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UR Medicine

UR Medicine / Imaging / Research


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Clinical Trials

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Timothy Baran Lab - Photodynamic Therapy and Medical Image Processing

Our research focuses on the intersection between photodynamic therapy, diffuse optics, and medical image processing, with additional applications in neuroimage processing and analysis.

Vikram Dogra Lab - Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound and Photoacoustic imaging projects that will complement current diagnostic technologies to detect cancer.

softvueNeb Duric Lab - Ultrasound Tomography Center

Transforming ultrasound tomography research into state-of-the-art clinical care.

Thomas Foster Lab - The Foster Research Group

Focused on photodynamic therapy, molecular imaging, mathematical modeling of PDT dosimetry, light Scattering and tissue spectroscopy.

thumbnail imageMohammad Mehrmohammadi Lab - The PURE Lab

The primary focus of the PURE lab at the University of Rochester is to develop novel, hybrid, and ultrasound-based diagnostic methods, and define the clinical utility of the developed technologies as it applies to detection, diagnosis, and therapy of various pathologies.

Wing-Chi E. Kwok Lab - MRI Research

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a focus on high resolution MRI, RF coil development and water-fat imaging.

Madalina Tivarus Lab - MRI Research

Our research focuses on clinical applications of advanced neuroimaging techniques such as functional MRI (fMRI), MR Spectroscopy (MRS), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), morphometry, Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC).

Axel Wismüller Lab - Computational Radiology

Machine learning, pattern recognition, and visualization methods for big data in functional, structural, and molecular imaging.

Jianhui Zhong Lab - MRI Research

Focused on development and applications of MRI techniques for medical diagnostics and interventions, applications of MRI in neurosciences, and quantitative studies of biophysical basis in new fMRI techniques such as intermolecular multiple-quantum coherences (iMQC) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).