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SMD Residents

A focus on self-directed, life-long learning

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EIOH Periodontics Chair Dr. Jack Caton Stepping Down

Jul 08, 2024
After more than 50 years of visionary and dedicated leadership, Jack G. Caton, DDS, MS, (Perio ’73, MS ‘73) will step down as chair of the Eastman Institute for Oral Health Periodontics Department...

EIOH Resident Spotlight – Dr. Zain Ahmed

May 23, 2024
Dr. Zain Ahmed was selected among all U.S. Dental Public Health residents to receive a prestigious award from the American Association of Public Health Dentistry for his project.

Resident Spotlight – Dr. Vikranth Ravipati

May 23, 2024
Dr. Vikranth Ravipati (OFP ’24, MS ’24) has been actively involved in research during his time at EIOH, publishing 3 papers and 1 book chapter, with 2 more papers in progress. He also gave an oral...


Medical Student Wellness

Stressing the importance of balance in their lives as students and future physicians, the School of Medicine and Dentistry emphasizes the importance of the patient/physician partnership, and appreciates the effects of environment, culture, and socioeconomic status on physical and mental health.