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Anna Majewska, Ph.D.

Anna Majewska, Ph.D.


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Visit my lab website to learn more about my research, collaborators, latest news, etc.

About Me

Stanford University, Stanford, CA B.S. 1992-1995 Biology/Chemistry
Stanford University, Stanford, CA M.S. 1995-1996 Biology
Columbia University, New York, NY Ph.D. 1996-2001 Neurobiology and Behavior
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Post-Doc 2000-2005 Brain and Cognitive Sciences...
Stanford University, Stanford, CA B.S. 1992-1995 Biology/Chemistry
Stanford University, Stanford, CA M.S. 1995-1996 Biology
Columbia University, New York, NY Ph.D. 1996-2001 Neurobiology and Behavior
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Post-Doc 2000-2005 Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Positions and Employment

2005- Present Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester Medical Center
2000-2005 Post doctoral fellow, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


1995: Graduated with honors in biological sciences, Stanford University
1997: Columbia University award for summer study at Woods Hole – Methods in Computational Neuroscience, the Marine Biological Laboratory.
1999: Newberry award for the most promising student in the field of vertebrate zoology, Biological sciences department, Columbia University
2003: Young Scientist Award – Polish Neuroscience Society
2001-2004: MIT Whiteman Science Fellowship awarded to an outstanding postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Science
2003-2008: Burroughs-Wellcome Fund career development award in the Biomedical Sciences.
2006: Cajal Club Cortical Explorer Award.
2007: Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
2008: National Academy of Sciences' Kavli Fellow

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Dean's Professorship - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)

Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S (RC) - Joint


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Postdoctoral Fellow,
Picower Center for Learning and Memory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2000 - 2005


PhD | Columbia University. Neurobiology. 2001

MS | Stanford University. Biological Science. 1996

BS | Stanford University. Biological Science. 1995


Winter Brain Research Conference Travel Fellow. 2009

National Academy of Sciences' Kavli Fellow. 2008

Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. 2007 - 2009

Whitehall research award. 2007 - 2010

Cajal Club Cortical Explorer Award. 2006

Burroughs-Wellcome Fund career development award in the Biomedical Sciences. 2003 - 2008

Young Scientist Award. 2003

MIT Whiteman Science Fellowship. 2001 - 2004

Newberry award. 1999

Columbia University award for summer study at Woods Hole - Methods in Computational Neuroscience. 1997


Research: Imaging of synaptic structure and function in the visual system.

My lab uses advanced imaging techniques to study the structure and function of single cells in networks in the intact brain. Although a vast literature describes the development and function of neuronal connectivity, m...
Research: Imaging of synaptic structure and function in the visual system.

My lab uses advanced imaging techniques to study the structure and function of single cells in networks in the intact brain. Although a vast literature describes the development and function of neuronal connectivity, most of this work has been carried out in culture and excised or fixed tissue, where dynamic processes are inferred from static images compared across animals. Little is known about the function of subcellular compartments in the computations carried out by neurons in vivo. The goal of our work is to understand structural and functional changes occurring at synapses during plasticity elicited by sensory stimuli.
My specific interests lie in understanding how visual activity shapes the structure and function of connections between neurons in the visual cortex. During the critical period, closure of one eye leads to a shift in the responses of neurons towards the open eye. My labs current work focuses on the structural basis for this rapid ocular dominance plasticity using in vivo two-photon microscopy to elucidate single cell structure deep in the intact brain. Dendritic spines are the postsynaptic structures of most excitatory synapses in the CNS. Interestingly, spine structure is highly dynamic making the precise morphology of the spine a possible candidate for the coding of synaptic strength. By combining structural two-photon imaging with functional intrinsic signal imaging in the ferret and mouse, we can correlate changes in synaptic structure with changes in response properties of the visual cortex. These experiments have shown increased spine motility as well as increased spine and axon terminal turnover following even one day of monocular deprivation. These synaptic changes occur in the absence of changes in gross dendritic or axonal structure, suggesting that fine scale changes in synaptic connectivity underlie rapid ocular dominance plasticity without an overall remodeling of the pre and postsynaptic scaffold.
My lab is also interested in the mechanisms which underlie structural remodeling at synapses. Imaging carried out in reduced preparations such as the acute brain slice allows us to explore the contributions of different pathways to structural plasticity. Our work has shown that both intracellular pathways and the extracellular matrix are involved in the remodeling of the spine during synaptic plasticity.

