Colorectal Cancer Screening
Colon/colorectal cancer screening can be an at-home stool test (FIT kit) or a colonoscopy. The FIT kit requires no doctor’s appointment, can be sent to you through the mail, and is returned directly to the lab in a pre-paid envelope. Colonoscopies can be provided if there is personal or family history or if there is a finding through a FIT test. Colon cancer screening is primarily for men and women 45 and older, but can start younger if there is personal or family history or related problems.
You should always consult your doctor about your risk factors and which screening is right for you. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends colorectal cancer screening for men and women ages 45–75.There are multiple methods of screening including: stool testing, sigmoidoscopy, double-contrast barium enema and colonoscopy.
Are you eligible for an at-home colorectal cancer screening kit?
- Do you have health insurance?
- Have you had a colonoscopy in the last 5 years?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with colon cancer, Crohn’s disease or Colitis?
- Has a parent or sibling been diagnosed with colon cancer prior to age 60?
If you answered NO to all of the questions and you are between 45 and 75, you are eligible for an at-home kit. Please call our office.
No Health Insurance? No Problem.
The Cancer Services Program of the Finger Lakes Region pays for the take-home FIT kits and/or colonoscopies for men and women (ages 45 & older) with no health insurance who live in Monroe, Seneca, Yates, Ontario, Wayne and Livingston Counties.
Call us to learn more about getting screened at (585) 224-3070. Outside of Monroe County? Call 1-877-803-8070.
FIT Instructions Video (Spanish)