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UR CTSI Funding 

The UR CTSI provides funding that supports highly innovative clinical and translational research, including pilot awards, career development awards, and a postdoctoral fellowship program. View internal and external funding calendar.

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  • Max: $70,000

    Career Development K Award

    The UR CTSI Career Development Award (KL2) provides two years of support for the early career development of multidisciplinary clinical and translational scientists. The program fosters transition of KL2 scholars to an independent career as a clinical and translational investigator, generally by means of an individual K- or R-award.

    Audiences: Early Career Faculty, Postdocs
    Branch: Research Education Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Career Development

    Clinical Research Translational Science Education and Professional Development

  • Max: $2,000

    Community Health Mini-Grants

    These one-time grants of up to $2,000 support the development, reinforcement or evaluation of research partnerships between the University of Rochester and surrounding community.

    Audiences: Faculty, Staff, Postdocs, Community, Fellows, Residents
    Branch: Population Health Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Mini-Grant

    Community Health Improvement Community Engagement Community-Based Participatory Research

  • Max: 16,500

    Community-Based Participatory Research Pathway-to-Pilot Award

    This award is intended for academic and community partners who have completed a UR CBPR course or who have demonstrated experience in CBPR. Research teams must consist of one faculty member or trainee (defined as a graduate student, medical student, resident, postdoc or fellow in a training program) or a staff member with a faculty mentor from the University of Rochester and at least one community partner of the greater Rochester area.

    Audiences: Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, Medical Students, Residents, Postdocs, Fellows, Community
    Branch: Translational Science Branch, Population Health Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pathway-to-Pilot

    Community-Based Participatory Research Community Engagement

  • Max: $16,500

    Data Science Pathway-to-Pilot Award

    The Data Science category focuses on the development of novel data science methods and technologies that address translational research barriers and/or support translational science aims. Proposed projects should lead to application for further UR CTSI pilot funding or to independent external funding.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Population Health Branch, Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pathway-to-Pilot

    Informatics and Analysis Translational Science Data Science

  • Max: $2,000

    Dissemination and Implementation Mini-Grants

    These mini-grants support the development, strengthening, or evaluation of dissemination and implementation (D&I) research. D&I is the science and practice of effective translation, distribution, and use of evidence-based interventions and policies in real-world settings.

    Audiences: Faculty, Staff, Fellows, Postdocs, Early Career Faculty, Residents, Nurses
    Branch: Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Mini-Grant

    Health Disparity Community Health Improvement Methods and Processes Dissemination and Implementation

  • Max: $16,500

    Dissemination and Implementation Pathway-to-Pilot Award

    The Dissemination and Implementation category focuses on the science and practice of effective translation, distribution, and use of evidence-based interventions and policies in real-world settings, often with an explicit focus on addressing health disparities. Proposed projects should lead to application for further UR CTSI pilot funding or to independent external funding.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Population Health Branch, Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pathway-to-Pilot

    Dissemination and Implementation Health Disparity

  • Max: $25,000

    Faculty Exploratory Digital Health Pilot Award

    Digital Health awards focus on the use of digital technologies to advance clinical research and population health. This includes use of new digital devices (e.g. activity monitors like Apple Watch or FitBit in research, video monitoring analysis, etc.) and other technologies.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Research Education Branch, Informatics and Analytics Branch, Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Clinical Research Digital Health Informatics and Analysis Data and Information Management

  • Max: $25,000

    Faculty Exploratory Dissemination and Implementation Pilot Award

    The Dissemination and Implementation awards focus on the science and practice of effective translation, distribution, and use of evidence-based interventions and policies in real-world settings, often with an explicit focus on addressing health inequities.

    Audiences: Faculty, Community
    Branch: Population Health Branch, Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Dissemination and Implementation Translational Science

  • Max: $50,000

    Faculty Translational Data Science Pilot Award

    The Data Science category focuses on the development of novel data science methods and technologies that address translational research barriers and/or support translational science aims. The emphasis will be on feasibility, applicability to multiple use cases and potential for future extramural funding.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Translational Science Branch, Informatics and Analytics Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Data Science Translational Science

  • Max: $50,000

    Faculty Translational Science Pilot Award

    These awards support projects that address a translational challenge or barrier with the primary goal of providing the groundwork for faculty to obtain subsequent funding. The UR CTSI requires that faculty awardees demonstrate academic productivity through the publication of the research.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Translational Science Branch, Population Health Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Translational Science Dissemination and Implementation

  • Max: $50,000

    Faculty UNYTE Translational Research Network Pilot Award

    These awards aim to stimulate new inter-institutional collaborations in health research. University of Rochester faculty are encouraged to work with faculty from other institutions in the UNYTE Translational Research Network to develop an innovative, team-based approach to a problem in health research that reflects the particular strengths of the members and their institutions. 

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Population Health Branch, Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Translational Science Collaboration and Networking

  • Max: $25,000

    Mentored Trainee Data Science Pilot Award

    This award provides up to $25,000 over one year to support research trainees as they build a solid research foundation that will help them obtain the most prestigious fellowship or grant possible following the project

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Translational Science Branch, Informatics and Analytics Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Translational Science Data Science

  • Max: $25,000

    Mentored Trainee Translational Science Pilot Award

    This award provides up to $25,000 over one year to support research trainees as they build a solid research foundation that will help them obtain the most prestigious fellowship or grant possible following the project.

    Audiences: Postdocs, Graduate Students, Medical Students, Residents, Fellows
    Branch: Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Translational Science Dissemination and Implementation

  • Max: $25,000

    Novel Biostatistical, Epidemiologic, and Machine Learning Methods Awards

    These awards support the development of novel biostatistical, epidemiologic, and machine learning methods in translational science designed to address fundamental challenges and barriers that are common to translational research and health equity across diseases and health conditions.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Translational Science Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pilot

    Biostatistics and Epidemiology Clinical Research Recruitment Informatics and Analysis Methods and Processes Translational Science Machine Learning AI

  • Max: $16,500

    UNYTE Translational Research Network Pathway-to-Pilot Award

    The UNYTE award category is intended to stimulate new inter-institutional collaborations in health research between University of Rochester faculty and faculty from other UNYTE member institutions. Proposed projects should lead to application for further UR CTSI pilot funding or to independent external funding.

    Audiences: Faculty, Early Career Faculty
    Branch: Translational Science Branch, Population Health Branch
    Funding Mechanism: Pathway-to-Pilot

    Translational Science Collaboration and Networking


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