Selected peer-reviewed recent publications:

Rittenhouse, C., Majewska, A. (2009) "Synaptic mechanisms of activity-dependent remodeling in visual cortex." J. Exp. Neurosci. 2:23-41.
Kelly, E.A., Tremblay, M-E., McCasland, J., Majewska, A. (2010) "Postsynaptic deregulation in GAP-43 HZ mouse barrel cortex." Cerebral Cortex 20(7):1696-707. PMC 2882825
Tremblay, M-E., Lowery, R. L., Majewska, A. (2010) "Experience-dependent interactions between microglia and synapses in the mouse visual cortex in vivo." PLOS Biology 8(11): e1000527. PMC 2970556
Tropea, D.*, Majewska, A.*, Garcia, R., Sur., M. (2010) "Structural dynamics of synapses in vivo correlate with functional changes during experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex" J Neuroscience 30: 11086-95. *equal contribution PMC 2932955
Bogart, L., Levy, A., Gladstone, M., Allen P.D., Zettel, M., Ison, J.R., Luebke, A., Majewska, A. (2011) "Loss of prestin does not alter the development of auditory cortical dendritic spines" Neural Plasticity. Vol. 2011 Article ID 305621
Jeong, J.K., Tremere, L.A., Burrows, K., Majewska, A.K., Pinaud, R. (2011) The primary visual cortex is a site of production and sensitivity to estrogens. Plos One. 6(5):e20400. PMC 3101258
Tremblay, M.E., Majewska, A. (2011) "A role for microglia in synaptic plasticity?" Communicative and Integrative Biology 4(2). PMC 3104585


Journal Articles

Biological sex, microglial signaling pathways, and radiation exposure shape cortical proteomic profiles and behavior in mice.

Strohm AO, Oldfield S, Hernady E, Johnston CJ, Marples B, O'Banion MK, Majewska AK

Brain, behavior, & immunity - health.. 2025 February 43 :100911. Epub 11/25/2024.

The microglial response to inhibition of Colony-stimulating-factor-1 receptor by PLX3397 differs by sex in adult mice.

Le LHD, Eliseeva S, Plunk E, Kara-Pabani K, Li H, Yarovinsky F, Majewska AK

Cell reports.. 2025 January 9 :115176. Epub 01/09/2025.

Microglia morphology in the developing primate amygdala and effects of early life stress.

King DP, Abdalaziz M, Majewska AK, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

eNeuro.. 2025 January 3 Epub 01/03/2025.

Partial microglial depletion and repopulation exert subtle but differential effects on amyloid pathology at different disease stages.

Le LHD, O'Banion MK, Majewska AK

Scientific reports.. 2024 December 2814 (1):30912. Epub 12/28/2024.

Basic Science and Pathogenesis.

Peng W, Osabutey M, Okoye CN, Chung K, Trojanczyk L, Le L, Selim NA, Milliken AS, Al-Qazzaz A, Majewska AK, Wojtovich AP, Dirksen RT, O'Banion MK, Onukwufor JO

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association.. 2024 December 20 Suppl 1 :e090717. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effects of P2Y12 loss on microglial gene expression, dynamics, and injury response in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex.

Stoessel MB, Stowell RD, Lowery RL, Le L, Vu AN, Whitelaw BS, Majewska AK

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 September 26 Epub 09/26/2024.

Microglia morphology in the developing primate amygdala and effects of early life stress.

King DP, Abdalaziz M, Majewska AK, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2024 August 15 Epub 08/15/2024.

Cranial irradiation disrupts homeostatic microglial dynamic behavior.

Strohm AO, Johnston C, Hernady E, Marples B, O'Banion MK, Majewska AK

Journal of neuroinflammation.. 2024 April 321 (1):82. Epub 04/03/2024.

A model-based hierarchical Bayesian approach to Sholl analysis.

VonKaenel E, Feidler A, Lowery R, Andersh K, Love T, Majewska A, McCall MN

Bioinformatics.. 2024 March 2940 (4)Epub 1900 01 01.

Noradrenergic signaling controls Alzheimer's disease pathology via activation of microglial ?2 adrenergic receptors.

