UR CABIN: University of Rochester Center for Advanced Brain Imaging & Neurophysiology

The University of Rochester Center for Advanced Brain Imaging & Neurophysiology (UR CABIN) is a multimodal imaging facility that supports human and preclinical imaging research. Providing researchers with different methods of study CABIN supports a wide range of scientific discoveries – from basic to clinical neuroscience.

Our state-of-the-art brain imaging technologies:

  • 3T Siemens Prisma MRI scanner
  • 9.4T Bruker animal MRI scanner with PET insert
  • High-density Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Eye tracking
  • Mobile Brain Body Imaging (MOBI)

Researchers also use assessment rooms for behavioral and cognitive testing. UR CABIN offers workshops, research presentations, summer research experiences, tours, and demonstrations elevating the vital educational component to research.