LQTS 3rd Annual Patient and Family Seminar
Dec 11, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The International LQTS Registry
at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), Rochester, NY
Dr. Arthur Wilde, MD, PhD
as Special Guest from Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Welcome Wojciech Zareba MD, PhD |
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Clinical Cardiovascular Research Center Ilan Goldenberg, MD |
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Why Registries are Important? Wojciech Zareba, MD, PhD and Kris Cutter, MS |
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Genotype-Phenotype Associations in LQTS Arthur Wilde, MD, PhD |
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Sex-Related Differences and Oral Contraceptives in LQTS Ilan Goldenberg, MD |
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ICD Therapy in LQTS Wojciech Zareba, MD, PhD |
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Panel Discussion and Questions David Huang, MD Arthur Wilde, MD, PhD Drs. Goldenberg, Rosero, and Zareba |
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Special Guest:
Arthur Wilde, MD, PhD
Cardiology Division
Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Rochester Faculty on the Program:
Wojciech Zareba MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Director of the International LQTS Registry
Ilan Goldenberg, MD
Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Director of Clinical Cardiovascular Research Center
Kris Cutter, MS
Manager of the International LQTS Registry
Spencer Rosero, MD
Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Chair of Cardiology Division
David Huang, MD
Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Director of Electrophysiology Section
Bonnie MacKecknie
Information Analyst of the International LQTS Registry
Rebecca Horn
Information Analyst of the International LQTS Registry