it
is accidentally eaten?
Medical Reviewers:
- Fraser, Marianne, MSN, RN
- Sather, Rita, RN
- Wojcik, Stacey, MBA, BSN