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Clinical & Translational Science Institute / Funding / Cite the CTSA / Biosketch and Other Support Guidance

Biosketch and Other Support Guidance

If you are funded on a UR CTSI grant (UL1 TR002001, KL2 TR001999, and TL1 TR002000 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences), you must describe the support you receive from the UR CTSI when reporting for other funding - both new and existing grants. Below, we provide guidance and language you can use in your biosketches and "other support" sections of your grant applications. 

Table of Contents
Biosketch Guidance Other Support Guidance

Biosketch Guidance

Note: The calendar months of effort and amount of funding are not noted on Biosketches, only on Other Support pages.

For those with a role on the UL1 component:

UL1 TR002001
Wilson/Zand (MPI), Role:  [Fill in your role on the award.]
07/15/2020 - 06/30/2025
The University of Rochester’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute

For those with a role on the KL2 component:           

KL2 TR001999
Le (PI), Role:  [Fill in your role on the award.]
07/15/2020 – 06/30/2025
The University of Rochester’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute: Institutional Career Development Core

For those with a role on the TL1 component:

TL1 TR002000
Thakar/van Wijngaarden (MPI), Role: [Fill in your role on the award.]
07/15/2020 - 06/30/2025
The University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UR CTSI) TL1 NRSA Training Core

Other Support Guidance

Notes: The section containing information on the grant, including the major goal, should be copied verbatim.   If person-months that span two calendar years are being reported, as for the CTSI awards, the latter year should be entered.

For those with a role on the UL1 component:

*Title: The University of Rochester’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Major Goals: The five-year focus of the University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute is on “translational research without walls,” moving beyond the physical and virtual confines of institutions, by accelerating integration of translational research with the Learning Health System, expanding innovative approaches to dissemination and implementation and creating a translational research data ecosystem that seamlessly integrates data across the translational spectrum, linking our research and clinical data warehouses and expanding education efforts across our pilot programs to achieve translational research data and analytic excellence.

*Status of Support: Active
Project Number: UL1 TR002001
Name of PD/PI: Wilson/Zand
*Source of Support: NCATS
*Primary Place of Performance: University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Project/Proposal Start and End Date: 07/15/2020 – 06/30/2025
* Total Award Amount (including Indirect Costs):  $19,107,872
* Person Months (Calendar/Academic/Summer) per budget period.

Year (YYYY)

Person Months (##.##)

1.   2021


2.   2022


3.   2023


4.   2024


5.   2025



For those with a role on the KL2 component: 

*Title: The University of Rochester’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute: Institutional Career Development Core
*Major Goals: The UR CTSI KL2 Program is a forward looking and adaptable program that continually refines its training framework around two key concepts: 1) core training elements in the fundamentals of translational research, and 2) highly customizable Translational Specializations, which are cross-cutting, thematic training tracks that align coursework, Mentors, and career development experiences within emerging fields in translational research. 
*Status of Support: Active
Project Number: KL2 TR001999
Name of PD/PI: Le
*Source of Support: NCATS
*Primary Place of Performance: University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Project/Proposal Start and End Date: 07/15/2020 - 06/30/2025
*Total Award Amount (including Indirect Costs): $2,799,661
*Person Months (Calendar/Academic/Summer) per budget period.

Year (YYYY)

Person Months (##.##)

1.   2021


2.   2022


3.   2023


4.   2024


5.   2025