Children's Health Home Program
OUR MISSION: The Golisano Children’s Health Home Program is dedicated to connecting families to community resources and strengthening their ability to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle.
Our Health Home Program makes it possible for Medicaid patients with chronic health problems or mental health needs to get the care and services they need. Our services are provided free of charge if you are on Medicaid and qualify for the program.
Care managers help you manage your child's medical and day to day needs. They will help:
- Connect you to community programs
Schedule appointments
- Obtain transportation to appointments - medical and non-medical
- Assist with housing needs
- Attend medical appointments you with and your child
- Communicate with all providers involved with your child's care
- Locate resources for food,clothing, social services and financial needs
You can enroll at any time and withdraw at any time. The main requirement is to remain in contact with your care manger. The goal of the program is to work together as a team with your care manager and all of your child's health care providers.
Role of the Care Managers
A Care Manager is a trained professional, who makes sure the child and family have the services they need, such as:
- Appointments
- Medications
- Safe place to live
- Insurance
- Transportation to appointments
The Care Manager sets up a care plan that lists the child's needs and goals and helps determine which providers and services are required to reach those goals.
View the latest update provided by both the NYS Care Management Coalition and the Coalition of New York State Health Homes to our state legislators. The work of care managers has impacted many areas, and it is displayed in this comprehensive overview.