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URMC / Center for Community Health & Prevention / Health Policy / Community Partners for Advocacy

Community Partners for Advocacy

The Center for Community Health & Prevention and the Community Health Improvement Workgroup collaborate with many groups throughout Monroe County, including:

  • University of Rochester's Office of Government and Community Relationsis focused on linking decision-makers with the assets and priorities of our institution and its affiliates. The office is responsible for advancing the University’s interests and mission by serving as its principal voice at all levels of government and in the community.
  • Healthi Kids is a grassroots community coalition and an initiative of Common Ground Health that advocates for whole child health in the greater Finger Lakes region. It advocates policies, systems and environmental changes that nurture the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of kids from birth to age 8. Healthi Kids does this by focusing on policies that promote healthy habit building and healthy relationships, create safe and secure environments and psychological safety, and cultivate skills and competencies of adults who care for children.
  • The Hospital Association of New York State (HANYS) is a statewide organization that advocates on behalf of hospitals and health systems on a state and federal level.
  • The American Public Health Association (APHA) brings together members of all public health areas to influence federal policy.
    • Find APHA's policy briefs on a wide range of topics here.
    • Fact pages about the health implications of different areas of public policy can be found here.

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