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Thomas A. Bonfiglio, M.D.

Thomas A. Bonfiglio, M.D.

About Me

Dr. Bonfiglio is former Director of Cytopathology for the URMC Labs. His primary clinical interests are in the areas of gynecologic surgical and cytopathology, fine needle aspiration cytology, and oncologic pathology. He has also served as Director of Surgical Pathology, and as Chair of the Departm...
Dr. Bonfiglio is former Director of Cytopathology for the URMC Labs. His primary clinical interests are in the areas of gynecologic surgical and cytopathology, fine needle aspiration cytology, and oncologic pathology. He has also served as Director of Surgical Pathology, and as Chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

Faculty Appointments

Professor Emeritus - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Pathology Resident, University of Rochester 1971 - 1972

Pathology Resident, University Hospitals of Cleveland 1969 - 1971


MD | Univ Rochester Sch Med/Dent. Medicine. 1969

BS | St John Fisher College. Biology. 1964


James W. Reagan Award. 2010

Eric A. Schenk Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2007

Presidents Award in recognition of Contributions to the Society and Cytopathology. 2006

Educator of the Year Award. 2002

Ward Burdick Award for Distinguished Service to Clinical Pathology.. 2001

The Papanicolaou Award Meritorious Achievement. 1991

Distinguished Service Award,. 1988

Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Services. 1987

Alpha Omega Alpha. 1969


Dr. Bonfiglio's research activity has focused on gynecologic and cytopathology, with a particular interest in the adaptation of new technologies to cytologic diagnosis. He has been involved in the development of automated screening and other imaging devices, and in the evaluation of new uses for min...
Dr. Bonfiglio's research activity has focused on gynecologic and cytopathology, with a particular interest in the adaptation of new technologies to cytologic diagnosis. He has been involved in the development of automated screening and other imaging devices, and in the evaluation of new uses for minimally-invasive fine needle aspirates for cancer diagnosis.


Journal Articles

Frank Vellios, 1922 to 2011.

Ireland KM, Bonfiglio TA

International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.. 2012 September 31 (5):497-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cellient™ automated cell block versus traditional cell block preparation: a comparison of morphologic features and immunohistochemical staining.

Wagner DG, Russell DK, Benson JM, Schneider AE, Hoda RS, Bonfiglio TA

Diagnostic cytopathology.. 2011 October 39 (10):730-6. Epub 10/14/2010.

Distinguishing features of endometrial pathology after exposure to the progesterone receptor modulator mifepristone.

Fiscella J, Bonfiglio T, Winters P, Eisinger SH, Fiscella K

Human pathology.. 2011 July 42 (7):947-53. Epub 02/11/2011.

Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA-IX) and high-risk human papillomavirus (H-HPV) as diagnostic biomarkers of cervical dysplasia/neoplasia in Japanese women with a cytologic diagnosis of atypical glandular cells (AGC): a Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) Study.

Liao SY, Rodgers WH, Kauderer J, Bonfiglio TA, Darcy KM, Carter R, Levine L, Spirtos NM, Susumu N, Fujiwara K, Walker JL, Hatae M, Stanbridge EJ

British journal of cancer.. 2011 January 18104 (2):353-60. Epub 12/14/2010.

ThinPrep Pap test of endocervical adenocarcinoma with lymph node metastasis: report of a case in a 17-year-old woman.

Wagner DG, Weisensel J, Mentrikoski MJ, Leo SD, Bonfiglio TA, Hoda RS

Diagnostic cytopathology.. 2010 September 38 (9):633-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

High-risk HPV testing in women 30 years or older with negative Papanicolaou tests: initial clinical experience with 18-month follow-up.

Thrall MJ, Russell DK, Facik MS, Yao JL, Warner JN, Bonfiglio TA, Giampoli EJ

American journal of clinical pathology.. 2010 June 133 (6):894-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Expression Patterns of ER, PR, HER2, CK5/6, EGFR, Ki-67 and AR by Immunohistochemical Analysis in Breast Cancer Cell Lines.

Subik K, Lee JF, Baxter L, Strzepek T, Costello D, Crowley P, Xing L, Hung MC, Bonfiglio T, Hicks DG, Tang P

Breast cancer : basic and clinical research.. 2010 May 204 :35-41. Epub 05/20/2010.

