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G-Tube Buddy Program

Trained volunteer caregivers serve as mentors to support parents beginning their G-Tube journey. They connect virtually—by phone, text, email, or Zoom.

Meet Our G-Tube Buddy Mentors

Ashley and RonanAshley

Hello, my name is Ashley and this is my oldest son, Ronan. He received his g-tube in January of 2008 due to pharyngeal dysmotility and aspiration related to a stroke. Becoming a g-tube parent was a whole new world to navigate. It was a difficult time with so much to learn. That first year was hard and lonely not having others that understood what we were going through or those that may have advice or useful tips. My son still has his g-tube (15 years later) and also eats by mouth. I am happy to share my experience with others and help parents start their journey with g-tubes.


Hi there! My name is Brittany. I am a mother of 21 children, 14 of whom have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Nine of our children have been dependent on g-tubes for various amounts of time and for a variety of different reasons. When my son first received his g-tube, I remember feeling very overwhelmed. Eventually, his g-tube became one of the most comforting parts of my son's care, but it was a process. By participating in the mentor program, I hope to connect with other families, share experiences and provide support so that no family has to feel alone in this journey. Life takes a village!

Clara and JaylaClara

This is my beautiful daughter Jayla! Her g-tube was placed in October 2010 because she was aspirating. One thing I wish I had known before she was discharged was more g-tube tips that would have saved me from multiple trips to the ED. It also would have been great to know that I wasn't alone and there there were other parents that went through similar situations. Jayla's tube came out in August 2013. I learned so much and welcome any opportunity to share my experience with others.

Dave and EllieDave

Hello! My name is Dave and my daughter, Ellie, has a MICKEY gastrostomy feeding tube. Ellie received her tube before she left the NICU, so she's had it almost her whole life! Having a child with a g-tube and everything that goes with it was not something my wife and I expected, but we are very thankful for it. Ellie has been able to receive all of her nutrition, hydration, and medications without us having to stress. My goal is to offer support and share experiences, so you don't feel isolated in your g-tube experience. Welcome to the g-tube community!

Holly and EvelynHolly

My daughter, Evelyn, is a Heart Warrior! Due to this diagnosis, she struggles to gain and maintain her weight. We opted for a g-tube when she was just 3 months old since she was unable to eat orally and was, at the time, using an NG tube for nutrition. The challenges of the NG tube far surpasses that of a g-tube. Evelyn's g-tube was placed on February 21, 2023. When we went home with the g-tube, we were always scared that it would get dislodged! But with the support of our Gastroenterology team and our home care nurse, we gained more confidence with replacements and feedings. I am grateful for the experiences we have had and are glad we can share those experiences with others!

Jen and HenryJen

This is my amazing son Henry. He had a g-tube placed in fall of 2021 due to numerous unknown allergies and failure to thrive. He is now a preschooler, thriving with his g-tube in place. I have learned so much from caring for a child with a g-tube, to supporting his emotional/social well-being. Caring for a medically complex child felt isolating, so I look forward to connecting with new g-tube caregivers to share my support and lessons learned.

Switzer familyKelley

Hi, I'm Kelley, mother to Melina who's been a tubie since she was 3 years old after a continuous battle with not being able to eat due to an intestinal condition. She's battled for many years with an intestinal gut motility conditions and colonic pseudo-obstruction disorder. My second son Rowan if also a tubie and has been since he was 18 months old for slow growth and development. No matter your story, I am so happy to be a part of the start to your tubie journey!

Kelly and her familyKelly

My name is Kelly. My youngest son, Eli (7 in May), has had a feeding tube for 6 years. He started with an NG tube when he was a year old in May of 2017 and received his g-tube in April of 2018. He started with an NG tube due to Failure to Thrive and FPIES (Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome). He did not have a safe food until he was 2.5 years old. He now has about 20 safe foods and is slowly working to gain more. He is about 98% dependent on his g-tube for his daily nutrition, as he struggles to eat orally. My oldest son, Grant (11), was transferred to the NICU from our local hospital and spent some time in the NCU when he was born due to issues with his kidney, lungs, and thyroid. When Eli first received his feeding tube, I felt so alone, so I am excited to be a part of this program to support families on their new adventure.

Papers Written About the G-Tube Buddy Program

We are so proud of the G-tube Buddy Program and have written papers about it that have been published in medical journals.

Read These Scholarly Papers