Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)
Associate Professor
Center for Community Health and Prevention - Joint
PhD | University of Minnesota.Epidemiology.1999
MPH | School of Public Health University of Minnesota.Epidemiology.1994
MD | Buenos Aires National University.Medicine.1981
Student Research Award.1998
Indirect Recovery Funds Award.1993
Predissertation Fieldwork Grant, MacArthur Interdisciplinary Program on Peace & International Cooperation.1992
Alumni Association Fellowship.1992
XIV Latin-American Pediatrics Congress Fellowship.1984
Honors Diploma.1981
Research: The epidemiology of growth and nutrition in children, particularly malnutrition and obesity in children and adolescents, assessment of nutritional status, and societal determinants of nutritional conditions. Dr. Fernandez is a nutritional epidemiologist interested in the two ends of the nu...
Research: The epidemiology of growth and nutrition in children, particularly malnutrition and obesity in children and adolescents, assessment of nutritional status, and societal determinants of nutritional conditions. Dr. Fernandez is a nutritional epidemiologist interested in the two ends of the nutritional status continuum. She has examined the determinants of wasting and stunting in children in developing countries using data from the World Health Organization. Dr. Fernandez is currently focusing in weight gain prevention and obesity in the United States. In particular, Dr. Fernandez is interested in the synergism between individual nutrition and physical activity behaviors and the environment. She is currently conducting a group-randomized trial testing environmental interventions for worksite weight gain prevention and qualitative research on how the everyday life of low income families with school-age children influence the ability to make healthy nutrition and physical activity choices.
Western journal of nursing research.. 2022 October 44 (10):932-945. Epub 06/04/2021.
Longitudinal Trends in Produce Purchasing Behavior: Analysis of Transaction Level Data from Loyalty Card Holders
Fernandez ID, Wixom N, Johnson B, Janciuras J, Luo J, Kautz A, Prevost S, Ramchandran R.
Nutrition Journal. 2022; .
Validation of the Weight-Related Eating Questionnaire in Pregnancy.
Yeh K-L, Meng Y, Fernandez ID, and Groth SW.
Appetite. 2022; .
Gut hormones, adipokines, and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines/markers in loss of control eating: A scoping review
Yu Y, Fernandez I, Meng Y, Zhao W, Groth S.
Appetite. 2021; .
Biological Changes in the Pregnancy-Postpartum Period and Subsequent Cardiometabolic Risk--UPSIDE MOMS: A Research Protocol
Groth SW, Fernandez ID, Block RC, Thurston S, Wong E, Brunner J, Mayo N, Kapula N, Yu Y, Meng Y, Yeh K, Kinkade C, Thornburg L, O'Connor TG, Barrett EM.
Research in Nursing and Health. 2021; .
Participation in genetic research among Latinx populations by Latin America birth-residency concordance: A global study
Golub N, Seplaki C, Stockman D, Thevenet-Morrison K, Fernandez D, Fisher S
Journal of immigrant and minority health. 2018 April 20 (2):296-306. Epub 1900 01 01.
The relative costs of high vs. low energy density foods and more vs. less healthful beverages consumed by children
Evans KA, Stewart PA, Cook SR, Seplaki CL, Rich DQ, Fernandez ID.
Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2018; .
Obesity candidate genes, gestational weight gain and body weight changes in pregnant women
Groth SW, LaLonde A, Wu T, Fernandez ID.
Nutrition. 2018; .
Online Intervention to Prevent Excessive Gestational Weight Gain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Olson CM, Groth S, Graham ML, Reschke JE, Strawderman M., Fernandez ID.
. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2018; .
Maternal and Child Dietary Intake: The Role of Maternal Healthy-Eater Self-Schema
Kueppers J., Stein K, Groth S, Fernandez ID.
Appetite. 2018; .
Micronutrient intake is inadequate for a sample of pregnant African American women
Groth SW, Stewart PA, Ossip DJ, Block R, Wixom N, Fernandez ID.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2017; .
'I think we can be controlled:' A Mixed-Method Comparative Study of Multidimensional Health Locus of Control and (un)Healthy Days in India and the United States
Dye TDV, Li D, Demment M, Groth SW, Fernandez ID, Perez-Ramos J., Dozier AM.
Annals of Global Health. 2017; .
The dietary choices of low-income pregnant African-American women.
Groth SW, Simpson A., Fernandez ID.
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2016; .
Cumulative Physiologic Dysfunction and Pregnancy: Characterization and Association with Birth Outcomes
McKee K., Seplaki C, Fisher SG, Groth SW, Fernandez ID.
Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2016; .
Using Television Viewing Time and Total Time Sitting as Interchangeable Measures of Sedentary Behavior
McGrane-Minton H, Thevenet-Morrison K. Fernandez ID.
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2016; .
Sociocultural variation in attitudes toward use of genetic information and participation in genetic research by race in the United States: Implications for precision medicine.
Dye TDV, Li D, Demment M, Groth SW, Fernandez ID, Dozier AM, Chang J.
Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. 2016; .
Medication Identification in Pediatric Asthma (MED ID): The Reliability and Validity of a Novel Screening Tool
Images of a Healthy Worksite: A Group-Randomized Trial of Worksite Multiple-Component Interventions for Weight Gain Prevention with Employee Participation in Intervention Design.