Carbonic anhydrase IX and human papillomavirus as diagnostic biomarkers of cervical dysplasia/neoplasia in women with a cytologic diagnosis of atypical glandular cells: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study in United States.

Liao SY, Rodgers WH, Kauderer J, Bonfiglio TA, Walker JL, Darcy KM, Carter R, Hatae M, Levine L, Spirtos NM, Stanbridge EJ

International journal of cancer.. 2009 November 15125 (10):2434-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Open-label study of ultra low-dose mifepristone for the treatment of uterine leiomyomata.

Eisinger SH, Fiscella J, Bonfiglio T, Meldrum S, Fiscella K

European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.. 2009 October 146 (2):215-8. Epub 07/07/2009.

Confocal microscopy of unfixed breast needle core biopsies: a comparison to fixed and stained sections.

Schiffhauer LM, Boger JN, Bonfiglio TA, Zavislan JM, Zuley M, Alessi Fox C

BMC cancer.. 2009 August 39 :265. Epub 08/03/2009.

Statement on human papillomavirus DNA test utilization.

Solomon D, Papillo JL, Davey DD,

Cancer.. 2009 June 25117 (3):154-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pulmonary metastases from uterine neoplasms after long tumour-free interval: four cases and review of the literature.

Miyamoto H, Jones CE, Raymond DP, Wandtke JC, Strang JG, Bourne PA, Bonfiglio TA, Xu H

Pathology.. 2009 41 (3):234-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Identification of novel methylation markers in cervical cancer using restriction landmark genomic scanning.

Wang SS, Smiraglia DJ, Wu YZ, Ghosh S, Rader JS, Cho KR, Bonfiglio TA, Nayar R, Plass C, Sherman ME

Cancer research.. 2008 April 168 (7):2489-97. Epub 1900 01 01.

Utility of anti-L523S antibody in the diagnosis of benign and malignant serous effusions.

Hanley KZ, Facik MS, Bourne PA, Yang Q, Spaulding BO, Bonfiglio TA, Xu H

Cancer.. 2008 February 25114 (1):49-56. Epub 1900 01 01.

Evaluation of candidate methylation markers to detect cervical neoplasia.

Shivapurkar N, Sherman ME, Stastny V, Echebiri C, Rader JS, Nayar R, Bonfiglio TA, Gazdar AF, Wang SS

Gynecologic oncology.. 2007 December 107 (3):549-53. Epub 09/25/2007.

Myometrial dysplasia (atypical myometrial hyperplasia).

Cramer SF, Newcomb PM, Bonfiglio TA

Human pathology.. 2007 April 38 (4):652-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Scientific issues related to the cytology proficiency testing regulations.

Birdsong G, Howell L, Atkison K, Austin RM, Bibbo M, Bonfiglio TA, Davey DD, Keebler C, Mody D, Savaloja L, Papillo J, Prey M, Raab S, Schultz BL, Solomon D

CytoJournal. 2006 April 183 :11. Epub 04/18/2006.

Twelve-month safety and efficacy of low-dose mifepristone for uterine myomas.

Eisinger SH, Bonfiglio T, Fiscella K, Meldrum S, Guzick DS

Journal of minimally invasive gynecology.. 2005 12 (3):227-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

History of gynecologic pathology: XIII. Dr. James W. Reagan.

Bonfiglio TA

International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.. 2003 January 22 (1):95-100. Epub 1900 01 01.

Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance: a continuing controversy.

Bonfiglio TA

Cancer.. 2002 June 2596 (3):125-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sampling, sampling errors and specimen preparation.

Baandrup U, Bishop JW, Bonfiglio TA, Branca M, Hutchinson ML, Laverty CR, Ahmad J, Illescas LT, Obwegeser JH, Patnick J, Pogacnik A, Rosenthal DL, Suprun HZ, Verhest A, Richart RM

Acta cytologica.. 2000 44 (6):944-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The AutoPap 300 QC System multicenter clinical trials for use in quality control rescreening of cervical smears: I. A prospective intended use study.

Patten SF, Lee JS, Wilbur DC, Bonfiglio TA, Colgan TJ, Richart RM, Cramer H, Moinuddin S

Cancer.. 1997 December 2581 (6):337-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

The AutoPap 300 QC System multicenter clinical trials for use in quality control rescreening of cervical smears: II. Prospective and archival sensitivity studies.