Majewska A, Le L, Feidler A, Li H, Kara-Pabani K, Lamantia C, O'Banion MK

Research square.. 2024 February 26 Epub 02/26/2024.

Developmental Ethanol Exposure Impacts Purkinje Cells but Not Microglia in the Young Adult Cerebellum.

Cealie MY, Douglas JC, Swan HK, Vonkaenel ED, McCall MN, Drew PD, Majewska AK

Cells.. 2024 February 2313 (5)Epub 02/23/2024.

Cortical microglia dynamics are conserved during voluntary wheel running.

Strohm AO, O'Connor TN, Oldfield S, Young S, Hammond C, McCall M, Dirksen RT, Majewska AK

Journal of applied physiology.. 2024 January 1136 (1):89-108. Epub 11/16/2023.

Physical exercise regulates microglia in health and disease.

Strohm AO, Majewska AK

Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2024 18 :1420322. Epub 06/07/2024.

Microglial Regulation of Sleep and Wakefulness.

Le L, Miyanishi K, Tanaka J, Majewska AK

Advances in neurobiology.. 2024 37 :243-260. Epub 1900 01 01.

Invited Perspective: PFAS Effects on Brain Development-Are Microglia the Missing Link?

Plunk EC, Majewska AK

Environmental health perspectives.. 2023 November 131 (11):111303. Epub 11/15/2023.

Neutrophilia with damage to the blood-brain barrier and neurovascular unit following acute lung injury.

Li H, Le L, Marrero M, David-Bercholz J, Caceres AI, Lim C, Chiang W, Majewska A, Terrando N, Gelbard H

Research square.. 2023 October 23 Epub 10/23/2023.

Neutrophilia with damage to the blood-brain barrier and neurovascular unit following acute lung injury.

Li H, Le L, Marrero M, David-Bercholz J, Caceres AI, Lim C, Chiang W, Majewska AK, Terrando N, Gelbard HA

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2023 October 17 Epub 10/17/2023.

Movers and shakers: Microglial dynamics and modulation of neural networks.

Whitelaw BS, Stoessel MB, Majewska AK

Glia.. 2023 July 71 (7):1575-1591. Epub 12/19/2022.

A Model-Based Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Sholl Analysis.

Vonkaenel E, Feidler A, Lowery R, Andersh K, Love T, Majewska A, Mccall MN

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology.. 2023 January 23 Epub 01/23/2023.

Ethanol-induced cerebellar transcriptomic changes in a postnatal model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Focus on disease onset.

Holloway KN, Douglas JC, Rafferty TM, Majewska AK, Kane CJM, Drew PD

Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2023 17 :1154637. Epub 03/16/2023.

Developmental ethanol exposure has minimal impact on cerebellar microglial dynamics, morphology, and interactions with Purkinje cells during adolescence.

Cealie MY, Douglas JC, Le LHD, Vonkaenel ED, McCall MN, Drew PD, Majewska AK

Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2023 17 :1176581. Epub 05/05/2023.

Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads.

Paolicelli RC, Sierra A, Stevens B, Tremblay ME, Aguzzi A, Ajami B, Amit I, Audinat E, Bechmann I, Bennett M, Bennett F, Bessis A, Biber K, Bilbo S, Blurton-Jones M, Boddeke E, Brites D, Brône B, Brown GC, Butovsky O, Carson MJ, Castellano B, Colonna M, Cowley SA, Cunningham C, Davalos D, De Jager PL, de Strooper B, Denes A, Eggen BJL, Eyo U, Galea E, Garel S, Ginhoux F, Glass CK, Gokce O, Gomez-Nicola D, González B, Gordon S, Graeber MB, Greenhalgh AD, Gressens P, Greter M, Gutmann DH, Haass C, Heneka MT, Heppner FL, Hong S, Hume DA, Jung S, Kettenmann H, Kipnis J, Koyama R, Lemke G, Lynch M, Majewska A, Malcangio M, Malm T, Mancuso R, Masuda T, Matteoli M, McColl BW, Miron VE, Molofsky AV, Monje M, Mracsko E, Nadjar A, Neher JJ, Neniskyte U, Neumann H, Noda M, Peng B, Peri F, Perry VH, Popovich PG, Pridans C, Priller J, Prinz M, Ragozzino D, Ransohoff RM, Salter MW, Schaefer A, Schafer DP, Schwartz M, Simons M, Smith CJ, Streit WJ, Tay TL, Tsai LH, Verkhratsky A, von Bernhardi R, Wake H, Wittamer V, Wolf SA, Wu LJ, Wyss-Coray T

Neuron.. 2022 November 2110 (21):3458-3483. Epub 1900 01 01.

