2022-2024 CHIP Priority Resources
Priority: Maternal and Child Health
The Community Health Improvement Workgroup (CHIW) is focusing on the goal of Addressing Disparities in Maternal and Child Health for the 2022-2024 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The Maternal Child Health Advisory Group (MCH-AG) was formed to guide the work in this area.
Priority: Mental Health and Well-Being
The CHIW is additionally focused on Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being. From the New York State Prevention Agenda, they have selected the goals (1.1 and 1.2) to “Strengthen opportunities to build well-being and resilience across the lifespan” and to “Facilitate supportive environments that promote respect and dignity for people of all ages.” The CHIW works with the Monroe County Office of Mental Health’s Mental Health Provider Group to guide the work in this area.