Patten SF, Lee JS, Wilbur DC, Bonfiglio TA, Colgan TJ, Richart RM, Cramer H, Moinuddin S

Cancer.. 1997 December 2581 (6):343-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cervical cytology: perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic.

Bonfiglio TA

Human pathology.. 1997 February 28 (2):117-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effects of endocervical canal topography, tubal metaplasia, and high canal sampling on the cytologic presentation of nonneoplastic endocervical cells.

Babkowski RC, Wilbur DC, Rutkowski MA, Facik MS, Bonfiglio TA

American journal of clinical pathology.. 1996 April 105 (4):403-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Sensitivity of the AutoPap 300 QC System for cervical cytologic abnormalities. Biopsy data confirmation.

Wilbur DC, Bonfiglio TA, Rutkowski MA, Atkison KM, Richart RM, Lee JS, Patten SF

Acta cytologica.. 1996 40 (1):127-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Particulate titanium and cobalt-chrome metallic debris in failed total knee arthroplasty. A quantitative histologic analysis.

La Budde JK, Orosz JF, Bonfiglio TA, Pellegrini VD

The Journal of arthroplasty.. 1994 June 9 (3):291-304. Epub 1900 01 01.

ThinPrep Processor. Clinical trials demonstrate an increased detection rate of abnormal cervical cytologic specimens.

Wilbur DC, Cibas ES, Merritt S, James LP, Berger BM, Bonfiglio TA

American journal of clinical pathology.. 1994 February 101 (2):209-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Computed tomography of leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata with malignant transformation.

Abulafia O, Angel C, Sherer DM, Fultz PJ, Bonfiglio TA, DuBeshter B

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 1993 July 169 (1):52-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Standardization of the surgical pathology report.

Rosai J, Bonfiglio TA, Corson JM, Fechner RE, Harris NL, LiVolsi VA, Silverberg SG

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.. 1992 March 5 (2):197-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Transient hyperprolactinemia in infertile women with luteal phase deficiency.

Huang KE, Bonfiglio TA, Muechler EK

Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1991 October 78 (4):651-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Stage III ovarian tumors of low malignant potential treated with cisplatin combination therapy (a Gynecologic Oncology Group study).

Sutton GP, Bundy BN, Omura GA, Yordan EL, Beecham JB, Bonfiglio T

Gynecologic oncology.. 1991 June 41 (3):230-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pathology and biologic behavior of ovarian cancer. An autopsy review.

Dvoretsky PM, Richards KA, Bonfiglio TA

Pathology annual. 1989 24 Pt 1 :1-24. Epub 1900 01 01.

Survival time, causes of death, and tumor/treatment-related morbidity in 100 women with ovarian cancer.

Dvoretsky PM, Richards KA, Angel C, Rabinowitz L, Beecham JB, Bonfiglio TA

Human pathology.. 1988 November 19 (11):1273-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Human papillomavirus and cancer of the uterine cervix.

Bonfiglio TA, Stoler MH

Human pathology.. 1988 June 19 (6):621-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin: diagnostic and management considerations.

Bonfiglio TA

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1988 June 14 (6):1321-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

Epithelioid haemangioma-like vascular proliferation in AIDS: manifestation of cat scratch disease bacillus infection?

LeBoit PE, Berger TG, Egbert BM, Yen TS, Stoler MH, Bonfiglio TA, Strauchen JA, English CK, Wear DJ

Lancet.. 1988 April 301 (8592):960-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Continuity of human papillomavirus (HPV) type between neoplastic precursors and invasive cervical carcinoma. An in situ hybridization study.

Wilbur DC, Bonfiglio TA, Stoler MH

The American journal of surgical pathology.. 1988 March 12 (3):182-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Variable ploidy of ovarian clear cell carcinomas. Implications for adequacy of tissue sampling.

Listinsky CM, Bonfiglio TA, Leary J

Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology. 1988 February 10 (1):21-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Distribution of disease at autopsy in 100 women with ovarian cancer.