Synapse-specific plasticity relies on neuroimmune interactions.

Lowery RL, Majewska AK

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2022 July 5119 (27):e2207817119. Epub 06/23/2022.

Repopulated microglia induce expression of Cxcl13 with differential changes in Tau phosphorylation but do not impact amyloid pathology.

Karaahmet B, Le L, Mendes MS, Majewska AK, O'Banion MK

Journal of neuroinflammation.. 2022 July 419 (1):173. Epub 07/04/2022.

Gestational and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin primes cortical microglia to tissue injury.

Lowery RL, Latchney SE, Peer RP, Lamantia CE, Lordy KA, Opanashuk LA, McCall M, Majewska AK

Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2022 March 101 :288-303. Epub 01/19/2022.

In Vivo Imaging of the Microglial Landscape After Whole Brain Radiation Therapy.

Whitelaw BS, Tanny S, Johnston CJ, Majewska AK, O'Banion MK, Marples B

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 2021 November 15111 (4):1066-1071. Epub 07/24/2021.

Acute ethanol exposure rapidly alters cerebellar and cortical microglial physiology.

Stowell RD, Majewska AK

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 September 54 (5):5834-5843. Epub 02/28/2020.

Dynamics of microglia and dendritic spines in early adolescent cortex after developmental alcohol exposure.

Wong EL, Strohm A, Atlas J, Lamantia C, Majewska AK

Developmental neurobiology.. 2021 September 81 (6):786-804. Epub 08/01/2021.

Special issue editorial: Glial plasticity in health and disease.

Majewska AK, Verkhratsky A, Hughes EG

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 September 54 (5):5643-5648. Epub 08/22/2021.

Ethanol modulation of cerebellar neuroinflammation in a postnatal mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

Kane CJM, Douglas JC, Rafferty T, Johnson JW, Niedzwiedz-Massey VM, Phelan KD, Majewska AK, Drew PD

Journal of neuroscience research.. 2021 August 99 (8):1986-2007. Epub 02/02/2021.

Microglia and astrocytes show limited, acute alterations in morphology and protein expression following a single developmental alcohol exposure.

Lowery RL, Cealie MY, Lamantia CE, Mendes MS, Drew PD, Majewska AK

Journal of neuroscience research.. 2021 August 99 (8):2008-2025. Epub 02/19/2021.

The role of P2Y12 in the kinetics of microglial self-renewal and maturation in the adult visual cortex in vivo.

Mendes M, Le L, Atlas J, Brehm Z, Ladron-de-Guevara A, Matei E, Lamantia C, McCall M, Majewska AK

eLife.. 2021 July 1210 Epub 07/12/2021.

Persistent organic pollutants at the synapse: Shared phenotypes and converging mechanisms of developmental neurotoxicity.

Latchney SE, Majewska AK

Developmental neurobiology.. 2021 July 81 (5):623-652. Epub 05/02/2021.

Little cells of the little brain: microglia in cerebellar development and function.

Stoessel MB, Majewska AK

Trends in neurosciences.. 2021 July 44 (7):564-578. Epub 04/28/2021.

An overview of microglia ontogeny and maturation in the homeostatic and pathological brain.

Mendes MS, Majewska AK

The European journal of neuroscience.. 2021 June 53 (11):3525-3547. Epub 05/10/2021.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for functional recovery after stroke: similarities with the critical period and the role of experience-dependent plasticity.

Schneider CL, Majewska AK, Busza A, Williams ZR, Mahon BZ, Sahin B

Journal of neurology.. 2021 April 268 (4):1203-1209. Epub 07/25/2019.

Loss of P2Y12 Has Behavioral Effects in the Adult Mouse.

Lowery RL, Mendes MS, Sanders BT, Murphy AJ, Whitelaw BS, Lamantia CE, Majewska AK

International journal of molecular sciences.. 2021 February 1322 (4)Epub 02/13/2021.

