Making Holiday Family Conversations Merrier
Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP December blog post to learn more about conversing with family during the holidays.
Be a Networking Pro
Becoming more socially aware can help you now or in the future. Developing a professional network can produce opportunities to help and be helped.
Design a Conflict Resolution Strategy
Want fewer, less intense, and more easily resolved conflicts? Predesign a conflict resolution strategy! EAP is here to help.
Buffering Effects of Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is relatively new and can be confusing. This blog post explains how to buffer the effects of cyberbullying.
Helping a Friend Who Has an Eating Disorder
Noticing a friend that you think may be struggling in their relationship with food and eating can be distressing. We don’t usually know what to say, and we don’t want to encourage distance in the friendship. This blog post can help point you to some tips and information to get you started helping your friend.