Dvoretsky PM, Richards KA, Angel C, Rabinowitz L, Stoler MH, Beecham JB, Bonfiglio TA

Human pathology.. 1988 January 19 (1):57-63. Epub 1900 01 01.

Granulomatous pseudotumors in total joint replacement.

Griffiths HJ, Burke J, Bonfiglio TA

Skeletal radiology.. 1987 16 (2):146-52. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pregnancy induced with menotropins in a woman with polycystic ovaries, endometrial hyperplasia, and adenocarcinoma.

Muechler EK, Bonfiglio T, Choate J, Huang KE

Fertility and sterility.. 1986 November 46 (5):973-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pathology of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma and verrucous carcinoma.

Dvoretsky PM, Bonfiglio TA

Pathology annual. 1986 21 Pt 2 :23-45. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adhesive capsulitis of the hip and ankle.

Griffiths HJ, Utz R, Burke J, Bonfiglio T

AJR. American journal of roentgenology.. 1985 January 144 (1):101-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Plastic-embedded semi-thin sections of fine needle aspiration biopsies with dibasic staining. Diagnostic and didactic applications.

di Sant'Agnese PA, de Mesy Jensen KL, Bonfiglio TA, King DE, Patten SF

Acta cytologica.. 1985 29 (3):477-83. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pemphigus vulgaris and microinvasive squamous-cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.

Dvoretsky PM, Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF, Helmkamp BF

Acta cytologica.. 1985 29 (3):403-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy in the evaluation of lymphoreticular tumors of the thorax.

Bonfiglio TA, Dvoretsky PM, Piscioli F, dePapp EW, Patten SF

Acta cytologica.. 1985 29 (4):548-53. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effect of estrogen and progesterone on the development of endometrial hyperplasia in the Fischer rat.

Tang FY, Bonfiglio TA, Tang LK

Biology of reproduction.. 1984 September 31 (2):399-413. Epub 1900 01 01.

Follicular phase treatment of luteal phase defect with follicle-stimulating hormone in infertile women.

Huang KE, Muechler EK, Bonfiglio TA

Obstetrics and gynecology.. 1984 July 64 (1):32-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Selectivity for ovarian cancer of an improved serum radioimmunoassay for human ovarian tumor-associated antigen NB/70K.

Knauf S, Taillon-Miller P, Helmkamp BF, Bonfiglio TA, Beecham JB

Gynecologic oncology.. 1984 March 17 (3):349-55. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pulmonary fine needle aspiration cytopathology. A five-year correlation study.

Mitchell ML, King DE, Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF

Acta cytologica.. 1984 28 (1):72-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pathology of superficially invasive, thin vulvar squamous cell carcinoma.

Dvoretsky PM, Bonfiglio TA, Helmkamp BF, Ramsey G, Chuang C, Beecham JB

International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.. 1984 3 (4):331-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

An atypical subcutaneous infection associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Stoler MH, Bonfiglio TA, Steigbigel RT, Pereira M

American journal of clinical pathology.. 1983 November 80 (5):714-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cervical conization: when is uterine dilatation and curettage also indicated?

Helmkamp BF, Denslow BL, Bonfiglio TA, Beecham JB

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 1983 August 15146 (8):893-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Aggressive fibromatosis.

Griffiths HJ, Robinson K, Bonfiglio TA

Skeletal radiology.. 1983 9 (3):179-84. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fine needle aspiration cytopathology of bronchial carcinoid tumors: an analytical study of the cells.

Horan DC, Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF

Analytical and quantitative cytology. 1982 June 4 (2):105-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Hormonal and cytogenetic studies in phenotypically female patients with gonadal dysgenesis.

Muechler EK, Cary D, Friedrich MA, Doherty RA, Donaldson CH, Bonfiglio T

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics : the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.. 1981 April 19 (2):109-18. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the lung.

Bonfiglio TA

Pathology annual. 1981 16 Pt 1 :159-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

The pathology of breast cancer in women irradiated for acute postpartum mastitis.

Dvoretsky PM, Woodard E, Bonfiglio TA, Hempelmann LH, Morse IP

Cancer.. 1980 November 1546 (10):2257-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Thermal destruction of the canine prostate by high intensity microwaves.

Magin RL, Fridd CW, Bonfiglio TA, Linke CA

The Journal of surgical research.. 1980 September 29 (3):265-75. Epub 1900 01 01.