Acute 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure in adult mice does not alter the morphology or inflammatory response of cortical microglia.

Lowery RL, Latchney SE, Peer RP, Lamantia CE, Opanashuk L, McCall M, Majewska AK

Neuroscience letters.. 2021 January 18742 :135516. Epub 11/20/2020.

Author Correction: Noradrenergic signaling in the wakeful state inhibits microglial surveillance and synaptic plasticity in the mouse visual cortex.

Stowell RD, Sipe GO, Dawes RP, Batchelor HN, Lordy KA, Whitelaw BS, Stoessel MB, Bidlack JM, Brown E, Sur M, Majewska AK

Nature neuroscience.. 2020 January 23 (1):152. Epub 1900 01 01.

The Role of Microglia in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their Therapeutics.

Coomey R, Stowell R, Majewska A, Tropea D

Current topics in medicinal chemistry.. 2020 20 (4):272-276. Epub 1900 01 01.

Noradrenergic signaling in the wakeful state inhibits microglial surveillance and synaptic plasticity in the mouse visual cortex.

Stowell RD, Sipe GO, Dawes RP, Batchelor HN, Lordy KA, Whitelaw BS, Stoessel MB, Bidlack JM, Brown E, Sur M, Majewska AK

Nature neuroscience.. 2019 November 22 (11):1782-1792. Epub 10/21/2019.

Ultrastructural Analyses of Microglial Interactions with Synapses.

Tremblay MÈ, Majewska AK

Methods in molecular biology.. 2019 2034 :83-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cerebellar microglia are dynamically unique and survey Purkinje neurons in vivo.

Stowell RD, Wong EL, Batchelor HN, Mendes MS, Lamantia CE, Whitelaw BS, Majewska AK

Developmental neurobiology.. 2018 June 78 (6):627-644. Epub 01/18/2018.

Developmental alcohol exposure impairs synaptic plasticity without overtly altering microglial function in mouse visual cortex.

Wong EL, Lutz NM, Hogan VA, Lamantia CE, McMurray HR, Myers JR, Ashton JM, Majewska AK

Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2018 January 67 :257-278. Epub 09/14/2017.

The microglial fractalkine receptor is not required for activity-dependent plasticity in the mouse visual system.

Lowery RL, Tremblay ME, Hopkins BE, Majewska AK

Glia.. 2017 November 65 (11):1744-1761. Epub 08/24/2017.

What the Spectrum of Microglial Functions Can Teach us About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Wong EL, Stowell RD, Majewska AK

Frontiers in synaptic neuroscience.. 2017 9 :11. Epub 06/19/2017.

Microglial P2Y12 is necessary for synaptic plasticity in mouse visual cortex.

Sipe GO, Lowery RL, Tremblay MÈ, Kelly EA, Lamantia CE, Majewska AK

Nature communications.. 2016 March 77 :10905. Epub 03/07/2016.

Effects of Developmental Alcohol Exposure on Potentiation and Depression of Visual Cortex Responses.

Lantz CL, Sipe GO, Wong EL, Majewska AK, Medina AE

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2015 August 39 (8):1434-42. Epub 06/24/2015.

Single- and two-photon fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.

Sullivan KD, Majewska AK, Brown EB

Cold Spring Harbor protocols.. 2015 January 52015 (1):pdb.top083519. Epub 01/05/2015.

Proteolytic regulation of synaptic plasticity in the mouse primary visual cortex: analysis of matrix metalloproteinase 9 deficient mice.

Kelly EA, Russo AS, Jackson CD, Lamantia CE, Majewska AK

Frontiers in cellular neuroscience.. 2015 9 :369. Epub 09/22/2015.

Fluoxetine modulates breast cancer metastasis to the brain in a murine model.

Shapovalov Y, Zettel M, Spielman SC, Amico-Ruvio SA, Kelly EA, Sipe GO, Dickerson IM, Majewska AK, Brown EB

BMC cancer.. 2014 August 1614 :598. Epub 08/16/2014.

Characterization of the BAC Id3-enhanced green fluorescent protein transgenic mouse line for in vivo imaging of astrocytes.

Lamantia C, Tremblay ME, Majewska A

Neurophotonics.. 2014 July 1 (1):011014. Epub 09/12/2014.

