Connect with Golisano Children's Hospital
Connect with Golisano Children's Hospital
We love to stay in touch with our patients and their families. Please consider connecting with us on the Golisano Children's Hospital Facebook page. Due to the number of friend requests we receive from our patients and families, the staff of Golisano Children's Hospital must limit Facebook connections to our family members and close friends. We hope you understand. Thank you for the privilege of caring for you and your loved one!
- Stay connected with Golisano Children's Hospital by liking our Facebook page
- Like the Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Facebook Page
- Like the page for our LEND Fellowship Program
- Visit Pediatric Fellowship Programs, University of Rochester Medical Center
Strong Kids News 
- Read Strong Kids News - a quarterly publication
- Follow @URMed_GCH to stay updated with the latest news on pediatric health and hospital events
- Follow @PedResearchURMC to stay updated on the latest advances in Pediatric Research