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Who We Are

Ethics consultants include:

Rachel DiamondRachel Diamond, MD, MS, Ethics Fellow

David KaufmanDavid Kaufman, MD

Michael NaboznyMichael Nabozny, MD, Ethics Fellow

Margie ShawMarjorie Hodges Shaw, JD, PhD, HEC-C

Nicholas MercadoNicholas R. Mercado, Dr. PH, MPH

Bryanna MooreBryanna Moore, PhD

What We Do

When an ethics consult is requested, we notify the patient’s attending physician that a consult has been requested, if he/she did not request the consult themselves. As the person responsible for the patient’s medical care, the attending needs to be informed of the questions raised, and to sum up the medical course, as well as review possible therapeutic options offered to the patient.

Depending on the nature of the consultation (question asked), one or more ethics consultant may interview the patient, housestaff and other trainees, nurses, social workers, other consultants, chaplains, hospital counsel (legal office), or other interested persons. Not all cases need interviews from all of the above. If indicated, we request a patient’s permission to discuss their care with their family members.

In some instances, interviews with those involved leads to a clarification of options. In other instances, we may facilitate a team meeting or family conference to assist in selection of a plan of action or resolution.

When necessary, we may draw on expertise from other members of the ethics committee to assist in these activities.

The ethics consultation note is placed in the patient’s record, if appropriate.