Subcellular localization of intercellular adhesion molecule-5 (telencephalin) in the visual cortex is not developmentally regulated in the absence of matrix metalloproteinase-9.

Kelly EA, Tremblay ME, Gahmberg CG, Tian L, Majewska AK

The Journal of comparative neurology.. 2014 February 15522 (3):676-88. Epub 1900 01 01.

The effects of postnatal exposure to low-dose bisphenol-A on activity-dependent plasticity in the mouse sensory cortex.

Kelly EA, Opanashuk LA, Majewska AK

Frontiers in neuroanatomy.. 2014 8 :117. Epub 10/22/2014.

Interactions between intercellular adhesion molecule-5 positive elements and their surroundings in the rodent visual cortex.

Kelly EA, Tremblay MÈ, Gahmberg CG, Tian L, Majewska AK

Communicative & integrative biology. 2013 November 16 (6):e27315. Epub 12/10/2013.

Brain tumor imaging: live imaging of glioma by two-photon microscopy.

Madden KS, Zettel ML, Majewska AK, Brown EB

Cold Spring Harbor protocols.. 2013 March 12013 (3)Epub 03/01/2013.

Brain tumor imaging: imaging brain metastasis using a brain-metastasizing breast adenocarcinoma.

Madden KS, Zettel ML, Majewska AK, Brown EB

Cold Spring Harbor protocols.. 2013 March 12013 (3)Epub 03/01/2013.

Optogenetic delay of status epilepticus onset in an in vivo rodent epilepsy model.

Sukhotinsky I, Chan AM, Ahmed OJ, Rao VR, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Majewska AK, Cash SS

PloS one.. 2013 8 (4):e62013. Epub 04/24/2013.

Imaging visual cortical structure and function in vivo.

Majewska AK

Journal of glaucoma.. 2013 22 Suppl 5 :S21-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of aging and sensory loss on glial cells in mouse visual and auditory cortices.

Tremblay ME, Zettel ML, Ison JR, Allen PD, Majewska AK

Glia.. 2012 April 60 (4):541-58. Epub 01/05/2012.

Rapid experience-dependent plasticity of synapse function and structure in ferret visual cortex in vivo.

Yu H, Majewska AK, Sur M

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2011 December 27108 (52):21235-40. Epub 12/12/2011.

Experience-dependent regulation of CaMKII activity within single visual cortex synapses in vivo.

Mower AF, Kwok S, Yu H, Majewska AK, Okamoto KI, Hayashi Y, Sur M

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2011 December 27108 (52):21241-6. Epub 12/12/2011.

Experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex: Dendritic spines and visual responsiveness.

Tropea D, Sur M, Majewska AK

Communicative & integrative biology. 2011 March 4 (2):216-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

A role for microglia in synaptic plasticity?

Tremblay MÈ, Majewska AK

Communicative & integrative biology. 2011 March 4 (2):220-2. Epub 1900 01 01.

The mouse primary visual cortex is a site of production and sensitivity to estrogens.

Jeong JK, Tremere LA, Burrows K, Majewska AK, Pinaud R

PloS one.. 2011 6 (5):e20400. Epub 05/24/2011.

Loss of prestin does not alter the development of auditory cortical dendritic spines.

Bogart LJ, Levy AD, Gladstone M, Allen PD, Zettel M, Ison JR, Luebke AE, Majewska AK

Neural plasticity.. 2011 2011 :305621. Epub 05/15/2011.

HIV-1 Tat-induced microgliosis and synaptic damage via interactions between peripheral and central myeloid cells.

Lu SM, Tremblay MÈ, King IL, Qi J, Reynolds HM, Marker DF, Varrone JJ, Majewska AK, Dewhurst S, Gelbard HA

PloS one.. 2011 6 (9):e23915. Epub 09/02/2011.

Structural dynamics of synapses in vivo correlate with functional changes during experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex.

Tropea D, Majewska AK, Garcia R, Sur M

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2010 August 1830 (33):11086-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reduction of neurovascular damage resulting from microelectrode insertion into the cerebral cortex using in vivo two-photon mapping.

Kozai TD, Marzullo TC, Hooi F, Langhals NB, Majewska AK, Brown EB, Kipke DR

Journal of neural engineering.. 2010 August 7 (4):046011. Epub 07/19/2010.