Diagnostic cytology seminar.

Frable WJ, Bonfiglio TA, Kaminsky DB, Murphy WM

Acta cytologica.. 1980 24 (2):90-136. Epub 1900 01 01.

Technical considerations of interventional radiology. Unit design and coordination of diagnostic pathology services.

Macintosh PK, Bonfiglio TA

Radiologic clinics of North America.. 1979 December 17 (3):623-36. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fine needle aspiration cytopathology of retroperitoneal lymph nodes in the evaluation of metastatic disease.

Bonfiglio TA, MacIntosh PK, Patten SF, Cafer DJ, Woodworth FE, Kim CW

Acta cytologica.. 1979 23 (2):126-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Uterine sarcomas: natural history, treatment and prognosis.

Salazar OM, Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF, Keller BE, Feldstein M, Dunne ME, Rudolph J

Cancer.. 1978 September 42 (3):1152-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Uterine sarcomas: analysis of failures with special emphasis on the use of adjuvant radiation therapy.

Salazar OM, Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF, Keller BE, Feldstein ML, Dunne ME, Rudolph JH

Cancer.. 1978 September 42 (3):1161-70. Epub 1900 01 01.

The management of clinical stage I endometrial carcinoma.

Salazar OM, Feldstein ML, DePapp EW, Bonfiglio TA, Keller BE, Rubin P, Rudolph JH

Cancer.. 1978 March 41 (3):1016-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adenosquamous carcinoma of the endometrium. An entity with an inherent poor prognosis?

Salazar OM, DePapp EW, Bonfiglio TA, Feldstein ML, Rubin P, Rudolph JH

Cancer.. 1977 July 40 (1):119-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Epithelial repair and regeneration in the uterine cervix. I. An analysis of the cells.

Geirsson G, Woodworth FE, Patten SF, Bonfiglio TA

Acta cytologica.. 1977 21 (3):371-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Endometrial carcinoma: analysis of failures with special emphasis on the use of initial preoperative external pelvic radiation.

Salazar OM, Feldstein ML, DePapp EW, Bonfiglio TA, Keller BE, Rubin P, Rudolph JH

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 1977 2 (11-12):1101-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Isoantigen loss in cervical neoplasia. Demonstration by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques.

Bonfiglio TA, Feinberg MR

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine.. 1976 June 100 (6):307-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

Histopathologic spectrum of benign proliferative and intraepithelial neoplastic reactions of the uterine cervix.

Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF

The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 1976 May 16 (5):253-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Fibroxanthosarcoma of the uterine cervix: cytopathologic and histopathologic manifestations.

Bonfiglio TA, Patten SF, Woodworth FE

Acta cytologica.. 1976 20 (6):501-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Response of rat testis to localized induced hyperthermia.

Fridd CW, Marphy J, Linke CA, Bonfiglio TA

Urology.. 1975 January 5 (1):76-82. Epub 1900 01 01.

Renal cortical necrosis: a model for the study of juxtamedullary nephron physiology.

Rashid HA, Linke CA, Bonfiglio T, Wu MS

Journal of applied physiology.. 1974 August 37 (2):228-34. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lipid deposits in pulmonary connective tissue.

Bonfiglio TA, Schenk EA

Archives of pathology.. 1974 January 97 (1):48-50. Epub 1900 01 01.

Coronary arteritis, occlusion, and myocardial infarction due to lupus erythematosus.

Bonfiglio TA, Botti RE, Hagstrom JW

American heart journal.. 1972 February 83 (2):153-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Heart disease in patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis; a controlled autopsy study and review.

Bonfiglio T, Atwater EC

Archives of internal medicine.. 1969 December 124 (6):714-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Pericarditis as the initial manifestation of acute leukemia: report of a case.

Battle CU, Bonfiglio TA, Miller DR

The Journal of pediatrics.. 1969 October 75 (4):692-4. Epub 1900 01 01.


Gynecologic Cytopathology (1997)

Fine Needle Aspiration of Subcutaneous Organs and Tissues. Raven- Lippincott, (1996)

Histologic Typing of Female Genital Tract Tumors. Second Edition. (1994)

Cytopathologic Interpretation of Transthoracic Fine Needle Biopsies. (1983)