Postsynaptic deregulation in GAP-43 heterozygous mouse barrel cortex.

Kelly EA, Tremblay ME, McCasland JS, Majewska AK

Cerebral cortex.. 2010 July 20 (7):1696-707. Epub 11/13/2009.

Experience-dependent interactions between microglia and synapses in the mouse visual cortex in vivo

Tremblay, M-E., Lowery, R. L., Majewska, A.

PLOS Biology. 2010; 8(11).

Intracranial Injection of Adeno-associated Viral Vectors

Lowery, R.L.; Majewska, A.

J Visualized Experiments. 2010; 45.

Chronic imaging of mouse visual cortex using a thinned-skull preparation

Kelly, EA; Majewska, A.

J Visualized Experiments. 2010; 44.

A thin-skull window technique for chronic two-photon in vivo imaging of murine microglia in models of neuroinflammation

Marker, D.; Tremblay, M-E.; Lu, S-M.; Majewska, A.; Gelbard, H.A.

J Visualized Experiments. 2010; 19(43).

Preparation of brain tissue for protein localization at the electron microscopic level

Tremblay, M-E.; Riad, M.; Majewska, A.

J Visualized Experiments. 2010; 20(41).

Rapid, long-term labeling of cells in the developing and adult rodent visual cortex using double-stranded adeno-associated viral vectors.

Lowery RL, Zhang Y, Kelly EA, Lamantia CE, Harvey BK, Majewska AK

Developmental neurobiology.. 2009 September 169 (10):674-88. Epub 1900 01 01.

Synaptic mechanisms of activity-dependent remodeling in visual cortex

Rittenhouse, C.; Majewska, A.

J Experimental Neuroscience. 2009; 2: 23-41.

Dynamic remodeling of dendritic spines in developmental visual plasticity.

Majewska, A.

Journal of Cell Science. 2007; 3(3): 85-98.

Next-generation optical technologies for illuminating genetically targeted brain circuits.

Deisseroth K, Feng G, Majewska AK, Miesenböck G, Ting A, Schnitzer MJ

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2006 October 1126 (41):10380-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of synaptic activity on dendritic spine motility of developing cortical layer v pyramidal neurons.

Oray S, Majewska A, Sur M

Cerebral cortex.. 2006 May 16 (5):730-41. Epub 08/24/2005.

Remodeling of synaptic structure in sensory cortical areas in vivo.

Majewska AK, Newton JR, Sur M

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2006 March 1526 (11):3021-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

The critical role of arc in stimulus-specific activation of neuronal ensembles in visual cortex.

Wang, K., Majewska, A., Schummers, J., Farley, B., Hu, C., Sur, M., Tonegawa, S.

Cell. 2006; 126: 389-402.

Plasticity and specificity of cortical processing networks.

Majewska, A., Sur, M.

TINS. 2006; 29: 323-9.

Dendritic spine geometry: functional implication and regulation.

Hayashi Y, Majewska AK

Neuron.. 2005 May 1946 (4):529-32. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dendritic spine dynamics are regulated by monocular deprivation and extracellular matrix degradation.

Oray S, Majewska A, Sur M

Neuron.. 2004 December 1644 (6):1021-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Motility of dendritic spines in visual cortex in vivo: changes during the critical period and effects of visual deprivation.

Majewska A, Sur M

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2003 December 23100 (26):16024-9. Epub 12/08/2003.

On the function of dendritic spines.

Yuste R, Majewska A

The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry.. 2001 October 7 (5):387-95. Epub 1900 01 01.

Topology of gap junction networks in C. elegans.

Majewska A, Yuste R

Journal of theoretical biology.. 2001 September 21212 (2):155-67. Epub 1900 01 01.

A custom-made two-photon microscope and deconvolution system.

Majewska A, Yiu G, Yuste R

Pflu?gers Archiv : European journal of physiology.. 2000 December 441 (2-3):398-408. Epub 1900 01 01.

Regulation of spine calcium dynamics by rapid spine motility.

Majewska A, Tashiro A, Yuste R

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Optical Imaging Techniques: A Laboratory Manual (2011)

Chapter: Imaging Tumors in the Brain

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Chapter: Photobleaching and Recovery with Nonlinear Microscopy

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Chapter: Reprogramming cortex: the consequences of cross-modal plasticity during development